Never Again

By panhead4ever

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This story has abuse, self harm, drug use and alcohol consumption in it. More

Justin leaves Lance
Lance left JC
Justin told Chris about the abuse
Joey tells Chris his secret
Joey abused Chris
JC saved Chris

Chris meets a boy named JC

94 0 0
By panhead4ever

One day a guy named Chris Kirkpatrick was on vacation in Orlando Florida with his mother and sisters, that morning they decided to go to the theme park for the day.  Chris told his mom he was going to ride some rollercoasters while his mom and sisters did something else, he found a really cool rollercoaster and decided to give it a try, so he got in line and while he was waiting for the line to move the guy in front of him turned around and introduced himself.

"Hi, my Name is Joshua Chasez" JC said

"Hi Josh I'm Chris Kirkpatrick" Chris said

"Nice to meet you Chris" JC said

The line started to move and they didn't realize it until someone behind Chris ran into him, so then he and JC started walking and eventually they got to the front of the line and they decided to sit next to each other and on the first drop Chris clung to JC's arm when the ride was over they got off the ride and went to sit at a table to get some drinks.

"Are you afraid of heights?" JC asked Chris

"Yeah I am sorry" Chris apologized

"No, it's ok Chris. How old are you?" JC asked Chris

"I'm 23" Chris replied

"I'm 19" JC told Chris

All of the sudden a tall woman appeared and yelled at Chris.

"I have to go, maybe we will see each other tomorrow." Chris told JC

"Ok I hope so" JC said

Chris's mom yelled at him again so he went to his mom and his mom hit him in front of JC then dragged him away, then JC went back to his mom and dad with tears in his eyes so his mom asked him what was wrong and when JC told her, she told JC everything would be ok then they walked back to their car, they all got in and JC was still sad, he just couldn't believe someone could treat their own son so badly.    They arrived home and JC went straight to his room.  JC laid on his bed and could not figured out why he just could not get Chris out of his mind.  The next morning JC told his mom he was going to go back to the amusement park for something to do so he grabbed his keys and left, when he got there he walked into the park and Chris spotted him then yelled for JC because he did not see Chris so after JC saw him, he went to Chris and gave him a hug and Chris flinched so JC let Chris go and sat down.

"I'm sorry." JC said

"It's ok" Chris replied

Chris stood up and grabbed JC's hand and led him into the mens room and went into a stall with him then Chris took off his shirt and showed JC his chest and JC could not believe that anyone let alone his mother would do such a thing to her own son.  JC tried to hold back tears but it failed so Chris pulled him in for a hug and it was then that Chris realized that JC was a very emotional person.  Chris pulled away and wiped JC's eyes, Chris put his shirt back on then they walked out of the bathroom and sat back down at the table, They talked for a while then JC started biting his fist.

"Is there something on your mind JC?" Chris asked

"I don't know if I should tell you because we just met yesterday." JC replied

"Of course you can, you won't scare me." Chris told JC

"Well, Chris yesterday after we spent the day together I couldn't stop thinking about you and then when I saw your mom hit you it made me cry and seeing your chest today, hurts me." JC told Chris

Chris pulled JC in for another hug then he got up and grabbed JC's hand then walked back into the bathroom stall and he gently pinned JC against the stall wall then kissed him and he pulled away then spoke.

"I want to see you tomorrow if I could?" Chris asked JC

"I would love to see you tomorrow" JC replied

Chris got really excited and hugged JC again then they walked out of the stall and went to their cars then JC drove home smiling, when he got home he went into his house and his mom asked him why he was so happy so he told his mom and she told him to be very careful.

"What do you mean momma?" JC asked Karen

"Honey, I knew Chris's mother before you and Chris were born, we were friends then I moved and she was never the same, I found out Beverly abused Chris's dad and after Chris was born he died one night and once Chris got old enough to do things on his own Beverly was abusive towards Chris" Karen told JC

"So yesterday wasn't the first time?" JC asked

"No honey" Karen replied

JC started crying, he couldn't believe anyone would be able to do that to their own son, Karen wiped her sons eyes and kissed him then she looked at him.

