The One I Lost and The One Th...

By HappyCitCat03

133 5 3

Young Alex has a not very good life, his mother died saving him from a speeding drunk driver, his father is d... More

The Stranger
The Lost One
The Sick One
Monsters in The Shadows
Birthday Poem From Charles
my talking sword?
Why Do I Have to Be a Model?
The Past Now Known
fan art break!!!

Little Princess of Butterflys

11 1 0
By HappyCitCat03

It was the coolest movie ever but at the end Ella was kidnapped and her brother confessed to killing John's sister, then they just ended the movie. We were all restraining to not yell at the screen. "That sucks we have to wait another year to see what happens to Ella." we all walked out of the theater mad. "Look at the bright side," said Charles. "They didn't end the series." he's so optimistic. "But it's still a year." sighed George. Without realizing it we had walked all the way to the other side of the mall talking about the movie and got to the nerd store. We walked in and Charles gasped. "Wow these things look so cool!"

"I told you that you would like it." he walked over the the fuzzy things and picked one up. "It's so soft." Vincent and George walked over to the head where and were trying on silly hats and headbands and then me and Charles joined in on the fun. "Hey Alex can I talk to you alone for a moment?" I suddenly feel like I should fear for my life for some reason. "Ya of course." Vincent was having fun with Charles by putting on the things that girls normally where making him look more like a girl. We walked just out of ear shot so we could still keep an eye on them. "How do you feel?"

"What do you mean?" he shook his head. "Are you that clueless about your own feelings? I saw how you keep looking at him and making sure he's safe and close. I do the same thing with Vincent. So how do you feel toward him?" I honestly haven't thought of him as anything other than a friend until now. Now that it has been pointed out I see that i'm acting like a guy with a crush. "I feel protective of him. I don't want to let others try and do anything to him. I want to keep him with me at all times. I guess I call this a date but it's probably one sided."

"I don't think so I think that he wants you to be near him and that he knows that you'll protect him no matter what." I looked over at Vincent and Charles they were both laughing at a hat that Vincent put on. "You sure?" he nodded and smiled. "Make the first move man. He's too girly to do it first." if he was talking to Charles he would have told him to shut up but I couldn't agree more with him. "Not now. I'm having him over for dinner tonight mostly because my godfather wanted him to come over."

"Do you live with him?"

"Yes and no. I live with him and my father. Paul is our cook even though we don't really need one but I don't know how to cook." George was astonished. "You have a personal cook?!" I nodded and we went back to them. Charles was facing away from me and tword Vincent. "Hey Alex do you think that this one makes Charles look pretty?" I looked down at the two sitting on the floor and Charles looked up at me. He was wearing a crown looking thing that was golden and had little butterflies surrounding it. "You look like a little princess." he blushed and said, "shut up I do not."

"Yes you do. Your now the little princess of the butterfly kingdom and we all bow down to our rightful princess who shall vanquish the dragon snap king." how did Vincent come up with that at a moments notice? Vincent got up and then we all bowed down to Charles. Charles got up and started to play along. He curtsied and then spoke. "I thank thee for telling me but you shall know that i'm not a princess but a prince who shall vanquish all who get in my way." now it was my turn to play along. "My princess I shall be your loyal knight. I will protect you from the foes that stand in your wake." I took out my invisible sword and swung it around as if I was in battle. George went over to Vincent and picked him up princess style and said, "I shall take this lovely maiden and sweep her off to a safe place. Sir knight Alexander you do the same with the lovely princess Charles."

"Will do sir George." i picked up Charles in a princess carry and then we started to walk away with our lovely ladies. Then the store clerk came over to us. "I'm ok with you kids doing role play and all but just don't break anything." we all agreed. "Can you put me down sir Alexander? I know how to walk." I looked at his face and he was bright red. "Not if it shall put you in harms way my lady. I shall set down my life before I let any harm come to you." we had reached the fake weapons and George set Vincent down and grabbed a sword. "Ha! You fools I work for the true Queen of this kingdom. That girl your holding is nothing more than an imposter! I shall vanquish all those who oppose my queen!"

