Things Left Unsaid | ✓

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❝That's the thing about love. It isn't going to be easy, it isn't going to be smooth, but it's going to be wo... Altro

Chapter One: New Beginnings?
Chapter Two: Breathe
Chapter Three: Still Sane
Chapter Four: When It Counts
Chapter Five: Crumbling Down
Chapter Six: Always
Chapter Seven: Plagued
Chapter Eight: Smirks and Sweethearts
Chapter Nine: Cheaters Never Prosper
Chapter Ten: Home
Chapter Eleven: Guilt
Chapter Twelve: The Best Thing
Chapter Thirteen: Happiness Never Did Last Very Long
Chapter Fourteen: Intoxicated
Bonus Excerpt
My New Story

Chapter Fifteen: Not Your Fairytale Ending

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XV. Not Your Fairytale Ending

Dylan's POV

I awoke with a pounding headache and a nauseated stomach. I couldn't even remember what the hell happened last night due to my cloudy mindset. While I tried to piece together where I was and why I wasn't in my own bed, the person next to me stirred.

Wait a minute. The person next to me?

I turned and came face to face with the one and only Ashleigh. The only thought that crossed my mind was how we ended up sleeping in this bed together...wait.


I jolted myself awake and immediately sat up in the covers. Frantically, I started searching around the bedroom to see if I could find any possible clues that could bring about a recollection. A very unfeminine groan erupted from the limp Ashleigh next to me.

"If you're thinking that we slept together, we didn't. Now can you calm down and stop fidgeting?"

Instead of complying to her request, I simply glared at her. "Then would you mind telling me how or why I'm here?"

"Oh, it's easy," she sat up straight and smirked. "You were upset about Kaylee, you came to have a good time, I found you intoxicated in this room, and I gave you a good time."

My stomach dropped at her words. "What exactly do you mean by 'a good time'..."

"I mean, a little something like this." She began making exaggerated kissing faces in the air and continued to do so until I threw a pillow at her head.

"Would you stop?" As I let Ashleigh's words sink in, I struggled to hold back a gag and shudder. "No know...saw right?"

"Of course not. I know what I'm doing, duh."

"I was just checking, alright? You're not the one who comes out at fault if this gets out, you know."

I rubbed my temples in frustration. Once again, I had to keep a secret from Kaylee. But this time, I was the guilty one and not Ryan. All I had to do was wait for her to clear her head up and I couldn't even do that without screwing up.

At this point, it wasn't a matter of saving my own butt anymore. I've hurt her too many times and now I owe her my honesty. Regardless of whether or not she would find out, I had to come clean. And despite all that happened, I still love her. I just hope she'll still love me after I tell her.


Kaylee's POV

The resounding sound of someone banging on my front door interrupted my TV marathon. How dare the person disturb me as I basked in the glory of Nate Archibald? I chose to ignore the annoying visitor, but as the pounding got louder, I decided that Gossip Girl would have to wait.

As I made my way to the door, a part of me hoped it would be Dylan standing on the other side. Even though I initiated our break, I'd come to forgive him for the most part and now I missed him. Maybe I'll try calling him after I shoo away the visitor and finish Gossip Girl. The horrendous knocking refused to cease until I swung open the door dramatically. Finally it was quiet again, but that didn't prepare me for who I saw standing there.

"Hey, um, Kaylee," he muttered nervously.

"What do you want?"

"I came here to talk to you...can I come in?"

He began to make a move for the door but I cut him off. "I don't think that's a good idea. Please, can you just leave? You've hurt me enough already."

His green eyes filled with regret and despair as he turned from my doorstep. With the slightest turn of his head, he warned, "Just know that Dylan isn't a saint either. He's still a guy with needs."

"Why should I believe anything you have to say now?" I managed to get out.

"You don't have to believe me. But you'll see what I mean soon."

I gaped after Ryan as he stormed out of my driveway. What did he mean by that? Should I talk to Dylan now?

As if on cue, my phone went off with Dylan's name flashing across the screen. My pulse quickened as I answered the call. "Hello?"

"Kaylee? Um, do you think...maybe we could..."

"Dylan, you're kind of mumbling."

"Do you think we could meet up at the local park?" he rushed out. "I have to talk to you."

"S-sure," I stammered. "I'll see you then."

I hung up the phone and sighed. Hopefully he could greet me with some good news or encouraging words. At this point, I really don't think our relationship could handle much more of a strain.