"What momma?" JC asked

"We have to go home tomorrow." Karen replied

JC ran out to his car and drove to Chris's house, when he arrived at Chris's house JC banged on the door and Chris came to the door and saw JC standing in front of him with tears in his eyes, Chris went to pull JC in his house and JC stopped so Chris told him that his mom wasn't home so he walked into Chris's house crying and Chris sat him on the couch.

"What's the matter JC?" Chris asked

"I have to go home tomorrow." JC replied

JC cried against Chris's shirt and Chris lifted JC's chin and wiped his eyes then kissed him, he slowly pulled away, he looked at JC then wiped his eyes again and he whispered into JC's ear and got him to smile then Chris took JC by the hand and led him to his bedroom then shut the door behind him and went to his desk, Chris pulled a piece of paper out and handed it to JC then they went back downstairs and Beverly was their she told JC to leave so JC left and drove back to his house and walked into his house and his mom saw the paper.

"What's that honey" Karen asked

"Chris's email address" JC replied with a smile

A few months later at night JC was sound asleep when there was a knock at his bedroom window so he woke up and saw Chris, he let Chris in and he was very bloody so JC quietly took him into his bathroom and ran bath water for him then was about to go lay down to give Chris some privacy when Chris stopped him.

"I don't want to be alone" Chris said

So JC stayed in the bathroom with Chris while he undressed and took his bath, JC just sat on the floor and tried not to look at the naked man in his tub, finally Chris spoke up.

"JC I don't want to go back home." Chris said

"I won't make you go home" JC told Chris

"What about your mom?" Chris asked

"She won't make you go home, she knows what you have been though." JC replied

"How do you know that JC?" Chris asked

JC carefully scooted just a little closer but not close enough to see anything then he spoke.

"Chris my mom knows what your mother has done to you for a long time she would never send you back to that" JC replied

Chris stood up and JC quickly closed his eyes so he wouldn't see anything so Chris asked JC for a towel so he handed Chris a towel and Chris wrapped it around himself then he got out of the tub and walked over to JC who was sitting on his bed.

"JC, Do you think I'm ugly?" Chris asked

"God No Chris I like you a lot." JC answered

"Then Why don't you look at me without clothes on?" Chris asked

"I am a gentleman Chris and I thought you would like some privacy." JC answered

Chris climbed in JC's bed and straddled JC then let go of the towel exposing his still wet body and JC closed his eyes so Chris decided to get on his hands and knees and quietly slipped JC's fingers in his mouth and JC opened his eyes to see what Chris was doing, when Chris noticed JC was about to close his eyes again he spoke up.

"JC you don't have to keep closing your eyes, I'm fine with you seeing me naked." Chris said

JC didn't close his eyes this time instead he kissed Chris and Chris yawned then kissed JC back then got up to put a pair of JC's pajamas on then he laid back down by JC then kissed him one last time before he fell asleep in JC's arms.  In the morning JC and Chris woke up then went downstairs, when they got down there Chris stopped at the bottom of the stairs so JC told his parents the situation then JC went back and took Chris's hand and led him to the table, JC pulled a chair out for Chris but he wouldn't sit down so JC sat in his chair and Chris climbed in JC's lap then he began to eat his cereal.  When Chris was done, he grabbed his bowl then hoped down from JC's lap and ended up dropping the bowl and it broke and that's when Chris ran away crying and hid under a cover on the couch.

"Don't hit me momma, I didn't mean to break your bowl" Chris yelled

JC walked into the living room with his parents following him, JC sat down on the couch and removed the blanket and pulled Chris into his lap and wiped his eyes.