"Oh really? You dare oppose me? I am the best swordsman in this kingdom!" I went over and grabbed a long sword and then pointed it at George. "You dare challenge me?!" he swung his sword at me and I blocked it in a quick motion. We weren't pushing down on it that hard trying not to bend and break the plastic swords. With a few quick motions I had pugned it next to his arm and he pretend to start to die. "No you can't have! I do not go down so easily." Vincent rushed over to the "dieing" sir George. "No you can't die you can't. Sir George you can't leave me!" George lifted up his limp hand and brought it up to Vincent's face. "I am always with you my love." geez they are good actors Vincent was actually sobbing. He kissed George and then he went still. "You bastard you killed him!" he got up and walked slowly toward me. "You killed him my loyal knight."

"He asked for it." he walked to Charles and took a dagger that he was hiding with his leg out. "You took someone that I loved away so now it's your turn!" he fakely plunged it in to Charles side and I quickly caught him in my arms as he fell. "No!" then Vincent stood up straight, smirked and put his arms out in pride. "Long live the Queen" Charles was also going a great job acting. His whole body was limp and his eyes were closed. People were watching and had plenty of interest in our made up life. "You killed your niece and the rightful air to the throne. You are not fit to wear that crown." I stood up and went forward with my sword. Vincent dogged me then "killed" me too. I started to fakely die and then people started to clap. We all got up and then bowed together. "Thank you fare people of everglade mall!" they started to ask us questions. "Did you have to practice this a lot?" and "why is that girl so small?"

"We came up with this on the spot and we are all guys. That one that is wearing a skirt lost a bet." they all looked at me like I was a crazy person for telling them that. "Wait that girl is a dude?" they all asked at once. "Of course i'm a guy. I clearly was called princess Charles." he said it as if it was the most obvious thing ever. "All I did was loose a bet." they seemed to not believe him so he made a pouty face. One of they guys came over to Charles. "Hey no need to pout cutie. How about we test how girly you are?" he stated to put his arm around him and I shoved him away. "Hey whoa man. All I was doing was being friendly." he put his arm up in a defensive way. I put my arm around Charles. "Alex w..what are doing?"

"Being friendly?" I smirked. "Ya right your just hear trying to get lucky." he put his hand to his chest. "I am offended! You think with those looks that i'm to get lucky? Ya right." I wanted to punch him into next year. "Well then why are you trying to get my friend here?" his face went from joyful to serious in a second. "Because I can don't you see?" Charles just sort of there. He didn't know what to do other than just awkwardly stand there with my arm around him. "You really don't know how to be a man do you? Be friends then date not the other way around. It's common knowledge." he was starting to get angry to I could tell. "Ok you know what me and my friends are going to leave now so bye!" Vincent pushed me and Charles past him and in to a different aisle. "Thank you for defending me."

"Hey why wouldn't I? I mean i've known you for a long time and you shouldn't have to deal with guys trying to pick you up all the time." he nodded and we went to the cashier counter. I bought him the crown though he did protest I did anyway. Then we went back to the truck and got in. "So where to Charles? Do you live close by?" it took him a moment to answer he seemed to forget for a moment. "Oh i'm going to Alex's house actually. His family wanted me to come over to dinner." Vincent turned around and said "oh really?" i'm so lucky that Charles doesn't keep up with modern times all that well. Or else he would probably be freaking out a bit. "Yes really" I said "it was actually not my idea and you know that I don't like to lie."

"If you say so just make sure he's home by eight." Charles looked confused like always. "Why what happens if i'm not?" Vincent shook his head. "You really are idosent aren't you? I mean don't have a sleepover. Ok?" I got the reference and my face flushed but Charles still didn't get it. "Vincent! Come on man seriously?" he nodded and said hell ya. He can sometimes be a jerk. "I still don't get it." luckily we got to my house just I then so that it couldn't be explained to him. (all of you teenagers get what what i'm trying to keep him from. You younger people don't ask your parents wait till you get older.) "well Paul is expecting to meet him so we should go."

"Ok then we should do this again soon." we waved and they drove off. "I'm sorry for them they can be difficult trying to talk to them." we walked up the drive to the doors. "What do you mean? He looked up at me and I opened the door for him. "Never mind you don't need to know you'll get it later possibly years from now but still not now ok?" he nodded and them I saw Paul, Bernadette, and a few of the maids standing in the entryway. "Hey what's going on?"

