Blazing Love (SpideyPool) {Un...

By premium_garbage

43.8K 1.5K 1.4K

It was all over the school. The rumors. The stories. Peter couldn't escape it, no matter where he went he... More

Warmth (edited again? Pt2)
Extinguish (edited)
Relight (edited)
Alightment (edited)
Burn (edited)
Ashes (edited)

Ember (edited again???)

13.5K 360 503
By premium_garbage

Since he could remember, Wade Wilson was always an unusual kid. Since primary school he was always the outcast, the infamous 'quiet kid'; the weird kid that everyone avoided.

Most known as the kid that always came to school with scars and bruises.

As he grew up and progressed to middle school the bruises dwindled and the scars faded over long periods of time, but just as things seemed to clear up for the boy he just had to grow a fondness for fire. Often he'd always get in trouble for having a lighter in school and it'd be taken away and thrown out as soon as it was even mentioned, but of course by the next day he'd have another one, irritatingly flicking the flint wheel with a satisfying scritch during his classes, watching the embers spring. That's when a couple of rumors began, some students would say he smoked in the bathrooms and others would say he burned himself and that's why he had scars, silvery against the light and pale as the shine of the moon.

Of course, they all turned out to be false and the chatters were short-lived and became nothing but scary stories to frighten the younger kids. For a moment Wade's middle school life was okay, no one bothered him and he didn't talk to anyone. He was okay.

He had to be okay...

His middle school years went by in a blur, give or take with a few bumps in the road, and before he knew it he was a sophomore in high school. As a freshman he constantly moved between schools, having returned to his violent outbursts—because come on, high school will just do that to you—the last and most recent school had kicked him out for the destruction of school property, which in Wade's case was a complete accident, he was only trying to run away from his bullies.

Despite the bullies his new school was nicer, well, manageable at the very least. He could tolerate the taunts and the comments and the many creative names high school boys half his IQ could come up with, it was fun to hear them at times, and besides, he had his eye on a specific boy at the moment.

He had seen him as soon as he stepped into the school. He was a timid boy and incredibly adorable at that. He had a head of brown curly hair, his skin fair and pale as moonlight, and Wade could only imagine how smooth it probably was, the thought of the boy's soft skin under his touch was enough to make his heart flutter. He also had huge chocolate brown eyes that made Wade want to eat him all up, and a cute small nose. Gods, Wade was hopelessly head over heels for the boy.

Wade was currently sitting in the school office, lounging in front of an annoyed-looking principal who spoke as soon as Wade gave him his attention. “That's five fights this month Mr.Wilson. What's going on?” The man questioned as he skimmed through a stack of papers that practically bursted out of a manilla folder. The bruised teen sighed and lazily shrugged his shoulders. “I'm really trying not to fight back. Honest.” The teen defended, sitting up a bit straighter in his seat. “I mean, the whole school finds out your parents are dead and suddenly you're the school's Bruce Wayne that mumbles 'Martha, Martha' as he sleeps during class.” He illustrated with exasperated hand gestures and overdramatic facial expressions.

The principal rolled his eyes at the boys theatrics. “That doesn't explain the fighting.” He declared with a matter of fact tone which in turn made Wade bucked up like an excited puppy at the given opportunity to mess with the poor man. “Oh! Of course, let me put it into simpler words for you.” He chuckled and picked at his scabs. “You know Superman right? Big tough guy, man of steel yada yada, well in this school the guys who pick on me are him. Of course, I'm Batman because duh, and it turns out if you tick off the Superman that means war no matter what. And suddenly it's a whole clash between Batman and Superman except in this fight there's an actual winner.” Wade grinned. “Dang, they should make a movie out of this.”

The principal cleared his throat. “Stay on track Wilson.” The teen laughed and sagged into his seat like melting chocolate. “Got it.” He mumbled and chewed on his bottom lip. “Where was I? Oh yeah, low-budget movie, uhm, things got sorta out of hand and I still ended up winning, turns out Superman does bleed. Yippee?” Wade sniggered and the principal sighed longingly as he tidied up the papers in his hands. “Alright, well, seeing as how you seem to have trouble behaving yourself I'm going to have to partner you up with a student helper.” He informed him and in turn gave Wade a small smile of his own satisfaction. “Do you know Peter Parker?”

Wade gleamed as bright as the sun and perked up, his posture straighter than the football team. “Oooh, Garfield or Holland? You know, this company thing is really getting out of hand.” He muttered. The principal stared at him, dumbfounded. He thought, perhaps this teen needed more than just a student helper and debated on whether or not to ring up the closest mental institute.

Wade frowned at the paragraph and crossed his arms, the man sitting ahead of him cleared his mind and spoke to the boy before he lost his lure. “Anyways you'll meet him first thing tomorrow so I'm asking you to try not to get into any trouble for the time being.” The principal begged and got up from his seat to lead the teen out of his office. Wade hopped off his seat and turned around to face the man when he reached the threshold of the door, snickering. “Aww, you're gonna miss me?” He cooed with an animated twirl of his hair, The older man grimaced. “Come on big guy, don't be mad, the sun's getting real low.” Wade laughed at the stoned-faced man who promptly shoved the teenager out of his office, slamming the door shut afterward.