The swings squeaked from age as we swung back and forth beside one another. It had been silent for a few minutes now. I think we both didn't really know how to start talking to each other. We were going through the awkward phase that follows being apart for a while.


My head whipped in the direction of Dylan after he cleared his throat. "So..."

"How've you been?"

"I've had better days," I admitted. "How's life been treating you?"

"Same old, same old. Except I've been missing you."

"Dylan, I -"

"Like crazy," he interrupted.

I sighed. "I've missed you too, but I really don't think we can just pick up where we left off. Some trust has definitely been lost and it's going to take some time to rebuild it."

"Look, I know where you're coming from," he started. "But I really don't think -"

My phone's chime cut off Dylan. However, it was what was on the screen that caught my attention the most. Suddenly, my throat went dry and I felt nauseous.

"Kaylee are you even listening to me?" Dylan cried out exasperatedly. When he noticed my demeanor, however, his voice lost its irritation. "What happened? You look a little pale. Are you alright?"

I shook my head wildly as tears threatened to pour out of my eyes. When he tried to put a comforting arm around me, I flinched and shoved him away. "Get off of me!"

He moved away, startled. "Why are you acting like this?"

"Don't act like you don't know, Dylan dear," I spat in a sickly sweet voice.

"I really don't understand what's going on -"

I cut off his words by shoving my phone in his face. As he took in the picture, his eyes went wide and he paled. The guilt plastered across his face told me all I needed to know.

"So let me get this straight," I said in a frighteningly calm voice. "I tell you I need a break after you kept a huge secret from me. I trust you enough to leave it at a break instead of breaking up for good. I don't go off on a yelling rampage at you. And what do you do in return? You go and make mushy face with that slut, Ashleigh."

"Kay, I -"

"You know, you really have some nerve Dylan," I laughed. "Thinking you can just invite me over here and act like nothing happened, leaving me completely clueless about your little rendezvous with a girl who hates my guts? Were you even planning on telling me? I had to find out from freaking Ryan of all people. Through a picture message! If he hadn't been there at the party, would I have even found out from you?"

"Yes! Yes I was going to tell you! That's why I called you. I was going to tell you and apologize."

"Cut the bullcrap Dylan, save it. I don't want to talk to you again."

I stormed out of the park and slammed my car door shut. The tears that I held in skillfully during my rant began to pour out relentlessly. Oh Dylan, how could we be so wrong for each other?


It's been three painful weeks without any contact with Dylan. Of course, he tried to talk to me at school and apologize, but I held my ground and ignored him. Even though cutting him off seemed like the right thing to do before, I was miserable without him in my life. To go from having a boyfriend and best friend one day to having neither the next was truly one of the most agonizing experiences I've ever gone through.

"What'd you get for problem fifty-two?" Bree asked.

She was over at my house and we were in my room, hanging out and doing homework.

"Hello?? Earth to Kaylee!"


Bree sighed. "You've been so out of it lately, Kay. Do you really think cutting Dyl - I mean Voldemort - off was the best thing for you?"

I raised a brow. "Voldemort?"

"Yeah! You know, like He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named?"

I let out a laugh. "You can say his name, Bree. I'm not some pathetic, brokenhearted teenage girl who will break down every time my ex's name is mentioned."

"Alright, alright. I get it. You're a tough cookie," she rolled her eyes. "But honestly, you're a mess without him."

"Gee, way to boost the ol' self esteem. And yes, I did the right thing by cutting off ties. Acting like everything was fine would have been way more painful."

"Denial's not just a river in Egypt," Bree sang.

"That's so lame, oh my gosh. Never again, Bree, never again." I threw a pillow at her head.

"How dare you!!" she gasped. She grabbed the pillow from off the floor and began attacking me with it.

Our pillow fight was soon cut short, however, by a knock on the door.

"It's probably your sister bringing us food or something." Bree slumped onto the bed with a faraway look in her eyes.

"Well, while you daydream about food, I'm going to actually see who's at the door," I rolled my eyes and got up. When I saw who was at the door, I slammed it shut.

"Was that who I think it was?" my best friend asked from her spot on the bed, her eyebrows waggling like crazy.

"What? Dylan? Pft, no."

"Oh my gosh. I'm so done with you two ignoring each other and then pouting like a sad little kid about it afterwards." She got up and started for my bedroom door.

