Ruining Fame (Girl X Girl)

Autorstwa xxjvmai

394K 12.3K 3.2K

Olive Mencher, a finishing senior at Columbia University in New Yorks most expensive entering a career in Jou... Więcej

Chapter 1 / Accepted
Chapter 2 / The Meeting
Chapter 3 / The Photo
Chapter 4 / First Assignment
Chapter 5 / Questions
Chapter 6 / The Panel
Chapter 7 / Forgotten Brother
Chapter 8 / The Magazine
Chapter 9 / Surrounded Stench
Chapter 10 / Right Arm
Chapter 11 / I'm Trying Ok?
Chapter 12 / Audition
Chapter 13 / The Raven
Chapter 14 / Numerous Photos
Chapter 15 / Collision
Chapter 16 / NY Often
Chapter 17 / Two Queens
Chapter 18 / Hello, Johnathan
Chapter 19 / Prison Freedom
Chapter 20 / The Question Game
Chapter 21 / Pierre's Swimmers
Chapter 22 / Home Sweet California
Chapter 23 / One Horrifying Emotion
Chapter 24 / Hold Me To It
Chapter 25 / Rivalries
Chapter 26 / Comfort from Her
Chapter 27 / The Couch
Chapter 28 / Coffee Was Hot
Chapter 29 / Olive's and Olive
Chapter 30 / Redefine Beauty
Chapter 31 / Where is she?
Chapter 32 / Follow the Plan
Chapter 33 / Will You Be Okay?
Chapter 34 / Uh oh, it's Him.
Chapter 35 / The Affair
Chapter 36 / I'm not Sober
Chapter 37 / I Can Kiss You, Right?
Chapter 38 / I Promise.
Chapter 39 / In Session.
Chapter 40 / Choosing To Want.
Chapter 42 / More Than A Friend
Chapter 43 / The Plan
Chapter 44 / The Chase
Chapter 45 / Awaiting

Chapter 41 / Everybody Leaves

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Autorstwa xxjvmai

A/N: Wow, it's been a while since I updated. I know, I'm sorry my dear readers, I've just been so busy and while I've been busy I've been writing. Except I didn't realize how long this chapter was but I think you guys will enjoy it. There is another thing I do want to talk to you guys about though, the last chapter of Chapter 40. Please realize that this book is not going to be a cliche romantic story, I want to make this book as raw and realistic as possible. The drama that I have created in this book about love is very realistic in real life and portrays what actually happens in relationships or crushes, etc. I'm not trying to foreshadow anything but stay tuned for what's happening next and keep an open mind on the character feelings. Much love xxJess.

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Word of the Day:

Liberosis (n.): The desire to care less about things.


Chapter 41 / Blake's P.O.V

Three weeks have passed and I was recovering from my father's beatings along with Brianna, her eye seemed to heal as well. All I know from the business that I was doing was importing drugs here and there and filling out paperwork, I mean I didn't do the hard labor. I simply just managed where it went from afar but I mean typically this was the dirty work from my father's well being. How could I have end up here? I'm supposed to be with Olive and now she probably hates my guts more than ever!

Brianna was always by my side and I was watching over her, she was having nightmares most of the time. At least we got to stay in a pretty nice area which was mostly deserted but soon enough my father is going to have to go back home to visit the courthouse. They need to check up on how he is doing and he must have a job within the next thirty days. I groaned loudly and laid back in my chair while my fingers ran through my hair. Do you know what that means? Another month without Olive . . . I wonder how she was doing. I started to feel tears reach the corner of my eyes and I quickly wiped them away. Everything will be okay . . . Soon enough the plan I have in my head will settle into place.

A knock on my door rung and I didn't respond for them to enter but the person willingly did. I turned around to hear the door creak and found Brianna standing there looking upset, I motioned for her to sit down next to me. She sat in the chair and brought her legs up into her chest while resting her head down on her knee.

"When do you think this will end?" She mumbled with a shaky voice.

"In about two years?" I questioned.

"Two years?!" She raised her voice while sitting up straight in her place.

"Sh, keep your voice down damn it. You know we have people hovering over us making sure we won't run away plus my father is a couple room down from me."

"S-sorry . . . Just why so long?" She looked at me with tears already streaming down her face, I know she didn't want to be here. She didn't deserve to be here, this was my family issue and she was dragged into it, I felt terrible and I wanted to embrace her into a hug for everything she's done for me. Brianna has put up so much with me and now this? I scoffed slightly and looked at her but she was wiping away her tears roughly with her sweater.

