Gabriel & Athena, Book One: F...

By NMBooks

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FORMERLY TITLED "FATUM" Chosen as a Wattpad Featured Story in May 2017 There's a reason high school senior At... More

Letter to the Fans
Update: November 30, 2017


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By NMBooks

Chapter Soundtrack - Chapter 15: "Magic" by Coldplay


Gretchen could immediately see the change in my mood when she picked me up the next afternoon. I brought her up to speed on the events from the previous night and secretly enjoyed her enthusiastic reaction to my sparkly gift from Gabe. As we drove with the top down, the wind blowing through our hair, I once again tried to find out what exactly the plan for the day was.

"Athena, can't you just sit back and enjoy yourself?" she cried.

"Am I at least dressed okay?" I asked, gesturing to my short-sleeved lavender tee and jeans.

"You look fine," she answered as she rolled her eyes. She glanced over at the star pendant hanging around my neck. "Your parents didn't see that, did they?"

"I made sure to hide it beneath my shirt this morning. A diamond necklace isn't exactly something my mother would miss."

"He definitely knows how to pick out a gift," Gretchen commented.

I traced the outline of the star with my finger. "Yeah, he does," I said thoughtfully, smiling to myself. As I looked to my right, I noticed we were headed out of Sparrow. "Gretchen, where are we going?" I asked. With Gretchen, anything was possible. I didn't know whether to be panicked or excited.

"We're spending the day in Durham," she revealed, her green eyes focused on the road ahead.

"And what are we going to be doing in Durham?" I pressed, giving her a cautious look.

She sighed. "You really don't like surprises do you?"

"That depends on the surprise?"

"If I told you, then it wouldn't be a surprise," she countered.

"Okay...since you know what the surprise is, and you know me, am I going to like this surprise?"

"Athena, if you don't like this surprise, I'm seriously going to stop being your friend," she warned.

"Can't you just tell me what it is?" I asked, my curiosity increasing with each nanosecond.

"Mm...okay, I'll tell you what we're doing first. We're going to the best spa in Durham for a little pampering."


"You heard me," Gretchen crowed. "Massages, manicures, pedicures...the works."

"Are you kidding me?" I sputtered, wanting to throw my arms around her. "Gretchen, thank you! It's too much."

" thanks are necessary, really," she mumbled, a smirk on her face.

"What do you mean don't thank you? Thank you isn't close to being enough. Wow, between your gift and Gabe's and the laptop from my family, this birthday is going to go down in the history books."

"And the day hasn't even started," Gretchen teased. "Who knows what else is to come?"

"That's just plain mean," I said, narrowing my eyes at her, a sense of uneasiness washing over me.

"Maybe, but it sure is a lot of fun. Now, just enjoy the drive and think about the hours of relaxation awaiting us."

I did as I was instructed, knowing any effort to get more information out of her would be in vain. As we drove into Durham, I couldn't help but think how lucky I was. I had a great family, recent tension excluded, a fabulous best friend who genuinely cared about me and the most amazing boyfriend. I smiled to myself as I repeated the word in my head. Boyfriend. That was definitely something I hadn't expected having on my eighteenth birthday, but he was by far the best gift I had received.

Twenty minutes later and Gretchen pulled into The Golden Day Spa. It was a large white building with a set of French glass doors lined in gold serving as the entrance. As we walked in, I could hear soft instrumental music playing in the background. The décor was very classy, all neutral colors with traces of gold found in everything from the candle holders to the magnificent mirror hanging above a fireplace. Gretchen gave the woman at the front desk our names.

"Yes, I have your appointments right here," the woman said, looking at her computer screen. "It looks like we'll start with your massages first," she stated, giving us a warm smile. "Mary will take you to the back so you can change into robes and store your belongings."

We turned to see a young girl with blond, shoulder-length curly hair walking towards us.

"Hi, ladies. Follow me," she instructed.

"Ready, goddess," Gretchen said, laughing.

