The Story of Emma Salvatore

By maggotsandlove

376K 3.6K 492

In 1864, Emma Salvatore had it all. A loving father and her two brothers, Damon and Stefan. Because of Kather... More

The Story of Emma Salvatore
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 44 part 2
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 26

6.5K 61 7
By maggotsandlove

        After an agonizing 2 hours, he finally left the grill. I watched him get in the car with a girl. I was to far away to see her face. I followed the car to an old boarding house. He got out of the car and the woman drove away. Stefan walked up the steps and went in the door. What should I do? I thought to myself. Should I go inside? Wait out here? Was Damon here also? I decided it would be in my best interest to wait out here.

        It was an hour later when I could feel the hunger setting in. I hadn't eaten today. Damn, and I was out of blood. I could go and find a hospital but my compulsions wouldn't work as well. I would have to feed off a human. I shrugged and ran towards the main highway. As I ran, I thought. Stefan had made friends here. Would my meal be one of his friends or a loved one of a friend? The last thing I wanted to do was hurt him. 

        I turned around and headed in the directions of my truck. Once in my truck, I drove back to the town that I had been in originally to find dinner. The hunger inside of me raged, I needed blood. Soon. I pulled into a bar and went inside. As I went inside, I was searching for the right person. When choosing a meal in a crowded place, I look for the person who is A) alone, and B) drunk Once I found the right guy, sitting alone at the bar, I took a seat next to him and ordered a mojito. 

        ''Excuse me miss, but I'm gonna need to see some ID.'' The bartender said in a questionable voice with his hand outreached.
        ''No you don't'' I spoke clearly and glanced in his eyes.
        He stood there a moment in a trance then shook his head. ''That will be right out for you.'' He winked and smiled. I love compulsion. 

        ''I don't know how you did that, but it was pretty awesome.'' They guy next to me said with slurred words, obviously drunk.
        I smiled at him and turned back to take my drink before turning back. ''So what's your name?'' I asked him.
        ''Wow, what are you, seveteen? I don't think I'm that drun-''
        ''That does not matter. What is your name?'' I compelled.
        His body went still the way the bartenders went before he answered ''Jeff''.
        I smiled and stopped compelling. And smiled. ''Hi Jeff, I'm Emma.'' I reached out and he shook my hand. I hope my hands weren't to cold.
        ''Nice to meet you.'' He turned back to his drink. 

        I sipped mine again. I couldn't understand why he was being so difficult. Drunk guy's usually didn't care about age.
        I sighed and tried again. ''So Jeff, what are you doing here?''
        I watched his shoulders rise and fall as he sighed and turned toward me. ''My girlfriends just dumped me. So I'm drowning my sorrows in liquor.''  
        I nodded. ''Thats rough. But if you want, I can make it better.'' I touched his shoulder in a seductive way.
        A shudder rippled through him. ''I'm not sure. I still love her and she might want-''
        ''Come with me and let me make it better.'' God did I have to compel him every time I talked to him?
        ''I'll let you make it better.'' he answered in monotone. 

I got up and he followed. The bartender walked over ''Sir that will be $63 and Ma'am that will be-''
        ''Free. And so will his. And forget you saw us here.''  
        ''On the house for both of you and goodbye now.'' He smiled and went to the next person.
        ''Come on, Jeff.'' I grabbed his hand and pulled him out towards the parking lot. The drink had taken a bit of the edge off but I was still hungry. 

        ''Which one is your car?'' I asked. He pointed towards the black Mercedes in the corner. I nodded and walked with him there.
        ''Where are we going? I'll drive.'' He said. After stumbling the whole way, slurring his words and not knowing where to go, he wasn't driving anywhere. After a small compulsion he got in the passenger seat and handed me his keys. I drove the car towards the woods and where I knew there was a river.The whole way there, he talked and talked about his ex. I sat and let him talk. Once we got next to the river, I pulled the car off next to it and stopped. 

        ''Here, why here?'' He asked.
        ''Shut up.'' I said. He looked confused. ''Get. Out. Of. The. Car.'' I could feel the hunger taking over, my voice coming out as a snarl. Jeff didn't seem to be frightened, concidering he was so drunk and compelled, he probably didn't have a clue what was happening.

        He got out and went to sit by the river. I stood by the car and watched him for a minute. I felt the burn in my throat, the pain in my gums, the pressure in my eyes, the want in my heart. Finally I couldn't take it any longer. I launched myself onto his neck and bit down. The blood tasted amazing and warm. I could taste the strong tang of alcohol. I didn't mind though, it was satisfying my hunger. I drank till he was dry. I pulled back and watched his lifeless body drop to the ground. Now to do the work. 

        I barred my fangs and made bite marks all over his body. There was already blood on the ground so that was taken care of. I tore his clothes up and dragged him into the river. His corpse floated down the water and disappeared around the corner. I stood there a moment longer before I walked away and went back to town.

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