Suffer. (Chris Brown Love St...

By princesstakeover

83K 2.2K 795

23 year old Ranae Collin who joins Chris Brown crew as a dancer, escapes her pass and starts her life over. B... More

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1.5K 40 11
By princesstakeover

Finally🙌🏽. Sorry for pulling a Rihanna on y'all please forgive me😩.


"I mean I don't know what to do" I said thinking to myself.

I can't keep trying to get my life together when something always happening to ruin that chance. And I can't stop people actions either.

"Ranae bad things do not just happen. We open the door to them. We let bad things in-"

"So you saying this is my fault?"

"No I'm not saying that but you have to be careful from now on. It's not all your fault but you just opened the door"

"How I know if some stuff won't pop up from my pass again?"

"You wouldn't know so that's why you have to be prepared. But for now I want you to focus on the future ok? I know two weeks ago was rough for you but try not to dwell in it"

"Ok" I nodded.

"You know you are a very strong women Ranae, I just want to remind you that"

I nodded and looked down.

"One last thing you want to tell me before we try and leave the past in the past?"

I thought for a minute.

"When Kayla put that gun to my head.."

She nodded for me to go on.

"Not on no suicidal type stuff but when she put that gun to my head, I told her to just pull it. I wasn't scared I-... I just felt like it didn't matter, like I really didn't care what she'll do to be honest"

"I understand that it hasn't been easy in a long time and I'm sorry about that but are you feeling like your life isn't still worth it?"

"Life is rough but I'm not going to kill myself. What I attempted was dumb because I wasn't thinking about the people I love and I don't want to do that again. I believe in God and I believe he will come through big time when it's my time to be in my happy place in life"

She half smiled and nodded.
"Mom I miss youuuu" I said hugging my mom.

I missed her so much so I wanted to spend the rest of the day with her.

"My angel" she said back.

"How you doing today?"

"Good and you?"

"I'm fine"

"How was therapy, I'm glad you still going to Lisa"

"Yeah me too, it was good tho"

"That's good baby. I'm really praying for you, God got you"

"I know ma, thanks" I smiled.

I felt my phone vibrate which meant someone text me. I took it out my pocket and unlocked my phone.
my love💕: snacks and a movie tonight? I'll get you sour patches

I smiled.

me: I'll love that❤️ thank you baby.

I locked my phone and shoved it back on my pocket.

"Who you texting Chris?"

"How you know?"

"You was smiling"

"Ok I can't smile?" I chuckled.

"Well when other people text you you don't smile like that"

"Oh really?" I said laughing and she joined.

"So he's treating you good right?"

"Yes ma'am"

"Well that's good and that's all I care about"

"Enough about me, how you doing mama?"

"I'm good sweetie. The other day I got a call from my manager saying that someone wanted to star me in a movie and that it would be big"

"Are you going to take it? Please do"

"I am"

"Oh yes! I can't waittt" I said clapping.

"It's been a while you know"

"Yea I know, 3 years right?"

She nodded. "Yup. My last movie I did was actually with Calvin but we took a break with everything, you know because"

"Yeah" I said.

"He's going to be so happy, we are going to be so happy and proud of you" I said touching her hand.

"Yeah I know. I have to move on, we have to move on"

I nodded.


"So what you want to do?"

"Can we cook and just relax and talk? Oh lets catch up on American Horror Story!"

"Oh hell no I been stop watching that creepy ass show"

"Well how about Empire"

"Ok that will do"

"Ok come on, vámonos mi amor"
After taking a long hot shower, I was more than ready to chill and hit the covers. I had already ate dinner so I was ready to snack and watch a movie. I had slipped on a shirt with only panties on and got underneath the covers. Chris was down stairs getting us something to drink with these snacks.

He had brought a whole bag of candy, chips, chocolate and a small jar of ice cream for me to eat.

I took the remote and scrolled through the movies trying to find something interesting to watch. I saw Chris come in with two cups.

"What we watching?"

"I don't know I'm still looking"

"Here you go" He said handing me my drink.

"Thank you"

He turned off the lights and then slipped into bed and propped himself up.

"You seen Fifty Shades?" I asked.