Wade dropped his smile and walked up to the front window to retrieve his Hello Kitty backpack. “Thanks, Maurice.” He muttered and heaved his backpack over his shoulders. “That's not my name.” The woman at the desk replied sassily, Wade waved her off and returned to his class where of course the same guys he battered were at, sitting at their table, glaring daggers at him as he walked past them on his way to the back of the class where his desk was. Obviously.

The class went on as usual, except Wade felt more murderous glares on him than usual. When the class ended Wade suppressed a groan when the group of said teens stalked up to him all holding dangerous looks on their bruised and swollen faces, and the boy in turn stood up with his arms open wide as if inviting them for a hug. “Ah yes, it's not a normal school day without my daily cup of kick ass. What's on the menu today boys? Punching and kicking or just shoving?—” The teen huffed as he was shoved harshly, his feet blindingly tripping over themselves.

He fell hard against the floor and recoiled as a shoe connected with his ribs. “Oh, it's a Grand Slam today!” He laughed breathlessly before he was kicked once again. Wade curled in on himself as they continued to beat him before a teacher finally broke the dispute and called for a nurse. The group disbanded and made a run for it to avoid any punishment as Wade rolled over to lay on his back, blood dribbled from his now split lip and trickled from his aching nose. His lungs ached with each strained breath and he was certain he had a couple of massive bruises on his chest, maybe even a fractured rib.

The teacher eased him up to his feet, a painful attempt at first, and settled him down at his desk before the boy could pass out in her arms. “I'll have someone take you instead.” She informed him and hurried over to the hallways, waving over a poor soul to tend to the battered teen. Soon she entered with the cute boy Wade had admired upon first laying eyes on him. “Of course you'd choose him out of all the students out there, it's our story after all!” He cried out and groaned. “The author just couldn't come up with a better cliche.” The boy who stood beside the teacher quizzically looked at Wade. “Did he uhm, hit his head?” He asked curiously with a raised brow.

The teacher sighed and placed a gentle hand over his shoulder. “It'd be best to just take him to the nurse as soon as possible.” She asserted with a pleading smile, a hint of an apologetic look in her expression. The boy nodded and walked over to Wade who appeared to be dozing off in his seat, only to look up at the boy when he stepped closer. “Hello, beautiful.” The injured male grinned crookedly, blood smeared over his upper lip and dried over on his chin. “It's Peter actually. Peter Parker. We met when you first got here remember? Well, we didn't really chat but we saw each other.” The teen clarified with a faint rosiness of chagrin over his cheeks and a small frown as though he were fighting an internal battle.

Wade sat up straight (unlike his sexuality) and gasped. “Wait a minute. Small and defenseless little guy, bringer of 'I don't feel so good?' Yesssss!” Wade cheered and flinched when he bumped against the edge of his desk, his ribs ailed at their misuse. Peter dipped his head to the side. “On second thought I think I'm going to go...” He took a wary step back, the teacher cleared her throat from where she stood behind the duo and Peter grimaced, he heaved a heavy sigh and drooped his shoulders in defeat. “Okay okay, let's go.” He grumbled under his breath and helped Wade to his feet. The bruised teen hissed and leaned against Peter for support as they walked out of the class. Well, Wade mostly hobbled, Peter walked.

“Hey if I end up passing out you can just leave me on the floor, you know it's the custodian's job to take and throw the trash out, not yours,” Wade told the huffing teen who seemed to have trouble supporting his weight. Wade waited for a reply of some sort, but Peter simply ignored him. “What's up? Not up to some witty banter? You seem like the type of guy who might enjoy puns.” Wade declared with an exaggerated frown. “You know, especially if you're living a double life.” He uttered the last part with an attempt at a shrug.

But of course, with his heightened hearing, Peter didn't miss the subtle utterances. He instantly froze and felt his blood run cold, turning into ice slush in his veins. Gradually he turned his head to face Wade who grinned at him, almost tauntingly. “Got you.” He cackled and Peter mulled over on whether or not he should leave the teen in the halls to fend for himself. Wade gasped, offended, and dramatically clutched at his chest. “How could you even think about that!?” He clamored, batting his lashes at the boy.

Peter bit back his aggravation and trudged on until he made it to the nurse's office where he hastily dropped Wade off in the tiny room and informed the nurse about the situation. Before he could leave Wade caught his wrist, Peter frowned and looked down at Wade who slumped in his seat. “Go get 'em, tiger.” He winked.
Peter twisted his hand out of his grasp and gave him a strange look. “Uh...yeah.” He said and promptly trotted out of the office.

Wade sighed and dropped his broad smile as soon as the boy was out of sight. He didn't want to worry Peter. Truth was, he was certain he had a couple of broken, if not fractured, ribs and a dislocated shoulder. He was so close to passing out in the hallways mere moments ago, but with an irritated Peter at his side he knew he couldn't burden him any further. When the nurse checked him over she was appalled by his condition and immediately called up an ambulance. Wade frowned and frantically stood up. “Woah woah woah, I never agreed to go to the hospital.” He slurred, black spots danced around his vision.

He was hobbling and could not stand properly on his own. “Wilson you literally look like you're about to drop dead.” The nurse exclaimed, alarmed and white-faced.

“Yeah, you might want to catch me—”

His world went black.

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