"Ready," I responded dryly, walking behind her through a doorway which eventually led to the most decadent hours of my life. The combination of the massage and lunch on the outdoor patio melted away any nerves I had about what might be coming later. Our day was capped with manicures and pedicures, with Gretchen choosing a French design while I opted for a crimson red color. Before I knew it, I was waiting outside as Gretchen took care of the bill. I tried to insist on paying for half but she adamantly refused. I could see her walking out when I heard a beeping sound go off in my purse. I reached in and pulled out my cell phone, flipping it open to read the message:

Hope you're having fun. Don't let Gretchen get you into too much trouble! See you soon.

"Not soon enough," I mumbled under my breath, smiling.

"A message from your savior," Gretchen swooned, her movements bursting with excitement as she came out of the building.

"Yes," I chuckled, turning to face her. "He wanted to make sure I was having fun, which I am, by the way. I don't even know how to thank you. This must have cost a fortune."

"Don't even worry about it," Gretchen responded quickly. "It's taken care of so let's get going." She practically ran to her car with me trying to catch up to her.

"Alright, Gretchen, what's next?"

"I'm not telling you," she answered. "You really need to work on that patience quality of yours."

"Can't you at least tell me where we're headed to now?"


"Why not?" I demanded.

"Because you'd start asking a lot of questions that I can't give you the answers to. It's better if you just sit quietly and behave," she instructed, a stern look on her face as she turned the volume on the radio higher, obviously to drown out my voice should I dare to speak again.

She was right. My impatience was at an all-time high, but I had yet to find a way to curb the feeling that something big was about to happen. As Gretchen pulled into the front of the Hilton Hotel, my heart started to race.

"Okay," she said, stopping in front of the entrance and giving me a devilish grin, "this is as far as I go."

A bellman immediately came to open my door. " moment," I said to him, looking back at Gretchen. "What do you mean this is as far as you go?"

"I mean that I'm handing you off to someone else. When you get to the front desk, ask for Stella Valente."

"What?" I bellowed.

"You heard me," Gretchen remarked. "Now get a move on, Athena, you don't want to be late."

"Late for what? Gretchen, what is going on? Why am I meeting Gabe's cousin? And why are you leaving me?"

"You're impossible," she sighed. "This is as much as I'm going to tell you. You're going to be spending the rest of the evening with Gabe, but first, Stella's going to help you get ready."

"Why does she need to help me get ready? And what about you? How will I get home?" I pressed. Although I was ecstatic that I would be seeing Gabe tonight, there was still so much that didn't make sense.

"You'll be dropped off at my house before your curfew and then I'll take you home. As for Stella, well, you'll know soon enough why you need her help," she replied vaguely.

"Why can't you stay and help with whatever this is also?"

"I would love to but I have to work, and I need to leave now if I don't want to be late. Now go, Athena!" Gretchen commanded, practically pushing me out of the vehicle.

If it wasn't for the bellman that had patiently waited with his hand outstretched, I'd have probably fallen on the curb of the entryway. I walked to the front desk, a feeling of anticipation coursing through my blood. I followed Gretchen's instructions and asked for Stella.

"You can go right up, Ms. Thorpe," the man behind the desk informed me. "Ms. Valente is in the Penthouse Suite."

"Thank you," I replied. I walked towards the elevators, whipping out my phone to call Gabe.

He answered on the first ring, probably anticipating my call. "Hey there, goddess. How are you?" he asked. I could hear the smugness in his voice and immediately pictured a smile to match it.

"That's a good question. Let's see, how am I? I'd say I'm really confused. Want to clear a few things up for me?" I asked, stepping into an elevator and pressing the appropriate button.

"I can try," he responded, chuckling.

"Why am I at the Hilton meeting your cousin?"


"Gretchen said I was going to be spending the evening with you. What are we doing?"


I sighed. "Why won't you tell me what's going on?" I demanded, frustrated he was having so much fun with this.

"Finally, one I can answer. Partly because it would ruin the surprise and partly because I know it's killing you to be in the dark," he revealed.

The elevator doors opened and I walked into the hallway, slowly making my way towards the suite.

