Marvel oneshots

By Dekunuts

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Marvel oneshots featuring mostly the avengers and a few others. (Dr.Strange, Loki, Peter Quill, etc.) Don't e... More

Steve Rogers (Movie moments)
Loki (Summer days)
Avengers (Definitly and over reaction)
Tony Stark (Drunk confession)
Bucky Barnes (Babysitting)
Thank you, Stan Lee...
Avengers (Problematic)
Avengers (Thanksgiving)
Peter Parker (Christmas)
Jeez its been a while
Loki (Baking Mischief)
Peter Quill (fooled around)

Thor (Scary Movie Marathon)

200 4 0
By Dekunuts

You bit your lip as your foot shakes anxiously, with Halloween coming up, everyone thought that having a scary movie marathon would be a great way to kick off the holiday. Now you were okay with horror movies, just in small amounts, maybe once a month or so. But this was more than definitely pushing your limits.

You hug a couch pillow close to your chest, gripping it tight. The slow pace of the scene and the high pitched sounds really putting you on edge.

"Don't go in there..." Tony mutters, tossing some popcorn in his mouth. Natasha quietly shushes him but doesn't take her eyes off the screen, her nails dig into her pant legs anxiously. You jump slightly as Steve places a hand on your leg in anticipation as he sits at the edge of his seat, his eyes glued intently to the movie, he probably wasn't even aware of his actions.

"Oh no..." he whispers.

"Here it comes..." Clint sighs, acting as though he's not even fazed. "3... 2... 1..."



You flinch at the jump scare, holding back a yelp. Your heart was pounding as the chase scene begins.

"What are you doing, you idiot! The car! No! The car! Why would you go to the house?! You're trapping yourself!"

"Bruce! Shut up!" Wanda hisses.

"Could both of you quit your mewling?" Loki grumbles from the opposite side of Steve. Despite his bored expression, you could tell that he was slightly tense, was he actually getting spooked by this?

You slap a hand over your mouth as the chase scene quickly changes to gore, starting with a slice to the Achilles' tendon. The protagonist falls, no longer able to escape, you wanted to look away but find it nearly impossible to do so. Blood flies everywhere as the scene begins to pan away from the shot, helpless screams fill the air.

"There's no way in hell they'd still be screaming." Strange says, leaning back in his spot. "Those last few stabs were where an artery is. They would have bled out by now." He's been quietly pointing out every plot hole throughout each movie. While it did make you feel slightly better, you were still freaking out.

"It's a movie Doc, now shush- it's almost over," Clint says, rolling his eyes in the process. A large hand is placed on your shoulder and you immediately tense, feeling as though you were going to launch out of your seat.

"Lady Yn, are you alright?" Thor asks you in a whisper. You nod, afraid that if you were to open your mouth you wouldn't be able to form a proper sentence. "Are you sure? You seem a tad pale..."

"I-I'm fine, Thor." You mutter, your eyes shift to the clock on the wall. It was nearly 1:00 am, you thanked God that the movie was finally drawing to a close. Even if the ending was less than favorable.

Natasha stands with a quick stretch, a yawn passing her lips. "Good movie." She breathes out. "But I don't think we have enough time to watch the fifth one."

"Hey, wait a minute!" Clint suddenly blurts out. "We can't pack it up now! We all agreed we'd watch some of the classics tonight!"

"Legolas, it's late, we'll start on the classics next week." Tony yawns.

"But Halloween is such a good one." He slightly pouts.

"We'll watch it next time Clint," Nat says, patting his shoulder. "Welp, night everyone." You shakily stand and head out the door. The compound was dark, only a few lights were on here and there, but you had to walk through strips of darkness down each hallway. You were definitely more than on edge as you cautiously walked to your room.

"I-it wasn't real, Yn..." you mutter to yourself. "Those movies aren't real, it can't happen..." of course your brain says otherwise. It begins to pull up memory after memory of things you have witnessed while working for S.H.I.E.L.D. The Chitauri, mythological gods, sentient robots, beings with mystical power— if that was all possible, then why couldn't there be some murderous creep roaming the halls?

Paranoia held you tightly as you made it to your room. You left your lamp on throughout the night, but it didn't help either way. Needless to say, you didn't get a wink of sleep.

