MJ Fantasy- Traveling Soldier

By NeverToBeForgottenMJ

1.7K 65 38

Alice, a 16 year old girl, has to deal with feelings that are exposed after she meets a strange, but intrigui... More

Traveling Soldier
Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 26
Ch. 27
Ch. 28

Ch. 21

53 2 1
By NeverToBeForgottenMJ


Michael’s P.O.V

The Next Morning…


“Michael, sweetie, can you hand me the diaper bag? I need to make sure Daniel and Emma are set for the night.” Michael, carrying both babies, brings me the diaper bag and helps me out of bed. “How do you do that without dropping one of them?” I asked amazed.

He seems in full of control of the kids and he can still do a lot more than I can. Michael shrugs, “I don’t know, it’s just feels right with them in my arms.”

I smile at my boys and girl. They are my life. Wait?... I’m missing one of my girls! “Michael where is-“

“MOMMA!!! HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!” I turn around and find Michelle running in the room being chased by Emmett. I giggle at them, they look so cute together.

“Emmett don’t get her too dirty. I have to give her to Jacob presentable enough.” I giggle trying to lighten the mood.

Jacob’s on his way to collect the kids. I was released from the hospital during the night. So I had enough time to breastfeed, feed Michelle and cuddle all my babies in my arms.

Emmett smirked at me and grabs Michelle throwing her up in the air. “Little sister, I’m responsible you know. I know how to keep someone from being dirty.”

“Daddy!!” Sapphire runs in the room, her clothes covered completely in mud. Rosalie is gone be pissed! She specifically told Emmett not to let Sapphire get dirty.

“Um…” Michael points at Sapphire and Emmett turns around cautiously.

He sighs exasperated. “Oh no, baby!” Emmett places Michelle on the ground and grabs Sapphire. “Sweeite I said stay away from the mud.”

“I wanted to play! So I jumped in da mud!”

“Sweetie your going to get me in trouble.”

Sapphire considers this pretending to think then starts laughing at him. “Haha! Momma gonna be angry at you!”

Emmett shakes his head and turns to us. “Excuse me, but I’ve got get Little missy home and clean her up.” I nod my head and pick Michelle up. “See you tomorrow Michael, bye Alice.”

“See you Emmett.”

“Bye Bye cousins!” Sapphire giggles getting taken out of the room by Emmett. That little girl can easily find a way to get dirty. She loves the mud and sand. I smile as I watch Emmett struggle to keep Sapphire in his arms down the stairs. I sigh and turn to Michael and find him chuckling. “What?” I ask moving closer to him taking Emma.

“That little girl is… just… something.”

I nod my head in agreement. “Michelle why don’t you go play with your dolls? Daddy and I will be with you in a couple minutes.”

“Okay momma!” She hugs my legs and runs out of the room and into hers. I smile after her and turn my attention back to an apprehensive Michael. Uh-oh.

“Mikey, what’s wrong?” He looks up at me than back down at the floor. Michael bites his bottom lip as if he’s holding something in, something he wants to share, but decides against it. “What? What is it?” Michael sighs and looks down at his feet trying to phrase his words together. I take Michael to the bed and sit him down before sitting next to him. “You know you can tell me anything right?”

He smiles over at me and nods. “I know it’s just that… I feel like I’m intruding on your family. Like I’m forcing them to house me. I just cant shake the feeling that this is all my fault. Jacob, him taking the kids away from you, me moving into your family’s house. I feel so guilty, you don’t understand how I feel.”

 “Michael!” I gasp. I take Daniel and Emma into my arms and place them in their crib before returning to Michael. I hug him tightly shaking my head. “No of course not! This has nothing to do with you. You are not the cause of this. It’s all on Jacob, this is not your fault and you shouldn’t feel like your intruding on anyone. My mother adores you! She cant get over how handsome, sweet and sentimental you are, which she isn’t wrong. Bella and Rose admire how you would step up and take responsibility for what you lost in the first place. They know you weren’t to blame for your absence and so do my brothers. And Anaiya, well oh my god! Anaiya just cant get enough of you! She makes Ethan jealous just by speaking about how hot and sexy you are.” Michael chuckles and I push him down on the bed hovering on top of him. “And she isn’t wrong.”

“But your sexier than me.”

I shake my head and pretend to think about it. “No you know what? Daniel beats you by far.” I push myself off of him and walk to the crib to grab my little boy who stares at me in confusion. “Is it true my love? Your sexier than your daddy.”

