Bound To You

By AleyWinchester67

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Emma Singer, the niece of Bobby Singer, was raised as a hunter with her brother Luke and twin sister Lucy. Ru... More

Chapter 1 : Rot In Hell
Chapter 2 : Pushed Her Too Far
Chapter 3: Moving Forward
Chapter 4 : Butch's Deli
Chapter 5 : Deals a Deal
Chapter 6 : She Could Never Love A Monster Like You
Chapter 8 : Death of Me
Chapter 7: Stop at Nothing

Chapter 7 : You're Walking With Me Singer

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By AleyWinchester67


"You ready?" I Dean asked as we loaded our duffels with our our demon hunt essentials.

"Yup." I said shortly, focused on my list.

"Oh well I'm convinced." He said his words dripping with sarcasm.


"I know what you're doing."

"And whats that?" I said mockingly still not paying him much attention.

"You're burying your self in lists and tasks and hunts to avoid everything." I stopped snapping my head up and shooting him a look.

"Listen Dr. Phil I'm trying to get stuff done. We all agreed this is gonna a be tough and we need to take it one step at a time. Thats what I'm doing."

"You haven't spoken to Luke since he got back. Its been weeks."

"I'm sorry have you and Sam suddenly switched bodies? I don't want to talk to Luke. I have nothing to say. We are breaking his deal and he's leaving. I'm not talking about it anymore."

Dean knew not to argue with me. I had steered clear of Luke from the moment of that fight. We benched him on a lot of stuff because his temperament was out of control. Lucy stayed back too to help Bobby. Finally It was me Sam and Dean hunting together again. I had missed it. I was so angry and uncomfortable at Bobby's now with all the tension, the moment we set out on the road was the moment I felt like I could breathe. Plus Dean and I could actually enjoy time together. Sam didn't mind me taking the front seat so long as he got to use my head phones. He hated our music but I loved it. We'd cruise in the impala till we hit the case then go out for some dinner. Sam would break off and Dean and I could have some time at some yokel bar alone. Amidst all the drama and chaos, not to mention that absolutely solid brick wall we were hitting with breaking Luke's deal, the time Dean and I spent alone was my chance to forget all of it. No pressure on anything. Just a few drinks and my favorite person. Cheesy I know but I finally was happy. Sue me.

"Did I hear my name?" Sam called thumping down the stairs.

"Yes Rapunzel." I laughed pointing to his crazy bed head. "Get your ass moving in ten. We found some omens outside of Texas that is defiantly a crossroads demon."

"Fine." He huffed as he went back up the stairs.

"Hey has Lucy told you anything? Progress maybe?" Dean whispered with a chuckle.

"What do you think. No." Lucy being back was amazing. It was like no time had passed. We practically shared the same bed every night and I spent the whole time catching her up on stuff. When I told her about me and Dean doing... whatever the hell Dean and me were doing, she said Sam owed her $50. Apparently they bet on when we'd figure it out. Funnily enough Dean and I had made a similar bet.

"Speaking of I do believe I won our bet big guy. Pay up." I laughed holding my palm out.

"Hey hey hey. I still have time, three days to be exact. Why don't we make it interesting." He said inching closer to me. He tucked his fingers in my empty belt loops and pulled me to his chest, it took me by surprise how fast he did it and I lost my balance slightly, studying myself by grabbing on to his jacket.

"How so?"

"Bring Luce on this one. It's easy and she's probably getting a little cabin fever." He was right. Lucy never really hunted but since she got back she swung into lore full force and was learning fast. She had the basic skills.

"I don't want her hunting. Research only. No exceptions. It's not gonna help if I'm worried about her the whole time."

"Oh so now you feel my pain." He laughed.

"Hey I can hunt. Lucy was always more of a book nerd."

"Reasons why her and Sam need some time!"

"Wow really trying get your brother a date here aren't ya."

"Listen if you knew how uptight he was you would be pushing for him to get lai-"

"Dean!" I yelled in a high pitched tone. I slapped his chest trying not to laugh. "That is my sister! Come on."

"Lord help me." He pulled my face close and leaned down with a soft slow kiss.