Bags were under your eyes as you tiredly drank coffee in the dining area. You were the only one up and moving- or so you thought.


"Heeeere's TONY!!" Stark yells after kicking open the door.

"JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!!" You scream, falling back from your chair. You hit the floor with a loud 'thud' as your coffee spills all over the table.

"Woah! Easy there!" You finch when he grabs your arm to help you up. "You okay?"

"I-I'm fine..." you say shakily. Your heart was racing as your body slightly trembles. "Please, don't do that again..." Steve's head pops into the doorway, a look of concern on his features.

"Everything alright in here?" He asks, Tony props you up on your feet.

"Yes, everything's fine. Just got a little spooked is all." You say with a nervous laugh, stepping away from Tony to grab some paper towels. Nat and Clint soon join you as well, scrounging through the cupboards.

"Hey, guys, got some news," Natasha says, taking a bite out of her blueberry muffin. Clint just grabs the coffee pot and begins drinking straight from it. "Since Clint got all pissy last night, we're counting the marathon tonight."

"I didn't get pissy." Clint says, Nat rolls her eyes.

"I just really wanted to watch Halloween!" She says in a mocking tone. "You guys promised we could watch it!"

"Hey! I did not sound like that!"

"Pretty damn close."

"Second marathon night? I'm down for that." Tony says.

"You in, Steve?" Steve shrugs.

"Well, I guess. I still need to catch up on everything. Scary movies are so different today then they were in the 40's. It's an interesting change."

"What about you, Yn?" A reluctant sigh passes your lips. It wasn't often you got to hang out with all of them in one room, you just didn't want to watch any more horror films.

"Yeah... S-sure, I'll join."

"Nice! Tony, call up Strange. Steve, get Thor to grab Loki. Clint, grab Wanda or anyone else who wants to join. Movies will start at 8 tonight." As quick as they came was as quick as they left, each one trying to think of a movie to watch. Another sigh passes your lips as you stand in the dining room alone.

"God, what am I getting myself into? I'm not going to be able to sleep for the rest of the year!"

"Lady Yn?" Your heart feels as though it's about to leap out of your chest when Thor suddenly enters the room. A slight shriek escapes you and you turn to face him. "Are you alright?" His brows furrowed in concern.

"I'm fine." You breathe out.

"Are you still on edge from the motion pictures?"

"I'm not scared."

"You're a terrible liar." He chuckles lightly.

"I'm not lying."

"Yn, do you forget who I was raised with? I can see a lie ten miles away." He takes a seat next to you. "I'm unsure as to why you are still afraid though. These stories are not real."

"I know." You mutter. "I just can't help it! I'm not like you or the rest of the Avengers. I haven't been exposed to situations that make me not hold some form of fear." Thor raises a brow.

"Do you truly think none of us hold any form of fear?"

"A little bit." He shakes his head.

"That is not true, Yn. If you could read any of our minds you'd know we hold fear. It's what drives us forward, yet it can hold us back."

"Yeah, but that's during a fight." You huff, resting your chin in your hands. "This is over some stupid movies..."

"Yn, did you not notice how the others were during the movies? Surely you noticed they all had some way of coping with their fear while watching?" your brows furrow as you think back to it. "If it makes you feel any better, I was put on edge by a few of the movie scenarios as well--" Thor shutters slightly as he thinks back to it. " just know that I can no longer look at a pair of identical twins the same way again." A small laugh slips past your lips.

"Does that mean you're not coming to the next marathon tonight?"

"I thought that was going to be next week?"

"Featherhead made them move it. They expect me there; so I don't have much of a choice."

"If you're there then I shall be there as well," he says with a small smile.

"Would you two quit it with the sentiment?" Loki's voice cuts in from the doorway, you flinch at its suddenness. "All this sweet talking from you is going to make me vomit, Brother."

"Oh please, don't act like you didn't enjoy it when I'd help you like this, Brother." Loki rolls his eyes.

"Please, I much rather prefer when you'd force me to do 'get help'."

"What's 'get help'?" a wide grin spreads on Thor's face while Loki's falls.

"Since you preferred it so much Brother, why don't we demonstrate for Lady Yn? How about we do it to Banner? He seems like a perfect subject." Loki clears his throat as he starts backing out of the doorway.

