Be my vision?

By geegee123

409 21 3

Taemin was a blind girl with a bad past. After being attacked she moved back to her Seoul where she meets Kri... More

Plane home to Korea
So here we are again nightmare.
Master plan??!!
Chapter 5: Sehun's 'Brother' meets the SM family.
A/N Holy Jesus

Finally seeing the Boys.

55 4 0
By geegee123

Chapter 2~ Finally seeing the Boys.

He gave a chuckle and led me back to the group. Then, he loudly grabbed the attention of all the others and told them to line them up against the sidewall of the dorm. After this, he walked me up to the first one in the line and told them what to do. Whoever it was gently took my hands and reached them upwards towards his face. However, I couldn’t reach. Even on my tiptoes they were too tall for me to comfortably reach their face and hair.

Suddenly, I felt arms wrapped around my waist from behind and lifted me up so I could reach. I gave a small giggle before resting my hands on the boy’s face in front of me. My fingers gently ran over the smooth skin and across the cheekbones of the tall guy in front of me. I heard him speak to me and he told me his name was Sehun.

Sehun’s POV:

She giggled as Kris lifted her up to reach my height and her small hands rested on my cheekbones. I spoke quietly so I didn’t startle her. “I’m Sehun, I have brown eyes, almost black and bleached blonde hair styled with a side parting and it’s flopped to the side as I haven’t put any gel into it.” She smiled slightly and her hands reached up to my hair to run her hands through it. She took a couple of minutes to get a picture into her mind then Kris took her to the next person.

Luhan’s POV:

I watched as Kris scooped her into his arms so that she is more comfortable and he walked over towards me. When they stopped in front of me, she held her hands shakily in front of her. I reached out, smiling slightly and took them, guiding them to my face. “Hi!” I spoke cheerily. “I’m Luhan. I have dark, almost black eyes and slightly short, straight light brown hair.” I giggled slightly when her fingers traced over my jaw bone as it tickled slightly and she smiled and tickled me more. Kris didn’t do anything but stand there and laugh as she tortured me with tickles. It took a while for her to get a proper image in her head and when she did, she nodded to Kris to move on, to the next person.

Lay’s POV:

We all gave a smile when she giggled once she found out Luhan was ticklish. I stood to my full height when Kris brought her near me and he nodded at me to show it was okay to start. So once again, like all the others, I slowly reached down and took her hands softly with mine, and guided them to my face. Her hands were very soft as they brushed lightly over my pale features and through my mess of hair. Describing my self to her was difficult as I stumbled on a few of the Korean words and she realised this. So she spoke to me in Chinese instead. (^means they’re talking in Chinese) “^Now talk to me… Tell me about what you look like.”

Kris’ POV:

“^Now talk to me… Tell me what you look like.” God. She was so nice. “^Wait… How did you know I was Chinese??” she gave a giggle and just said it was a wild guess. Lay gave a chuckle and described his features to Taemin. (A/N: The picture on the side is the boys’ at the time of writing this story). It took about an hour to fully describe all of the boys to Taemin and for her to get a full picture of them into her head. When she was done I put her on the sofa next to Sehun and Xiumin and she reached over and wrapped her arms around Sehun and gave him a quick hug. She did the same to Xiumin and the others got the idea and stood in front of her. She gave each boy a quick hug and then turned to me. “Is there anywhere we can get bubble tea? I haven’t had it in ages and I really love it…” Sehun’s eyes lit up at this and he grabbed Taemin’s hand and dragged her to the hallway in the dorm. I gave a look to the other boys and they all sighed as we went and put our shoes on.

It was only Feburary so we put our coats, hats and scarves on so we were warm and still disguised. Giving one look to each other, we exited the dorm with Taemin in between me and Kai and Xiumin behind her so that she was able to walk with out having to be directed too much. I could tell she was grateful just by the way she had a smile on her face as we walked out of the dorm and into the stair well.

We reached the top of the stairs and I took Taemin's hands in both of mine and walked backwards down the stairs guiding her slowly. We usually take the lift but some how super junior had managed to break it last week. Ryeowook had not been happy about that... Damn you Kyuhyun... I had Suho walking behind me just in case I fall whilst guiding Taemin down the stairs. We made it down one floor and the boys all just looked super tired already. Yah! We're all singers and dancers and we can't simply walk down some stairs...

It was at this point that the lift doors opened and SHINee walked out, all 5 members holding their own bubble teas. We all just looked at each other in exasperation before looking back at SHINee who was staring at Taemin. I realised I was still holding her hands so I let one go but used the other to guide her to SHINee. I decided she needed to meet some of the other groups in the building. "Onew, Minho, Key, Jonghyun, Taemin... This is... Taemin." She gave a small wave in what she thought was their direction and I have a small chuckle to myself as I fixed her positioning. "Taemin. This is SHINee."

