Bound To You

By AleyWinchester67

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Emma Singer, the niece of Bobby Singer, was raised as a hunter with her brother Luke and twin sister Lucy. Ru... More

Chapter 1 : Rot In Hell
Chapter 2 : Pushed Her Too Far
Chapter 3: Moving Forward
Chapter 4 : Butch's Deli
Chapter 6 : She Could Never Love A Monster Like You
Chapter 7 : You're Walking With Me Singer
Chapter 8 : Death of Me
Chapter 7: Stop at Nothing

Chapter 5 : Deals a Deal

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By AleyWinchester67

We pulled up through the rows and rows of cars and trash that Bobby called a front yard and sat for a moment, the impala still running. Bobby was heating up the grill and Sam was deep in lore on the front porch. It was nice to get away from Bobby's after last night. I had been chomping at the bit to get back but here I was wishing Dean would turn the impala around and take me off to somewhere. Maybe my stubbornness was getting in the way. I always thought I was stubborn because I was right. Never because I was arrogant and wanted to be right. But I was wishing I had taken Dean up on the road trip.

"Not too late to shag ass." He smiled at me from the drivers seat. I smiled trying to hide it almost as a bang bang bang on the window made me jump.

"You two gettin' out or what?" There was Uncle Bobby holding raw burgers in his hands with a look of, well almost panic on his face.

"How did you eat? Like before I came here? Did you starve or what?" I laughed. The boys got their beers and I began grilling the food. I missed Luke. I felt like a piece of me was missing. I couldn't stop myself from thinking about what I had lost. I knew he wasn't coming back. We were one in the same and I knew after last night Luke was done. Lucy was my twin but she was his baby sister, and so was I. I had tried and tried to help him but he couldn't accept it. I didn't know what was left to do. I was lost in thought. Going through the motions. It had almost been two days and it felt like a lifetime. The three of us had never really been apart. Ever. It's why everyone called us triplets. Think what ever the hell you want... we're codependent or whatever but honestly it could be worse. We are all we have.

"Hey we said medium rare Em." Sam was standing beside me.

"Sorry." I said shaking my head and pulling the patties off the grill.

"Looked like we lost you there for a minute."

"I'm fine. Just tired." Sam gave me a pity filled smile, seeing right through me lies.

"Someone order a beer?" Dean asked walking up behind us. I grabbed it from him right when the top came off bringing it to my lips as soon as possible.

"Thanks." I said as I gulped it down. Bobby grabbed plates and the boys grabbed the works as we prepped our burgers.

"Hey who's ringing?" Sam asked. I heard nothing, but as I focused more on the sounds around me, I could hear a faint ringing. We all looked around questioning who it could be.

"Em, your car." Bobby called. Ran quickly hoping to catch it before the call went to voicemail. I opened my door and yanked the box of old phones from the trunk.

"Hello?" I asked as I answered the call from a number I thought I recognized.

"Emma." His voice meekly whispered through my phone.

"Luke. What do you want."

"Emma I need your help."

"Thats rich. You really expect me to say sure bro whats up? Luke don't call me again."

"Emilia wait. I messed up." He pleaded, I could hear his voice waiver. Something was wrong.... Something big. I turned away from the grill and began to walk away from the boys. They took notice and came after me. Trying to get me to stop, to wait. But I barely even noticed them. I could feel in the pit of my stomach that something was wrong here.

"Where are you?"


"Why the hell are you in Mississippi Luke?"

"Em I messed up big time. I went looking for that hunt, but it was a bust. I couldn't take it and I got myself messed up. Em I miss her so much, I'm going crazy without her. Everywhere I look I see her. I can feel her. I just... I want her back. I wanted her back...." He trailed off.

"Yeah so much that you'd risk all of us." I said flatly. I knew it was harsh but he had to know what he was doing was going to get one of us killed.

"Emma I didn't mean to... hell I don't even remember much of it. I just knew we needed her back and I was close to Greenwood... " I felt like he had punched me again clean in the gut. I thought I was going to throw up and pass out all at once. I knew what was there. Crossroads. He made a deal to bring Lucy back. Shit.

"Luke. Please... Please tell me you didn't." My voice was low and dripping with fear.

"Emma I'm sorry." He sounded so pathetic.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" I screamed, anger flowing through me.

"I wasn't thats the point! After what I did to you and loosing Lucy I felt like I had no other choice."

"You always do! You always do! I can't believe you'd be this stupid Luke!"

"But Em she's here."

"And in ten years you won't be. What do I do with that? What does Lucy do with that?!"

"Emma I'm sorry!" He was trying to keep it together but he couldn't anymore.

"You're sorry!? Luke this isn't something you can kiss and make up for! This is more than you dying! Think about it Luke! She came back just to have you go to the pit for her. She's probably a mess!"

"She... she doesn't know. I couldn't tell her."

"What the fuck does she think Luke?!"

"I told her it complicated. She's tired... I said I'd explain it all later." He trailed off the guilt of it all coming down on him. Good.

"Get your ass here. Bring Lucy and we are going to find a way out of this deal."

"Emma she'll die."

"No she won't. And neither will you. Because yet again I'm going to have to handle this family's mistakes! Get here. Now. I'll find a way to fix the mess you've made."

 I hung up the phone as fast as I could and I shut my eyes tightly, trying to block out the world, to stop my head fro racing. How could he be so stupid!? He knew better than to make a deal with a demon. He was a hunter. He knew what that meant. And after what we saw happen to Dean, how could he do this? I could feel my legs begin to buckle under me. Suddenly Dean was behind me, hands on my hips. I turned to him leaning one side to him as he wrapped his arms around me as he spoke to me.

"Emma what is going on."


"Luke what?"

"The hunt was a bust, he got drunk and he..."

"Emma what?"

"He went to Lloyds." I could feel his body tense up, the painful memories return to him.

"He didn't." He said low.

"He did."

"How long?"

"Not long enough. We are breaking this deal Dean I don't care what it takes. I can't do this."

"Okay." He said without hesitation. He knew what this meant and as angry and frustrated with Luke as we all were, none of us were going to let him go. Not without a fight.

"He's on his way here with Lucy."

"Wait did he tell her?" He asked pulling away.

"She tired and confused. She's passed out. Dean I..."

"Shhh I know."

I shut my eyes and took a sharp breath in, pulling myself together I pulled away from Dean and wiped my eyes. Game face. It was time to put all that shit away and fix this.

"I need you to bring them up to speed. Please. I need a drink." I looked over at Bobby and Sam, still unaware of the newest complications we had to deal with. Dean nodded. Turning on my heels before I could look at him. Bobby and Sam had no idea what was coming. Round two of this and they were gonna loose it. Oh god Bobby. Hell hounds weren't necessary. He was going to kill Luke himself. 

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