Truly, Madly,Deeply ~One Dire...

נכתב על ידי rockon230

1.4K 116 24

Two sisters, four best friends. Carly, Zoya, Sarah and Jannat. They are the heart beat of each others hearts... עוד

Truly, Madly,Deeply
~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 19~
~Chapter 20~
~Chapter 21~

~Chapter 10~

36 4 0
נכתב על ידי rockon230

Jannat's POV

Wow, what friends? They all leave me alone in the room, well except for Carly. She had gone to go take a dump, but she hasn't returned for the past ten minutes.

I drained my phone's battery to 0%, so I basically have nothing to. I could go downstairs and hang out with the others, but it would be weird and awkward because I didn't know the boys personally, only as a fan. Also because I'm very awkward when it comes to talking to people who didn't know. I am a fan, however, I didn't know them personally, and I would look like a psycho if I fan girl in front of them.

The bathroom door slammed open and Carly stepped out, holding her stomach. "You okay? You were in there for quite a while?" I asked her, she lay against the bed, keeping a hand on her stomach.

"That hurt so much! It was so hard to squeeze it out, it made my arse bleed! Gosh that was painful!" Carly said, I scrunched my nose in disgust.

"Eww! Yuck! Your so disgusting Carly! I just asked if you were okay, not the whole story of your shit having a hard time coming out! Yuck!" I said, making her go in fit of laughter.

"Anyways! Do you know if any of the boys have a charger for my android?" I asked, tying my hair in a ponytail.

"I don't know, but Niall has a collection of phone chargers." She said, typing something on her phone.

"Okay, but where is he?" I asked, picking up my phone.

"Most probably in his room. His room is the last one, at the end of the hallway. You'll find it." I stood up and fixed my shirt before walking out the door and following Carly's instructions. Niall's room was in the end, next to two big doors which were closets. His name was carved into the door, which made my life much easier to find him.

I gently knocked the door, waiting for his response. I heard shuffling and the door opened. His beautiful cerulean eyes, staring into mine.

"Hey, sorry for bothering you." I said, awkwardly waving my hand at him. Way to go! Embarrassing my self in front of this royal beauty. I could tell he was about to laugh at me because I could see him biting his cheek from the inside.

"Hey, come in." Niall said, opening his door wider. I stepped in and felt myself turn a rosy color in embarrassment.

"By any chance, do you have a charger for an android phone?" I said, folding my hands nervously.

"Um, let me check." He said, walking to his drawer and pulling out a huge zip-log bag filled with wires. My eyes widened at the sight.

"Damn, that's a huge collection." I said, raising my eyebrows. 

"I like to collect it because we travel a lot. If one charger breaks, at least I will have another one. Or if I have a charger and there are different types of outlets, I will have a charger for those too." He said pulling out a charger and handing it to me.

"Thank you so much! I killed my battery, I really needed this. Thank you!" I said. He laughed at me, which made laugh because his laugh was so contagious.

"I'm sorry; I get too excited at times." I said, turning a light shade of red.

"That's cute." Niall said, chuckling.

"Anyways, thank you!" I said, exiting the room.

"No problem!"




Carly's POV

The girls had soon left, leaving me with bunch of guys. Sarah gave the guys a big lecture about trusting me with them. Gale still kept his distance with me. It's weird because he is my boyfriend, boyfriends don't act like that. It upset me and hurt me, but I didn't want to ruin anybody's mood by telling them. 

When we all were eating dinner, I was sitting alone at the couch and the others sat together. Gale saw me sitting alone, but he walked right past me and sat next to Louis. I know that he said he was stressed out and was going through a problem which he couldn't tell me. However, the only thing that hurt me is that after he told me that, why was he still keeping distance with me?

I know I sound like a clingy girlfriend, but I'm not. I want my attention, like every other girlfriend get's it from their boyfriends. Okay, I might sound a little clingy.

What hurt me the most was that when they all were leaving, I was waiting for Gale to come and say goodbye, at least, but he didn't. He walked right past me and sat in the car, not looking at me once. That truly pissed me off.

Right now the lads were playing on their X-box, and I was on my phone, playing Candy Crush. I was playing for so long, that my eyes were starting to hurt. I locked my phone and stood up to go somewhere else, I really needed to distract my thoughts from Gale.  I stood up and went to the quiet living room. The television was on; an episode of ICarly was playing. I lay on the couch, stretching my legs. I loved this show, but my mind was too busy to concentrate on what the episode was about. 

Instead of watching the show, I concentrated on the ceiling. Did I say something wrong that Gale is ignoring me? Did I do something wrong that Gale is ignoring me? Why do people have to ignore me, always do things to me that hurt me and in the end I have to apologize?