"What do you mean? We just came to say hello." said Paul but then he seemed to just freeze. "Hey come here for a sec." he dragged me over to the closest hallway and then asked me a very serious question. "Didn't you tell me that your friends a guy?" I sighed i'm going to have to explain this a lot so i'll just save myself time. I walked back out into the entryway and then made an announcement. "Ok listen this is my friend Charles he is a guy. He lost a bet and he has to wear a skirt for a month. So let's keep that straight ok?" they all agreed with me quickly. Then Paul and Bernadette came over while the maids all went back to work. "It is very nice to meet you Charles." said Bernadette. She held out her hand and Charles shook it. "Likewise Miss Bernadette. Alex has told me quite a bit about you." he gave her one of his smiles. "Well aren't you a gentleman." then Paul started to talk to him as well. "Nice to meet you as well and i'm just wondering how old are you you look very young."

"I'm going to be sixteen in december on the first." I need to remember to get him something. "Really when your that short?" Paul doesn't have a filter between his head and his mouth. "Paul be nice. Just because he's short doesn't mean he can't age." now that's irony. "Ok that's true. It's nice to meet you Charles." he held out his hand and Charles shook it. "I hope you like pasta because that's all I know that everyone likes. And are you a vegetarian?" Charles shook his head. "Couldn't dream of it. I have nothing against them and all but I just like bacon." Paul laughed. "I like you Charles. You seem like a good kid."

"Thank you sir." he must have had manners lessons as a kid his were exceptional. "Dinner will be ready in a hour so go do whatever the heck you want." he walked away and waved. Charles and i waved back then we headed up to my room and closed the door. Charles pretended to be amazed by my room. "Wow it's so big and roomy." he spun around making his skirt swirl around his legs. "Ya it is and you've seen it before silly." he spun around and faced me. "I know but why not pretend it's fun." then he added "sir Alexander." then he bowed. "We should call you princess Charlene instead of princess Charles."

"I'm still a guy you know." then he Curtsied and I bowed. "Shall we dance my lady?" I honestly don't know how to dance. "Do you even know the waltz?" that is one name that i haven't heard in a long time. "Nope but I can learn that sounds like fun." Charles crossed his arms challengingly. "Are you a fast learner?" if it takes two weeks to learn how to factor equations i'm in no way a fast learner but i still said, "kind of." he motioned for me to come over and I did. "So what do you want to learn the males part or the females part to the dance." all I could think of replying with was, "I think you know which one I want to learn little lady."

"Alright then the males part. I'll go over the the first steps and you watch me." he took one step forward with his left foot the took a step to the right with his left foot and put them together. After that the told me to do the same and I did. "That's the first part then you take a step back with your right foot then take a step to the left with your left foot." then i copied the the steps. "The girls part is the exact opposite. This is the easy one it's the only one I know. Now keep doing them until you think you got it then we can try doing it with a partner." so I did it for fifteen minutes then I felt confident enough to do it with Charles. "Ok I think I got this."

"You sure your ready to try?" i nodded and then he walked right up in front of me. He is so short. I'm six foot and he must be just below five foot. "Ya. if I step on your feet i'm really sorry." he had taken his shoes off and put them near my door and out of the way. "It's ok I have a high pain tolerance. So now you put your right hand on my upper back and on my shoulder blade." I stepped closer and put my hand where he told me to. "Ok now I put my hand here above your bicep not on your shoulder for some reason. Then take my right hand your left and hold it." so we both got into position and we stood at least a foot apart. "Ok now we move." I took a step forward and I guess we waltzed. We did it a few times and I guess we got it. "You did good your a fast learner."

"You think so? I just did what you told me to." that was the truth and it was also really easy. "If you want I can find some music to dance to." he said ok so I went and found so classical music. Then we danced again. "Do you want to try something different?" this one will be hard won't? I thought. "Ya what is it?" great what did I sign up for now? "The two step it's even easier than this." we parted and then he stood in front of me. "So you take one step forward with your left foot and drag your right to it. Then you repeat that then you take one step to the right with your right foot." he demonstrated and I did the same. It was quite easy. "I think I got it."

