narcos ʸᵒᵒⁿᵐⁱⁿ


201K 12.2K 5K

► ► the law of the street is take or be taken throwing deals from left to right But I ain't giving in until t... More

happy valentines day


4K 298 151

When Jimin gets home it's quiet, closing the front door behind him after waving to Jeongguk, placing the keys on the table and slipping off his shoes. He trudges to the living room to see Yoongi sitting there watching tv, eyes never looking up at him from where he stands in the door way, not even acknowledging his presence.

"Hey, good-looking," jimin says softly as he walks up to Yoongi from behind but Yoongi shows no reaction to his call. He wraps his arms around Yoongi as he bends over the couch, hands running down Yoongi's chest, "Can we talk? Please," he whispers before he makes his way to , sit down on the other side of the couch, facing his boyfriend. "I'm sorry for how I acted, how I talked to you and treated you, I should have called you and let you know where I was but I was being stubborn and a total asshole and it's inexcusable," he babbles and Yoongi finally turns his head to look at him, tilting his head to the side. "I went too far."

"You think?" He scoffs, grimacing at Jimin before his eyes flicker back to the tv.

"I know i did, baby I didn't realize how bitchy I was sounding and I was hurt and just being toxic for no reason when all you were trying to do was think of me," jimin says, moving closer to Yoongi on the couch. The older doesn't show any emotion towards him, his face stoic.

Jimin crawls onto his lap, putting the older's hands on his waist. "I'm sorry," jimin coos, "So, so sorry," he pouts, planting a kiss on yoongi's neck and then lifting his head to look at him, "you're the best thing that has ever happened to me and I'll take a break."

"Why couldn't you listen to me from the start? I told you and you don't listen, you're just so stubborn."

"I know and I'm sorry for that, babe," Jimin says, his eyes pleading for forgiveness.

Yoongi groans, he can't resist his boyfriend's pout but he knows he can't give in so easily. "If you're that sorry, stay back for a while, got it? Take a break, promise me you will and we'll be good," Yoongi says, holding out his pinky. Jimin stares at his pinky and then sighs exasperatedly, hooking his own with yoongi's and then Yoongi laces their fingers, kissing the back of Jimin's hand.

"I promise," jimin agrees, laying his head on yoongi's shoulder, wrapping his arms around his neck. "I love you."

"I love you too," Yoongi sighs, running his fingers through his boyfriend's soft hair. "But I'm still upset on how spoiled you were acting, very bratty," Yoongi chastises with a soft glare and Jimin gives him a kittenish smile. "That boyfriend part was a lot."

"Fuck him, he wasn't even my type, but baby, you are. You're everything I want, the only thing I want," jimin whispers the last part, biting the air, his fingers knitting into Yoongi's hair. "You're all I need," jimin assures and Yoongi looks at him unimpressed but Jimin can see a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lip.

"I'm sorry, love," jimin coos, nudging their noses together to get more, his eyes sparkling as Yoongi hooks his arms under his legs, moving them so Jimin's pressed into the couch, the younger laughing happily as Yoongi let's go of his legs, straddling his waist and Jimin moves one of his legs up to Yoongi's shoulder, hitching it over, showing off his flexibility. Not that he needs to prove he is when he's done so plenty of times.

"You've been so tense," Jimin says, fingers spanning across Yoongi's neck before he kneads his fingers into his shoulders, legs moving to wrap around his waist. Yoongi growls lowly in content, head falling between his shoulders.

"Like I said, you're a brat, you make me... tense," he says, eyes closing as Jimin's magic fingers release some of the tension.

"I'm sorry, baby," jimin coos with a giggle. He thinks he can do this. He thinks he can stray away from the gang for now. What will really happen when he's on break? Nothing, right? He'll bounce back in no time and everything will be as normal. Hopefully.

He doesn't want to be out of the loop but what he has with yoongi is beyond him wanting to be in the gang and not have his old, boring life as he puts it.

"So fucking bored," jimin whines out, hanging off the couch upside down, scrolling through channels, his feet propped up on the back of the couch.

"Maybe if you went out and did something for a change and not mope around the house in your pyjamas all day," Yoongi sighs as he walks into the living room, flipping through the mail and Jimin scrunches his nose, rolling his eyes as the older throws the mail onto the coffee table. He scratches the back of his head as he walks off somewhere else In the house.

Jimin wants attention from his boyfriend, kicking his feet wildly to catch it. "Well what did you expect? I'm not allowed to do shit with the gang."

"Doesn't mean you're on house arrest and have to laze around, go out and look at clouds or some bullshit like that, we need groceries we can't just eat instant ramen from the convenience store and take out all the time, go buy some," Yoongi sighs.

"Can't we have a date night?" Jimin asks.

"Last time we tried having a date night the restaurant got shot up, hence it's part of the reason why you're taking a break."

