Big Mac

By DewyMountain

23.3K 762 173

Amanda Macky struggles with her looks and weight constantly, going to high school is tough, the kids are far... More

Chapter 1- Cafeteria Joys
Chapter 2- Piano Recitals
Chapter 3- Unhealthy Obssesions
Chapter 4- Calculus
Chapter 5- The Almost Kiss
Chapter 6- Standing up to Jeremy
Chapter 7- Thinsporation
Chapter 8- Meatloaf Temptations
Chapter 10- Fear
Chapter 11- Zenas is back
Chapter 12- The Big Speech
Chapter 13- McDonald's
Chapter 14- A Heart to Heart Talk With Zenas
Chapter 15- Rock Bottom
Chapter 16- Pain Pills

Chapter 9- Poor Zenas

1.3K 48 2
By DewyMountain

OK so hopefully this chapter is two pages this time, I really tried to make it longer :)

I honestly have a hard time keeping up with stories because I have a short attention span and usually lose interest with my stories. I almost did a few times with this one. But I'm quite proud of myself because believe it or not, this is the farthest I actually gone with a story I wrote here on wattpad. :) Anyways vote and COMMENT. Seriously I need them. Like what can I do to make this story better? Anyone want to make me a cover?

Pic of Zenas on side..just imagine him as a little more dorky and smaller ^__^


 Amanda slammed her locker shut. The girl looked at the candy she had stashed up on the top shelf in disgust. She really needed to get rid of that. Especially if she wanted to lose weight. She remembered last night, and how she ate all the meatloaf late at night. She felt revolted with herself. Why couldn't she be normal and not eat so much?

“Do you know how much calories is in this?” Some perky cheerleader asked, flinging her gorgeous long brown hair behind her. She held out a chocolate bar.

Amanda turned away from the girls, praying they didn't see her. “Why don't you ask Amanda?” One of her friends laughed in glee, she could recognize that annoying grating voice from anywhere. Tracy. She was the meanest, and it felt like where ever Amanda went, she was right there.

The brunette threw her head back and laughed. “I doubt the poor girl knows.” She giggled. “If she did she wouldn't be eating so much. Look at her.” She tossed the candy bar at Amanda and hit her in the head. “Here you can have it Big Mac.” She said. “I don't want to get fat like you anyways.” All her friends laughed like stupid banshees and skipped off to class. Yes, skipped. Morons.

She looked at the half squashed Kit Kat bar that was now on the floor. A brief thought of wanting to eat it crossed her mind for a split second. She could of slapped herself for thinking that. She kicked the candy bar and ran to class as soon as the bell rang. “Your late Amanda Macky.” The teacher said in his flat voice. “If your late again you get detention.”

“Sorry Mr. Evans.” Amanda said flushing with embarrassment. The whole class of course had to look at her and she felt self conscious.

“She was probably late because she thought it was lunchtime.” A kid whispered to his friend, they both laughed. Idiots, she could hear them.

That was probably the point.

“Now class.” Mr. Evans reprimanded the students. “Be quiet. It's Mr. Evans time not yours.” The class finally became quiet, and Mr. Evans droned on with his annoying voice about something like quadrants. Amanda wasn't sure.

Amanda's stomach started rumbling and she was thankful lunch was almost here. Until she remembered her new descicion. No food.

Smelling the food from the lunch room almost made her noxious. She really wanted some food, maybe just a salad. No, she told herself. She had to be strong. Unlike last night, when she gorged on leftovers while everyone was asleep.

That wasn't the biggest highlight of her life. Instead of going straight to the lunch line she sat at her lonely table. Zenas wasn't there yet, and she hoped he came soon. She felt awkward sitting by herself. She almost got up a couple times, the lunch line was practically calling for her.

Immediately she felt stupid for wanting cafeteria food so bad. Cafeteria food was nasty, yet she still wanted it so bad. Where was Zenas?

A small Asian boy darted in the cafeteria, his dark hair cut strategically so it covered most of his face. He was clutching a huge book in front of his chest and sat down at Amanda's table. For a second she didn't recognize him. But underneath the hair was Zenas. He didn't look too happy.

He didn't say a word, and he just took his book out and started reading. Not even bothering to eat lunch like her. A brief thought ran through her head but she pushed it away. No, Zenas couldn't be anorexic. She almost felt guilty for even thinking a thought like that.

She could tell he wasn't really in the mood to talk, but Amanda really wanted to talk to him. She was bored, lack of food made her feel kind of awkward just sitting there. And she wanted to find out about his mysterious scars.

“Zenas eats penis. Zenas eats penis.” The boys started chanting and looking at Zenas. The Asian boy paid no attention, and kept his eyes on his book. “Zenas eats penis.” The boys cackled and howled like banshees.

Amanda couldn't help but feel a little relived, she wasn't the center of attention this time. Immediately she felt bad for thinking that. What they were saying was rude? Why were they saying those things? She wanted to stick up for the boy, but she was too scared. She knew if she did she would just be made fun of.

Amanda was pathetic, couldn't even do something as simple as sticking up for a friend. But were they really even friends? She only saw him at lunch, and they rarely talked at lunch. “Zenas eats penis.” The boys were chanting again.

She darted a look at Zenas, his eyes still glued to his book. He had to have heard what these boys were saying. He wasn't deaf.

One of the boys sat in front of Zenas,obviously bored about how little attention he was giving his taunters. “Hey Zenas.” He crowed. “Wanna be my date for Snowball?” He asked in a high pitched voice. The boys at the lunch table howled in laughter.

That must have been a good book, Amanda decided. He still didn't look up. The boy looked at Zenas, obviously frustrated at his lack of talking. “Or do you want Andrew to take you?” He crooned.

Zenas put his book down, calmly and looked at the boy sitting in front of him. He leaned over and threw a punch on the side of his face. Amanda was shocked. She would of never imagined Zenas to do such a thing.

The boy clutched his face and started to throw a few choice swear words at Zenas. The lunch monitors rushed over to the table. “What on earth is going on?” At that moment, it was like the whole lunch room was put on mute. Everyone stopped talking and looked over at the scene. Amanda had never heard the lunch room so silent.

She wanted to disappear, it felt like all eyes on her. Even though it was Zenas who caused all the trouble. It was like all the pressure caused Zenas to break. He grabbed his book and fled the lunch room. The students looked at what just happened in shock. Whispers flowed through the cafeteria like a wave.

There was about four lunch monitors crowding Amanda's now empty table. One monitor was leading the hurt boy to the nurse while the one was questioning the boys' table by her.

“I imagine you are very close to the boy.” The lunch monitor said. For a moment, Amanda was confused. “I notice you two sitting together. Could you just keep an eye out for him?” She asked. “The boy has had some trouble at home and it would be good if he had a friend looking out for him.”

Amanda's heart was pumping real fast.

Trouble at home.

She felt terrible. There was more to the small Asian boy than she thought. She remembered the scratches on his wrist. Could that be part of it? How could she keep an eye out for him when she rarely saw him? He probably hated her, they barely talked and Amanda never said anything when he was being teased.

The fat girl was a coward.

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