"Want to try with me?" he walked up to me. "Ya I think I can try." he nodded and got closer to me than before with the waltz. "Ok so i'm the girl so you have to put your right hand on my waist and mine goes on your shoulder." oh ok it's one of those ones. I did that and I flushed we were so close together and thanks to what George said to me earlier i'm suddenly more aware of him and his movements. He was smiling and he seemed warm even though he's just a soul. He still had the crown on with his messed up hair he looked like he had just come inside from a slight breeze. "Ok now take my left hand." he held it up and i took it. "Ok now since you the guy you have to lead the girl around so you have lead and guide. I can't see behind me so we just slowly go around." I moved my foot and he mirrored me. My left his right. I moved right, he went left. So that we moved together and slowly around the room. "See it's easy." he looked up at me and I realized that i still haven't see both of his eyes. As i guided him around my room I wanted to see it more. "Hey can I see both of your eyes? I just realized I haven't seen them yet."

"Wh... why do you want to see them both?" I gave him another question to answer like the jerk I am. "Well why do you keep it covered up?" he looked away and I almost ran us both into a bookshelf. "Well I like it that way and I would like to keep it that way." I know there's no arguing with him so I just gave up. "Well I thank you for teaching me how to dance this is fun." I was still leading him around the room and he seemed to not even pay attention to what I was doing. He put complete trust in me. His movements were fluid and without hesitation. "Are you even paying attention to where you going?" he looked back at me. "Yes i'm going backwards."

"That's not what I meant and you know it." he laughed. "No i'm actually not. I trust you not to run into things so why not?" he's almost too trusting to people. That's not good these days. Good way to get kidnapped. I'm never going to let that happen though. Then Paul came in. "Well, well what are you two doing in here?" we both parted quickly. "I was teaching him how to dance." Paul leaned in the doorway and raised an eyebrow. "Oh really how did you two get to that subject?" to explain or not to explain that is the question. "Well when we went to the nerd store we messed around and we were trying on hats and headbands and when he tried this on." I gestured to Charles's crown. "And we all started to call him a princess. So we kept that going and I asked if the princess wanted to dance and then he asked if i knew how and of course I don't so he's teaching me how."

"Ok if you say so. Did you teach him how to slow dance Charles?" he shook his head. "I don't even know how to. I've never even heard of that." well he does come from eighteen thirty three so I guess that makes since. "Well Alex knows that one and you have twenty minutes." he turned and left with a wondering Charles and a ungrateful me. "How do you slow dance? I never learned that when I had a tutor." I knew he was going to ask that. "Well when you slow dance the girl puts both her arms around the guys neck and the guy puts his arms around the girl and they just kind of slowly spin around in circles while leaning on each other. People normally do that when they are in a relationship." all I could think was don't ask, don't ask, don't ask, don't ask! "Sounds interesting but not like much fun. But anyway why don't we do something different?"

"Like what? Ballroom dancing?" he laughed. "How about we play land of evil?" so we did until we were called to dinner. "I hope you like it. I made it from scratch." Paul was just trying to strike up up a conversation. Charles didn't really know what to do he's seen Paul but has not had the chance to talk to him at all so it's really weird for him to be able to talk to him. "I bet I will, it sounds amazing ." we got to the dining room and the staff were already there. "Is dinner a everybody thing?"

"No just once a month normally." my father had decided not to come down to eat so Paul took the head of the table I sat next to him and Charles sat next to me. How Paul made so much food in so little time amazed me. There were three bowls of spaghetti and three of meatballs and sauce. I got a bowl and piled a bit of everything on my plate. Charles did the same and pretty soon it was a feeding frenzy all around the table. Everyone was happy and curious about Charles. I overheard Brina talking to Bernadette "I swear that's the girl I saw that day in the basement when I fainted!"

"Oh Brina I told you that you were just imagining things. Don't be foolish." that was not something I had thought of. Brina remembering him. "But that is the girl! She was wearing something different but those eyes I remember those eyes! That ice blue! I remember them!" this is bad. If Brendette starts to believe her we will have a problem. "Oh stop. This is absurd. This is Alex's new friend so be nice." thank the lord she's not believing her. "Charles?" another one of the maids was talking now. "Why do you have that crown?" it was Brenda. "Well it's a souvenir for memories that can never be forgotten." he turned toward me. "Thank you Alex for today." damn it why does he have to be so cute? "Your welcome it was fun."