"No one will hurt you here Chris" JC said

"Momma, she's going to beat me" Chris replied pointing to Karen

"No my mom would never hurt you" JC told Chris

Karen tried to hug Chris and he freaked out and clung to JC so Roy stopped his wife and sat her in a chair then JC cradled Chris in his arms and hummed to him and he slowly calmed down.  Roy went into the living room and sat down by JC who had turned on the tv for Chris to watch.

"I can't believe anyone would treat him that bad" Roy said

"I am just glad he managed to get away because if not, I know he wouldn't be here" JC replied

"What are you talking about son?" Roy asked JC

"When I saw her slap him at the amusement park I knew it was bad." JC replied

Chris slid off JC's lap and slowly walked into the kitchen to get a drink and a few minutes later Chris was yelling for help, then Roy and JC looked and they didn't see Karen so they got up and went into the kitchen to see Karen trying to remove Chris's pants and trying to touch Chris, so Roy yanked his wife out of the kitchen and JC carried Chris upstairs into his room and shut the door then laid him on the bed and examined Chris and he was red so JC yelled for his dad to bring him some cream from the bathroom and when Roy opened the door he could see how red Chris was through the sheet, Roy gave JC the cream then went back downstairs.  JC removed the sheet and rubbed the cream on Chris then carefully put a pair of boxers on him then JC carried Chris back downstairs and when Chris saw Karen smiling at him, he clung to JC and JC tightly wrapped his arms around Chris then went to sit down on the couch by Roy to watch tv.  Roy came across the Simpsons and Chris asked Roy if they could watch that so Roy, JC and Chris watched the Simpsons and a few minutes later Roy noticed Chris had fallen asleep on JC's chest.  Roy looked at JC then asked him if he wanted to put him to bed and Chris woke up and started yelling.


"Ok shh I won't go anywhere" JC replied

Roy couldn't believe Chris was acting this way he just looked at JC.

"Dad I don't think you realize just how bad he was treated." JC said

Chris woke up and looked at JC and slid off his lap then grabbed his hand so JC got up and followed Chris and he went into the bathroom and JC shut the door behind him and Chris faced JC and said he was really scared to be in the same house with Karen and that he needed help with the pants he had on so JC unzipped the pants so Chris went to the bathroom then they walked back to the couch and Roy looked at JC so he told his dad that Chris told him that he was really scared of Karen so Roy and JC talked about what to do.  Roy told JC that he would put them in a hotel to live until he could find a more permanent place.  JC carried Chris upstairs and packed up some stuff then went back downstairs with the bags and put them in the car then went back inside to tell his dad what hotel he would be at and that he would call as soon as Chris went to sleep then he left without saying bye to his mom.  He put Chris in the passenger seat then got in the drivers seat and drove to the hotel, when they got there JC took there luggage and Chris followed him with the pillows then they went to their room and JC put the clothes away and Chris climbed into bed and hugged a pillow then fell asleep so JC undressed Chris and put him into a pair of his own pajamas then he sat at the table and called his dad

"Hi JC"  Roy said

"Hi Dad" JC replied

"I was looking at houses after you guys left and there is a house close to the theme park you guys love so much, it's for sale" Roy told JC

"Dad no, its like almost a million dollars" JC replied

"To bad, I already did" Roy said

"Oh My God" JC replied

"JC I want both of you safe and if that means spending a fortune on my boys then I will do it" Roy told JC

"Dad I have to tell you something that Chris has been keeping from you" JC said

"I know your mom fondled Chris" Roy told JC

"How do you know" JC asked

"She told me two days later, I will let you go to bed" Roy replied

"Good night Dad I love you" JC said

JC hung up and climbed in next to Chris and he took the pillow from Chris and he started to whimper so JC pulled him close to his body and he quieted down.  In the morning Chris woke up and grabbed the pillow then went back to sleep and a few minutes later JC woke up and saw that Chris was hugging a pillow again and JC hit him with another pillow and Chris started crying and went to get up when JC grabbed his wrist and stopped him.

