Brothers Conflict x reader ^H...

By Legacy1012

79.9K 1.8K 331

Sorry. I'll be writing stories if you request them. ^HIATUS^ Trying to catch up ( probably will release all... More

Authors Note
1. Hospital Visit - Azusa
2. Trip To The Beach - Tsubaki
4. Tutoring - Yusuke
5. Work - Natsume
6. Get To Together - Fuuto
7. It's Too Late - Tsubaki
Mianhe (Sorry)
8. Jealous - Natsume
9. Subaru - Valentine's Day

3. Basketball Game - Subaru

6.9K 185 23
By Legacy1012

You walk by the school board after school. You feel like your forgetting something.

You trot by the gym door and remember, your best friend, Subaru has a basketball game.

You rush in to see it end and the team walk in the locker room in look of defeat.

You wait for Subaru to come out.

When your sure it's been to long enough and you've seen anyone, but him walk out, you knocked and walked in.

You glance up to find Subaru kissing some girl from the cheerleading squad.

You ran out of the locker room and ran to the bleachers sitting there crying.

You asked yourself "Why are you crying?, He's not yours even though you love him.

'Back in the locker room'

He notices you're there, he pushes the girl away. "Please don't ever do that again. I'm sorry but I'm in love with Y/N."

"You'd pick that decisive bitch over me?!" She yelled, irritated.

Then Subaru slapped her.

She held her cheek and her mouth open as she watched Subaru go find Y/N to tell her truth.

When he found you, you were a heaping mess. Your shirt soaked with tears.

You look up to see Subaru walking towards you. You get up, trying to get away, but he pulls you back into a hug.

"Let go of me!" You cried into chest, attempting to push him off, but he held on tighter.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N" He whispers.

"Sorry for what? Kissing her? No, you like her not me, so don't apologize because you kissed the person you liked."

You say as you remove yourself from the hug. Dusting your skirt, you start walk when your hear Subaru murmur.

"Y/N, I love you, please forgive me."

Making you stop in your tracks.

You turn around and Subaru places his soft, cool lips upon yours.

When you part, you rest your against his and say "I love you, too."

Ooh I totally love this one. Sorry it took me forever. Sort of ya know traveling in a car so I totally pushed to the back my mind. Like I keep telling myself I'll do it later, but then things come up. Thank you so much for reading!

Vote, follow(if you'd like)and comment below any ideas you have or criticism. Again, Thank you!

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