Coincidence: a Scorose/Rosius...

By scoroseshipper

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After their 4th year's events, Rose decided to break the family tradition and befriend her cousin and his bes... More

Chapter 2: Expecto Patronum
Chapter 3: Practising
Chapter 3: News
Chapter 5: The fun was to come
Chapter 6 : Amortentia
Chapter 8: Reasons to love him
Chapter 9: A kiss is all it takes
Chapter 10: The Wedding
Chapter 11: After some time
Chapter 12: Until the very end.
Chapter 13: Adding one to the table
Chapter 14: Good news on a good day

Chapter 7: The Attack

209 6 20
By scoroseshipper

The weather of Hogwarts changed as the months passed, and we were in March. Unfortunately, I was alone in the Gryffindor common room: Belquis's father got married today, so she had to assist it, even if she didn't want to. Evelynne, from her side, had lost her grandfather from her dad's side, and since she was half-French, she went to France for a fortnight. Normally, she and Bel would come back tomorrow. Iris was spending all of her time with Joseph, and me with Al and Scorp.

I was going out to Hogsmeade, with the rest of the Trio, to drink some butterbeer and have fun. As usual, I found my two favorite Slytherins outside the Common Room, waiting for me. We all walked to the group of people waiting for the caretaker, Mr. Filch, to accompany us. As soon as we were in Hogsmeade, I saw the Hogwarts Express, coming. This wasn't usual of it to be active. I saw some people going out of the train, who were none other than Belquis, Jasmine, Adam and Evelynne, with Hagrid! I ran to them and we all shrieked when we saw each other. Al and Scorp joined us, greeting everyone.

- "Guys, weren't you supposed to come tomorrow?" Scorp asked

- "Well, I didn't want to stay in dad's house, so I owled mum, and told her to ask McGonagall if the Hogwarts Express could come today." Jasmine, looking excited. "And what about you, Evelynne?"

- "I didn't want to stay in France for too long, since Grandad's home was empty without him." She said looking down so no one could see her tears. She was pale, thinner, and her long red hair was horribly not brushed. I went to hug her, along with the others. Then, in the instance of a flash, an idea come to my mind. "Albus, go and accompany her to the castle with others, and ask her to the Ball!" I whispered to him. He looked amazed by my idea, hurried up to her and took the trolley off her hands.

- "Nice move, Rosie." Said Scorpius. "Now he has a chance to ask her to the Ball!"

- "I should have been sorted into Slytherin!" I said joking. He laughed as well. "I didn't know you had a sense of humor, Rosie-Posie.". I stuck my tongue out, feeling outraged. We walked inside the Three Broomsticks, sat down and ordered two Butterbeers. It has been a long time since we didn't sit down, Scorpius and I.

- "Did you think that Albus asked her?"

- "Well, if he didn't, I will kill him!"

- "Calm down, Rose. I asked her." Said Albus, holding Evelynne's hand. "And I said yes." Said Evelynne, who was blushing hard as he was. They sat down and we started talking about next year.

- "Being an Auror must be incredible, well, it seems like it." Evelynne said. "But I'd like to become the first witch fashion designer, it will be interesting."

- "Albus, you'll probably be teaching Potions at Hogwarts one day." I said, winking at him. He was brilliant at Potions and DADA, and that was pretty badass of him, since both of his parents didn't excel in Potions.

- "I will become a banker, and Rosie will be the future minister of Magic!" he said, finishing his butterbeer. I actually never thought of becoming the future minister of Magic, but more of an Auror, since I loved to duel and loved to defend people. We talked to each other for a good hour, until I saw miss Salem and Uncle Charlie come inside, holding hands again. I suspected them to date secretly, but since didn't have any proof, I couldn't say anything, for the moment...

I decided to go back, since I wanted to finish the rest of my Charms essay, due for tomorrow, Wednesday. I stood up, and so did the rest of my friends and we all walked up to the castle again. I found Bel and Jo having a romantic moment, and decided not to disturb them. As I went up, I started working on my essay and finished after an hour.

Wednesday came finally, I had double Herbology, Charms, Potions and DADA, but I had an odd feeling about this day, and Evie and Jo as well. We went up high to the tower to go to DADA class, and found Professor Salem with uncle Charlie and mum. I went to mum and waved at her, and greeted the rest. When the class was full, it was announced that we were going to be practicing patronuses, with Dementors! The class started to panic, but mum reassured them, saying that she wouldn't let them kiss their soul.

After 10 minutes, we all found ourselves in the training grounds, with dad and Mr. Malfoy, holding the Dementors, to not attack us. Professor Salem started giving us very essential instructions indeed, since this training wasn't a joke... I was scared, and the only person who saw my apprehension was Scorpius, who looked at me in the eye and shortly after, held my hand and came closer to me. My heartbeats fastened, and so did my adrenaline. The class was divided into pairs, but Iuckily I was paired with Scorpius. We were to pass, pair by pair. They were 18 pairs in total, a number that I judged more than enough. The duo started to duel against each other, and turned out not that bad. I was picked by the professor, and I looked into Scorp's eyes, and saw a feeling that I would let him win. We placed each other, saluted, positioned:

- "On the count of three. One. Two. And THREE" said mum. I shouted stupefy, but he wasn't touched, since he crouched down, got up, and cast Expelliarmus by surprise, and disarmed me before I could do anything. My wand was down, I looked at him and clapped, and so did the rest of the class, shouting his name. He went up and asked if I wasn't mad at him, and smiled to him and felt my cheeks turn into a very violent red. That's when he said 'you're cute when you blush, Rose. You should do that more often.'

