My Bad || Antisepticeye x Jac...

By TeenageAnti

52.4K 981 577

Anti decides to play a little trick on Jack while he is asleep. Anti slowly creeps to Jacks room, but stops w... More

Unlucky Find
Wiishu is Home
When we are alone
An Unwelcomed Visitor
Bad Days
The Plan
Just Relax
What's Wrong
Antis Trip

Never More Alone

1.3K 36 27
By TeenageAnti

Long time no see eh? Jesus crist I read this story and wow my spelling is just wonderful. I am so sorry. Also sorry if the writing style is a bit different ;-;

~Jack's POV

I woke up alone on the couch, my body was snuggled up in a blanket but it was oddly cold in the room. I turned to my side and picked up my phone, scrolling through a bit of Twitter and instagram, I noticed that Wiishu had unfollowed me.

Was.. she really being serious about this breakup? How could she have even found out about Anti?

Slowly I rise from the couch, my body shivers when my feet touch the ground. I walk into the kitchen and start to make some coffee to warm myself up. It feels oddly quiet...

Anti, he was with me wasn't he? Where the hell did he go, I miss having his company....

The coffeemaker beeped and interrupted my thoughts. I grabbed a large mug and poured myself a cup of coffee. My body slightly ached from yesterday's fun...

Yesturday... Wiishu left and Anti was right around the corner..? Why did he leave me for so long. Something doesn't feel right at all.

I began to scroll through my different social media again and sipped my coffee. The room was silent and I ached of loneliness, considering both Wiishu and Anti were gone aparently. The feeling got the better of me and I decided to look for someone.

Maybe Anti is hiding in the house somewhere.

I decided to get up and search the house.

"Oh Anti~! Anti-baby where are you? Come on, dont leave me all alone here, Its so cold! I could really use something to warm me up~"

I waited... and waited... moving around to different rooms only to find emptiness all around.

Nobody is here?

I had put on my jacket and a pair of shoes next to my door and made my way outside, I didnt know where Anti was but I was going to find him.

~Antis POV

I watched Jack sleep as I inched towards the door. I was reluctant to leave but I knew he had to be punished for his lust over Wiishu. I walk out the door and make my way towards a Cafes alleyway. When I arrive I meet a familiar face.

"Hey darkie! Are you ready to take care of your own plaything?" I stick out my tongue and try to act 'cute'

Dark grunts and looks away.

"I dont want to have another slut to take care of." I smile and run over to hug dark but he moves out of the way and I hit the wall behind him

"Aww darkie, you will only have him to yourself for a little while so you better rough him up as much as you can" I giggle and turn around getting ready to walk away and do my own thing.

"But try not to break him too much, I still want to have my fun too~" I finish my sentence and dart into a large crowd. 

~Darks POV

I grunt and eventually make my way to Jack's house.

That little bunny bitch, he wont know what will hit him.

I made my way to Jack's house at a leisurely pace, noticing a handful of girls gawking at me. I smirk and continue on turning the corner on Jack's street I bump into someone.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Look were you are going-" I look over and realize it was my new little bunny, Jack.

"Oh! D-Dark? What are you doing on my street?" Jack cocked his head to the side and brushed himself off. I smirked to myself and ran my fingers through my hair before slapping jack.

"You didnt even say sorry for running into me, bitch." Jack covered the place where I had slapped him with his hands.

"S... Sorry Dark..." He replied timidly, his voice was barley audible. He was being so adorable.

"Well coincidentally I was going to your house, i could tell you needed the company" Jack's eyes lit up, but his body shivered.

"I... I uh... I was looking for Anti actually" Jack's voice quivered in intimidation. I listened to his beautiful tone of voice.

"Well anti is busy so you are going to have to make due with me" I began leisurely walking towards Jack's house. Jack stayed behind for a minute but eventually caught up next to me. He unlocked the door and I made my way inside. I sta on the couch and took a sip of the drink on the table.

"Come fuck bunny, sit right here" I demanded in an monotone and nonchalant tone. Jack froze in place and began sweating. I could hear his cute heartbeat race.

"F- Fuck bunny...? Wait.. you want very to, to sit on your lap?" I smirked hearing jacks uncertainty and nodded to his question. I waited patiently as Jack cautiously made his way over to me. Once he got in reach I gripped his wrist and pulled him down onto me.

"Ow.. Dark you are hurting me...! Please let go of my wrist" His pleads made my head spin with pleasure. I felt hot already, it was suprising.

This slut really knows how to get to me, huh?

"Oh if that hurts you then you are nowhere near ready for the next few days bunny" Jack swallowed hard and looked up at me with big fearful eyes.

"I'm going to make sure you know you are my prey little bunny. And there is nobody here to help you.."

Yoyoyo lol sorry if it doesnt meet expectations lmao

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