| Magi of unknown | Sinbad x...

By TheMistakeHasArrived

78.9K 1.8K 812

You are a girl from just a land unknown to humans but the only words you can remember are from your sister. ... More

| Unknown World |
| GoodBye Princess |
| Sindria Awaits |
| Just A Game |
Been A While
Kou Empire's Princess
The Moon Glow Ball
I Won't Say I Am In Love...
A Sudden Invite
The Chreey Blossom Festival
The Plan
Falling Deeper In Love
The Question
1 Year Later

Found You~

5.5K 140 82
By TheMistakeHasArrived

The Vidoe up there is just for laughs!

//Your POV//

I was cleaning The King's Workplace as the others were cleaning others parts of the Caslte

This was last part I had to do before my shift ends

I finish and sign, this took some hours but hey it's completely clean now

I walk out when I bump into someone's chest... The Fućking King.

Sorry for my bad language but HIM of all people

He had caught me before I fell and stared at my face... With a bit of pink on his cheeks

"Thank you, my king", I say while moving away from him

"You must be the new Maid", he says as I just nod

"If you will excuse me, I must be going as my shift has ended", I say while leaving

While walking away I felt someone's gaze on me so I turned around to see Sinbad staring me

I turn my head on a side angle with a confused look on and he just turned his head away but I could see his ears were red

"King, are you sick? Your face is completely red", I ask

"Oh! No, I am great. I should work now and you need to take your am I wrong?", he replies

"Oh yes! If you need anything let someone know just incase you are sick!", I say while running towards my room

//Sinbad's POV//

She is a Strange one... She made me feel something I haven't for ages. Is this real? Am I the King of the Seven Seas in LOVE....

I let a small laugh out, of course not! I cannot just fall in love... Hopefully.

"Sinbad, I hope you are doing your paper work!", I hear Ja'far say as he enters

"I am!", I say as I start work again but the thought of this girl keeps coming back to my mind.

I hope I see her again, I say in my mind to myself and smile a little

//Your POV//

I sign as I am out of their range for now, I change into good clothes then leave to go try some food and sweets!

The Outfit you will wear most of the time

I had been walking around and testing out the food and games for at least a few hours

Then suddenly got caught by kids, how? Well I can never say no to them and so they dragged me around with them

It was yet ANOTHER party today and everyone was called

I wasn't gonna change but I wouldn't stay there, it's too loud. All the chatting and th are drunk people too must for me

So as soon as the party started I left the kids saying I will be going for today, they were sad that I couldn't be there as they wanted to play with me

I was walking around the caslte as I got the garden

I feel a wish to sing and I start humming the beat, which song should I sing? There are many to choose from

I sang and didn't notice someone was behind me, but I felt more than one person

The Magi's were there too so I turned around and made eye with them as Sinbad started walking towards me and whispered in my ear

"Found you~", he says as he moves away from my ear

"You found me! Well then ask away!", I say with cheerfulness in my voice and both of the Rukh's start flying around me again

"Miss, I think we should first get the Generals here too", the little magi with blue hair says

"Okay, I will be in your meeting room then", I say as I start walking

"We both will be with her", the one with black hair said as he and the little boy follow me

"Miss how did you know", the blue haired boy asks

"Because I have been working here for a few days!", I say as I sit down

Soon all of them enter and sit on their assistanted seats

"So, What is your name?", Sinbad asks

"(Y/N), and you all are?", I ask back

"Aladdin! I am a Magi", the Blue haired but who just said he is Aladdin said wait isn't that one of my brothers names?

"Judar, Fallen Magi", the black haired magi says wait Judar! Both of my brothers are here but I won't tell him unless I must

"Ja'far, the King's is assistant", a white haired boy says with a serious face

"I am Sharrkan! One of the 8 Generals", one with white hair and brown-ish skin said (I HAD TO USE THE SKIN COLOR FOR THIS OKAY!)