"Where the hell are you going, you are mine so get back here and lay down and if you hug that pillow again you will be in trouble" JC asked Chris

"I'm sorry JC don't hurt me" Chris replied


"I'm sorry, never again" Chris pleaded

JC smacked Chris across the face knocking Chris out of bed.  A few minutes later JC got up and grabbed Chris's hand and practically dragged him into the kitchen and sat him down at the table then brought Chris a bowl of cereal and put it in front of him.

"I'm not that hungry" Chris said

"You need to eat, you have not eaten since you broke the bowl at dad's" JC replied

"I'm not that hungry!" Chris yelled

Chris said a little angry, JC glared at Chris and yelled.

"EAT!" JC yelled at Chris

JC got up from the table and walked towards Chris so he got up and ran into the living room and JC caught up with Chris and grabbed him then threw him on the couch.

"I'm sorry I was a bad boy, please don't hurt me daddy"Chris pleaded

JC smacked Chris really hard across the face and he started crying, JC got pissed.


"I wish you would die" Chris said

JC got off the couch and went to his bag, grabbed something then went back to the couch, climbed back on Chris and Chris saw the belt and he started yelling at JC then JC started whipping Chris violently, the harder Chris cried the worse JC beat him.  About thirty minutes later JC got up and grabbed bloody Chris, put long clothes on him then he carried Chris to his car then they drove to the park and Chris saw three other guys and they walked over to them and sat down with their back to the street but Chris wouldn't sit down and JC glared at Chris so Chris sat down.

"So JC who is this? Why have you been keeping us in the dark?" Joey asked

  "I'm sorry, this is Chris." JC replied calmly

All of the sudden Beverly came in view and yelled at Chris to come to her so he got down and walked over to her, she smacked Chris across the face and he fell to the ground then she started yelling at him and he started crying and apologizing to Beverly


"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?!" Beverly yelled back

She started kicking Chris harder and he started throwing up and that just made her angrier and all the guys tried to stop her except JC but they couldn't.  All of the sudden Molly came into view and yelled at Beverly and she stopped in her tracks, Molly ran to her stepbrother and cradled him in her arms.

"Mommy it hurts so bad." Chris cried

"I know shh, Beverly can't hurt you anymore.  Mom you need to go home." Molly replied

Molly picked up Chris and sat down at the table, eventually Chris fell asleep in Molly's arms

"Did Chris just call you mommy?" Justin asked

"Yes, ever since he was little I was the one taking care of him, teaching him to walk, eat, use the potty, everything.  So yes to him I am mommy so that is what he calls me for a nickname." Molly replied

Chris woke up and looked at Molly and started apologizing and crying, Molly looked at Chris and JC pointed to her lap then glared at Chris and he got really scared look on his face then Joey got up with JC's backpack and took Chris into the bathroom, they went into a stall and Joey undressed Chris to change him and he couldn't believe the bruises and cuts on Chris's body and Chris told Joey that Beverly did that but Chris knew Joey didn't believe him so eventually Chris told Joey that JC had violently beat Chris that same morning because he wouldn't eat so Joey finished changing Chris then went back to the table with Chris and JC knew by the way Joey was looking at him that Chris told Joey what he did.  They arrived at Roy's home and Roy was there so Chris ran inside to him and before Chris reached Roy JC grabbed Chris by the arm harshly and he cried out in pain so Roy yelled at JC to let go of Chris so he did and Chris ran into Joey's arms crying so Joey carefully picked Chris up.  Roy yelled at JC.


JC walked over to Roy and he grabbed JC the same way JC grabbed Chris and he screamed and Roy smacked him.


"Yes" JC replied

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" Roy yelled

"Yes sir" JC replied

JC went up to his room and Roy went over to the couch where Joey and Chris were sitting with a special cream.