"Are you sure that you are not a girl?" and back to that question. Charles sighed greatly. "I am indeed a man. I do not intend to prove it though." Brenda blushed and then stopped asking questions. Then it was Paul's turn again. "So you do martial arts with Alex right?" Charles just nodded. "Yes sir I do." then yippee more questions. "How often do you beat him Alex?" and then there's that. "Well never I can't land a finger on him so never." he looked shocked. "Really?! Can you demonstrate?" great this will be interesting. "What do think Charles? Want to spar?" what's with me and the special talk? Who even uses the words spar any more? "That would be fun but I can't do it in this that's for sure."

"Well i'm sure that Alex can lend you a pair of pants. Right Alex?" I nodded in agreement. "Alright a match after dinner has been arranged and Charles Alex's father would like to meet you. He said to come when convenient." this surprised me more than Charles so I choked on my food. "What do you mean? He actually wants to see him? He has never wanted even me to come up to his office before." I was actually slightly mad. Not at Charles but my father. He has never asked me to his office and I haven't been in there since I was six after mom's funeral I found him drinking trying to relieve the pain. "Ya it's weird I think he also wants you to come. I think that he want to approve your new friend." the anger was gone. He cared about me and he wanted me to be happy. All I want is a father who will come out of the house and see the house he built for my mother. We had all finished and me and Charles went up stairs to go get him pants. "Are you alright Alex?"

"What do you mean?" I was trying to find some pants that might fit him and pulled them out to give to him. "When Paul mentioned your father you got mad and I saw that you clenched your fists up." had I? Well it didn't matter now. "Don't worry I was just mad that he had asked for you and never for me but once I realized why I feel better now. And go to the bathroom i'll find you a belt." he went and I went to go search for a belt. I found one at the top of my closet and got it down. "Were you mad at me?" he had come back out and the pants that I had gave him went past his feet and they were falling down around his waist. I handed him the belt. "I have no reason to ever be mad at you. Your too nice and you could never make anyone mad even if you tried."

"You think so?" I of course nodded in agreement. He cinched the belt on and them folded the pant legs up so that they went above his ankles. We went downstairs and to the grass. Everyone was there except my father of course."you two ready? Wait you should stretch shouldn't you?" we hadn't before but we did to humor Paul. As I stretched I looked over at Charles doing the full splits. How the heck is he so flexible. We then spared. Paul called out for us to start and we began. We lunged at the same time he dogged me with ease but after doing this I have learned his pattern. So I swung around and hit him in the side. My first hit. He stumbled and I kicked his feet out from under him. He quickly regained his ground. "Your first hit! Well done." he was too happy about that but that's just him. Happy about everything. But still by the time we were done I was belly on the ground arm twisted behind my back and Charles sitting on my back. "Ok, ok you win I give up I know that you have won and I will not try anything."

"You are giving up? Just roll on your side and you can lay on me I can't pick you up from that angle and your to heavy to do the same with. You have the advantage your big i'm not." he did have a point so I rolled over on to him and I heard a gasp escape from him. "Does that hurt?" I could feel his warmth against my back. "No your just heavy." I did weigh a lot but that it is normal for my size. "It's just muscle." he laughed and tried to wiggle out from under me which was pointless for I most likely weighed forty or more pounds more than him or more. "I yield."

"Even after you told me how to beat you?" I could feel him nod and I got off him then helped him up. Then everyone who was outside stated to clap. Then Paul came over to me and slapped us both hard on the back. "Good job boys that was great." we were both sweating but I think it was just me. "Thanks Paul but he told me how to beat him so tecanly I lost to him." he told me that I spoke nonsense but it was the truth. Then Charles held out his hand to me. "Good match." I took his hand and he smiled. "Well we should get you into your clothes and then take you to my dad. Shall we?"

"But of course." we went upstairs and he got his skirt back on and he seemed more comfortable in his skirt than anything. I was really sweaty and so I changed my shirt to a tank top. As we went to my father's office Charles seemed tense up and become nervous. He squeezed the side of his skirt with the one hand as if it would help. "Hey are you ok?" he shook his head slowly. "Why? He looked as if he was not going to answer but after a moment he did. "It's just that I saw what happened to him. The same thing happened to my father. He went into denial but in the end he became someone that I was not going to call father but a man I would call dad. But your father still has not left the denial stage but he's trying to get close to you even though it's kind of late. He still wants to connect to you. But I guess i'm just nervous at what he will say about me being your new friend. Will he let me stay your friend or will he just tell me to leave and not come back but then once everyone can see me what will he do when he learns that I have been here for months?"

