Baby Blues


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Bridget Della Mathews is on her way to becoming a preschool teacher though her mother has never been for the... Еще

1. Cold floors and Blurry skies
2. Best Friend...
3. Cute Boys and Baby blues
4. Not my type
5. The drama queen
6. A Library Visit
7. Date
8. First Kiss
9. Butterflies and Going Steady
10. Movies and Silly pagers
11. Advice and views
12. Friends
13. Sleep Over
14. First Time
15. After
16. Hair
17. Sweet and a Tease
18. Personal Pillow
19. The Brunch
20. Going out
21. Apologies
22. Home sweet Home
23. Thanksgiving
24. Misunderstandings
25. Something Off
26. Holidays
27. Mad or Mad not
28. Birthday Surprise (Part 1)
28. Unwrapping thy gift (Part 2)
29. Meh
30. Family Matters
31. Leroy
32. The Talk
34. Me and You Too

33. Me and You

472 19 6

Drake's phone rang and he picked up after a few rings


"Hey Drake, how's the day going?"

I knew for a fact that Anne wasn't in town so I wasn't invading on their time together.

He sighed "For your sake I'm going to go ahead and say that it's good but that's cheap convo and you know it. You know I like it when you go straight to the point"

"Fine. Are you busy?"

"Much better and for you I can make time so what is it?"

"I was wondering if you would like to you know... hang out" I said the hang out with the slight wave of my hand like he could actually see me

"I don't know" he drawled playfully "What if we get caught?"

That pulled a laugh out of me

"Where would you like to meet?" he continued

"Being outdoors would be good so how's the park?"

"Cool, meet you there?"


I cut the call and got dressed in a pair of shorts that were just above the knees and a shirt with the words Ask me in front and I know the way at the back. I threw on a pair of sneakers and let my hair down before leaving the house.

The sun was up so I put on my shades and took the bus to the park. There were so many people around. Mostly families with little kids running about. Drake had texted me on the meeting place, an area where people spent time running around and throwing frizbies for their dogs to catch. I sat down on the bench and watched them while waiting for him to arrive

My phone started to ring and caller ID showed that it was Richard. I sighed and sent him to voicemail. Now wasn't the time to exchange words over what I said, we would get to that part later. Right now I planned on enjoying the sun

"Wait long?"

I looked to my left to see Drake seated "No" then looked down to his jean shorts and smiled dropping my shades down to my nose so that he could see me look at them "They look like the type John Cena likes to wear"

"They do not" he said defensively "My girlfriend bought them for me and I happen to like them. Hope you didn't mind that I brought my dog along"

"The one with a weird name"

"Like there's any other, he is a great dog by the way" he looked about and yelled "Garfield. Here boy"

I rolled my eyes "Of all the names in the world. Why would you pick that one?"

"He loved watching Garfield when he was a pup so I thought the name suited him. He barked a lot especially whenever Garfield came on"

"I'm not sure he loved watching it for the reasons you think he did"

He laughed and shook his head as the dog rushed towards him barking and wagging it's tail "How's everything with Kevin going?"

"Well he's refusing to talk and have an actual conversation about what's bothering him"

"He'll open up to you eventually, just do me a favour and talk to the guy. We're the ones who have to suffer when he complains about you being mad at him"

"Fine I'll talk to him but if I don't get any results I'm giving him the silent treatment." I sighed changing the subject "How are things going with Anne?"

"Peachy, we're trying to make the long distance thing work. I'm going over to visit this time" he smiled "So is there a reason you asked me to meet you today?"

"What? Can't I just want to hang out with you in the park while you play with your dog?"

"You could but I do know that's not the reason you called me here"

"Well, don't you just make me sound like a delight" I sighed "I needed someone to talk to, you know, to help get my mind off things"

"Oh so I'm that kind of guy"

"Shut up" I grinned shoving him playfully "I just found out that my Dad cheated on my Mom and I have two half sisters to show for it"

He let out a long whistle "Well that sucks"

"You have no idea. I did not feel like being alone. Hannah's with Richard who wasn't too pleased about my interruption"

"Well I'm glad to know that I was your first choice"

"Don't be a sour puss"

"So I guess the phone vibrating is Hannah calling?"

My phone had been vibrating for quite some time now and if my guess was right it was probably Richard wanting to yell at me for insulting his manhood and sending his call to voice mail

"Probably Richard but I'll talk to him later"

"Have you spent anytime with your sisters yet?"

"No. I just found out that we're sisters and I'm not too overly fond of their Mother at the moment"

"When did you meet them?"

"Sometime back in the little coffee shop where I like to get my Chocolate muffins. The one we mostly hang out in"

"And you just happened to come across them?"

