MJ Fantasy- Traveling Soldier

By NeverToBeForgottenMJ

1.7K 65 38

Alice, a 16 year old girl, has to deal with feelings that are exposed after she meets a strange, but intrigui... More

Traveling Soldier
Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 26
Ch. 27
Ch. 28

Ch. 22

46 1 1
By NeverToBeForgottenMJ

Michael's P.O.V

Later That Night...


"I've never seen her this upset before."

"She just misses them."

Bella reaches over and pats my hand soothingly. "Once Michelle, Emma and Daniel return she'll be back to her old self again. This is the first time she's ever been separated from them and it's difficult for her to handle. Especially for the twins."

I nod and brush away the hair from Alice's sleeping, peaceful face. Rosalie frowns at me than looks between Alice and I a couple times before declaring, "You really do love her."

I look up at the girls and nod my head slowly resting it on top of her head. "Ever since I first laid eyes on her, she was all I could think about. Even when I lost my memory. I dreamt of her and knew... deep down... I had to find her."

"Aw! That's so sweet!" Rosalie giggles clapping her hands.

I smile, chuckling and nod my head. "It's the truth."

"Alice, Michelle and the twins are very lucky to have you in their lives. I can tell your going to be the best dad in the world to those three little ones."

"I love Michelle so much and the twins as if they were my own." I whisper staring down at Alice and bring her closer to my chest. "They are my life."

Every word I said is 100% true. My family is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I would die if anything happened to any single one of them.

After Alice went to sleep in my arms when Jacob left, I placed Alice in the car and followed Edward and Emmett to their house to allow Alice some comfort and love when she woke up in a familiar environment with familiar faces. She's been asleep since 10 this morning and it's now 5. Poor baby, she was tired. The hours before the kids were taken she couldn't sleep, she could only hold Daniel and Emma close to her until Jacob came....


His name burns in the back of my head and leaves a foul taste in my mouth. Look what that bastard did to my family. I really wish Edward and Emmett would go and collect the kids, but Rose and Bella don't want a fight to happen. Usually I would frown upon violence and inappropriate language, but Jacob deserves it and, because I've been spending a lot of time with Alice's brothers. We've become good friends and the girls just adore me for... they call it my three S's. My sweetness, self- discipline and sexiness.

Alice starts to stir in her sleep and I look down to find her waking up. Bella and Rose's head turns away from the TV they were currently watching to land on Alice. Edward and Emmett walked in the room, Emmett about to say something when he sees Alice waking up. Both boys make their way to the couch, sit the girls on their lap and wait.

"Michael," Alice calls sleepily.

"I'm here Alice." I whisper holding her tighter. "I'm not going anywhere."

I smile down at her when her eyes open fully and stare into mine. Her beautiful brown eyes make mine look plain and boring. Her old sparkle is replaced with a blank stare. I cant wait till the kids come back. I miss the old Alice. The one that smiled, laughed and was adventurous, only with me and Michelle of course.

"I miss them Michael." She whispers weakly tears pooling in her eyes.

"I know, I know, I do too."

Looking over at Emmett and he nods his head. "Go ahead."

I stand up and secure Alice tightly in my arms. "Goodnight guys." I walk upstairs and into Alice's old bedroom. She looks around in confusion.

"Why are we here?"

"Because we're going to sleep."


I place a finger on her lips shushing her and giving her a smile. "Stop worrying, now go back to sleep and when you wake up I assure you Michelle, Emma and Daniel will be back to you. I promise you'll have your kids back."

I place her down on the bed and tuck the covers over her. Placing a kiss on her cheek, forehead and quick peck on the lips I turn to leave. Before my fingertips leave the soft bed spreading Alice latches onto me. I turn to look back at her, but tears have started to run down her face as her face expresses how miserable she feels. "Don't leave... please stay with me!"

I cannot say no to that adorable face, but Tony told me not to be in the same room with her. I'm not offended and adore the way he is trying to protect her, although I'll never hurt her. "But you dad-"

"I don't care what my dad said. Please stay with me. I cant face the night alone."