"I have a plan that might take a while, but it'll be activated when we go back to New York for my father's court date. We have to make a delivery there anyways for twenty pounds of cocaine for some guy named Austin."

"I still can't believe we're drug smugglers . . ." Brianna scoffed a laugh.

I laughed at the thought, I told myself I would never follow my father footsteps but here I am. I mean technically it was by force but if it prevents to hurt Olive and my mother than fine. I know I'm not too fond of my mother but in this case, it is very important that my father doesn't just waltz back into her life in this situation.

Soon enough three more weeks had passed and it was a week until my father's court date. Brianna and I were working non-stop with papers and keeping track on where things go but I was slowly losing faith that I was ever going to see Olive again. I had time to look through magazines though and Lydia made the cover of being my back up on Keeping Minutes. I was proud of her until I flipped the page to see a photo of Olive and Lydia holdings hands in public. My heart churned at the thought, I walked outside with two security guards next to me and popped open a metal trashcan.

I threw the magazine in it and asked the guard to give me his lighter, I knew Paul always had one on him. He smokes outside when he's off duty but he always has two on him so this one that I'm taking would be going into smithereens. I flipped the silver lighter on and threw it in the bin while I slowly watched it burn, I felt tears running in the corner of my eyes. How could Olive not notice I was gone? I mean she probably does but she thinks I probably left her for good because of my selfish actions in the past.

Brianna came outside and held me while I cried, the two security guards just watched us awkwardly and I flipped them off. They turned around and just started to smoke a cigarette, it didn't bother me I was feeling to numb for anything happening around me. I didn't even feel Brianna arms around me, all I know was that my tears were falling onto her arms. I needed to get back to New York and possibly talk to my mother on what's been going on.

After my breakdown I decided to sleep, I was too tired to function and my father started to pick up on it. He entered my room with pills in his hands and a glass of water, he sat on my bed and stared at me, "You should take this," He mumbled to me while my face was buried into a pillow, I really didn't want to see his face right now.

"Take drugs from a drug addict? No thanks," I rolled my eyes and turned my head away from him.

"They're antidepressants, they help me every now and then."

"I'm not depressed."

"Honey, they can help you and forget about home . . ."

"I'm not depressed!" I sat up from my place and yelled at him.

He sat in silence and I could only give him a hard stare with my light brown eyes into his dark hazel eyes. "You really miss home that much?" He asked.

"No shit, you took me away from it forcefully . . . I can't even see the person I love because of you, she's in love with someone else and that's all thanks to you."

He stood quiet and stood up from the bed to pace back and forth, I was getting annoyed of the echoing of his footsteps. I decided to get up and walk out of the room but before I could reach the door he stopped me in his place. "How about we go to New York tomorrow instead? We can meet your mother and have a good time but that means you go straight back to work and come back here for me."

I had to take a second thought of it and maybe just maybe I could swing by to see Olive and explain everything to her. I just needed a chance to explain myself and then I will let her go to be happy. Also talking to my mother would help me a lot out of this situation and she could maybe talk to the cops for me and get me out earlier than expected. My plan was drastic and long but this could be beneficial as well.


The next day came faster than expected, I was excited to see Olive but also nervous about what was going to happen. She could hate my guts forever or come back to me, I mean for heaven's sake this was the only woman alive to keep me sane and from losing my shit. I packed a bag for a week and decided to take a first class plane, I have to admit working as a drug dealer behind the scenes can make you a shit load of money. Except not as much as I was before, my father has been saving up for this moment and has made at least three million dollars for himself. I already made about five hundred thousand.

I was on the airplane when somebody noticed me and ran up to me for an autograph, by then a swarm of people was surrounding me. I can't make myself too visible or else my I would be asked where my whereabouts are. I decided to take the photo with one of them and proceeded to my flight, I waved them goodbye and soon entered the plane without a second thought. My father was going to kill me if my face got out of hand, but it wouldn't be too bad to just have one photo.

Throughout the whole plane ride, I slept and I slept for good long hours which was satisfying since I haven't really slept good in a couple of weeks. I mean the plane wasn't so comfortable but it was something, it was better to know I was away from my father's business for a couple of days. I arrived in New York and it felt nice to be back home, well technically California was my home but this was better than the hell hole I was thrown into. My father and I quickly grabbed a cab and made our way to my house where my mother should be and settled down there. Sadly she wasn't home, but my father began to tell me something important.