Our meeting hadn't really dawned on me until Drake brought it up. Vanessa had joined me and I could remember that her staring made me feel uncomfortable. It was very likely that she had known me before she came to my table. It made me wonder if she had been stalking me for a while, but then stalking was such a strong word to use in this context

"I guess she had been watching me for a while" and even that sounded creepy

"So it suffices to say that she wanted to get to know you"

"I guess so"

"You should get together with them now, you know, get to know them better. It doesn't matter what happened between your parents. I believe it shouldn't affect you guys relationship"

"And you know this how?"

"Trust me. I have my own fair share of disgruntled family relationships. I mean I have three siblings and the only thing we have in common with our parents is our Father but we don't let that get to us. My older brother treated me just like a sibling should and when our younger brother came along we were more than excited to welcome him to the fold. Our Mothers might not get along but we don't let that get to us too" He gave me a slight nudge with his shoulder "So get to know them"

I looked up at Drake. He was rarely serious and he never really talked much about his life when we hang out. The only people he most likely opened up to were his best friends so it was good to see this side of him.

"Thanks. I will"

"Now come on" he said getting up "Garfield's getting restless" he gestured towards the dog that was now barking excitedly and wagging it's tail at the mention of it's name "I'll get you ice cream after we're done doing what everyone in this section of the park is doing"

Looking around my eyes caught sight of some couples making out especially when their dogs were running about doing god knows what "I don't think my boyfriend would approve"

He caught sight of what I was looking at and threw his head back in laughter "I think I'm rubbing off on you which I don't think will seat well with Kevin"


"I think he has enough dealing with one of me, now come on Vice... before he starts whining"

I followed behind as they rushed to the open field. Drake threw the frisby and Garfield rushed to go and catch it. Times like this made me want to get a dog of my own but then all I had to do was think about cleaning up after it and that would knock those thoughts right out of my head

"What's with that name anyways?"

"You mean Vice?"

I nodded and he scrunched his nose "Are you sure you want to know?"

I nodded again "Do you think I would ask if I didn't?"

"Fine" he shrugged "When you guys started dating, the guys came over to my place. Danny spelt alcohol on Kevin which was completely intentional by the way since he was mad. That should tell you something since Danny is very slow to anger. Anyways Kevin took off his shirt and we saw some intense marks on his back" then he looked at me with a smirk "Marks that you left after you had sex"

My eyes widened in shock and I felt a huge wave of embarrassment. Suddenly I didn't want to know anymore but it was a little too late for that "So that's where the name comes from hahn?"

"Awe don't look so shocked believe me we were too when we realised that you had done that, I mean who would have thought it" he shrugged "Small girls right" he winked

"Oh my gosh, just drop it" I said covering my face with the palms of my hands

He laughed but took pity on me by dropping the subject completely. He went on to get me ice cream just like he promised he would and I got to run about with Garfiled a little which told me just how much I needed to excercise. I was panting harder than Garfield by the time I was done and that being after he had spent the rest of the time playing with Drake

He offered to take me home and I accepted. Too tired to take the bus. The drive seemed short with all the talking and barking going on. It wasn't long before he parked in front of my home

"Thanks for the awesome day" I leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek then patted Garfield on the head

"You're welcome" he said as I got out of the car and shut the car door

I waved and started for the front door when he yelled "Don't forget to talk to him"

"I won't"

It was after walked into the house that I heard his car start before he drove away

I called Vanessa the minute my butt hit the couch just in case I found a reason not to the next day. She picked up after the first few rings

"Hey" She sounded as if she was shocked to actually get a call from me

"Hey" I paused "look I was wondering if you guys would like to come over sometime"

"You really want that. I thought you wouldn't want us around since you pretty much looked like you wouldn't the other day"

"Yeah, sorry about that"

"It's no big deal. I would have been upset too"

"So are you ok with coming over?"

"Yeah sure" she responded excitedly "We should pick a day. Denise has been wanting to come over and Mom really wants to get to know you better especially since you look so much like Dad but not in a bad way or anything-"

"Vanessa" I said cutting her off "I was hoping that it would just be you and Denise if you don't mind"

She paused "I'm sorry. It's fine, I'm sure Mom will understand"

I was willing to talk to them but not Charlotte. Everytime her face came to mind all I could think about was the woman my Father cheated on my Mother with. The woman who knew he was married but did it anyways. I wasn't trying to acquit my Father of what he did but she was the only one alive of the two to face the music of their betrayal

"Yeah maybe next time" I couldn't trust myself not to spew something nasty if she actually came over and I didn't want to do something that would make Vanessa and Denise uncomfortable "Keep in touch on when you guys are going to come over okay?"

"Okay and Bridget thanks"

"What for?"

"For not shutting us out. It means a lot"

"I'll see you around"

Until next time... 😚😙😘 mwaah


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