Complicated -The Midnight Bea...

By Tilly109

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Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter 5
A note
Chapter six

Complicated -The Midnight Beast

655 3 0
By Tilly109

This is my first Midnight Beast Fanfic, reviews and feedback would be appreciated! Hope you enjoy! :) x


Dru's pov

I got up and looked at the clock, 11 o'clock! "Crap!" I rushed out of my room and ran straight into Ash. "Dude! Calm down, what's up?" He said whilst trying to regain his balance. I didn't have time to talk to him; i said a muffled sorry and then ran out the door.

Ash's pov

I walked into Stefan's room, still wondering what Dru was so worried about.

"Hey Stef, do you know what's going on with Dru? I just ran into him and he was acting weird, like seriously weird." I said as i closed the door to Stefan's bedroom, not realizing he had company.

"ASH! GET OUT!" He quickly pulled the duvet over him and his girlfriend.

"Hey Claudia," i said with a wink and a thumbs up to Stefan.

"Just get out Ash! This is like the third time this has happened this week!" Stef looked so angry, i couldn't help laughing again. Claudia got up, pulling the duvet around her whilst leaving a naked Stefan on the bed.

 "Claudia!" Stef shouted as he rolled off the bed, out of site.

"I'm sorry Stef, i just can't do this anymore," she didn't sound sorry to me, but then again, i never really liked Claudia. Stef poked his head on the bed,

"What? Are you breaking up with me?" I could see where this was going so i tried to use my ninja skills and quietly sneak out of the room. I managed to escape without too much attention.

Stef's pov

"What? Are you breaking up with me?" I asked Claudia, dumbstruck. She gave me a sympathetic look and nodded, whilst she started getting dressed.

 "Why?" I already knew the answer, she didn't like that i had things in my life other than her. She was just using Ash as an excuse. Her only answer to me was an "i'm sorry" as she walked out of my life. I expected myself to feel sadder, surprised that all i felt was relief. I had been dating Claudia for a month and it was just so boring, she never let me speak, she didn't care about anything to do with me or my life. She may as well have been in a relationship with herself.

Ash's pov

I watched as Claudia, now dressed, walked out of the house.

 "About time", i muttered to myself.

 "I know, god, how did i stay with her for a month?" I hadn't realized that Stefan was standing behind me; he looked fine, almost happy. I laughed,

 “How would i know? I couldn't stand her for a minute!" Stef smiled at me,

"You know what we should do? We should have a party tonight!" I immediately jumped off the sofa.

 "YES! I will text Dru!" I had forgotten all about Dru during the Claudia drama. He will probably tell me later, i thought. Party tonight at ours, invite lots of fit girls! I texted him, happy i was going to get laid tonight.

Dru's pov

I had just gotten Ash's text when i arrived at a little cafe, i was supposed to be meeting my friend there, but i was half an hour late. I spotted her at the back of the cafe, i rushed over to her.

"Steph! I'm so sorry! I completely lost track of time!" I sat down opposite her; she looked as beautiful as ever. Her long, wavy brown hair falling perfectly to her waist, her green eyes and her pale skin glowing against her hair. She smiled at me,

"Dru! It’s fine, it's just good to see you!" I hadn't realized i had stopped breathing at the sight of her, i quickly inhaled, relieved.

 "Well, i might have a way i can make it up to you” I said making her grin again.

"What?" she asked excitedly, she was so cute.

 "Party tonight, my house, i can finally introduce you to Ash and Stef!" I was a bit worried about Ash, but if i told him i liked her, he would stay away.

 "I have never been to your house before! Is it okay if i invite a friend?" She asked.

 "Yeah, sure, bring as many as you want! You might want to warn them about Ash though!" We both laughed. We had lived next to each other when we were little and had always been really close, i was her best friend, but she had no idea that i wanted more. We talked for a bit more, i treasured each moment i spent with her.

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