Mommy and daddys little boy

By ccranford2300

173K 2.2K 112

Hi I'm Phoenix but I go by phe i am 16 and this. Is how I found my mommy and daddy More

Chap 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
ch 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
ch 12
chapter 14
ch 16
ch 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
ch 20
chapter 21
ch 22
ch 23
i cant beleave this
ch 27
ch 28
ch 30
ch 31
ch 32
u wanted more
ch 37

ch 13

4.6K 61 4
By ccranford2300

(After phe's surgery )
Phes pov

I felt like I was in a comfortable bed and I could move my toes I woke up
Smiling and I saw Dada beside me asleep I giggled and mama walked in the door with a cup of coffee and looked at me and smiled and crawled to the side of the crib mama saw me moving and clapped her hands I giggled and clapped mine she picked me up and said good job I clapped some more but I was hungry and I tugged on her shirt she smiled and said is my baby hungry i nodded my head mama set down in the rocking chair in the room and put the towel go her neck and grabbed my cover and wrapped me up into it then she unhooked her nursing bra and I started to suck that's when a knock was heard at the door then da da woke up and answered it there was the doctor but i didnt care i still kept on sucking when I was done mama burbed me and wiped my face and the doctor said that I was free to go and said that the surgery when well and said that I was free to go and I smiled and looked a the doctor tank ou I smiled and rubbed my head no problem little guy I was happy to help I smiled and looked at Dada and lifted my arms for him to pick me up he picked me up and I laid my head on my his shoulder and fell asleep then I felt dada lyed me into my carseat and we drove home and I fell asleep listening to nursery rhymes I was fixing to put my thumb into my mouth but mama put a binky into my mouth befor I got a chance I sucked on the paci and fell aleep listioning to wheels on the bus

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