A drop of tear ran down my cheek, more coming. I hate this; I'm just over thinking this a lot. I stood up and wore my sweater, today was a little chilly. I wore my sneakers and grabbed my phone. I know it's late, but I needed air. I didn't step out the house even once today. 

"Where are you possibly going right now?" I heard somebody say behind me.

"For a walk." I said, shoving some money in my back pocket of my pants.

"But it's thirty minutes to eleven. It's really late." Harry said, walking over to me.

"So? I don't care." I snapped at him.

"What wrong? What happened?" He asked in concern, noticing my puffy red eyes.

"Nothing. I'll be back soon." I said, walking out the door, ignoring Harry. I know that was rude, but I don't care because everybody is usually rude to me.

I walked on the silent, dark road, taking deep breaths. I hated myself when I got upset because everything that hurt me came back to me. Whenever I'm upset, I end up hating everybody because of the things they said about me months or years ago. I hate myself for that because I made myself believe that whatever they said was true about me. All the negatives. I know I'm worthless, and I end up embarrassing everybody, it's just I can't help it. Ugh, I don't make sense. I don't even know why I'm thinking this. 

Tears stained my cheek I couldn't stop them because I'm really made myself stressed out. I walked into a small shop; I grabbed a box of Oreo cookies. I pay for my Oreos and walk out. I walked straight into some random block, eating my delicious Oreos. A hand grabbed my wrist and turned me around.

"What the-"

"You know that somebody dangerous could be around here?" I was confused at who was speaking, but then I recognized the voice.

"Harry, what are you doing here?" I said, looking at his worried face.

"Are you serious? You're walking alone on these scary streets at almost midnight! I can't let you walk into danger." He said huffing. 

"Do you want an Oreo?" I said, ignoring his lecture.

'No." I turned and walked away, footsteps following me. We walked in silence for a while when Harry stopped.

"What happened?" He asked me, his eyes scanning mine. 

"Nothing happened. I came out to buy Oreos and a walk." I said. 

"Then why are you crying? Something must have happened?" Harry said. He's getting me more pissed now. 

"It's not your business. Just leave me the fuck alone. It's not like you care." I said, my eyes glaring. I walked away from him back to the direction of the house. I speed walked back to the house and stormed to my room. 

People, they are so annoying.  



"Shit, this is so hot!" I said, wiggling my hand. I grabbed another strand of my hair and pressed the straightening machine against my hair. I burned my hands like three times already.  

I was getting ready for school; I had to wake up extra early to straight my hair.  I looked at the time it was 7:30. Shit I had to leave as soon as possible.  I quickly straightened my hair and stuffed my books into my book bag. I shoved the knee-length socks on my legs and I ran downstairs. 

The last two days went by in a blur. I had gotten phone calls from, Zoya and Jannat. It was the usual gossiping and talking. I didn't get a single text from Gale; I had to talk to him today. Harry left me alone and didn't talk to me for the past two days. I felt bad for what I said to him the other day; I was just annoyed by everything and everyone that day. 

  As I was running downstairs I almost tripped on my toes, but I managed to save myself. "Hey, what's the rush?" Louis asked me. Harry, Liam and Niall were also in the kitchen; Zayn was sleep on the couch. 

"I'm getting late."I said, putting on my shoes. Liam grabbed his keys and pulled me with him to his car.

As soon as I reached I heard the bell ring. On time! I walked to my locker and shoved my stuff in and grabbed my stuff for the next class. 

My classes seemed to go by faster than usual; I was kind of upset because in a week and a half I won't ever come to these classes as a high school student. I'm getting old. Prom was next week, me, Zoya and Jannat still didn't buy our things.  

By the time lunch came around, my eyes searched around for Gale. He wasn't in the cafeteria, I ran up the stairs and to the library. Zoya, Jannat and some other of my friends were cleaning up the library. 

"Hey! What's up?" Zoya said, walking over to me. 

"Hey Zozo! Have you seen Gale?" I asked her.

"He didn't come today.  Why?" Gale was never absent.  In the past four years he must be absent only twice. This was strange.

"I don't know. Is everything alright between you guys?" Zoya asked me, concerned.

"Yeah, it's just that I haven't heard a word from him from the past two in half days." I sighed.

"Just calm down. Help us clean this library; we won't come back here to clean this place ever again after next week!" Zoya said, bouncing on her knees. I nodded and grabbed a cart filled with books. I guess I will have to wait to talk to Gale. I hope everything is alright.

Author's Note:

Hello! Sorry if you thought this chapter sucked. Again not my best, I apologize. There is going to be loads of drama in the upcoming chapters so stay tuned for more. Check out the picture of Jannat on the side! It's Ava Lane from Summer Break!

Don't forget to VOTE.COMMENT.PROMOTE. This story!

Luv yah,


המשך קריאה

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