"Yamariha, one of the 8 Generals and a magic user", she said with a cheerful voice and smiled at which I returned with a smile

Pisti, another one of the Generals!", a girl with blond hair said with the most excited voice I heard till now from the Generals

"Spartos, a General too", A boy with red hair said. (I don't remember how he was so ya)

"Darkon, one of the generals and I may look like this but I was once a human too", he says and I smile at him which he just gives a straight face

"Hinahoho, another of the Generals!", the man with long blue hair says in a happy tone

"This is Masrur, he is from the dark content and of course a General like the others", Sinbad tell me

"Now, what reason are you here for", he asks me and I just smile

"No Reason~ I am going through every empair to see how everything is and to see where I should stay", I say and they all look surprised by my calm and chill voice

"Why do you have both dark and light Rukh", Judar asks

"Um... They are like my friends I guess, I mean they helped me get here and all so like family", I say and he is shook

"B-But Miss can't someone only have one kind of Rukh with them?", Aladdin asked me

"Well you see I am not just someone, I was sent here and have always been with them! I am also A Magi but not here to choose a King or Queen" I reply to his question

"Why were you in the Kingdom Garden", Pisti asked

"Well I was working here with the name... Moon", I say

"Last question would be if you will join our alliance so we know you mean no harm", Ja'far says

"Sure, why not. I don't usually use Magic tho", as I reply Yamariha jumps up

"What Magic do you use!", she asks me

"Any", I answer back to which she is surprised

"Even can use dijn's powers", I say and she is basically shook. All of them are

"What about hand to hand combat or weapon combat! I am sure you can't beat me!", Sharrkan says proudly

"Is that a Challenge?", I ask in a sweet tone but deadly at the same time

"It is!", he says back and I am about to reply when the King interrupts us

"Now now, let her first join our alliance then you can start dualing", Sinbad says

"Fine", Sharrkan says as he sits down and I just nod

"Then I want a magic dual!", Yamariha kinda shouts and I just nod to agree with her

"But you both will Lose~", I say in a tame voice which caught the King's attention

"What about a Dijn dual?", he asks with a smirk

"This is gonna be Fun! ~", I say in a chill voice

After the alliance with me was made I got a different room

I followed Ja'far to it but we talked a lot and he said I am sure gonna be a good add to their family

He said goodnight and left as I changed. I couldn't see any simple sleepwear only gowns or... Sexy sleepwear

Oh just you wait Sinbad, you are so gonna Lose~ Haha...

I finally found Some NOT SEXY sleepwear and wore it, it was confy too. Ahh how I missed this feeling of freedom

Sleepwaer for today! YAY New clothes everyday which means I can cry more on how much I wish I had these clothes!

As I was about to go to bed I heard a knoch on my bedroom door so I open it to see a drunk King! The one only-

"Sinbad? Are you okay", I ask and he just nods as he leans forward

"You know you aren't wearing a bar right now, right?~~", he says and my face Bruns up

"YOU PREVENT!!", I shout as I throw him acorss the hall where Ja'far just stands there disappointed into his King

"I am sorry (Y/N) about... Him", he says as he becomes gloomy

"It is okay Ja'far but Sinbad should know that tomorrow's battle... Will not be easy~", I say in deadly voice which sends chills down Sinbad

But Ja'far is there with a happy face

"I will be happy if you could knock some sense into him, I would love to help you too", he says as we shack hands as in building a good friendship

"I think I like what you are saying, we sure are gonna be great friends", I say

"We sure are", Ja'far replies

"Night!", I say as I am about to shut the door

"Good night (Y/N), don't worry about him... I will get him to bed so I can too sleep", he says as his voice distens with Sinbad's cries

Oh how much he made me hate him! My face was even Bruning up! Wait my face was red....

I fall on my bed and pull the sheets over and fall into a nice calm sleep

Another! Chapter!! Done!!!

Well here is another one and you maybe like wait I want wearing a bar... Don't question it, it's just a story.. Kind of people do take their bar off when going to sleep

Cassie Out! ~

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