"Me either, I never got to watch it because I'm always watching some comedy but I'm going to put it on. I want to see what's the fuss about"

He grabbed the plastic bag and started digging through it trying to find some candy to eat. I played the movie and put the remote on the nightstand and laid back.

"How was your day?" He asked.

"It was normal, how about you? What you do today? Did you go to the studio to record?"

"Yeah, I finished that song wit Ty Dolla. You can hear it tomorrow if you want"


"You want to go to the dance studio tomorrow with everyone? Or just me and you?" He asked putting a piece of chocolate in his mouth.

"I don't know, maybe. It all depends how I feel tomorrow"

"I understand but remember, staying in this house ain't going to do nothing for you"

"I know that but once I'm ready I'll tell you"

He nodded.

"I have to show you something" he said turning his head.

I looked at him and waited. He then he turned his head back around and revealed his smile which looked like he didn't have no teeth because of the chocolate.

"Ewwwww" I said laughing.

He leaned his face closer to mind causing me to lean back. Then he puckered his lips and continued to move closer.

"Get away ugly" I pushed him.

"You better come get these chocolate kisses" he said grinning looking creepy.


"Stoppppa" He mocked.

He kissed my chin and backed away.

"We suppose to be watching the movie" I said rolling my eyes.

"I am but you over here playing"

"Shut up" I said digging through the bag.

We continued watching the movie and honestly as I keep watching it, this movie really got me fucked up. Like Christian dick just had better be that good for them to be doing all that. I didn't even get to see the end even though I tried but my eyes was just like hell nah go to sleep sis.

Me and Chris both fell asleep. By the next morning it was time to get up and start the day. I actually wanted to do something today but then again I don't know.

Chris big headed ass was sleeping on my stomach while I searched through the TV guide. I wanted to get up but I didn't want to wake him, he was so adorable and sleeping peacefully. I gently ran my fingers through his curls massaging his head softly in circular motions.

After a couple minutes later, he started to wake up which I was waiting for.

"Good morning handsome"

He stretched out and slowly looked up at me.

"Why are you up so early?" He asked in his raspy voice that I love.

"It's 11"

"That's still early"

"Bye, now get off me I have to go pee" I tried to move but he wrapped his arms around my stomach and laid back down.


"What you mean no?? I been had to pee, move"

"You should've went when you had to from the start"

"I didn't want to wake you"


I was silent for a few seconds and then he looked at me. He let go and rolled over on the other side.

"Thank you" I said getting up and going to the bathroom.

"Aye when you finish bring that ass back to bed"


"What?" Was the last thing he said before I closed the bathroom door and locked it. I smiled to myself and went to go to the bathroom.

Once I finished I turned the sink water on and grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste. Was I the only person that wets my toothbrush, put the paste on then wet it again? I don't know why I do that but it just feels right.

I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I heard the door knob jiggle and smiled.

"Why you locking doors?" Chris said from the other side.

"Because I can" I responded.

"Girl if you don't open this damn door"

"Or what?"

"You see how I broke your door down that night? Try me if you want"

"Whatever" I said under my breath.

"Come on, a nigga gotta pee"

I sighed since I was finished anyway. I unlocked the door and open it. I tried to move pass him but he grabbed me.

"Give me a kiss"

"Mmm mmm no" I said pushing him away.

"Brush your teeth first then maybe you can have my kisses" I walked away.

"That's some bullshit" I heard him say. I laughed and sat back on the bed. I grabbed my phone and checked my messages.

Kait💗: Goodmorning boo😘, I hope your morning is going great but you know what will make your day better? If you come down to my class tonight, pleaseeee come we miss you here honestly!😪

Me: Goodmorning 💗 and I'll think about it.

Mom: Good Morning Angel! How you doing this morning?

Me: Good Morning Mom❤️ I'm ok and you?

Omar: Good morning beautiful. What you doing today?

Me: I don't know yet, you?

I locked my phone and Chris came out the bathroom. He walked over to the dresser and took a shirt out for him to put on. I was eyeing him the whole time he was doing that and he noticed.

"What you looking at little girl?"

"Nothing cute" I lied.

"Whatever, I know you like all this caramel" He smiled showing his dimples.

"Mhm" I said looking at him up and down.

"Come here" I motioned with my hands.