Staring into her eyes I see total honesty and despair. My poor love. "Of course I'll stay with you." I walk over to the other side and lay down on top of the covers, wrapping my arms around her body. She sighs shakily and lays her head on top of my chest, her hands freezing. She'll warm up soon. Kissing the top of her head I relax into the mattress and listen for a while waiting to hear the soft snores of Alice. Soon enough I hear it.


Hours Later...



I wake up to the door bell sounding throughout the entire house. I open my eyes and look over at Alice. She stirs a little, but doesn't fully wake up. "Michael?" She whispers softly. I don't reply because I don't want to wake her up completely.

Instead I sit up and look at the door. There is no light downstairs meaning no one has woken up from the sound except me. Guess Alice's family is heavy sleepers like her. I'm a light sleeper and cannot sleep through noise, unless I'm the one making the noise.

I roll my eyes as the bell rings again. Ugh! My eyes flicker to Alice, whom hasn't moved since the second ring, than the clock. My eyes open a tiny bit more to see the time. What the hell!!?? It's 12 a.m.!!! It's midnight! Who in their right mind would be here at midnight!?

Ugh! I crawl out of bed, careful not to wake Alice and walk out of the room. The doorbell rings continue until I make it downstairs. Turning on the light I rub my eyes and drowsily make my way to the door. I hear footsteps behind me and I turn around to find Bella standing there, robe wrapped around her tightly. "I thought you were asleep." I told her.

She shakes her head, "I'm not a heavy sleeper, but Edward and everyone else is." I nod knowingly seeing that Alice didn't move a muscle towards the sound. I look into the peep hole and find nothing... What?

Opening the door slightly annoyed and extremely tired. I'm about to yell when I see her.

At first she's not visible through the darkness and I can barely make out her silhouette, but as soon as I see them- the three tiny figures in her arms- I stop myself. I hear Bella gasp from behind me, but I'm staring at the four of them dumbfounded. It has to be 50 degrees outside and all she's wearing is a light sweater while the other three are bundled up. She looks up at me, tears in her eyes and shaking like a leaf. Instantly I take a sleeping Daniel and Emma out of Leah's arms and Bella walks out from behind me to grab Michelle from her other arm. It's a wonder how she could fit all kids in her arms without dropping one.

Bella reacts before I do, "Leah! It's 50 degrees outside, get inside!" she whispers harshly bringing her inside the warm house after taking Michelle.

Leah calms down once the doors close and relaxes into the wall shivering like a leaf. "Michael give me the babies, go get her blanket and once I lay them down I'll make her some hot chocolate." Bella says leading Leah towards the living room.

I come back to my senses and slap myself in the face mentally. "No I'll take the kids." I grab Michelle from Bella. "And grab a blanket. You tend her." I walk upstairs as fast as I can towards Alice's room. I'm very happy to see the kids, but the question remains... why?

Walking inside I walk over to Alice, placing Michelle and the twins down and shake her shoulder gently. Before fully waking her up I take the kid's layers off until their just in their pajamas. Underneath is Michelle's Captain America PJ and the twins' oneies. "Alice, Alice... sweetheart wake up. I have a surprise for you." She mumbles something unintelligent under her breath and continues sleeping. Shaking my head I giggle at her and press my lips to her forehead. "Sweetie I have a surprise for you, you will want to see this. I assure you."

A soft tiny cry fills the room making Alice's eyes pop open. Her and I know that sound anywhere. "Michael?" I smile at her and nod my head. I get of her as she sits up quickly and look to the side. The sight of Daniel and Michelle sleeping and Emma starting to fuss bring tears to her eyes. She scoops the twins in her arms and brings Michelle onto her lap to hold all her babies close. She holds them and rocks them for a couple minutes until she looks up at me and pulls me to her side and snuggles into my chest. "How?" She whispers into my chest holding us close. I pull Michelle of her legs and hold her to my body. She smiles in her sleep at the warmth of my body and tires to press herself closer to me.