"Ballsy." I heard a familiar sass. I looked over and saw Lucy leaning in the door way smirking at us. "You know Uncle Bobby is up right? Sam and I may be hip to whatever it is you two are doing here but Luke? And don't even get me started on Uncle Bobby. Luke isn't gonna do jack compared to what Uncle Bobby will do to Dean." She laughed.

"Bite me." She stuck out her tongue playfully. God I missed her. "And go pack. You're coming with us." Her face lit up and she rushed to her room. Dean had a cocky look on his face, I knew he thought Lucy coming would wake those two up and get him some fresh cash in his wallet. With that look, he deserved to be knocked down a peg.

"She's not wrong ya know. He'll string you up. By your balls." Dean stepped back and a hand instinctively cupped his crotch, he made a worried face as I laughed and went back to packing.

Moments later Sam appeared back in the kitchen with us.

"All right kids load up." Dean said clapping his hands together and swinging my bags over his shoulder. I flashed him a thank you smile as he marched out the door.

"Emma can I take the front this time?" Sam asked rubbing his knees as if they were sore. I almost said yes but I saw Dean shaking his head with a smile. I knew exactly what he was thinking.


"Oh come on why?" He whined still clearly not awake and cranky as ever.

"Because one I said so and two you bitch and moan about every little thing when you're up here. Read your books and relax." I said as I hopped in looking at the back seat. An evil grin grew across my face and Sam took notice.

"Oh and uh- make room."

"Wha-" He began to say when Lucy came hopping down the stoop.

"Wait is she..."

"Yup. And you two can have plenty of room and time to chat and talk and braid each others hair." Dean chimed in with a matching smile.

"Oh... I'm in the back?" Lucy asked innocently.

"Yeah hop in. We should've hit the road 30 minutes ago." Dean said as he cranked up his music. I gave him and smile and handed him a particular tape. He let out a laugh.

"I think I have a request." I snickered.

"Way ahead of ya sweetheart." He said as he carefully selected 1000 miles came on by H.E.A.T., we were pleased with ourselves as we caught a glimpse of frustration in Sam's eye, his cheeks turning pink. Deans hand slowly found its way to my inner thigh as I gradually scooted to him. His fingers possessively digging in. Squeezing every so often. It was quiet for the a while, just us enjoying the open road. I could see Dean eyeing the two in the back as they began to strike up a quiet and apprehensive conversation. I couldn't take it anymore and decided to turn around and give them a little push. Some girl talk with Lucy, some jokes thrown Sam's way and I pulled out, turning back to the front seat as the tension between them dissipated. God they were both so awkward. As I turned back Dean's eye met mine with a warm smile as he drove down open road.

"Kinda like a vacation." I whispered lightly. His eye crinkled up in the corners. "Even if we end up covered in blood later?"

"Hey I'm gonna take what I can get." He said.

"Thank you. For going on this goose chase with me. I don't know whats gonna happen and I wanna pound Luke into the ground but I need to try."

"I know."

"I... I just..."

"Don't know where to start?" I smiled. He always knows.

"Where to start, what to do, who to kill. All of it."

"We'll find a way." I couldn't respond, just stretched out before Dean pulled my feet to his lap rubbing his thumb on my arch, my eyes closing as I hummed in response, falling asleep moments after.

We drove till about 5 or 6 o'clock when Dean decided we needed to pull into a motel. We had been driving for a long time and nothing was around us. I pulled out my phone and found the closest one.

"Right there. Pub across the street too."

"Finally. How do you guys drive this much? I finally get why you're so cranky all the time Dean." Lucy giggle from the back seat.

"I'm not cranky!" He said sitting up straight.

"We all get testy after a long drive but... you do kinda get short with everyone..." I smiled.

"Oh woman don't you start with me." I kicked his thigh slightly with my leg as he pulled in.

"We're gonna grab some rooms you guys get everything settled." Dean said grabbing my hand and whisking me to the front desk.

 "We would like two rooms please. If you have the vacancy." I said putting on my biggest brightest smile.

"Sorry love, no can do. We only have one room available right now. Two queens."

"Oh no. Okay is there another motel in the area? We've been driving for a while and I'm here with my sister and his brother. Kinda need the space." I said pointing back at Dean.

"Sorry dear. Only one I know of for the next few hundred miles."

"Okay one second. Sorry."

"Dean theres only one room. It's got two queens and theres nothing around here for miles."

