Crescent Moon (Teen Wolf/Liam...

By hogwartsorwonderland

1.1M 22.7K 9.4K

Let's be real, here. If Scarlett Martin wasn't around, Scott and their friends would already be dead. Scarlet... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Very Important. Please Read
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Bonus Chapter 1
Chapter 12
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty - Nine
Chapter Thirty/Epilouge
Uber Important. Please Read
Please Read
Another Important Notice
Sequel (Season 5)

Chapter Sixteen

27.9K 547 109
By hogwartsorwonderland

Scarlett watched as the CDC workers set up a mini hospital in the cafeteria. She watched as the bordered up the windows so that no one could see outside. She also knew that they turned off all electronic communication to the outside. Now, Scarlett was sitting in the classroom with Stiles, Malia and Kira. It was the perfect opportunity to berate Stiles for not listening to her. That feeling she had was not because she was nervous, it was because she knew this was going to happen.

“I told you so! Who should we start listening to from now on, huh? Oh that’s right. Me!” Scarlett whisper yelled.

“Okay! I get it. You’re always right and I’m always wrong. Next time I’ll listen. Now can we discuss the real problem here?” Scarlett put her hands up and stepped back. That was enough for now. “Good. Bet they think its small pox.” Stiles guessed in a quieter voice.

“Not likely.” Scarlett looked behind Stiles to see the administrator speaking. “Smallpox was eradicated worldwide in 1979. We’ve only managed to completely eradicate two viruses in history. The other was Renderpest. It kills cows.” He said.

“So we should be comforted by that.” Stiles said.

“Unless it’s something worse.” The sentence was meant to sound ominous or warning but the guy just sounded like he knew exactly what this virus was capable of. Scarlett didn’t like that.

Scarlett frowned a little, and said sarcastically, “I’m sorry. But I don’t remember asking for your input. Seeing as you’re enlightening us with your amazingly negative knowledge let me do the same for you. Did you know that 61,061 people in the United States were diagnosed with melanomas of the skin in 2010, including 35,248 men and 25,813 women? You might want to get those checked out.” Scarlett gestured to her mouth and chin area where he had three large moles.

The administrator glared at her but didn’t respond and before Scar could do more damage, Stiles pulled her away.

“Whatever it is, they’re taking it pretty seriously. There’s a lot of cars and trucks out there.” Malia said. Scarlett watched Stiles closely as he started itching all over his arms and neck. Before she could say anything, Malia perked up and said, “You’re dad’s with them.” Scarlett tuned her hearing and sure enough Sherriff Stilinski was issuing orders to his deputies.

“I should probably call him.” Stiles said to himself, getting up and shuffling through the envelopes that held their phones.

Before he could find his phone the administrator interrupted, “Don’t bother. They would have shut off all access to outside communication by now. No cell service, no wifi, no starting a panic. Looks like we’re all going to have to wait here and see what happens.”

“Has anyone ever told you that you’re seriously creepy?” Scarlett asked when Stiles stayed silent. She didn’t get an answer, he just went back to reading his magazine. Although the man was probably trying to scare them, she really was a little freaked out. No access to the outside? First of all that meant wifi, which sounded like hell on Earth. But it also meant that she couldn’t talk to Lydia or … Liam. They wouldn’t be able to talk to anyone on the outside and she had a feeling this wasn’t a natural infection or virus. This was made in a lab. Who knows what it could do? And the people she cared about were in here with her and if they caught the virus, and the virus killed people, then people were going to die – her friends and family could die.

 She had meant what she had said the night before. No one else dies. She intended to keep that promise.


Scarlett, Kira, Stiles, Malia and Mr. Yukimura were all standing around Scott in the boy’s locker room. Mr. Yukimura had come and gotten Scarlett and Stiles because Scott had asked specifically for them. Malia and Kira had entered a few minutes later. Her eyes flickered worryingly between Scott and Malia. Both were sweating heavily and Scott was hunched over on one of the benches.