"I need you to know that you can't tell your mother about this, you said that I should stay away from her. I told you that I would stay away from her and this girl that you seemed to be in love with. I gave you my word but do me a favor and just stay low for me, please? I love you and I trust that you wouldn't ruin our relationship of a father and daughter."

Hah, please, relationship my ass. Of course, I was going to break his somewhat trust towards him, I mean for crying out loud he fucking beat the shit out of me. Then sent me all the way to a different country to be some drug smuggler behind the scenes. My plan was to put him back in jail where he belongs but I was going to contact the person that was in charge of him when he was under house arrest. I've been taking pictures for the last couple of weeks and saving documents that my father was giving me to handle his deliveries. I had enough evidence and proof to put him back in jail. Except with my mother not here, I could just tell her and she would help me out of it hopefully.

Once I got to the house I saw my mother sitting in her office looking over some scripts, I smiled widely I didn't think I would be this excited to see my mother. In general, I never had a good relationship with her but today I was beyond thrilled. I walked up to her office and knocked on it slightly, immediately her head popped up and her eyes filled with delight.

"Mom . . ." I mumbled.

"Where have you been Blake?" She said in a concerning voice while walking towards me embracing me into a hug. "I've missed you," She smiled.

Did she miss me? She's never said that before but what's gotten into her? I would have expected her to say something along the lines about how I should get back to work. "I've missed you too mom," I smiled into her shoulder.

We let go of one another and she sat back down in her chair while I sat across from her, she folded her papers over and gave me her undivided attention. "Tell me, where have you been?" Her eyes brightened.

"Mom, before we start our whole catch up game, I need to tell you something . . ." I said in a cowering voice almost too nervous to say anything about it. What if my father figures out that I told her and he would take me away from everything all over again except further away. "Dad's back and he's been using again but he's been doing something more than that he has a business. I've been with him and he's been making me do his dirty work, I just need to know his parole officer so I can tell on him and I can be out of this."

My mother face dropped and she quirked her lips to the side, "Honey I can't help you because I've been knowing what your father has been doing. I didn't think he would take you though . . . How bad is it?" She winced while asking.

"Wait, you've been knowing and didn't do anything about this? Mom, if you knew and did something earlier I wouldn't have been in this situation! How bad is it though? It's pretty fucking bad mom, I need you to give me that paroles number . . . Please," I begged to feel emotional.

She sighed, "Okay . . . I'm sorry I put you through this but if I give you his number you promise you'll start working again? I mean you are the heir to this industry and I'm planning to retire soon."

There it is, she always expected me to work and I didn't blame her, "Okay but on one condition."

"What's that?" She asked while writing the number down on a slip of paper.

"I get to date Olive Mencher, no arguments, no judgments. Okay?"

"You haven't heard?" My mother asked while handing me the piece of paper and her eyebrows furrowing. "She's dating Lydia Thompson, well that's what everyone thinks. We've seen photos of the two of them all around magazines and Olive is making her first blog about Lydia. Apparently, it's supposed to be a big thing almost the same competition as New York McHeart."

"I saw the magazines . . . I burned them," I gave her a side eye, "Except that's not going to stop me from getting her back and explaining myself. Look, I have bigger issues than Olive though at this moment, not trying to be rude to her, but I need to call the parole officer now."

My mother sat back in her chair and just waved her hand for me to continue with the phone call, I quietly thanked her while the phone began to ring on the other line. A good two hours went by explaining myself to the parole officer and he even wanted to meet in person so I can show him the documents, he wanted to meet today though. I kissed my mother on the cheek goodbye and went out the door. I also promised her I would come back later today and spend the night tonight there.

As I walked out of the house I was going to call my driver but I decided to walk towards the garage hoping there was some car there for myself. I haven't had control over anything in a long time and being in one of my cars or my mothers would make me feel dominant again. As I opened the garage I saw a silver Mercedes Benz, and I grabbed the keys immediately on my way to the office the parole officer told me.

The drive there was eerily quiet and mainly because I was freaking out in my head thinking my father was going to figure out. What if he finds out and my mother gets hurt in the process? I sighed in defeat hoping the plan goes well, I just know he wouldn't target her. I mean he used to be in love with her but then again my father loved me and he abused me. I shook the thoughts out of my head and focused on the plan, by the time I got there and parked I saw the parole officer sitting outside smoking a cigarette. I cringed a little bit thinking about what it could do to you but then again I love a girl who used to smoke marijuana but I mean it's better than a cigarette . . . I think.