"No!" I cried. "Leave him out there to die!"

"Die? He's in your house for pete's sake! Being without him has made you even more psycho than I thought."

Bree grabbed my hand and yanked me to the door. When she opened it, Dylan was still on the other side.

"Hi Dylan, would you like to take a little walk with me and Kaylee? You would? Oh, great!"

My best friend didn't wait for his answer before she dragged him along too. As we passed my the hallway closet, she paused.

"Welcome, we have reached our destination. I will be unloading you two now." She swiftly threw open the closet door, shoved us into it, and shut the door.

I tried opening it again, but it wouldn't budge. "What'd you do?" I yelled. "This door doesn't lock!!"

"I propped a chair against it and weighed the chair down with some dictionaries. You're welcome! Now make up already. Goodbye!!"

"No, Bree! You get back here!" I hollered, but I could already hear her footsteps getting fainter and fainter as she left.

It was then that I realized Dylan was still in the closet with me and hadn't said a word. He was just looking down and fiddling with his fingers. When he noticed that I was done yelling, he started to speak.

"Kaylee..I miss you."

"Enough, Dylan. I don't want to hear it."

"I'm serious! Every damn day it kills me to not be able to talk to you, laugh with you -"

"I said enough!"

"Just listen -"

"No!" I yelled. "Gosh, Dylan, don't you see? I'm done. I am so done. From the moment I met you my life has been one freaking long roller coaster of emotions and I'm sick and tired of it. I'm tired of the mind games and constantly pining after you no matter what you do to me. I'm sick of guessing how you're feeling or what's going on. And frankly, I think I've reached the end of our roller coaster both as friends or lovers. I want out."

Dylan grabbed my hand. "Kay, please."

"No! It's not going to work this time, I'm done."

"Just shut up and listen okay?" he said firmly.

I conceded, stunned by his newfound forwardness.

He took my hands in his own and started nervously. "Yeah, I screwed up big time and I'm so damn sorry for that. I'm sorry if I've messed with your feelings or if I've caused you pain. But you know what? That's the thing about love. It isn't going to be easy, it isn't going to be smooth, but it's going to be worth it. Because sometimes you have to take the plunge. And you never know if you're going to make it out again. And I know that being with me is going to be one hell of a ride, but please, Kaylee, stay for it. Because I love you. More than I've ever loved anyone in my life and even though it scares me to death, I want to be with you."

I stood there, dumbfounded, soaking up his confession and apology. And suddenly, I couldn't find myself to be angry at him anymore. My heart swelled with love and happiness towards my best friend. Because he was right. This was reality and not one of those sappy romance novels. Things weren't going to be easy, but he was willing to put in the effort. And that was more than enough for me.

So I stepped forward and kissed him right then and there. It wasn't hot or sensual like how lovers kissed in movies. It was slow and sweet, like the first song you ever slow danced to with your true love, a song you'd never forget. It wasn't overwhelming, but it was bursting with passion, enough to make my toes curl. Warmth spread throughout my body and my heart felt as though it would stop.

As we broke away and rested our foreheads against one another, I let our breaths intermingle and smiled.

"Dylan, you're probably the biggest idiot I've ever met in my life."

He frowned slightly. "I'm starting to think that kiss was a little misleading."

I shook my head with a small smile. "Let me finish. You're probably the biggest idiot I've ever met in my life, but you're my idiot. And damn it I do love you."

Dylan grinned and pressed his lips softly against mine once more. "I love you too."

And even though I knew that things between us would have our ups and downs, I didn't care. Because all I wanted was him. My best friend, my lover, my Dylan. All of him. And to this day, I thank God for the things that were finally said.



That's it guys! The final chapter of Things Left Unsaid :) I'm so sorry for the long wait for the update, but I hope this makes up for it. I apologize if things seem rushed or abrupt, but this is a short story, so things aren't going to be as fully developed as a full length novel. I hope you enjoyed this as an ending either way!

Some things you should know:

- There will not be a sequel to this story.

- I will be writing another story after this one. It will likely be a teen fiction/romance/possible humor short story, but nothing is guaranteed yet.

I hope you all enjoyed Things Left Unsaid and I want to give a big thank you to everyone that supported it, especially those who were here from the beginning. I'll be posting a dedications segment soon afer this. I love you all for being here with me on my first Wattpad story journey <3

lots of love, rhi.

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