"Did you have fun at the spa?"

"Yes, actually." I stopped in my tracks, realization hitting me. "Did you have anything to do with that?"

"Tell Stella I said hello and that she better take good care of you. Oh, and don't even try to get her to spill before it's time. She's a Valente. We're masters at keeping secrets," he informed me, ignoring my question.

Before I could say anything else I heard the line go dead. I snapped the phone shut and knocked on the door, quickly smoothing my hair and making sure my clothes weren't in disarray. The door opened and I was face to face with one of the most beautiful girls I had ever seen. My first reaction was relief she was only his cousin.

"Athena!" the gorgeous stranger exclaimed. "You're finally here! Come in," she directed, giving me a quick hug before closing the door behind me. "I'm Stella. I'm so happy to finally meet the girl my cousin can't stop talking about."

Her exuberant welcome left me at a loss for how to respond. Instead, I began to study her. She had jet-black hair cascading down the middle of her back, accentuating her very pale skin. Her eyes were a cloudy grey, almost a light shade of violet. The color was made more mesmerizing by her smoky make-up. Her nose and lips were perfectly sculpted and her skin was sickeningly flawless. She closely resembled the models which could be found in Gretchen's fashion magazines. A black cashmere sweater fit her thin frame snugly. Her tight faded jeans were neatly tucked into tall black stiletto boots. She had an extravagant silver watch on her right wrist and large black bangles on the other.

"It's nice to meet you too," I finally said. As my eyes wandered around the room, I couldn't keep my mouth from falling open. The room was practically larger than my home, with windows all around to let in the sunlight. There was a large dark brown oak dining room table lined with chairs on both sides. A few had been moved aside and the table was covered with a wide variety of cosmetics and hair care items. A flat-screen TV hung on one wall with creamy ivory couches in front of it. I could see various doors that undoubtedly led to bedrooms, which I could only imagine to be equally magnificent.

"I bet you're wondering what's going on," Stella guessed, a kind smile forming on her face.

I let out a small sigh. "I'm dying to know, actually," I confessed. "Both Gabe and my best friend Gretchen have refused to clue me in. Maybe you could break the cycle and tell me why I'm here."

"I can tell you what we'll be doing here, but I can't tell you why." She saw the fallen expression on my face and quickly added, "But there is a good chance that you'll have an idea by the time we're done and you're on your way to meet my cousin." She walked towards me and put one reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Trust me, Athena, you're going to love this surprise."

"Okay," I conceded, deciding I would just have to patiently wait for this super secret surprise to be revealed.

"So," Stella began, "the reason you're here is to get ready for what Gabriel has planned, which means hair, makeup and a change of attire. We better get started as it's already a quarter to six and we have to get you to Gabriel by seven. Boys, we're ready for you," Stella called to a doorway on her right, slightly turning towards it.

Two men emerged from one of the other rooms. I noticed they were also impeccably dressed as they walked towards us.

"Athena, I'd like you to meet Tommy Stiles and Benjamin Kates. Tommy will be working on your hair while Ben will take care of the makeup."

"It's nice to meet you," I mumbled, shaking their hands.

"Likewise, Athena," Tommy said, a welcoming smile on his face. He patted the back of a chair next to the table. "Ready?"

"Um, sure," I replied, warily sitting in the chair.

Benjamin started to peruse through the mounds of cosmetics. He turned his head slightly to look at Stella. "Gabriel was right, she's gorgeous. I'm not going to need to do much." Then he looked at me. "We'll just accent what's already there," he remarked, winking at me.

I slowly nodded my head, acknowledging that I probably didn't really have a choice in the matter.

Stella walked a little closer to me. "Don't worry, Athena," she said with a knowing smile. "Tommy and Ben are the best in the business. I've been going to them for years. You're in very good hands."

I nodded again, letting out a deep breath as my transformation began. As Tommy and Ben started to work their magic, both simultaneously for the sake of time, I started to wonder if there was something in the water of the state of New York. Both Tommy and Ben were strikingly good-looking. Tommy with his spiky blonde hair and hazel eyes, and Ben with his sandy brown strands and turquoise pupils.