I grabbed my phone where the evidence was on and walked towards the man, "Sir, I'm Blake Sloan, I talked to you over the phone," I said calmly yet seriously. I just wanted this to be over and done with so my father wouldn't do anything to me anymore. "Shall we get started?" I asked.

"Yes, nice to meet you in person for once. Your father talked a lot about you every time I came to visit him in your home. You weren't around much but he always talked fondly of you," He gave a slight smile but I only rolled my eyes.

"He's a lying bastard sir, he'll talk greatly about someone but will turn the other cheek and be abusive. I'm talking about emotionally and physically, this is a serious matter and I just want to put him back into prison. He belongs there and does not deserve to be walking around with freedom, considering our family is wealthy all he really got was a slap on the wrist and this time I want it for life."

He nodded his head and put out his cigarette above the trashcan, he motioned me to walk inside and I did as he told. We walked to a far back corner where his desk was and started discussing the matters of the whole business he had run. At first, the man didn't believe me but afterward when I showed him the photos on my phone he was intrigued. He hooked my phone up to his desktop and started to print out the photos one by one to get a closer look. Later he called over his comrades and workers that were also on his case to take a look at it.

Soon enough his desk became crowded with all the people who were trying to track down drug dealers and pinpoint where the exact place was. Except I knew where it was so I cleared my throat loudly and everyone turned towards me. I started to explain to them it was out of the country far from here. Soon the men and women sat down discussing if this is a case even for them, how this was too much where they must contact someone higher in their position. I started to get bored but I wanted to know answers.

"So are you guys like going to detain my father or what? He's here in town right now and you get him so he doesn't ruin my life anymore . . . Please?" I questioned at the end.

"Look this case is much more serious than we thought but with this evidence we can definitely get him to prison for life. Well, call our higher team which will probably be the FBI, the Federal Bureau of Investigation. This is only because this is a worldwide drug deal investigation instead and our small police station place can't really do much without the tools and back up needed. This could be dangerous but we'll notify them, just hang tight, I'll send out two men to go detain your father." He smiled and patted my shoulder.

"Finally . . ." I breathed, "May I go now? Will I be safe from him?"

"We can't promise you anything but yeah you can go, just hire security around you. I'm pretty sure both your mother and yourself can afford that," He chuckled, he walked away slowly while I smiled a little bit knowing my safety was getting better. All I could think of right now is talking to Olive and getting her to understand where I have been and why I didn't show up . . .

I walked out of the station and hopped in my car, the first thing I did though was contact security to be around me. They would drive me around and keep watch of me from afar and nearby which I didn't mind. I used to mind but now with everything that has happened, I needed their protection and that was their job. I decided to head home first and dropped the car off and then take another car with the two men in it. I looked outside the windows to see the clouds were beginning to turn into a dark shade, I guess a storm is coming.

Throughout the whole car ride, I just sat back and thought of what I was going to say. I mean would she ever believe me if I ever told her that my father kidnapped me and took me out of the country to sell drugs? That totally sounds convincing . . . Not. I sighed in defeat and rubbed my temples, I started to feel a headache grow. I felt a buzz on my phone to see a text message from the parole officer telling me that they had contained my father. I let out a deep exhale knowing that my existence right now felt safe and that no harm would come to me nor my mother. I couldn't help but think though about the other men that worked for him and how cruel they were as well. Not to mention, Johnathan and his father as well . . . I never really brought him up to the parole officer, I wonder where they are now.

The rain started to patter onto the car slowly which seemed calming, I felt like I haven't heard that noise in months. To be honest it had to be one of my favorite noises and in California where I grew up didn't have much of that. Once I moved to New York to do business with my mother later it rained every now and then. Waking up to it was a satisfying feeling, I stared out the window longer watching the droplets hit the glass. Until a certain view came into perspective, Olive's condo. It had been weeks, no, months since I was last here or since I saw her. I felt miserable knowing I left her. I knew she moved on but maybe I could just explain myself because maybe I'm trying to cope in a sense.

I walked up to the door slowly and knocked on it, I wore a jacket while the hood was over my head. The rain was still light so I was not completely drenched, my heart started racing though and I started to feel hot. I hated how she made me feel this way, part of me wanted to cry but part of me wanted to keep myself together. I knocked a couple times more and there wasn't an answer, I started to give up and walk away until I heard the door open. I stopped in my place not really wanting to turn around to confront her. I slowly turned around but to see . . . Maya?

"Blake?" She asked hesitantly.

