The Turned Prince (Swan Princ...

By Serenity4Lifee

13.6K 320 7

Lance, the only Prince of Altea, is set to marry Keith, a galra from the royal court. Ever since they were ki... More

Officially Offended
The Curse
Till Death Do Us Part
Pointless Is No Way to Think
Not Giving Up
Are The Mice Stalkers?
I Finally Found You
I Have A Plan
Trapped/You're Just Like Her
A Better Escape Mechanism
A Not So Special Guest
Please Come Back
Let's Fight
A Lover I Will Always Remember
A Game of Find the Lion
I Love You
The End!


1.1K 23 0
By Serenity4Lifee

To be honest, I was slightly regretting my choice. Yes what Lance said was a horrible response. But for some reason I felt he wasn't lying when he said he was sorry. King Alfor also made it clear that he had things on his mind. So did I. Lance looked so different. He had aged into his height and was less of a gangly kid. He was definitely handsome. When he entered a room it was hard not to look. He looked better in royal clothing then he did when he was younger. His hair still hasn't changed to white but i'm okay with that. We both have our weird unique differences.


"Huh, what? Yes."

Shiro rolled his eyes.

"Keith you have to pay attention. You're on a horse in the woods. It's not the safest conditions."

"Yeah I know."

He pulled his horse ahead of me and stopped causing me to stop to.

"Keith. Stop thinking back. It's over. Done."

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I don't need your comments."

He shrugged.

"Fine fine."

"Besides. Your just trying to cover up how sad you are about not being able to be around Allura anymore."

Shiro's face turned bright red.


"Uhuh. Sure."

Before he could make a comment there was a loud bang from somewhere in the forest. We both tensed. Our horses nervously prancing underneath us. There was a loud thundering sound and Shiro's mare Lacy reared. He fell and she dashed off into the woods leaving us staring after. Shiro got up in time to face the sound. A man rode up to us on a large black stallion. He was galran. I recognized him as Lord Zarkons rebel son. Lotor. He'd been banned. But he was clearly back now.


Shiro growled.

"Ah, I hear the wedding plans didn't go so well."

Shiro stepped towards him but his horse reared and Shiro backed up.


Lotor pointed at me.

"You're the one I want."

In the blink of an eye I was knocked painfully to the ground. I was quickly scooped up and with a painful hit to my head I blacked out.

(Lances Perspective)

I stayed in my room for most of the day. It was for the most part quiet but during around dinner time shouts and yells rang out through the castle. Anora burst through my door with tears in her eyes.

"Lance Lance! Help!"

She ran into my arms crying.

"Anora! What happend! Is everyone alright?"

"Something happend on their trip back! He's gone! His guard said he was taken!"

"What. Who?"
"Keith! He's gone! Lotor took him!"

I felt my body freeze and I knew I had probably paled.

"Lotor, took him?"

She nodded into my shoulder.

"He's gone. They disappeared. There's not even a sign of where they went."

I released Anora and gently pushed her back a few inches.

"Don't worry. I'll find him."

She looked up at me hopefully.



I nodded at her.

"I promise i'll make sure he's safe."

She smiled and wiped some leftover tears from her face.

"Will you get married after that?"

I choked at the word and looked at her sadly.

"I don't think so. I think I screwed that part up pretty badly."

She shook her head.

"No. You have to have faith. He'll forgive you. I know he will."

I smiled at her and kissed the top of her head.

"I hope so."

She pulled back and glared at me.

"No. He will. I can feel it."

I laughed and patted her head.

"Okay. I believe you. Now, where is his guard?"

"In the meeting room. They're discussing what they should do."

"Okay. I'm gonna go. You can stay here if you want."

She smiles at me and nods.

"Okay. Go get em!"

I laugh at her comment and sprint out the door. I dash down the hallway and cut corners until I reach the room I want. I forget the rules of a prince. Who cares right now? I fling the doors open and stand in the middle of the entryway. Heads turn and I recognize the guard and he watches me carefully. A look of worry on his face. My father is looking at me kind of exasperated. I know it's because of how I entered but I don't care. Our adviser Coran is standing and little ways behind my father and watches me with a smile. The last person in the room is our battle captain. He runs everything related to war.

"Lance, it's nice to see you could join us."

My father comments.

"Yeah well, he is my ex fiance."