"Then let's do what normal couples do, not some fancy ass restaurant, let's go to the mall and buy me cute clothes, and buy you something other than t-shirts and jeans."

"Great we can buy you something other than skin tight, short shorts, maybe something more proper and less revealing," Yoongi says, sitting Jimin up who complains but he doesn't feel all the blood rushing to his head anymore as Yoongi sits down, putting jimin's head in his lap which he ends up liking better, snuggling into Yoongi more, the older rubbing his tummy and jimin enjoys the affection Yoongi gives him.

"You like my revealing clothes though," he says, teaching up and booping Yoongi's nose.

"It's starting to get colder now and I don't want you to get frostbite because you want to look sexy."

"But I want to look sexy for you," jimin says in a 'duh' tone.

"You already are," Yoongi says, rubbing his hand against jimin's thigh, he's wearing his Calvin Klein's and a comfortable hoodie now and wool socks.

"So we'll go!" Jimin chirps, hopping up from the couch and running off upstairs to get changed and Yoongi shakes his head.

Jimin was quite easy to please.

He likes attention and affection, clothes, food and sex. If you supply any of them or all, he'll be putty in your hands.

"Cute," jimin coos as they walk in a store at the mall, looking at the clothes on the racks, trying to find some things he'll like and he's loving it all, Yoongi picking at the clothes on the racks.

"I'm hungry, we already brought a bunch of bags to the car from other stores, and I'm carrying all these right now," yoongi complains, showing off his arms full of bags and Jimin peers over at him, rolling his eyes.

"You're such a baby, let's go eat then," he giggles. Their shopping was a ritual. Jimin chose out the clothes for the both of them, knowing his boyfriend's style and Yoongi would be the help, carrying the bags. Yoongi does anything for him, he treats Jimin like a prince.

They go and grab a bite at the food court, Jimin sipping his drink as they head towards the exit for their car, the mall is always quite busy during the weekends as they weave their way around people, Jimin happily sipping his drink, other hand intertwined with Yoongi's.

"How has it been?" Jimin asks, "at the club?"

"You can come to the club, baby, I didn't mean isolate yourself from the whole world, I mean just step away from the business aspect, no dealing, no fighting and no getting wrapped up in trouble, you cause enough mayhem as is," Yoongi jokes.

"I know," Jimin giggles and he doesn't expect when a man bumps into his shoulder, it's rough and more harsh than the average shoulder brush, enough to have his fountain drink falling to the ground and getting all over his new shoes.

He shrieks in anger as he jumps back, tugging his hand away from his boyfriend. "Excuse me! You fucked up my shoes," jimin snaps, turning to look at the man who was too busy yapping on the phone to notice what he had done but he turns around at jimin's shouting aimed towards him

There's one thing Park Jimin was most definitely not afraid of doing, stirring up the pot and making a big commotion over it. He gathers the attention of people walking past.

"What?" The man asks, placing his phone against his chest to listen to jimin.

"If you weren't busy frying your last two brain cells to talk on the phone and watching where you're walking you wouldn't have fucked up my expensive shoes," jimin snaps, walking towards the man and Yoongi reaches out to grab jimin's wrist to pull him away.

"Fine, I'm sorry. you done, kid?"

"Kid? Are you fucking with me?" Jimin snaps and Yoongi watches in horror as Jimin slaps the man's phone out of his hand as it clatters to the floor with a crack.

"What the hell!"

"My shoes costed more than your fucking blackberry looking ass phone, calm your dick," Jimin laughs angrily and then he steps on the phone, his eyes widen in fake surprise, covering his mouth. "Oops, I wasn't paying attention where I was walking, guess we both weren't," Jimin fake smiles and the man raises his fist to punch the fuming boy,

"You little prick!" The man shouts  and Yoongi quickly wraps his arm around jimin's waist before he can pounce on the man and before the man could throw a punch.

And then he notices mall security walking towards them. "Let's go," Yoongi hisses, "we cant get involved with the cops," he says as they make a run for the nearest mall exit because Jimin never learns how to keep his mouth shut. He causes trouble wherever he goes and Yoongi loves how bratty and bitchy he can be.

They run all the way to their car, Jimin whining as they get there, kicking off his shoes. "My poor shoes are ruined," he cries out in despair.

"You're so cute when you're violent," Yoongi laughs as he unlocks the car door and throws the bags in, stepping towards Jimin and trapping him between the car and himself.

"My poor shoes."

"You have like fifty pairs of nice shoes, don't be dramatic,Yoongi laughs.

"Can't believe you went from being a scary boyfriend in a gang to harassing people in the mall in your free time."

"He started it."

"You could've taken that apology," Yoongi laughs out in disbelief.

"But that means I'm showing weakness if I give in just like that."

"Right, because smashing his phone was the better option, looks like we have to shop at a different mall now."

Jimin giggles, pecking Yoongi's lip.

"We can get a new variety of clothes then."

Terrible 😔

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