"I wouldn't worry about that I will stay with you and I will tell him that you will not leave without me and I won't let you." he seemed to relax but still seemed tense. "Hey don't worry I will be with you the whole time. You ready?" he nodded and I opened the door. It was just as I remembered it from all those years ago. The oke wood desk the books lined across the walls. The desk chairs in front of it were leather and my father was sitting in his rolling leather chair that looked as if it came from a mob boss. "Hello Alex. Alex's friend." he got up and shook Charles hand them motioned for us to sit. "So what is your name lovely?"

"I'm Charles sir." he nodded and seem to be confused. "Is cross dressing a hobby or are you transgender?" that made me have to suppress from laughing. "I just happened to lose a bet with Alex so I have to wear a skirt for a month." my father nodded approvingly for so reason. "How long have you known my son?" Charles had to think for a moment. "A few weeks sir. I met him at martial arts." my father seemed to like that. His look softened. "Well you must know what happened to his mother and I would like to know what you think." what the heck? why ask him that? Charles seemed as surprised as me. "W... well I think that is was nothing more than an unfortunate ascendant and that no one is to blame." he stopped only for a moment then spoke again. "I've felt the same pain." that got my father's attention. "What do you mean?"

"My mother died giving birth to me. I was born two weeks before I was meant to and no one was home so she gave birth to me and when my father got home she was barely alive holding me. when he realized what was happening he rushed over to her and she handed me to him and using her last breath she told him to take care of me. I never got to meet her but i've heard stories about how amazing she was." he smiled to himself remembering them. "I wish I could have heard her voice just once. My father told me it sounded like the sunrise if it had a voice." he even chuckled at that. But i saw as silent tears rolled down his cheek. He can't escape the memories of the past. They always come back. Something will always remind him. "Hey Charles you didn't have to share you know."

"I... I know... I just need to tell someone. I haven't told anyone and I guess it's been eating me on the inside." the tears were still silent but they were streaming down his face and dripping into his lap. He holds so much in so people won't pity him. He wants to help others not the other way around. He seemed to not notice the tears so when one hit his hand he lifted it up and brushed them off. "Thank you for telling me." my father said and got up and came over and keeled next to Charles. "It's nice to know that someone else has felt that pain." my father then hugged him and I joined in as well. He cries a lot so when the tears stopped we let go. "I hope i'll see you around more often." my father smiled and then we left the room. "You could have told me you know."

"i ... I should have. I'm sorry." he wouldn't even look at me. So i hugged him again. "What are you doing?" i held him to my chest so he would stay with me. He's so small and he has so much inside him. "If you tell me everything you might feel better. You hold to much in." he still wouldn't look at me. "What did you think of my father? Now that you have spoken to him and all." he looked up to me. "He seems nice. He is a good man." at that time it was getting close to eight so we went down stairs and I yelled at Bernadette and Paul that I was going to walk Charles 'home'. So we went outside and walked to the park. "I'm glad that I was able to go. Thank you for the fun."

"Hey don't sound like you're actually leaving. And it was the most fun i've had in awhile." we went over to the swings and we sat down. I began to go back and forth and Charles didn't seem to get how it works. "so how will we know the spell thing wore off?" Charles made and o with his mouth. "I hadn't thought of that... let's call Leo." so he took the stones out and threw them in the air and then Leo appeared. He seemed to be hanging out with people. "Oh hey guys say hi to Charles my secretary i've told you so much about." then a bunch of hellos came but with no faces. "Ok i'll be back" he walked off and went to the outside of where ever he was at. "What do you two need?"

"Well we don't know how to tell if the spell thing wore off or not. How do we tell?" he also stopped and made an o with his mouth. "Well I can turn off the vision thing so that you will be able still hear and feel Charles and me but you won't be able to see us." He swiped on something then said "Call me when Charles disappears!" Then he also disappeared. "Well that's taken care for now."

"How does this vision thing work exactly? The only thing that I noticed that was different was that I could see you." Charles started to rock back and forth along with me getting the hang of the swings. "Well there are some creatures that can only be seen if they wanted to be and if Leo was to come around you could see him but others couldn't. You might even see a fairy if you try." ya that makes total sense. "Wait there are fairies?" Charles nodded as if that was common knowledge. " Yes some live in your backyard even."