In response he gives me a small smile, yawns and closes his eyes. “How rude!?” Michael shakes his head. “Your comparing me to a baby! Babies are the cutest things on this planet! They are innocent, sweet, soft, gentle and by all… loveable!” I smile and place Daniel back in his crib so he can sleep peacefully like Emma is.


An Hour Later…


The door bell rings and my arms involuntarily tighten around my baby girl. My little Emma. Tears start running down my face. “I don’t want them to go!”

Michelle runs down the stairs, tears in her eyes and she clings to Michael’s leg. “I don’t wanna go with Jakey, I wanna stay with you guys!” Michael picks her up after handing me Daniel than grabs her.

“Sweetie, it will only be for the night. I promise and we’ll pick you up extra early!”

“But I don’t wanna go!!” Michael sighs and rubs the bridge of his nose against Michelle’s like he always does when she’s upset.

“I’m sorry sweetie. Aunt Rose and Aunt Bella will get you tomorrow and bring you to momma.”

“Why cant you pick me up??”

Michael looks over at me. We still haven’t told Michelle about the sleeping arrangements with Michael. Shaking my head, I nod towards the door holding my twins. Michael is about to open the door when I finally realize what I’m about to do. “Wait!” I cry out stopping him. He turns to look at me startled. “You cant be here! Remember! Jacob cant know you are here.”

Michael gives me a pouty face and looks down placing Michelle down. “Do you want me to leave out the door than?” He asks sadly looking up at me.

I shake my head smiling, “Of course not! Your going to hide in my room. I’m not done with you and the kids wont be back till tomorrow.”

Michael gives me a cheeky smile, bends down beside Michelle and kisses her cheek. “See you tomorrow sweetie. Be good and take care of your brother and sister. Momma and I are counting on you to be a good big sister.”

She smiles up at him giggling, “I will daddy!” Michael kisses Michelle’s cheek than walks over to me and kisses each of the twins. “I’ll see you guys later. I promise. This is only temporary. You’ll be back to your momma soon.”

I smile up at him and he pecks my lips before running upstairs before I can open the door. I turn to the door hesitating until another door bell rings. I walk up to the it slowly and open it to reveal Jacob standing there with a stupid smirk on his face. “Good morning Alice. You look beautiful this morning.”

I scoff and look away from before I slap that stupid smile off his face. “Stop it Jacob. Just… Just…” Alice places, even though it kills her, Daniel in Jacob’s arms so she can grab the diaper bag and Michelle’s backpack. She places the backpack on Michelle and hands Jacob the diaper bag along with Emma

“This is it?” Jacob asks in disbelief staring at the diaper bag and Michelle’s backpack.

I nod my head smiling smug. “Y-Yes.” I clear my throat continuing. “This should last them for one night, considering that is how long they‘re staying with you.”

Jacob stares at me than starts laughing as if I had misunderstood the rules. “Alice did you not the read the rules?”

“I did.” I smile and look behind Jacob to find Edward and Emmett walking up to to us, glaring at him. He glances behind his shoulder too and tenses slightly when he sees my brothers. Good. “And so did my brothers. And the information clearly states that,” I pull out the paper from my backpocket and open it up taking my time. Once it’s open I look down and read what it states, “’The children shall remain in custody with their father, Jacob Black, unless their mother, Alice Royce, has agreed to separate from the thee threat, Michael Jackson. If the mother does decide to part ways with the threat than the children will be returned to their mother the day of the separation.’”

Jacob looked pissed. Good I’m glad. Bending over to Michelle, I give her a big bear hug and kiss her forehead. “Goodbye my love. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“But momma, I don’t wanna go!!” she screams clinging to me.

Jacob stares down at her than me than back at her. “Don’t you want to go with daddy?” He asks putting both babies in one arm and reaching an arm out to her. “Come on, let’s go.”


I look up at Jacob’s facial expression. Michelle has never said that Jacob wasn’t her father anymore. I can see why I never let her. I can see the pain and hurt. But I cant have any sympathy for him at this point, only hatred. “Come on Michelle.”

Jacob grabs her arm harshly and pulls her out the door. “Owwie!! Momma, Jacob’s hurting me!!” I slap Jacob’s hand away from her and pull her back towards me.