"I owe you your kiss remember? You brushed your teeth right?"

"Yea but you ain't getting no kiss. That deal is off the table"

I squint my eyes at him.

"Stop playing and come here" I chuckled.

"No" He said laughing.

I waited for him to come but this nigga walked out the room.

"I know he didn't just deadass walk out" I said to myself.

I stood up and followed him down the steps.

"Chris" I whined.

"Yes Nae"

"Stop playing with me"

"I didn't even do anything" He said laughing and shaking his head.

"Then give me a kiss"

"I don't want to"

I stopped in my tracks and gave him a look even though he couldn't see me.

"You don't want to?" I asked him.

He went to grab the cereal box and a bowl out the cabinet and sat it on the island. I walked next to him and just looked at him like he was stupid.

"Why you looking at me like that?"

"Are you dumb?"

"Move bro" he continued laughing.

"Don't call me bro I'm not your bro"

"Ard bae I'm sorry"

"Ok now give me a kiss" I said grabbing on him and tried giving him a kiss but he moved his head.

I sucked my teeth and leaned on the table. He poured his cereal in and then the milk.

"So you really not going to kiss me?"

"I already told you no, you should've kissed me when you had the chance"

I mean mugged him for a minute. Before he could take a bite I push the bowl to the side and hopped on top of the counter and quickly wrapped my legs around him.

"Yo what are you doing?? You done spilled milk on the counter"

"I don't care now give me a kiss" I said forcing his body closer to mine. I tried to kiss him but he kept moving his head.

"Chris stop, that's offensive" I whined and tried kissing him again and finally got his lips.

"Ha!" I kissed him again but he wasn't kissing me back.

"Kiss me back or I'm going to smack you"

"Now just threaten me" He said.

"You know what, fuck you and your cereal" I said pushing the cereal box to the ground and then pushing him away from me. I hopped off the counter and walked off. I don't got time playing games with him.

"You don't have to kiss me, it's ok I'll just kiss someone else" I said.

"Like hell you are"

I ignored him and walked back upstairs pissed off. I know he just playing and it's just a kiss but he playing too much why can't you just kiss me and move on ?? Like you starting to make me think you kissing on other girls and shit.

I closed the bedroom door behind and saw X sitting on the bed.

"Come here X ,daddy is not being nice right now" I said in a baby voice.

I sat beside X and started rubbing her. I sat back on my pillow and she crawled over to me and got comfortable. I grabbed my phone and continued rubbing her. I went into my messages to see who responded.

Kait💗: Ok see you tonight and wear your booty shorts 😉

Me: 🙄

Mom: That's good! I'm going over to the office to speak to some of my director friends.

Me: Yess mama🙌🏽 proud.

Omar: I was exercising today, the offer still open you know.

Me: Yeah but maybe another time. Not feeling it right now.

I locked my phone and sat it in front of me. I grabbed the remote and browse through the guide. I found Everybody Hate Chris and put that on.

"You like this show X? This how I'm feeling about your daddy right now"

About 5 mins later Chris came walking through the door but I ignored him. He sat down on the other side of the bed and moved X to the front of the bed while I was still rubbing her.

"What you do that for?" I whined.

He scooted close to me and laid his head on my shoulder.

"I know you lying" I said.

I pushed his head off me and rolled my eyes.

"I'm sorry, give me a kiss" He puckered his lips.

"Man kiss my ass"

He laughed and got in my face.

"Get out my face, you didn't want to give me a kiss and now I don't want to kiss you. Go kiss your girlfriend"

"That's what I'm trying to do but she being a little mad ass" He touched my thigh and I smacked his hand away.

I sat up and tried to get off the bed but his strong ass pulled me back onto his lap.

"Get off me" I demanded.

"Calm your little ass down yo, look at me"

I looked at him.

"I'm sorry for playing with you, you know I want all your kisses. You the only girl I love besides my momma but you the only girl my eyes on"

I smiled looking up at him. He gave me a couple kisses which made me feel better but he can still kiss my ass.

"And I dare you to get kisses from someone else, I'm going to be fighting everybody"

"Yeah yeah"

"So what you doing today? Nothing again?"

"I was actually thinking about going to Kait dance class tonight smart ass"

"Well you need to go"

"And you need to shut up. Are you going to come with me?"