As Ben smoothed something in liquid form on my face, I saw Stella emerge from the bedroom she had entered a few minutes earlier, snapping her cell phone shut.

"How are you?" she asked.

"I'm doing great," I reassured her.

"My cousin told me this all might be a little overwhelming for you. Are you nervous?"

"Maybe a little," I confessed. I could feel Tommy start to twist strands of my hair around a large curling iron.

Stella smiled kindly. "Why don't we get to know each other while these two do their thing?" She grabbed a chair and pulled it near me, sitting down. "So, Gabriel showed me around Sparrow a little. It seems like a great place to grow up," she commented.

"It is," I admitted. "Although I'm sure it doesn't compare to growing up somewhere like New York. I can't even imagine."

"I do have to say, I'm never at a loss for something to do, but there's a lot to be said for living in a small town like yours. I kind of envy you, you know. Being part of the Valente family is very...complicated. I've always kind of wished for a simpler type of life."

So Gabe wasn't the only one who wished he wasn't part of a mob family. "How are you and Gabe related?" I asked, curious about their relationship.

"Our fathers are brothers," she explained. "He and I are the same age and I consider him more of a brother than a cousin." She started shaking her head, chuckling. "I can't believe how much he's changed in just a few months. Gabriel was always this good-hearted, intelligent person, but the pressure from his father and especially Ikey's death, they caused him to become incredibly stubborn and rebellious. I'm sure you probably know this, but before he and my aunt moved to Sparrow, he and my brother were in some serious trouble. Thankfully it all worked out, but I was worried it wouldn't be the last time Gabriel would find himself in that type of situation."

As Ben started to work on my eyes, speaking to Stella became a little awkward. But she had opened the door into Gabe's past and I was all too eager to walk through it. "Did Gabe have a lot of friends back in New York?" I asked casually. Apparently my question hadn't been subtle enough. Ben stopped what he was doing for just a second, a small grin forming across his lips. I could see Stella look at Tommy, obviously exchanging a similar look with him.

"You're the only girl in his life, Athena," she promised, getting right to the point. Directness must be another Valente family trait. "Anyone Gabriel might have been dating back in New York isn't even a memory to him. You can trust me on that."

I tried to hide the relief and joy her words had given me by changing the subject. "How are you able to be here right now?" I asked. "Are you on a break from school or something?"

"I'm way ahead on my schoolwork so missing a few days won't really affect me. Besides, when my cousin called and said he needed my help, I couldn't refuse. And I'm really glad I didn't miss the chance to meet you, Athena."

"Why?" I asked as Tommy started to pin a few of the curls back while Ben continued his artistry.

"Because you have had this profound effect on Gabriel that I never thought would be possible. I almost feel like I have to get to know him all over again. It's kind of like....." She looked away, searching for the right words. Her grey eyes eventually focused back on me. "It's kind of like you saved him. I can't thank you enough for that," she said softly.

Ben took a minute to search for something in his stash which allowed me to face Stella and smile thoughtfully. "You know, Gretchen says Gabe has done the same for me. She calls him my savior."

She gazed at me for a moment before speaking, traces of envy and sadness reflected in her eyes. "I guess you and Gabriel are each a savior for the other."

"I guess," I replied, suddenly wondering if Stella had led a similarly tumultuous life as Gabe.

An awkward silence followed, but thankfully it didn't last long as she changed the subject.

"What are your plans after graduation?" she asked.

"Kind of uncertain right now. A lot will depend on what Gabe decides about his future."

She nodded her head, apparently already knowing what I was referring to.

"But really it doesn't matter what he decides," I continued, "I plan on being with Gabriel no matter what."

Her face became guarded as she stared at me. Tommy and Ben went on with their work, pretending they couldn't hear our conversation. "And you're sure about this decision?" she asked quietly.

"One hundred percent," I declared, looking her directly in the eyes.