"Lay Chris down on the couch for me please?" Roy asked

Joey laid Chris on the couch then removed his clothes for Roy and Roy put some cream in his hand and was about to rub some cream all over Chris when Chris tried to stop Roy.

"Please don't, it hurts so bad." Chris begged

"This will make you feel a lot better buddy, I promise." Roy told Chris

Roy rubbed cream all over Chris and a few minutes later Chris was calm.  Roy told Joey that the house that he bought was ready for Chris to move in and that Roy wanted Joey to move in with Chris and that he would take care of JC and he would make sure that JC would never touch Chris again.  Joey and Chris went to their house with Molly, Lance and Justin, leaving Roy with JC at his house.  When they arrived at the house, Chris wouldn't get out of the car so Joey carried Chris into the house and sat him down on the couch then went to talk to Molly and a few minute later Chris got down and went over to Molly and tugged on her shirt.

"What buddy?" Molly asked

"I love you mommy" Chris told Molly

"I love you too buddy" Molly replied

What are you talking about?" Chris asked

"Work stuff" Molly replied

"That's boring" Chris said

"I know it is" Molly said

Chris ran away from Molly and Lance watched to see where he went then Molly found him.

"Not fair, Lance told you mommy" Chris said

Molly tackled Chris to the floor and her and Lance tickled him and when Chris screamed the others looked and when they saw Chris was ok they left the house, a few minutes later Lance was on top of Chris.  A few minutes later Chris kissed Lance on the cheek then got up.  Joey went over to Chris, kissed Chris on the lips and  slipped his tongue in and Chris moaned then he pulled away and Chris went back to watching tv and Joey went to sit on the couch with Lance.

"Do you really love Chris?" Lance asked Joey

"No Lance" Joey replied

"So you will never love me as much as Chris then?" Lance asked

"Yeah I love you as much as I love Chris" Joey replied

Lance still wasn't happy with that answer so he got up and walked out the front door then slammed it scaring Chris and he started crying so Joey picked him up and carried him to the couch.

"He scares me sometimes" Chris said

"I know baby, I would never let Lance hurt you" Joey replied

Chris kissed Joey, he laid back pulling Chris back with him then continued kissing Chris then Chris pulled away.

"I know you were lying to Lance" Chris said to Joey

"Of course I was, I could never love anyone as much as I love you Chris, ok I should go home, I will be back in a few days." Joey replied

"Not yet, kisses first." Chris said

Joey kissed Chris and slid his hand down Chris's pants and started massaging him, a few minutes later Lance and Justin came in and Joey said hi to Lance and Joey offered and Lance accepted so Joey massaged Lance then Joey left and they sat down on the couch then Chris took Lance's hand and led him upstairs.

"I'm tired" Chris told Lance

Lance laid Chris down and kissed him then Chris drifted off to dream land so Lance tiptoed back downstairs to sit on the couch with Justin.

"Was Chris serious or just tired?" Justin asked

"No, Chris was telling the truth Justin, I love you." Lance replied

"How much?" Justin asked

All of the sudden they heard Chris so they went upstair and by the time they got to his room Chris was gone and a note was on the bed it said Chris left because Lance cheated on Chris with Justin.  Lance ran downstairs and cried on the floor so Justin looked and Lance was still on the floor so Justin helped him up and sat on the couch with Lance in his lap.

"Shh it's ok, I'm here for you" Justin said to Lance

Lance looked up at Justin with tears in his eyes

"Please don't leave me Justin" Lance pleaded

"I wouldn't dream of leaving you Lance." Justin said

"I'm tired" Lance told Justin

"I know Lance, let's get you to bed" Justin replied

Justin locked the door then helped Lance upstairs to his room and into bed.

"Sleep with me" Lance asked

Justin climbed into bed next to Lance and Lance cuddled up next to Justin.

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I had this story idea in my head while I was going to sleep. Hope you enjoy. The story is pretty self explanatory(kinda).
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