"Y-you know what? I just remembered-- the Spider child said he needed me for something. Perhaps I'll see you two tonight at the movie!" with that he darts out of the room, leaving you dumbfounded and Thor laughing.

"Seriously though, what is it?"

"Ah, just a game we used to play." He says with a shrug. He places a hand on your shoulder and gives you a warm smile. "Now about the movies- Lady Yn, if you ever feel uncomfortable, place yourself by me. I will comfort you." You feel a tad bit of blush come to your cheeks.

"Alright, I will. Thank you, Thor." You say with a shy smile.

The time of the marathon soon rolls around and you find yourself sitting nervously on the couch, the title screen for "Halloween" on the Tv. Nat has a list in her hand of all the movies, reading them aloud quietly to herself as she checks to see if they're in place.

"Okay, so we're watching "Halloween", "IT", "The Nun", "Trick r' Treat"..." she mutters. You tap your foot anxiously as you space off, everyone starts piling into the room and the smell of popcorn wafts up your nose. You glance up when Thor takes a seat next to you, shooting you a small reassuring smile.

"Alright! Let's get this party started!" Tony says, plopping down into his spot on the couch. The movie begins to play and you're instantly on edge. Thor takes notice and gently taps your shoulder, you look to him and he motions for you to sit closer. You shimmy over slightly, and as the movie drags on, you find yourself pressed against him with his arm around you. You grip his shirt at every jump scare and gore scene, each time you did he'd rub soothing circles on your back to calm you down. It was working, his strong arms keeping you from wanting to dash out of the room. Movie after movie went by and it was soon coming close to an end. Thor holds you tight against him as you tense at the sight of blood and gore spraying all over. He holds you tighter when you tremble at the sound of blood-curdling screams.

When the movie ends Thor walks you back to your room, even though you insisted he didn't need to, he could tell the marathon still had you a bit shaken up despite his comfort. "Will you be alright on your own?" He asks.

"Yeah, I-I should be fine." You mutter. "Thank you for everything, Thor."

"It was my pleasure." He says with a smile. "If you need anything, you know where my room is. Good night, Lady Yn."

"Night, Thor." You close the door behind you and slip into your PJs, leaving your lamp on as you crawl into bed. Despite what Thor has done for you, you were still on edge. You tossed and turned but sleep wanted to evade you. At some point, you hear something tapping on your window along with a few scratching sounds. As hard as you tried to convince yourself it was something other than some creepy demon murderer, your brain refuses to change the thought. You couldn't see what could be the cause of the noise since the blinds were closed, you try to ignore it but it persists, along with some strange noise in the vents. You quickly hop out of bed, hightailing it to Thor's room. You pause, shaking at his door out of breath before knocking at what you hoped was a soft level. The door opens to reveal a tired-eyed Thor who looks down at you with furrowed brows.

"Yn? Are you alright-"

"Can I sleep in your room tonight?" You ask a bit suddenly. "I just- I just don't want to be alone. Something's freaking me out in my room and I can't sleep." Your hands run over your face. "I'm just really on edge and I can't stand it." He chuckles lightly before stepping aside.

"Of course you can. Lay yourself in my bed," you nod as you step past him.

"Thank you so much." you breathe, seating yourself on the bed. Thor closes the door behind you, a small smile played on his lips.

"Although, if you are going to stay the night, I do hope you don't mind sharing a space." you feel your face flush, he notices the sudden redness in your cheeks. "But if this bothers you, I can sleep on the floor."

"N-no, you're fine." You say shyly.

"Are you sure? I do not wish to make you uncomfortable." you nod.

"I-Its okay, Thor." he climbs into bed next to you and flops down face first onto his side of the bed, he peaks at you from his pillow with a goofy grin, making you giggle.

"Get comfortable, lay yourself down, nothing can get you here,' he says, turning on his side. "and if anyone or anything comes, I'll keep you safe." you lay yourself down next to him, a small smile on your lips, any bit of fear from the movie marathon slowly faded away as sleep began to take hold of you.

"Thanks, Thor." you mumble. He pulls you closer to him, placing a soft kiss on your forehead before you bury your face in his chest.

"You're most welcome, my dear..."

I want to do a couple more Halloween ones, but if they aren't done in the first couple weeks of November, I probably won't post them. :/

 Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

- Dekunuts

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