"Okay. Lets go. I'll have Sam pack up the car."

"No wait. Look Lucy isn't used to this much driving I could eat a whole cow and I swear to god you were falling asleep at the wheel. Lets just get the room and figure it out." I pleaded.

"Now look who's cranky." He joked.

"You wanna see cranky Winchester? If you don't book that room you will, and I can guarantee you're not gonna li-" He shut me up with a firm kiss. I could feel his smiling forming on my lips.

"Listen... I don't take orders well. No one tells me what to do." He said gruffly, trying to hide his smile.

"I do. Go before I shoot you." I pressed a quick kiss on his lips and marched out to the car. I could feel him watching so I walked with a little extra swing in my hips to give him a show.

"Okay. So they have one room with two queens and I am not driving another 6 hours in that car. Lucy you're with me, you and Dean can figure out who gets the bed and who takes the floor."

Luce nodded and hooked her arm on mine as we walked into the room. Lucy threw her bag on the table and skipped into the bathroom.

"Lucy a quick shower. Don't wash your hair. The guys need to shower and I need food. Now." I yelled at her. 

I began unpacking as Sam brought in the bags. I had my usual routine. Sam and Dean liked to throw things all over the place but it drove me nuts especially since I was the only one who packed us up once we finished a case and it was always a nightmare. I stacked Sam's stuff on one side of the bed and threw mine and Lucy's stuff in the top drawer. I took out Dean's fed threads and hung them up. The I grabbed his clothing for tonight. He always like to wear something that was comfortable enough he could sleep in. Well I preferred it. Drunk Dean was like a giant baby. The easier the clothes the easier my night.

I grabbed him a pair of loose fitting canvas pants, a black T-shirt, a dark red and black flannel, and his slip off boots. I pulled my black jeans, my silk tank top and my old leather jacket. I laid out my high heeled boots. I loved them because they were comfortable and looked like combat boots but they gave me some height so I didn't look like Sam and Dean's little sister, a common misconception at bars. I slipped on my clothes before the boys came back, wiggling into my jeans. I pinned a little of my hair back by each of my temples so it was out of my face. I had no makeup on so I did my usual tinted cream, mascara and lip balm routine and laid down on the bed for a second. I drifted off for a few minutes when a thud landed on the mattress behind me. Dean. His arms wrapped around me and pulled me close.

"Surprise! Guess who?"

"Dr. Sexy?" I joked turning to face him. I planted a kiss right on his lips as my fingers grazed over his scruff.

"I like this." I said itching his cheeks.


"Hell yeah." He returned the favor, his lips hitting mine. I giggled.

"Where's Sam?"

"Right here unfortunately." I heard Sam call from the corner of the room. I let out another laugh. I sat up on the bed folding my legs as Dean propped himself up on the headboard.

"Funny how that worked out Sammy. Only one room so we have to share a bed and you and Lucy can... ya know." He said making a clicking noise pointing to the other bed. I let out a laugh that was louder than intended before Sam could break the news.

"Oh no they won't. Me and Luce are here you two can figure out your own arrangements."
"What?" His head snapped back to me with an almost horrified look on his face that I couldn't help but find funny.

"You didn't think I was going to make my baby sister sleep with Sam-squatch over there? I mean we all know they're both pinning but no way. You two can share or one can take the couch. Hell I don't care if you sleep standing up. Girls territory Winchester." I gave him a glare that let him know I meant it. He began to protest but thought better of it. Which was in his best interest. He sat back with a pout.

"Sorry big guy." I placed a peck on his lips and jumped off the bed.

"Lucy get your ass out of there before I break down the damn door. If you come out of there and your hair is wet so help me god Luce, get ready for a beating because I am not waiting around for you to do it-" Just as I said that the door whipped open and Lucy came out. Hair all done and make up on.

"Chill Em. I'm ready."

"You're the worst. I could eat a cow."

"You said that." He smiled shaking his head. "Please tell me that place has burgers." Dean groaned.

"I'll start shooting if they don't." I said as I grabbed his hand and yanked him off the bed. We all piled out of the room and walked across the street to the pub. I had picked up my pace and let go of Deans hand but he held firmly to mine, pulling me back to him with a smile.

"You're walking with me Singer."

"PDA Winchester?" I asked mocking his tone.

