Mike and Me

By OliviaCMcLaughlin

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There is always trouble in paradise. More

Mike and Me
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Four

80 1 0
By OliviaCMcLaughlin

Chapter 4

I could practically see the anger rolling off this girl as I blinked the sleep from my brain, trying to sit up from my laying position. Her pale skin and fiery red hair didn't make it any better either. Her bulky arms uncrossed themselves as her fists balled up, like she was going to hit something. I found the thing holding me back from sitting up, peeling Mike's arm from my body.

Getting up, I cleared everything from my eyes and put on a sweet smile. Though I was standing in front of this gorgeous girl with skimpy clothes on-- which didn't do anything to help fight against the cold-- I still offered my hand to her. "Heyya, I'm Raven. Can I help you with something?"

The girl continued to look at me with laser beams coming out of her dark eyes. She looked me up and down, making me look down at what I was wearing. Her hardened gaze made my self-esteem drop even more. She was at least as tall as Mike, and her arms could probably lift as much as my legs!

"I was looking for Mike, but I guess you found him first, being another one of his whores and all." The girl's thin lips stretched into a smirk at the look on my face, which was probably open-mouthed and wide-eyed. I couldn't tell, my face had resulted in going numb from shock.

"Did you just call me a whore?" I straightened my back and squared my shoulders. If she tried to make a move towards me, I could act quicker. Especially with those stilettos strapped to her chicken legs and pig feet.

"Well that's the only reason you're here bitch!" Her lips curled up in a snarl as she pulled her left arm back to punch me. I ducked and slid my foot under both of hers, knocking her to the spotless floor.

"What's going on?" I stand back up to see Mike pulling on his shorts over his boxers.

"I woke up and she was standing in the doorway like she owns the place!" I was yelling by now, by arms out stretched. For the first time, Mike looked away from me to the red-headed beauty getting up from the floor. I saw his eyes harden and his jaw go rigid as his hands clenched and unclenched.

"What are you doing here Rose? I told you not to show your face to me again." I felt like going over to Mike and rubbing his back or holding his hand, but I was feeling too pissed off to care. I want answers, and want them pretty soon.

"Are you kidding me? It takes one little girl, and a couple months for you to get over me? Yeah right!" I could feel my eyes tearing up as I listened to her. I couldn't tell if she was lying or not. "You didn't even make it that week I spent in Paris! You went out and got yourself an experienced teenager!" Her dark eyes flicked me again, looking at every flaw that I came to love, thanks to Mike.

Mike shoved past the hospital bed and past me, grabbing Rose by the arms. "You listen to me, Rose. I did nothing while you were in Paris. I was here with my father making sure the standards of his will were together." Rose made a face and slid her eyes around Mike to me again. By then tears had leaked over and I was getting a set of clothes on. "But I know all about what you did in Paris. Yeah, Justin told me. Just because you went there for a couple runway shows doesn't mean you get to act like your shit doesn't stink. Though from all that Justin told me, you've been that way for a long time."

I listen to his words, how they hold so much hatred. Realizing this is the first time I have ever heard Mike cuss. I grab a full box of tissues and my wallet and push past the two. I make it halfway down the hall to the elevator when Mike starts to run after me, Rose calling after him like an over-protective lover. he catches up to me and loop his arms around me, turning me to him after I reach to push the down button.

Mike holds my face in his hands and brushes my tears away with his thumbs, I couldn't even look at him. "Listen Raven, I swear she isn't telling the truth! Please Raven, you know I love you!" I try to hold back a sob, and get out of his grasp as the elevator opened. I turn back to him and see tears crawling down his face. The sight of his tears make me feel like I have been shot in the heart.

"I need time, and you need to fix this. Come find me by dinner if you love me like you say you do." My voice shakes and I hold the box of tissues to my chest as I get in the elevator with an elderly couple. I hear banging on the closed elevator shaft doors as the elevator starts to lower to the Cafeteria. It takes every single piece of me to realize I have probably made the worst mistake of my life.

The elderly couple give me warm smiles and hugs as they lead my way through the white corridors to the Cafeteria. Telling me how Mike will come find me even if he has to tear through the entire hospital to find me.

I spend all day with that couple, every corner we turned they were asking nurses how another patient was doing. This couple truly had a passion, a passion that made me want to do for others.

I was checking the nurse station after I walked the couple back to their joined hospital room. The nurse there told me I was able to go see Dad, but I wasn't ready to see Mike-- I knew that was where he would be. Instead, I went back to the Children's Hospital, a joined building to the regular hospital.

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