He shook his head no.

"Then where you going? Studio?"

"No I have to host a party tonight at the lounge"

"And you just telling me? You just found that out?"

"No I been knew, I was promoting it on my Instagram all week"

"And you didn't ask did I want to come?"

"I know your ass don't want to go"

"Ok but you could've still asked" I rolled my eyes.

"Keep doing that and your shit gon get stuck"

"Keep doing that and your shit gon get stuck" I mocked.

He looked at me in disgust and I started laughing.

"What am I going to do with you?" He said.

"I don't know" I chuckled.

He smiled and started attacking my neck with kisses.

"Stop that tickles" I laughed but he didn't stop.

"I love you girl"


I tied my sneaks and walked to the dresser to grab my jewelry. I was about to leave to go to my hosting and Ranae was going to Kait's dance thing tonight. It was good she was getting out the house and now I wanted to make sure that she's going to get out mostly everyday. I wanted us to be good and most importantly wanted her to be happy.

"You can't leave" Ranae said walking in the room.

"Why? What's wrong??"

"I can't allow you to go to the club looking this fine without me with you"

I chuckled and put my watch on.

"Those girls gon be on my man"

"They can look all they want but they can't touch what's already yours" I smirked.

"They better not or I'll be down there in a millisecond"

After I was finish, I walked over to her and brung her arms around my neck and then put my hands around her waist.

"You ain't gotta worry about that aight?"

"Ok daddy"

I gave her a long kiss and backed away.

"What time you'll be back?" I asked.

"I'm not sure but I'll be here before you"

"Ok babygirl, well I'm going I'll see you later"

"Ok have fun but not too much fun"

I gave her one last kiss.

"I promise"

I gave her a little slap on the booty and walked out.

I decided to take my Lambo and drive over there. I blasted my music all the way there and went through the back to park there. A lot of people was here but that was nothing new when I hosted. The guards made everyone move out the way so I can get through to the back. Cameras was flashing everywhere and girls was walking pass in their half naked outfits.

I went through the back and parked in a parking spot. I saw my hittas, dapped them, and we walked up in the club.

We walked through trying to get to VIP.

"Hey Chris" some random girl touched my shoulder and said. I gave her a nod and kept it moving.

They had bottles already in the section which was perfect but I wasn't getting wasted tonight, I was just vibing and having a good time.

Mijo couldn't make it but Reese came out with his homies. Despite him and Ranae having a little issue I can say Reese is someone I can trust right along with Mijo.

"Aye bro" Reese said in my ear over the loud music.


"Look" He points his finger in the direction across from us and I couldn't believe it.

"The hell she doing here?" I asked him and he shrugged.

"I just wanted to let you know ole girl was here" He said and walked off.

The fuck she was doing here?! I know she seen that I was hosting this shit and she still gonna bring her ass up in here. But I ain't gon say nothing, as long as she stay where she at there won't be no problem.

I took a sip of the bottle and went on about my business.


I looked at myself in the mirror and I notice I had definitely gained a little weight. I looked at myself up and down and then turned to look at my booty.

"Yes bitch the booty still there and it's still fat" I heard Kait say.

"I had to make sure"

"Girl it ain't going no where especially if you getting dicked down at home"

I rolled my eyes and walked off.

"Speaking of home, so you officially moved in with Chris?"

"I-I don't know Kaitlyn, I want to find another place to stay but not right at the moment. I'm always at Chris's and I like staying with him but I'm not trying to say it will happen but what if something did happen? I don't wanna be moving into my mom's"

"Don't you have you're own room there? And the mansion is big enough for you and her..and me" I laughed.

"I know but if I stay there I'm gonna wanna stay there foreverrrrr and people will start looking at me weird so no"

"Rumors about me can be anything I don't care I'm still moving in that five star mansion ok hunty"

"Don't you have a class to attend?" I asked laughing.

"Yeah I should get started, LISTEN UP EVERYONE" She started talking.

I went to go get my water out my bag and sat it in front of the mirror. I threw my sweatpants off revealing my compression shorts and slipped on my heels.

"What song we dancing to?" I asked one of the girls.

"Pick it up by Dex and Asap Rocky"

Yesss Rocky fine ass.