Scott’s eyes flickered between his normal brown and red as he struggled with control. “It’s happening again.” Said Mr. Yukimura. Everyone looked at Malia who was staring at her claws, trying to make them go back to normal.

“I can’t make them go back.” She said miserably, holding them up.

“Obviously this is effecting you two in a way that won’t hit any human being.” Mr. Yukimura said.

‘Then they have to stay out of sight.” Said Stiles, gesturing to the werewolves, “We have to quarantine you from the quarantine.”

“Yeah, but where? What if they get violent? Like on a full moon.” Kira asked.

Scarlett knew that if this was affecting the supernatural in particular, she could get violent. If the other night was any indication of what she could do, if she got violent, she would definitely hurt someone.

“Then we shouldn’t stay here. Not in the locker room.” Scott said in a low voice, still looking down.

Malia shook her head. “A classroom is not going to hold us.”

“What about the basement?” said Kira.

“We need something secure. Somewhere that nobody can find us,” said Scott.

Scarlett looked p and spoke for the first time, “The vault.” Everyone looked up at her in surprise. “The Hale vault.”

“The Hale’s always have an escape route. Like their house. There has to be another way in.” Scott said, his voice finally filling with hope.

The group made their way into Coach’s office. They had moved Coach onto a bed to rest and Scarlett couldn’t help but feel a tinge of worry. She genuinely liked Coach and it would seriously blow if he died. Scott’s arm was around Scarlett’s shoulders, Scar almost tripping as she helped him lean on a chair. They gathered around the table and Mr. Yukimura laid out the floor plan of the school.

“Okay, so this is where the school sign is,” Stiles said, pointing to a place on the map. “so the vault’s gotta be right around here.”

“I suppose if there’s a second entrance it would probably be accessible from the basement.” Mr. Yukimura said, studying the blue print.

“Then it’s probably somewhere in this hallway, west corridor.” Stiles went to point at something but stumbled a little, needing Mr. Yukimura to steady him. “Whoa.” He muttered.

Scarlett let out a worried breath and made her way next to him. He allowed her to grab his arm and pull up the sleeve slightly to reveal numerous of those nasty welts on his pale skin. Scarlett swallowed and said, “It’s happening to you too. You’re getting sick.”

“You all are.” Mr. Yukimura said, looking around the room anxiously before settling on his daughter.

“I don’t feel sick.” She said quietly.

Mr. Yukimura blinked slowly then pulled something from his pocket. “I think that it’s effecting you differently. Neurologically. I found you’re test answer sheet in the pile with the others.”

He laid the sheet out in front of Kira who looked at it for a second before drawing back in surprise. Scarlett focused her sight to look at the page. Kira’s answers where all over the place, completely missing the bubbles. Scarlett raised her eyebrows. This infection wasn’t targeting werewolves, it was targeting supernaturals. She knew now for sure. This was the work of an assassin. Her bet was on Mr. Molesy the creepy administrator guy out there. “What about me? I feel fine.” Scarlett said quickly.

“Well, it doesn’t seem to be effecting you at all yet. You seem fine physically and I checked your answer sheet too, to be sure and you’re answers were all correct. My guess is that it’s effecting in some other, less noticeable way. Or that you’re immune.” Mr. Yukimura said gravely.

Scarlett shared a look with Scott. They both knew based on this assumption that she was immune, she was going to be the only reliable person for the next couple of hours and it was most likely going to be up to Scarlett make the big decisions.

“Off to the basement we go, then.”


Malia, Stiles, Scott, Kira and Scarlett made their way down to the basement as fast as they could. Scarlett was worried. But then again, when was she not? Her friends were getting progressively worse. Scott and Malia were losing control, Stiles was lethargic and sickly pale, Kira was becoming more forgetful as time went on. They had to get to the basement quick.

