ch 20

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Phea pov

I woke up in my crib with a dirty nappy
I cried to get some one to come get me then mama opened the door she smiled at me and lowers the crib and picks me up when she felt my nappy she took me to my changing table and changes me when we got to the kitchen mama puts in my highchair and tries feeding me some applesauce but i didn't want it so i grabbed it and threw it at the floor mama looked at me and I hunkers back then she puts cheerios on my table top of my highchair but me being really little didn't want that so if rather played with them so i got board and grabbed a handfull of cheerios and threw them every where mama turned around of the sounds of cheerios hitting the floor Phoenix no no i whined and i was babbling to her shaking my arms into the air then mama picked me up and spanked me it hurt so i babbled and cried looking at her with big tears going down my face and me with snot down my nose then she picks me up and grabs a wipe and cleans my nose then i babbled more to her then she figured out that i was far to little to do anything so she sat down onthe couch and breastfeed me till i fell a sleep in her arms

(Hi guys hope u have a good new year)

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