I see the guard roll his eyes and turn back to the map in front of him.

"So, I have a plan. You don't need to do anything. I have everything under control."

"And what's that?"

My father asks.

"I'm going to go saddle up my horse and look for them."

"Lance, no. Why would you possibly think i'd let you do that?"

My father says sternly.

"I actually didn't think you'd let me. But, I screwed up and that made him leave. If I hadn't of screwed up he would have stayed and none of this would have happend. So, in return, i'm going to look for him and hopefully coax Lotor out."

"No. You will not. I know you're not stupid enough to think Lotor just took Keith to take him."

I nod.

"I know Lotor wants me. That's why we can only get Keith back if I go out there."

"You knew I would say no yet you still came and told me. That's not like you. You'd usually already be off leaving the guards yelling after and leaving Allura stomping mad. So why did you come?"

"Because you needed to know if I don't come back that that's what happend."

"You're doing this all for Keith?"

It's the voice of the guard. I turn to him and he watches me with a stern face.

"Uh, yeah?"


His words match his face. I look at him, my gaze never wavering.

"Because I screwed up with what I said. I meant to say more but I didn't and he left. It's my fault and i'm going to fix it. Even if I end up stuck with the bastard Lotor."

"Do you love him?"

I don't move my eyes from his.


The guy tilts his head at me. He seems like he's studying me before he shrugs.

"It's not my choice anyways."

I turn to my dad.

"I'm going now."

His face softens and he comes over to me.

"Lance, be careful. You're my only son and I don't want to lose you."

"I promise i'll be careful. But I need to know he's okay. Especially because i'm the one that made him leave."

"I understand. Go. Be safe."

I nod to him and walk out the door. I make it quite far down the hall before Allura crashes into me.


"What! Is something wrong?"

"You're going after him! You're giving yourself to Lotor!"


I gently push her back.

"I'm just going to negotiate with him."

"Don't lie to me Lance! I know you'd give yourself away for that boy!"

"Fine. Maybe I will. But it doesn't matter. This is my fault and i'm going to go fix it."

"Lance no! You can't leave! I need you to take over the castle after father!"

"That was only gonna happen if my marriage to Keith went as planned. It didn't so now you'll be queen. I'm not suitable enough anyways."

"Yes you are! People love you! I won't let you leave!"

"Lura no."

She stopped and tears came to her eyes.

"You haven't called me that since you were five."

She ran into my arms and hugged me. I staggered back but managed to stay upright.

"Don't worry. I'll try to come back. It just might take a while."

"Don't quiznack with me Lance."

I laughed at the word.

"Trust me. I know how to handle myself."


She pulled back and hastily wiped the tears that threatened to spill away. She looked down and fixed her dress before looking back up at me.

"Okay. Go. I'll take care of Anora."

"Thank you Lura."

She shook her head and grinned at me.

"Remember, you don't call me that anymore."

I laughed and turned away from her.
"Love you sis!"

I heard her sigh and whisper.

"Love you to Lance."

I kept walking until I came across the stable. I look back to the castle and see the area where the lion hanger should be. I've had some luck with the blue lion. Her name is Blue. We talk sometimes but she never lets me in. She keeps saying, "wait for the right time". I doubt she'll let me in now. I enter the stable and find my horses stall. His name is Dancer. He's a Shire. He's full black and actually really fast and a great jumper. He pokes his head over the stall and whinnies at me.

"Hey Dance."

I call out and reach my hand to stroke the side of his neck. He bobs his head.

"Ready to go out? We have to find Keith and Lotor. I screwed up real bad."

He nickers and I unlatch his stall. I grab his bridle from his tack crate and usher him out. He's really obedient and I don't have to use his halter. I slide his bridle over his ears and the bit into his mouth. He takes it easily and I buckle it. He stands there as I go get his saddle. Because he's a big horse it's bigger. It's also extremely heavy. I finally manage to get it over to him and set it on the floor to grab his blanket. When I get that on I pick up the saddle again. With a struggle I finally manage to get it up onto him. I buckle it and check over my work. Once I think it looks good I put my foot into the stirrup and pull myself up and over. I settle down and pat his neck.

"Good boy."

He snorts and paws at the ground. I usher him out of the stable and we trot in the direction of the woods. I look back and in the window I can faintly see Allura watching. I push Dancer into a gallop and we enter the woods.

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