As we sat down, it was the turn of Albus and Evie to duel. Scorp shouted to Albus saying 'Scared, Potter?' and Al replied 'You wish'. I saw Draco Malfoy laughing, remembering his duel against my uncle.

The lovebirds positioned, and began to duel. Evie shouted 'Impedimenta', but Al stopped her cast, thanks to 'Protego'. They continued for 5 minutes, which was incredible for both of them, when both of them cast 'Expelliarmus' and both of their wands were thrown off their hands. We clapped and each of them bowed at each other, as a sign of respect. We finished with all the duels and moved on to the dangerous part of the lesson; defending ourselves against Dementors!!

My heart was racing really fast, and I felt the same of Scorpius, holding each other's hands. My father wasn't looking at me, luckily, as well as Mr. Malfoy. Miss Salem asked who wanted to try first. Albus, Scorp and I raised our hands, even if I wasn't so sure. Miss Salem called out my name first, and told me to stand where there was a 'X' on the floor. I breathed very heavily, felt my sore throat again. I nodded as a sign to start the exercise. She yelled 'let it go' and that's when I saw a Dementor approaching. It felt like the world was sad, as all happiness went from Earth. I looked at him, looked at my wand, and for some seconds thought about a memory: Scorpius kissing me on the cheek... And at that moment, I scram "Expecto Patronum!'. As I said so, a silvery blue light emerged from my wand, and formed into my patronus, that was a wolf... It was flying around me and bringing such a good feeling inside myself, that was pride and happiness. The Dementor stopped moving and dad captured him with a capturing Charm. Everybody clapped. I had tears in my eyes, joy and satisfaction tears. I walked to mum and hugged her, and heard her saying 'I'm proud of you, Rosie', smiling at me, as well as dad, uncle Charlie and Mr. Malfoy. I sat on the fresh herb of the Training Grounds, watching the rest. He was pretty close to me, which made me a little uncomfortable,

It was Al's turn. Mr. Malfoy let go of the Dementor, and I heard him pronounce the incantation. The very same blue light came out of his wand, and shaped itself as a stag! He's got the same patronus as his father. No hesitations, Rose! They were very similar: like father like son. I clapped hard for Albus, who rose his hand to salute the class like a royal. What a cousin I had! After Al' was Scorp's turn. He seemed far from anxious, but really nervous. The Dementor was set free, and Scorp was observing at him with wide eyes, looking more than scared. He put his wand up and pronounced 'Expecto Patronum'. The blue light came out as usual, and formed itself into an owl, very beautiful one. The Dementor got caught again, and I clapped hard for him. He walked to his father, and he hugged him, whispering 'good work, proud of you'. I waved my hand to Scorpius, telling him to join me. He came, sat down and we watched the other students. Until the wind started blowing out of nowhere.

The sky became darkly grey, and students started to panic. I held my wand, as well as the boys, and looked at mum and dad, confused. I saw three black figures in the sky, that came to the grounds, and turned out to be Death Eaters!!!! I started to hex some of them, and they started to attack students, when professor shouted 'Immoblus', and all of the Death Eaters, stopped moving. Mum, dad, and Mr. Malfoy took each one and put the incarncerous' charm on them. They could move, or speak. The teacher yelled, and said to go back to the castle and alert the Headmistress. I scram to all of them, saying that we didn't have time to talk.

We all ran to the Great Hall, where we found all the students eating. I closed the great Hall's door, using the locking charm. I asked to all the 3rd years to make appear those who didn't have their wand, in order to protect themselves. People started to command 'Accio wand' and wands started to appear. I ordered all students to stand up and all shout 'Protego' as well as 'Salvia Hexia'. We weren't sure whether they would escape from their grip or not, so we were kind of prepared. We waited for at least, half an hour, until we heard the door opening, and behind it saw mum, dad and Scorp's dad

- "Where are uncle Charlie and miss Salem?" I asked, apprehensive.

- "Well, Nada was hit by three 'Sectumsempras' at once. She's at the hospital wing, Charlie's with her." Said mum, looking down to his feet.

- "Do you know any names of these three Death Eaters?" said Belquis, tears running down her eyes.

- "Yes, we know. Delphi Riddle, Dmitri Karkaroff and..." said dad

- "Who's the other one?" asked Adam, impatiently

- "Your father, Adam. Paul Rodolph Wright." Said dad. Belquis scram in an agony. Adam went to stop her and Jasmine cried. She kept saying 'How could he have done this! He's anything but my father, anything but mine'. I looked at my dad, tears in eyes. This was the worst night ever. Scorpius and Al tried to comfort me, but I kept crying, and I could see their sadness too through their faces.

Belquis stood up with her siblings, and went to the Hospital wing,running. I did the same, with Al and Scorp. We entered and saw our professor,covered in blood, apparently unconscious, and uncle Charlie, holding her hands,himself bruised. They seemed unstoppable, and they were. The Salems rushed totheir mother's side and stayed at her side the entire night. This had been the worst night ever.     

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