No Clue (Saiki Kusuo x Reader)

By carcinoDetermination

209K 5.5K 3.5K

The whole of PK Academy is buzzing with the news of yet another transfer student... except this time around... More

New Girl
The Lunch Dilemma
Routine... Or Not
Another A/N (sorryyy)
Misery Business
Yeah it's anoth A/N but seriously
Falling For You

Who Is This Girl?!

14.4K 503 321
By carcinoDetermination

Saiki hated this. Not being able to hear someone's thoughts bothered him more than he ever thought it would. He couldn't see through her either like he normally did with other people! She was the first person whose face he could see in years and he thought she was beautiful. He denied it with every ounce of his being though. He only ever knew how other people looked through the thoughts of others, but there was always a bias. With her though... he could see what she actually looked like, it almost knocked him off his feet that he couldn't see through her. Actually, he couldn't see through her clothes either. He thought that was stranger than her being opaque and he wondered about it sometimes. Not in the perverted way Toritska would think about it! He'd never had those kinds of emotions towards someone before, but he knew (very, very, VERY, extremely deep down) that if he ever were to feel that way about someone, that someone would be her.

She seemed quieter than usual when they were all walking to school together. She didn't seem to be paying that much attention either and Saiki thought that was strange: she always tried to follow conversations and sometimes asked what words meant when she didn't know the meaning. "It's kind of cute how she stumbles over her words sometimes and tries to figure out the Japanese for what she's trying to say. She always gets this adorable look of concentration on her face... it's weird seeing facial expressions first-hand..." Saiki thought with the slightest of frowns.

As the group got closer to the school, Saiki noticed just how troubled (Y/n) looked and he furrowed his brows in concern. Since he couldn't hear her thoughts, times like these upset him. They finally reached the school and Saiki suddenly noticed that he was hearing more than twice as many thoughts as he normally did. Some of the thoughts even repeated like he was processing them twice. Something was very off today. Saiki glanced back at (Y/n) and wondered if her odd behaviour had any correlation to what was happening. He didn't think that would be possible. Right?

That was until the group entered the classroom and he noticed something he couldn't believe. Something so ludicrously absurd he thought he was dreaming. Surely, he had to be imagining his. He could hear (Y/n)'s thoughts! There was no way. He had to have gone insane or something. But who else's thoughts would be in English and in that distinct accent? It had to be her. "Fuck, I shouldn't have been thinking about all the crap I've been through! This isn't good. What if I lose control? I could cause so many problems for people who don't deserve it... and class is starting! This is just my bloody luck! Just as I thought I was adjusting, I had to go and fuck it up like I always do. What is wrong with me? Am I so messed up that I can't just let myself be happy...? I need to calm down. I can do this... deep breaths," and so her thoughts continued.

Saiki felt like he just had the wind knocked out of him. Those were her thoughts?? How could someone like her even think that stuff? There was so much more too... God, this girl had to have some combination of ADHD and Aspergers. She noticed everything, which just added to her stress and anxiety. Saiki had never, EVER wanted to hug someone before, but at that moment he wanted to hug her and calm her down. Nothing seemed to be helping her so she raised her hand and excused herself. Apparently she had mental illnesses and the teachers knew and would let her go. It was technically a good thing but Saiki was worried she would do something stupid. Based off of what he could gather from her million-mile-a-minute thoughts, she'd done some of the stuff he was worried about her doing before. He didn't know why, but that was something he just couldn't let happen. So, after a few minutes of deciding, he too raised his hand and excused himself. The teacher was doubtful but at this point Saiki gave no shits so he may have used a little bit of his nifty mind control. As soon as Saiki left the classroom, he turned himself invisible and ran to where he knew she was: the roof.

Of all the things he expected to see, the sight that greeted him was the only thing he didn't predict. (Y/n) was there all right but she wasn't exactly on the roof. More like flying several metres above it. She lay horizontally in the air with her arms outstretched and silky (h/c) hair blowing in the wind she created. Saiki started up in awe of her sheer power as she cried and screamed at the sky. This proved a good idea as her scream was so inadvertently powerful it blasted through the ominous black stormclouds she apparently created. Saiki couldn't believe neither his eyes nor his telepathy at this point.

She stopped crying and her thoughts, along with all the other people's thoughts those brought, disappeared. So this was her secret. He couldn't believe it. Suddenly, the sky cleared and, a few seconds later, the wind that was keeping (Y/n) in the air completely stopped. Saiki's body was unable to move as you plummeted to what he thought was going to be your death. As he regained his senses and was about to race over to catch you, you stopped; floating about a metre above the ground. You looked free and beautiful and careless as you simply revelled in the utter weightlessness you felt. Saiki found himself walking towards you and quickly stopped and stepped back when he realised what he was doing. If he touched someone while invisible he would become visible once more.

With a start, her big (e/c) eyes snapped open and she fell on her feet. Had she noticed him? She scanned the area but her gaze never fell on him. She still seemed suspicious and proceeded to close her eyes and presumably try to assess whether or not she had been seen. “I'm invisible so she can't see me, but if she has other abilities then she knows I'm here. I guess I'll find out,” Saiki thought. Her cold gaze then fixed on him and she sped towards him with inhuman speed.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't erase your memory right now, Saiki Kusuo."

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