Years To Luna [#1 Gifted Luna...

By Nextdoorgirl101

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"Let me go, Aurnia! You're going to kill me!" he gurgled out feeling more lightheaded by the minute - she onl... More

Author's Note
Gifted Luna Series


119 7 2
By Nextdoorgirl101

"There was something in the way,
Why am I crying for you babe?
I can't stop the rain,
Time to move on anyway.
Don't ask me what is done,
So long, goodbye.
I'm gone.
Cause only sun in the summer lasts,
No holding on and no looking back." - Jorja Smith - Something In The Way.


Leaning in and tilting his face slightly he went in for a kiss on the lips, unfortunately for him I turned my head just in time for it to land on my cheek. He chuckled seemingly amused by my defiance and stood up straight to go to his seat.

His long confident strides and the way he attracted everyones attention and adoration gave him this radiance of dominance and superiority. I will admit Malcom was undeniably handsome, but I don't think his looks were what really made people want to bow down to him. There was more to the exterior.

Much more.

Finally getting somewhat of a control on myself, I straightened up and look forward. I wish I didn't though. Othello was staring harshly at me - as cliché as it will sound, if looks could kill I would already be thousands of feet under the ground and probably already decomposing.

He was breathing in and out heavily, seeming as though he needed to calm himself. Why was he so angry?

Ok I get it we came at least twenty minutes late to class and was semi-fooling around when entering his class without even apologisi - yep he had a valid reason to be furious.

He closed his eyes for a minute then continued with the course as if nothing happened. One thing I learned from hanging around Othello was that he was as good at hiding how he truly felt as me. Except anger and disappointment, those were very blatantly displayed.

And every time he would cover up his emotions something in me twitched in slight irritation - I felt like he was hiding something from me that I needed to know. And I hate not being aware of things, I'm always one step ahead of everyone so it disturbs me when he keeps things from me.

But then again, that's probably how I make him feel too. But I can't help it, I've been like that for years now, so it's hard opening up to people.

"Aurnia..." his deep voice broke through my thoughts as I registered my surroundings; everyone had already left and he leaned against his desk staring at me. His eyes were hard and cold, not how I am used to him looking at me.

"The bell rang five minutes ago. You zoned out during the class," he didn't even spare me a glance while he started packing his things.

"Maybe you were too busy thinking about your boyfriend, but I'll advise you to take that activity at home. This is an educational institute, not a playground." He calmly stated, but I could make out his change of tone while he spat the word boyfriend.

"What are you talking about?" I asked genuinely confused and concerned at the same time. He never talked to me like that and it scared me that he was capable of such coldness.

Says the ice queen!

Not right now conscience.

"Yeah I mean you were clearly frolicking with Mr Orlando, so I figured that you two were dating," he paused, at this point I had approached him - my body acting on its own accord.

He turned around with his jaw clenching and unclenching fiercely as though he really didn't want to hurt something or someone - me probably. His eyes softened lightly but their harshness could cut right through metal if he wanted to.

"Or maybe you're like the other girls, the ones he uses in bed and plays around with on his free time. Did he give you a good fuck? I never thought you would go as low as becoming some sort of naïve whore." Suddenly a slapping sound echoed in the silent lecture room. I didn't realise that I had slapped him on the cheek until I saw a red handprint start to form then did I register my actions.

But I didn't regret it, he had no right to talk to me like that without knowing what truly happened. Plus, I don't think that it's any of his concern with whom I sleep with or with whom I decide to engage in a relationship; he was being selfish since I never got angry when I saw him talking to females - rather suggestively if I might add.

"You have no right to jump to conclusions about me like that! You don't even know me! So, who the fuck do you think you are to feel entitled to judge me and control my whereabouts or relationships! You're being absolutely fucking pathetic Othello!" I shouted as silence engulfed us after my outburst.

Othello looked like he had just seen a ghost, his eyes were wide but gentler than before and he had step back from me slightly. Something wet grazed my cheeks as I reached to feel the slippery liquid spilling from my own eyes.

My eyes widened in shock, at my own tears. No one had succeeded in making me cry before and now this person made me ball over something so petty.

"Aurnia I'm so s-" I didn't even let him finish as my other hand slapped him on his other cheek.

"D-Don't ever come near me. I don't want to see your face outside of this classroom. I won't repeat myself, so save your excuses." I talked in a composed tone - too composed if you asked me. So calm that I momentarily shocked myself at how steady my voice came out considering I was crying a few seconds ago.

He tried to reach his hands out to me but this time I forecasted his movements and stepped an arm's length away from him, raising my hands as a sign that I was done with his nonsense.

I shook my head with teary eyes and turned away from him. It was over. I was done trying to form something with him.

Damnnn well things escalated quickly!
Give me your thoughts!

And....I have a new random book up on my profile!
It's about sharing songs and lyrics that are dear to your heart. If you wanna know more go and check it out!!!

Love you!!❤


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