"O-oh, hey Maya," I said awkwardly.

She leaned up against the door frame, "I know you're here to see Olive but I don't think she wants to see you. I know that I'm not her best friend but I think it's best that I advised you to not just pop back into her life." She said a little rudely and started to close the door. I wanted to talk back to her but I couldn't because partially she was right, except she didn't know what I went through. I snapped out of my thoughts and ran for the door to stop it from closing.

"Wait!" I shoved my foot in between the frame and the inside, I winced a little bit from how hard she was trying to close it. "Gah! My foot, damn it!" I cursed silently.

I put a hand on the door and looked at her with all seriousness, "Do you know where she is?" I asked hoping she would answer.

"Why would I tell you?" She said in a calm manner.

"Please Maya . . ." I said feeling pain sinking in my chest knowing that everyone probably hates me.

She blinked her eyes multiple times and even rolled them seeming a bit annoyed that she would even tell me. "Give me your hand, I'll write down the address for you. She has a small building that she's setting up for her own company. People are probably there setting up the place but just don't cause a scene and don't you dare hurt her." She said while writing the address on my hand.

"Okay, thanks." I gave a small smile and walked away, I'm just really glad she gave me a chance to actually talk to Olive. Except it seems she has grown to be a mature person now, sort of. I hopped back into the car and we were off to the address, it wasn't too far away. Except I couldn't help but think what Maya said to me, should I even go to her? I messed up badly but it wasn't my fault on the other hand. I knew how important this was to Olive, the court date I mean. I arrived to the building that was quite tall but I didn't know what floor she was on.

I entered the double doors to the all-glass building and went up to the front desk, I said the name and how it was in the process of moving stuff in. She knew immediately what floor considering it had to be the only floor opened, I mean companies can barely get a spot to start their own business in these buildings. I was surprised Olive got one but probably Lydia helped her. The woman gave me a card and I was on my way up the elevator which peeked out the city view. I was in awe how much I missed New York. Once the doors opened I could smell the fresh paint on the walls, the furniture moving around which scrapped the floor, and the chatter of people discussing the next plans.

One voice stood out particularly to me, my breath hitched and I slowly made my way over there. I could hear my heartbeat through my ears from the inside. I waddled my way over there slowly and there was a group of people in a circle discussing with a map in their hands of the layout of the area. I didn't quite see her with the people around her but I could hear her laughing, happily . . . I stopped in my pace and turned away from the crowd. I covered my face with my hand thinking if I should go up to her or not. I started to feel upset, the pain in my chest was unreal! I was so close to talking to her but I can't pull myself to do it. What am I going to do? I mentally screamed at myself.

"Blake," I heard the angelic voice breathed out.

I felt my surroundings disappear, I felt done with everything and I wanted to collapse right in front of her. I wanted to cry and remind her how sorry I was and am. I felt a hand on my shoulder which turned me around, I looked right into her bright eyes and saw her emotion expressionless. Except I also saw a spark of anger, confusion, and pain. She shut her jaw tightly that you can see the jawline intensely, Olive grabbed me by the hand and dragged me into a separate room which was done.

The room looked like a meeting room where journalists can throw their pitches. She sat me down in one chair while she stood up and paced herself back and forth. I could hear her breathing increase and mumbling words, I didn't know what to do but I wanted her to sit down so I could explain myself but I felt so shaky. I stood up and went to her and stopped her pacing, just touching her made me tingle, and I wanted to embrace her with everything that I had but she looked at me and picked up the papers on the table and threw them at me. I ducked quickly and my eyes widened.

"You left me!" She said while throwing a book at me.

"You ran away and never came back! You knew how important to me the court date was!" She threw a clipboard at me but started to cry between her words.

"Y-you left me and you weren't there when I needed you the most!" She raised her voice angrily and threw rolls of floor plans at my head.

I saw the next thing she was about to throw which was a chair so I ducked while the chair went through the glass leading to the hallway. You could hear the shatter loudly and people starting to notice which they quickly came to see what the commotion was about.

"What is so wrong with me that everybody leaves!" She grabbed another chair but I decided to sprint towards her and jump in her arms to pin her down on the floor.

"Stop Olive!" I yelled louder than her while she laid on the floor in tears underneath my body, "J-just stop!" My voice cracked while I stared at the broken girl in front of me . . . What did I do? I mentally broke down.

I rested my forehead on hers and rested my right hand on her left cheek.

"I'm sorry . . . I am so sorry," I breathed.

A/N: Well . . . That happened. 

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