“HEY!” Edward and Emmett bark when they see the bruise on Michelle’s left wrist. Jacob turns around startled and both babies are taken from his arms as a fist makes contact with his jaw. Edward growls grabbing his throat and pinning him to the wall. I push Michelle’s head on my shoulder facing the house to comfort and to keep her from seeing this. “Don’t you dare touch her like that again! I’m sure the court wont favor towards you once they find out you abused Michelle and you know that to! If we find ANY bruises on Michelle tomorrow, early morning, we’ll call the cops. Same for the twins!” Jacob glares at them causing Edward to choke him even more. “I’m not kidding! We don’t like you, we all would like to see your ass in jail. So would Michelle and the twins. You’re a bastard and even your own father is ashamed to call you his son. When you showed up at Alice’s delivery room yesterday he couldn’t stand to see you so he left. You’ve disappointed him and made no one like you.” Jacob just stares up at them not saying anything. “So if we find any bruises or any form of injury, or Michelle tells us you touched her in the wrong way, you will be put in jail. Do I make myself clear?” He growls under his teeth. Jacob nods. Edward releases his grip and throws Jacob down on the pavement. Jacob coughs for air and shakingly gets on his hands and knees. “Get the kids and get the fuck out of our faces. Bella and Rose will come early tomorrow morning. Your ass is lucky Emmett and I wont be there.”

Jacob grabs Daniel and Emma from Emmett quickly than reaches out for Michelle. But she loses it. “NOOO, MOMMA DON’T LET HIM TAKE ME!!!!!!!!”

I look up at the boys sadly and let my tears fall as my arms loosen around her. “Come on Michelle!” Jacob says impatiently.

“NOOOO!!!! I DON’T WANT YOU! I DON’T LIKE YOU!!! I LOVE MOMMY AND DADDY!!!!!!!” Jacob’s about to grab her when the boys stop him.

Sighing I pull away and stare into her eyes. “Sweetie, momma loves you very much.” I tell her choking up on my words. I clear my throat just to continue, “Daddy loves you too. You're our little girl and we wouldn’t be doing this unless we had to. You know we love you right?” She nods her head sadly, sobbing harder. “Then do this for us… Please? It will only be for a night. You get to spend time with Jacob and Jacob’s friend.”


“Sweetie, just don’t cry. I’ll see you tomorrow and you’ve gotta show Jacob what a great big sister you are. Show Jacob why daddy and I are so proud of you.”

I smile encouragingly at her and she finally starts to calm down. “Momma… I love you.”

“Aw baby, I love you too.” I hug her one last time. This is the longest time I’ve been away from Michelle since she was born. Of course I’ve gone to school and work, but those were for a couple of hours. I’ve never been separated from her for a whole night. We’re not use to the separation.

She pulls away from the hug and plants a kiss on my cheek. I put her down and she looks up at Jacob before walking over to him sadly and slowly. Jacob eventually gets all the kids in the car, but it takes a while. Because the twins had woken up and started screaming their heads off at the sight of Jacob. Instinctively I started walking towards the car, but my brothers stopped me. And I’m glad they did because if the babies had been taken into my arms, I wouldn’t have given them back. Once Jacob and the kids are driving away I burst into tears and collapse on my knees crying. Emmett catches me before I hurt myself.

My babies!! They are gone! I hate him. I hate him so much! I wish we were never friends. I glare at the car as it drives away and when Jacob looks back in rearview mirror at me and I flip him the bird. Once I cant see the car, I don’t know what posses me to fling myself out of my brother’s arms and run down the street trying to catch up to the car. “MY BABIES!!!!!!!” I don’t get very far before arms circle around my torso. Of course I didn’t get far period. I just gave birth to twins yesterday! I turn my head to glare at whoever caught me and I’m mildly surprise to see Michael standing behind me. My glare softens until I burst out into more tears. I turn around and fling my arms around his neck as I sob into the crook of his neck. “MY BABIES!!!!”

“Ssh, ssh, I know… I know. I’m so sorry Ali…” I sob into his chest until I feel the pressure of fatigue press onto me. I havent slept since the twins delivery. Michael can sense my exhaustion. “Go to sleep love, you need to rest.”

I pull away and stare up at him helplessly before falling limp in his arms. Michael scoops me in his arms. Turning my head I cry and hold onto him as tightly as I can. Finally my girp releases as my head starts to fall. Eventually I’m covered in darkness.

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