Kait taught us the moves and everything. I was kind of struggling at first but then I caught on to everything. When I did come to her classes it's always fun and happiness in here and it definitely takes my mind off of things. I needed this tonight, I think it was time for me to get back out here just like Chris said.

"Ok let's get it bitches!" Kait said.


Another take to the head and I'm still wondering why this hoe was here.

"Aye Chris you good?" I heard Reese say.

"Yeah I'm fine"

"Just ignore her bro"

"I am, this just some bullshit though Reese"

"I know bro just ignore shawty"

I adjusted my shades and looked away. All of a sudden I felt an urge to piss. I sat the bottle on the table and then stood up to go down to the bathroom. As I squeezed through the crowd, people was greeting me and of course I greeted back. I finally reached the restroom and did my business in there.

Once I was finished I walked back out and began walking back until I felt someone grab my shoulder. I looked back and there she stood.

"Hey Chris you miss me? How you been?"

I chuckled and tried to walk away but she grabbed my wrist.

"Don't fucking touch me" I snatched my hand away.

"I was just trying to see how you been"

"You a crazy ass bitch if you think we still gonna be friends. You disrespected me and my girlfriend why in the fuck would I want to talk to you?"

"And what about what she did to my eye?!"

"Ya ass deserved it. You was suppose to be my homie but now I really don't give a fuck about you on my momma"

"So it's like that Christopher?"

"It's just like that Roseanne. And if you ever hurt my girl in any kind of way I swear"

"You swear what? What you gon do nigga??"

"I ain't gon do nothing but I know someone who will so don't fucking cross me"

"I hope you and that hoe real happy together"

"Oh don't worry sweetheart we are"

I was over this conversation and I was over her. She kept talking but I shook my head and walked away. That was the last time she was getting time from me I swear.

I walked back up to the section and grabbed my bottle and walked over to the homies.


Tonight was fun and I'm glad I got out. Me, Kait, and a few others decided to go out to grab something to eat before going in for the night which I wasn't going to pass for.

It was almost 2 in the morning and I was drained. I just wanted a warm bath, my bed, and my baby but I wasn't sure if he was here or not. I didn't know what car he took so I didn't know if he was here or not. It was pitch black in the house so I'm guessing he wasn't here yet.

I took my shoes off and sighed then began to walk up the steps. I opened the bedroom door and flicked the light switch. I jumped when I saw Chris laying across the bed knocked out with his clothes and everything still on including his glasses. I let out a laugh and put my things down.

I went into the bathroom and ran the bath water and put some bubbles in it. I took my clothes off and put them in the hamper then grabbed the robe to put on. As the bath water ran I decided to go wake up Chris.

I went over to him and shook his arm and called his name but no answer. I gently took his glasses off and jewelry off then began stripping him. I was struggling taking his coat off so I tried waking him up again but this boy was really out of it.

I climbed on top of him and tried to lift his body up. Once I got him up, I laid his head on my shoulder and began taking his coat off. After I completely took it off I felt his arms wrap around my waist.

"If you don't take this shit off yourself" I laughed.

He tried to talk but it came out as mumbles.

"Come on you shouldn't be laying on the bed with dirty clothes"

It took him a second but he lean back and allow me to take his shirt off. I was about about to climb off but he stopped me by wrapping his arms back around my waist.

"Come on baby I gotta go cut off the water before it over flow"

He groaned and let me go. I climbed off and went to turn off the water. I dimmed the lights and walked back out to Chris.

"Come take a bath with me" I said to him.

I grabbed his hand and he slowly got up. We walked to the bathroom and he fully stripped and got into the water. I dropped the robe and climbed in after him. I laid back on him and held his hands on my thighs.

"You missed me?" I asked and he mumbled a 'yeah'.

I sat up and changed my position, now I was sitting in front of him with my legs wrapped around his torso. I wrapped my arms around his neck and used my hands to play with his hair.

"I said do you miss me?" I repeated.

He opened his eyes a little and looked at me. I smiled and then he smirked.

"Yeah I miss you girl" He said placing his hands on my booty and licking his lips. I stared at him and then at his lips. I leaned closer and gave him a long kiss which turned into a make out session and then eventually turned into something else 😉.


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