She hesitated before continuing. "You should know the world Gabriel and I come from is very volatile. There are many things we've had to sacrifice for it. The only certain thing about our lives is there will undoubtedly be more sacrifices to come," she said, shifting her eyes to the floor.

"Maybe, but who doesn't have to make sacrifices for what they want? What would be the point of having a savior if I have to give him up?"

She looked back up at me. "I guess there wouldn't be a point, would there." She stood up, abruptly ending our conversation.

I could feel Tommy start to insert something in between the hairs at the crown of my head and before I knew it, another twenty minutes had passed.

"All right, my work here is done," Tommy declared.

Ben made sure my lips were sufficiently glossed and stepped back as well.

"Can I look?" I asked, both anxious and terrified at what the end result was.

"Not yet," Stella cried, "You have to change first, then you can look. That way you get the full effect all at once." She grabbed my hand. "Let's go," she said, her voice brimming with excitement.

I followed her into an enormous bedroom. The room had a large window on one side with luxurious burgundy and gold drapes. There was a king-sized bed, a sitting area, another flat-screen TV and a door which led to a large bathroom. It was all beautiful, but my eyes immediately focused on what was on the bed. As I stepped forward, my eyes took in the most elegant gown I could ever recall seeing. It was a deep hunter green strapless dress made of what appeared to be silk. The bodice was a tight, empire design with silver beading flowing across the top neckline and along the waistband. The beading swirled in the middle with a diamond shape right in the center of the bodice. The bottom of the dress was ruched, with the same silver beads sewed into the crevices where the skirt bunched together. Next to the dress was a pair of dressy silver stiletto shoes. They had a tiny strap in front covered with sparkling gems, with another strap that would wrap around the ankle. There was also a pair of long white gloves. Whatever Gabe and I would be doing, we would be doing it in style.

Stella looked at me expectantly. "Any ideas?"

I looked at her, then back at the exquisite dress. "Um...we're going to a party?" I guessed.

"Yes, you could call it a party," she said, not giving me any clues. "No worries, you'll know soon enough. It's time to get you into this dress."

A few minutes later and I felt like Cinderella. The dress felt cool and soft against my skin. I was a little unsure about the heels but Stella insisted, saying I would become comfortable with them in time. As I wobbled across the bedroom, my doubts about that intensified. The only jewelry I wore was the star necklace Gabe had given me.

Once the soft white gloves were on, Stella walked to the closet doors and opened them, revealing full-length mirrors on both sides. She faced me. "Ready?"

I slowly walked towards one of the mirrors and stood still as my image came into view. The person staring back was me, but a completely different version of me. Tommy and Ben were skilled magicians, true masters of their respective crafts. My hair fell down my back in perfect waves, with the front curls pinned back. My long bangs had been swept to one side. Along the top, Tommy had weaved in a strand of silver beads which matched the dress perfectly. My makeup was just what Ben had promised. He had lined my eyes with dark liner and layered my lashes with several coats of mascara. My cheeks were a lightly flushed pink and my lips were painted to match. The dress fit perfectly, to my sheer amazement. Ben and Tommy came in, making a few last minute adjustments to their work.

"It's time for Athena to be on her way, boys," Stella instructed. "Let's all walk her down, shall we?" As we left the bedroom, she handed me a small silver clutch. "Inside are some of the cosmetics Ben used on you. You can take whatever you need from your own purse and stick it in here. I'll make sure the rest of your belongings are in the car that will pick you up to take you to Gretchen's at the end of the night."

I thanked her and quickly grabbed my cell phone and wallet from my purse, stuffing them inside the beautiful clutch. We stepped off the elevator and made our way through the lobby. As we walked through the exit, Stella smiled at me anxiously. I smiled back at her and then looked ahead, only to be shocked into standing still. I suddenly knew where I was going.

Stella pulled me closer to the horse-drawn carriage. "My cousin's waiting, Athena. It's time to go," she said, a strikingly familiar smug grin on her face.

I stared at her with my mouth wide-open. I no longer felt like Cinderella.

I was Elizabeth Bennett.

And I was on my way to a ball.

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