Years To Luna [#1 Gifted Luna...

By Nextdoorgirl101

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"Let me go, Aurnia! You're going to kill me!" he gurgled out feeling more lightheaded by the minute - she onl... More

Author's Note
Gifted Luna Series


105 6 3
By Nextdoorgirl101

"We don't believe in narcissism,
When everyone projects
And expects you
To listen to em'.
Make no mistake, I live in a prison.
That I built myself, it is my religion.
And they say that I am the sick boy.
Easy to say when you don't
Take the risk, boy.
Welcome to the narcissism,
Where we're united under our indifference." - The Chainsmokers - Sick Boy.


Othello's POV

Through my closed eyelids I could see and feel the warmth of the morning sun on my face. I scrunched my nose as an excruciating headache shot through my brain and sat up from the rigid mattress I was laying on.

I should really replace it to be honest, it's going to mess up my back in the long run. I placed my elbows on my knees whilst my hands massaged my forehead.

I should remember to never drink alcohol again - even if I thought that one glass is going to be enough when under emotional stress - for a very very long time.

Then a strange scent filled my nose; it was a mixture of the honey and lavender of Aurnia and some other smell that I couldn't decipher. Aurnia never came to my house, how am I smelling her all over the place?

"You should be lucky she hauled your sorry ass into her home." I growled immediately at the mutt's disrespect towards her king. My eyes snapped towards the voice to see a female leaning against the wall adjacent to me, wearing white jeans and a flowy grey blouse, her attire making her ginger locks and green eyes pop out.

I was about to pounce on her when an unknown force rooted me to the green leather couch. My eyes nearly popped out of their sockets seeing her lagoon eyes change to pure orange as her lips curved in mirth.

"Now, now king Diavo. I think I should be the one violent towards you after what you did to her." Her tongue making a clicking sound as she shook her head in disapproval.

In a blink of an eye she was sitting on the coffee table in front of me - orange eyes still menacing me. How did she inherit orange eyes? She clearly smelled of an Earth moon pack member - who typically have yellow eyes - but something else was mixed with it.

"Who are you?" I question trying to release myself from her magical voodoo shit - alas the invisible force seemed to get tighter with every struggle.

"I'm Aurnia's good friend." She crossed her legs, nonchalantly roaming her odd coloured eyes over my face as though I was nothing, as though I was unimportant. Lucius growled with immense alpha power, but she still didn't even bat an eyelash.

"That's not going to work on me lad." She chuckled with her slight foreign accent.

"You're immune to dominance?" my voice cracked a bit since my head was still aching.

"In more ways that you may never know. Now, when I release you, you will not harm me. If anything, you'll hurt yourself more - are we clear?" she stood up, walking towards the open kitchen. I feebly nodded and instantly the force was lifted off me leaving me slumped like a bag of potatoes onto the couch.

"You're in Aurnia's apartment - if you were wondering - and she left for a few hours, so you'll be graced with my adorable presence for the moment." I heard her chime from the other side of the kitchen which wasn't in my periphery. After a few minutes of me not being able to see what she was doing, I just sat there trying to get my body to move. Appearing out of nowhere, she sat at the same place with a mug of coffee in her hand.

"I'm Mikaela Rouan, from South Ireland Spatial Moon pack. Some call me Mikey, but it'll be Mikaela to you and the after effects are going to wear off soon, don't worry." She glared at me. Why does she hate me so much? What could I have possibly done to her?

"You're scent says otherwise." I pointed out referring to her pack origins, moving my stiff neck and fingers simultaneously- she just looked the other way, with an annoyed scowl on her face.

"Trust me you don't want to know what I am."

"Try me." I challenged whilst I finally gained control of my body parts.

"Very well...I was adopted by Irish werewolf parents who are from South Ireland Spatial Moon pack; I know I don't have spatial abilities but earth ones instead but since I don't know who my real parents were - I don't know from which pack I came from. I also have a weird magical glamour and move with light speed. Some people from my old pack used to say I was a hybrid of some sort between a werewolf and a vampire, but that theory is still pending since I never had a blood-lust per say." She made air quotes with her fingers then took a big gulp of the bitter black liquid.

To say I was stunned was an understatement. Never in my entire long immortal life have I heard of a hybrid between werewolf and vampire - sure we weren't sworn enemies as the books made us seem, but we certainly didn't really like mingling together - even less making babies. So it threw me off that she could be the offspring of those two species. She sighed loudly as she sipped on her cup of coffee.

"I know it's as insane to you as it is to me." Mikaela proceeded to place the mug carefully on the table, in a calculative manner almost - as if she was preparing the field for her little game. Turning back towards me her eyes were the bright orange colour again.

Before she could do anything to me, Lucius quickly took control and shifted into our black and silver wolf form. He growled at her making a wild smile appear onto her lips as her finger nails extended to sharp blade-like tips.

Yep, half vampire.

Lucius paws flamed their usual red inferno making anyone willing to challenge us crumple in fear, unfortunately this ignited a blood-lust in the female as she squatted to a floor like an animal and snarled viciously at me.

Just when we were about to pounce on each other a familiar scent caught my attention as the front door opened to reveal my mate strutting in nonchalantly with grocery bags in her hands.

"Did the prick wake up-" she halted while her brown eyes grew the size of saucepans as they took in the sight of a flaming wolf and a glowing eyed friend in a cannibal stance.

For the longest of moments she was frozen where she stood, then Lucius had the best idea to retract and give me control over my body as I shifted back to my human form. Little bitch.

That's when her eyes travelled down to my exposed manhood that they rolled back, and she fell unconscious.

"Great! Look what you did!" Mikaela exclaimed throwing her hands in the air, annoyed at me.

Says the vampire who also showed her true form.

So lovelies....
How was it?

I couldn't find a better way for Aurnia to discover their secret than this
(I didn't want to be basic as well as I didn't have enough imagination to be over the top)
So this is what y'all gon' get😂😂🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Thank you guys for reading YTL!!! Genuinely, it means the world to me.


If you wanna give your girl a little FOLLOW, it would be welcomed🤗.


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