"Wait how do you know?" he just smiled and almost fell off the swing. "Well they like to hide and are very shy. So they don't like to come out much. I found some hiding in the roses." how can no one not notice that? "I should go and try to find one. Have you talked to them?" he shook his head. "Why not?" he started to explain. "i'm always with you." I told him that that's not true. "What about when i'm not with you when i'm at practice? I leave you in my room and you have lots of time so what do you do?"

"I wait for you to get back." he is only worried about me and he wants me to come back right where i left him. "You don't have to you know. You could do whatever you wanted. If you wanted to you could prank the maids or rome around the house." he looked as if he had not thought of that before. "I don't need to, I enjoy waiting and that would be quite mean to the maids they have plenty of work to do and I wouldn't want to make there job harder than it is already." I guess i'm just mean. I pranked them with my mom once. They all laughed but then they had to clean it up and I did apologize for that. "Well that would be but you don't have to wait all the time enjoy yourself." then he disappeared from existence. "I think it wore off I can't see you."

"Do you need to know where i'm at? I got up if you noticed." I got up too. "Well it's time for a game of find Charles!" i put one of my arms out and it brushed him. "If you want to catch me you have to be quicker than that Alex!" I heard his footsteps to my right and I went toward them. "I am fast just not as fast as you." he giggled and started to run to my left. We spent a good ten minutes continuously doing that. Then I managed to catch him in a hug and we feel down with him on top of me "HA! I have you now!" we both started to laugh. "Ok, ok you have me I get it."

"I'm not going to let you up."

"Why not?"

"Because your mine and you chose to be." I didn't realize what I had said till a moment later. I could feel him heat up. "I should probably call Leo." I could feel his movements and he did something with a jerk. Then I could hear Leo's voice chime in. "well, well, well what do we have here?" I felt Charles struggle. "Well the thing wore off and then Alex started to chase me around and he caught me." Leo laughed. "Well i'll turn the vision back on and then you'll be all set to go and Charles can I talk to Alex privately again?" Charles popped back into view and he seemed to be super happy. Leo was also there in his space portal thing. I let go of Charles and he got up and went to the playground slide. "So what would you like to talk about Leo?" he smirked. "I was there at the mall today and I saw your performance."

"Oh geez you saw that?" I put my head in my hands and he laughed. "No it was great. I promace and also I was the one you were defending Charles from. Before you freak out I was just trying to see if you still wanted to get rid of him." well I just about exploded. Mostly from embarrassment. I told off a god. "Oh great i'm sorry." he shook his head. "No it's fine I provoked you and I wanted to see if you would actually stay with him. As well as how far you would go to protect him from anything." well tests have never been my strong suite. "Well how did I do then?"

"You exceed my expectations. I'm glad and I should go now bye!" then he left me seething. I went back to Charles and he jumped off the slide. "We should go home. We've been here long enough considering that I walked you home." then we started to walk home. "Are you ok?" how can I tell him? "Ya i'm fine but I do have to say your boss know how to piss me off." Charles of course did not understand. "How?"

"Let's just say he pisses me off." from there we went home and I took a short shower just to make it feel less hot. When I got out I got on my pant's and I had forgotten to grab a shirt. I have only been taking my clothes into the bathroom with me sense Charles came along. So I went out and Charles was on the balcony looking up. I was curious as to what he was doing so I went out to ask him. "What are you doing?" he looked at me. "Your hairs dripping and looking at the stars." I shook my head like a dog to get some of it out. "Do you like the stars a lot?" he nodded and just kept looking. The stars were absolutely clear and look amazing. "They are very pretty." after a moment he responded. "They are." we stood in silence for a bit. "Why don't you have a shirt?"

"I don't want one and i'm to lazy to go get one." he laughed at me. "Ok i'll give you that." we went back inside and Charles took off his crown and set it down. He then went to the couch to sit. "You ready for lights out?" he laid down and I saw his hand pop up in a thumbs up. I turned off and went to bed. I Laid down and then remembered I had a job interview tomorrow. That kept me up for a while but I managed to fall asleep without dreams luckily. 

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