"Leah brought them over. She's downstairs with Bella. I'm supposed to get her a blanket. She was freezing while the kids were all warmed up."

Alice takes her head out of my chest and looks up at me confused. "Leah?" I nod, placing Michelle down on the bed before getting up. Alice does the same and tucks the three kids in bed. Immediately Michelle's arms goes around the twins in a protective way. "Aww..." Alice coos as she smiles down at her three babies. She pulls out her phone and snaps a quick photo before she saves it as her screensaver. After she grabs a robe and wraps her around her body before grabbing a couple blankets from underneath the bed.

"I think you should stay with the kids." I suggest walking towards the door.

She shakes her head no. " I need to find out why she gave the kids back. I'm so confused." I nod understandingly and follow her out as she passes me. I walk downstairs and into the living room where I find Leah sitting by the fire sipping on hot coco. Walking over I place the blanket around her shoulders and she looks up nodding her thanks. Alice looks down at her and sits across from her on the love seat and gestures for me to follow. Once I'm seated next to her Alice speaks, "Why? How?"

Leah sighs, places her cup on the coffee table and rubs her hands along her knees. She glances at the clock than back at us. "I've only got a little bit of time. I think he's followed me, but I lost him in the direction I went."

"Him? What are you talking about?" I ask confused at her rambling.

Bella holds a hand out to me stopping me. "Let her finish, don't interrupt."

Alice grips my hand hard and leans into me waiting for Leah to start speaking. Leah sighs nervously, "Jacob has gone out of his mind!" She blurts out all of a sudden making three of us jump. "He's been on a rant all day about the kids and you and Michael. He would NOT shut up! It was getting annoying and finally around 10 I thought he was done until he came up with a ridiculous plan to escape. To run away with the kids. Just him, me and the kids." Alice and I stiffen at the mention of Jacob taking the kids away from us forever. That bastard was gonna die if he took my kids away from me and their mother. "At first I thought he was kidding, and laughed it off. But once he actually started packing our stuff I realized he was serious. He was really gonna take the kids. So when he finally fell asleep I grabbed the kids and ran. I couldn't just let him take the kids away from you. They were yours more than they were ever his. When I ran I could've sworn I saw the bedroom lights turn on. He must have figured I took them and is probably on his way to your house now."

I turn to Alice whose face has seemed to lose color. "What?"

"He's on his way to your house to get the kids back and if he doesn't find you there he's gonna come searching here."

"He cant!" I shout jumping up to my feet.

"He will."

Alice sighs and stands up. "Leah can you drive me to the house?"

"No! Alice are you crazy, he's mental right now. He can hurt you!"

"I know Jacob, he wont hurt me. He cant, not after all we've been through. He can hurt me mentally, but will never touch me physically."

I growl grabbing onto her hand. "I don't trust him."

Alice shakes her hand out of mine, "Fine, but you cant come. If Jacob sees you he'll call the cops. The kids are staying here..." I see her hesitate and her eyes glance up the stairs. "Im going to bring Michelle with me."

"Why are you taking Michelle?" Bella asks concerned and confused.

"We cant stay in that house knowing Jacob has the key to barge in and out whenever he wants. He'll take the kids while we're asleep. We'll be safer in a new location. Michelle will act like a peace symbol. He cant... He wont do anything to me with her around." Alice looks up at me and kisses me before walking away.

Leah turns to me once she's gone up the stairs. "She cant go alone."

"She wont." I declare. I sigh considering I cant go with her to the house. "Do you think Edward and Emmett wouldn't mind..." I ask innocently. Bella stands and walks over to the stairs turning to face me.

"They wouldn't mind. Alice is their sister after all. I'm going to go wake them up." Bella turns to Leah. "Take Alice to the house and stay there as long as you can. Go before Jaocb can catch you and run, hide Michelle before you go so Alice and Jacob can stay alone."

Leah nods as Bella runs upstairs and Alice runs back downstairs with Michelle in her arms. Alice and Michelle are layered heavily with rocket wear. Leah walks to the door with just the sweater she wore. "No Leah stop." I walk to the coat closet and pull out my jacket and gloves.