Everyone was shuffling through the boxes and shelves in the basement but Scarlett couldn’t find anything useful. Just tins of pencils, boxes full of paper ect. Her frustration was growing and she felt as if she needed to throw a desk at someone’s face. All they were finding was nothing, nothing and more nothing. If she didn’t find a way to help her friends soon, they could all die. And that scared her more than any supernatural creature she had faced.

“Hey, guys. Over here.” Stiles called. He was looking at a shelf filled with the same crap as the rest of the room but he had pushed aside a few things to reveal something on the other side. Scarlett stepped back, letting the boys push aside the shelves. She was left staring at a massive Triskele carved into the wall. The Hale symbol.

“Look at the cracks in the wall.” Stiles said, gesturing to it, “It’s like the entrance outside. It can only be opened with claws. Anyone’s claws right?”

Stiles looked at Scarlett and she shook her head slightly. Not anyone’s claws. Hale claws. Scott, Stiles and Scarlett looked between each other in silent communication. It had to be Malia. All three turned to look at her in sync. They probably all had the same nervous look on their faces too.

“Uh, Malia. Can you try?” Scott asked, hardly getting the words out without stuttering.

“Why me?” she asked warily.

Scott held up his hands, wiggling a little to show that he couldn’t get his claws out. “I don’t have control.”

Malia’s eyes shifted between the three of them cautiously before saying, “Okay. I’ll do it.” The boys sighed in relief but Scarlett knew that tone on Malia’s voice. “But first tell me what you’ve been hiding from me.”

Scarlett closed her eyes in frustration. They were probably about to blow the entire thing about Malia’s real parents. The trio exchanged looks, trying to figure out what to say. Stiles mouthed a silent “What?” jutting his head out in a way they looked kind of uncomfortable.

“I know you think you’re trying to protect me but I can handle it.” She stopped expecting an answer but everyone stayed silent. Scarlett was definitely surprised when Malia said, “I know I’m on the list.”

“Wait, what?” Scarlett said, furrowing her eyebrows.

Stiles and Scott were surprised too but seemed to cover it up better. “Yes.” Stiles muttered, nodding his head weirdly.

“So how much?”

“How much what?” Stiles asked.

“How much am I worth?” Malia asked expectantly, clasping her hands in front of her.

Scarlett answered before the others could say something they regretted. “4 Million.”

Malia looked down and if Scarlett didn’t know any better, she would say that Malia was disappointed. Stiles obviously didn’t have the same perceptive eye as Scarlett and asked, “Are you okay?”

Malia looked up. “Yeah. Scott’s worth 25, Scarlett’s 15 and Kia’s 6. They’ll take you guys out way before me.”

“Well,” Scarlett started sarcastically, “”It’s good to know that you care so much about our wellbeing, Malia. Good to know you won’t go running like a dog with its tail between its legs when we’re all in danger.” The only response was a slight growl as the werecoyote walked up to examine the wall. Scarlett placed her hands on her hips with a bitter expression on her face. That girl needed a filter, stat.

Stiles saw the agitated look on her face and muttered, “It’s progress. Progress.”

Malia put her claws in the openings of the lock, twisting to the left and then back again. Scarlett let out a breath of awe as the wall sild back to reveal the vault. The group stepped in and Scarlett surveyed the large area. The shelves were filled with different sorts of trinkets that she was sure were extremely important. The walls were dank and there was a little bit of water on the floor. The entire room was bathed in an almost blue hugh. Scarlett spun as the wall slid shut behind them.

This was going to be a long to be a long quarantine.

A/N I'm so sorry this chapter is late. There has been a close death in the family and I haven't been able to bring myself to write. Hopefully i'll finish the episode by tomorrow in time for the new one.

I hope you like it. Please vote, follow and comment because I love hearing from you guys!

I hope you Americans ect. have a happy Moonday tomorrow and if you are anywhere else, Have a Happy TeenWolf Tuesday! 


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