"Excuse me but you never got my permission here." Lucy said running up and linking arms with me. Sam was a few paces back.

"I didn't think I needed it Luce." Dean said.

"Dean I will end you."

"Okay buttercup."

"Oh god I didn't miss that name." Lucy sighed. She always hated when Dean called her that.

"Luce." I whispered.

"What." She did the same.
"Go walk with Sam. And maybe grow a pair before you get back there to him." I yanked my arm from hers and Dean and I glided ahead. I glanced back watching her cheeks turn every shade of red they could.

"Subtle." Dean smirked.

"I got a bet to win." I smiled as we entered the Pub.

The four of them sat and drank. Dean and Sam eventually breaking off to play pool giving the girls some time to just be sisters again.

"So you and Dean... it's weird that it isn't weird."

"Look theres not really a me and Dean Luce we're just... Jesus I have no idea whats happening. I don't know but I know I'm fine with it."

"Fine? Dean Winchester is just fine to be with?"

"Luce stop."

"Come on I've been dead for how long, resurrected and you have zero carnal tales of the famous and delicious Winchester?"

"Lucy! Jesus why? Look it's not like that... I'm not... you know how I am."

"Oh... my... God. Don't tell me the whole taking is slow thing is actually happening."

"Screw you!"

"No screw him!"

"Screw Sam and you have yourself a deal." And with that she nearly had beer pouring out of her nose, blush creeping up on her face. Not so fun when the tables turn.

"See how awesome it is to talk about?"

"Emma I've been dead. Sam... he had Jess, I was never even a-"

"Lucy he's in love with you." Her eyes shot up. "Lucy he went insane when you... we all did. But Sam... he just... stopped. He stopped being himself. He was a shell. Worse than with Jess. At least thats what Dean said. We all lost our shit and killed everything in sight. Drank, packed rounds then did it again but Sam went dark. We lost him the day we lost you." She looked over at the boys shoving each other between shots, trying to get in the others head. Both of us smiling at the sight of our boys. I reached out for her hand squeezing it, remembering she was really here and back again.

"I'm so glad your back. I don't even have words Luce. With out Bobby and those idiots I would have been 6 feet under with you in no time." Her face fell. "Not like with Mom... I learned my lesson. But my hope, my will it all faded. Having a second chance, even though Luke has royally screwed our family in the process, I'm not wasting a second anymore. Neither should you. Don't drop your pants or anything... start with just dropping that wall you have up. Get to know him again. You two are magnetic." 

She looked at me with a look I missed. I have never been one for the touchy feely crap but the sister moments, I missed these. Thats when it hit me she was dead. When I needed a shoulder but she was gone. Honesty was never a question between us. It was just an unspoken agreement. And when the one made the other stop and listen, we heard. We knew it was for a reason. Slipping off my stool I gave her hand one last squeeze.

"I'm gonna get a beer. You should go play some pool. Hustle him a little maybe you can win some money off him." I laughed planting a kiss on her cheek. "Just get to know him again."

Marching up to the end of the bar I waited my turn almost patiently leaning on the bar fidgeting with my rings. Glancing over when Lucy's laugh rang out. Seeing those two playing pool, being around each other again. We were back. I had her back. Our scales were balanced, the dynamic was at ease. Everything clicked again when a hand reached to the small of my back. I jumped at first, but I knew that hand.

"I missed that sound." He said over my shoulder. My eyes followed his, falling on Sam and Lucy. Pool sticks in hand the tension shrinking by the second. 

"Me too. It's surreal. I never thought I'd have this but it's like nothing ever changed in the first place. My head can't catch up."

"Give it time. You guys will get there." I turned to him, that face. Those eyes made me melt.

"Thank you."


"A normal night. I needed this. We needed this."

"This ain't a normal night babe. It's a date. Sit your ass down I'm buying."

"In that case get nachos." I smiled planting a kiss on his cheek. 

The rest of the night was filled with beers, bar food, and Dean and I just being together. Watching Sam and Lucy fall for each other was more than I ever thought I'd get. She was dead last I knew. My best friend and my life line gone. But now she was back, happy. I had Dean by my side even if neither of us had any idea what we were doing. Luke wasn't my problem, at least not for the night. This is what we earned and we made sure to soak it up. Because soon... I was going to rain hell down on hell.

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