"But Michael what about-"

"I'll be fine. You can keep these, you'll need it." I slip it on her and bundle her up. As I put on her hoodie she smiles up at me.

"Thank you... for everything."

"Thank you for bring the kids back." She nods and walks to the door. Alice follows closely behind.

Alice, her and Michelle walk out the door after Alice gives me one more peck. I stare after them helplessly until I feel someone place a hand on my shoulder. I jump and turn around to find Rosalie. She smiles at me than looks out the door. "She'll be fine. The boys are getting ready and will be on their way to the house. So she'll be alone with for... what? 5 minutes. I'm sure she can handle him for a couple of minutes."

I nod pulling Rosalie into a tight hug. She gasp at the sudden physical touch, but hugs me back immediately. "I'm scared." I admit.

"Don't be. She'll be fine."

I'm about to say something when Emma starts fussing upstairs. "Come on, I'll help you tend to the twins." She says as Daniel also starts to cry. I smile at her and walk upstairs with Rosalie following and into Alice's room.


Alice's P.O.V


"Thank you." I tell Leah when she reaches into the back and grabs Michelle. I get out of the car and walk to the front door. I unlock the door and usher Leah inside before running inside myself. I turn on the light and lead Leah to the hallway near Michelle's and the twin's bedroom. "Where do you want to put her?"

"Not on the bed." I reply looking at the different rooms. Definitely not Michael's and my room, that would be the first place he would check. Not her room, so the twin's room it is. "I think the twin's bedroom would be a safer place for her. Not a lot of things Jacob can harm her with in there." I walk down the hall and open the twin's door. Michael and I bought a recliner so I tell Leah to place her there. It's in the corner of the room covered by the twin's dresser and Daniel's crib, so it offers some concealment.

Jacob wouldn't be able to see Michelle from the doorway. He'll have to come closer in order to see her. But not if put a blanket over her body. I look inside the dresser and pull out a large blanket. Leah takes it from me and places it on top of Michelle's body. She starts to stir, and I panic. No she cant start waking up! "Mmm... Jacob?" She asks her eyes opening slightly.

I turn to Leah and gesture for her to speak. Michelle doesn't know she's home and only Leah would be with her besides Jacob. Leah leans over her and whispers softly, "Ssh, ssh, ssh, no it's aunt Leah. Sorry baby I was just putting your blanket back on. Go back to sleep. Your aunt Bella and Rose will come get you soon."

Michelle smiles and holds the blanket closer to her chest. She falls back to sleep quickly. I take a deep breath and walk to the door gesturing for Leah to follow. Once we're in the living room she sighs and leans against the wall while I sit on the couch. I see Leah giving me a look and i meet her stare  "What?"

"Why did you really bring Michelle? I don't know you that well, but I know you enough to know that you wouldn't use your daughter as a peace treaty."

I sigh and place my head in my hands. "I had to have my little girl. IN case something went wrong. Michelle would know what to do. Michael and I taught her a lot of stuff ever since he returned and now she knows how to handle herself in case of an emergency. If... if Jacob were to do something to me, Michelle would know to call the cops and run back to her grandmother's and grandfather's to alert them."

"So, you want her as a... witness? But she's only 5."

I nod my head. "I know she's only 5, but she's a lot smarter than you give her credit for. She takes after Michael."

Leah smiles and walks up to me taking my hands. "And you." I open my mouth to protest when I see headlights light up the front of the house. I stiffens and fear runs throughout my body. Leah sees me stiffen and grips my hand face in both of her hands. "Don't be scared. There is nothing to be afraid of. You'll be okay. Your brothers will be here any minute."

Leah squeezes my hands reassuringly and walks towards the kitchen to go out the back door. I turn to the door and wait for Jacob to come barging in without knocking. I grid my teeth and tense my body when the door slams open and Jacob steps through the door with a pissed off look on her face. "MARK ALICE ROYCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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