The boys just stared wordlessly at Taeminnie before realising we were stood in the middle of the hallway. Key was the one to actually speak up finally. "Would you like to come in for a bit??" Surprising us all Taeminnie was the one to speak up answering Keys question. "Aniyo kamsahanida. We were just off out somewhere for a bit. Is it okay if we come after we've been out? I do wish to meet you properly! Mian he for any inconvenience." She briefly took her hand out of mine to give a bow to the SHINee boys and then she slipped it back into mine so that she didn't walk into anything. She was looking straightforward but because of her height, you couldn't see her eyes well. Key, not knowing she couldn't see just nodded his conformation so I put my hand under her chin and gently raised her head so her eyes met Key's. The SHINee boys' jaws all dropped slightly but Key just kept his cool and instead he spoke his conformation. "That would be nice. Kamsahanida, we'll see you later." The boys all have a wave and a quiet "annyeong" as they walked down the hall and into their dorm.

Chanyeol pressed the button on the lift, which apparently was now fixed. That was definitely news to me. It came quickly and the doors opened to show Ryeowook in his casual clothes. We all bowed and entered the lift with him. It was a bit of a squeeze to have 14 of us in there but luckily, the people who built the dorms factored in the fact there is large groups like Super Junior and us.

We all left the dorm building but I removed my hand from Taemin's just in case someone recognised us and created a scandal. That was really something I didn't want to subject Taeminnie to especially the sasaeng fans. Luckily, the bubble teashop was only two doors down from the dorm so we were there within 3 minutes most. It took a while to get everyone's orders across to the waitress and even longer to get them made since there was so many. We sat to wait for them but once they arrived we decided to walk back with them so that we weren't hanging around too much for people to notice us.

We took the lift to the 9th floor, where SHINee's dorm was and knocked loudly on their door. As usual we heard Key going all umma on the boys and made poor Taemin answer the door. He answered the door with a frown on his face but it dropped as they saw us standing there. He took a step back from the door and invited us inside their dorm.

Taemin's POV:

My hand was tightly wrapped in Kris' and I could not help the butterflies in my stomach as our hands cupped each other's perfectly.

I was guided to the sofa in SHINee's dorm and I felt Kris sit next to me. I don't know who sat the other side of me but I thought now would be best to introduce myself. "Kris, is all of SHINee in the room?" I quietly asked him. He made a noise of conformation and I stood and bowed to them. "Annyeonghaesayo. My name is Taemin but you can call me Tae or Taeminnie since there is already another Taemin." I sat back down and turned I Kris. I have him a nod and he lucky understood what I meant. He explained to the SHINee boys how I 'see' people and thankfully they agreed for me to match the voice I know to a face.

The first boy came and knelt in front of me and raised my hands to their cheeks. Just like the others, their skin was flawless. Gently brushing my fingers over his features I found small, slightly chubby cheeks and full lips. His nose was small and he had quite short eyelashes. My hand reached up to his hair and the length surprised me. It was long, slightly past his shoulders but it was so soft. Whilst my hands were making the image in my min she described his dark eyes and his honey brown hair. I asked his name because he hadn't mentioned that and he told me his name was Taemin. Oh! My name buddy!!! I retracted my hands back and gave a nod.

The next boy came and sat in front of me. He had a smile on his face as my hands gently ran across his face. Like Taemin he had full lips and a small nose but his eyelashes were longer. As for his hair, half of it was shaved and the other half came down to about his ear in length. OMO, how do these boys get their hair so soft???!!! His skin was just as flawless as the others and it was annoying me how perfect it was. I smiled as he told me both his real and stage name (Key and Kibum), and how his hair was blonde on the shaved side and black on the longer part.

It didn’t take as long to get my image of all of these boys as there were only 5 of them rather than 12. I was thankful of this because I was growing more and more tired by the minute. It had been such a long day even though I had slept for some of it I really wasn’t ready for all of this to happen today as well.

I had learnt that Jonghyun had messy black hair and he was the shortest in the group, which he really hated. Onew had soft dark brown hair and a kind face, which was almost always fixed with a smile. Minho was the one that scared me the most with his serious facial features but I knew he was a really good person. I had learnt to be able to tell that of a person, as I couldn’t see their actions. I asked Kris the time and I found out it was only 9 o’clock. I shook my head of the tiredness and leaned my head onto Kris’ shoulder and closed my eyes for a while.

Kris’ POV:

It wasn’t long before we all realised that Tae had fallen asleep on my shoulder so we decided to go back to our own dorm so she could sleep easier and so we could relax and rest as well. I didn’t want to wake her so I just picker her up bridal style and rested her head against my chest. Sehun picked up her bag and the SHINee boys saw us out of their dorm.

It didn’t take us long to get back upstairs to our dorm but it did take a while for Suho to find his keys. The reason was because Chen and Chanyeol had played a joke and stolen them. I think the only reason he gave them back was because they saw that Taemin was becoming restless in her sleep.

I took her to my room and tucked her sleeping form into my bed. I went to my cupboard slowly, as not to make any noise and wake her and I got myself a blanket and pillow and made a bed for myself on my fluffy rug. Despite the hard floor it didn’t take me long at all to fall asleep. After all… it had been a very long day.

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