~Chapter 9~

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Sarah's POV 

Zoya had left the room earlier, I always worried for her. Her claustrophobia must be the only thing I feared the most. I remember when we were around ten or eleven, we were playing hide and seek. I was the one counting so I had to find everyone. I had found everyone except Zoya. We couldn't find her for hours, we heard her cries but we couldn't find her. We all were terrified, it was so scary because we heard Zoya crying for help, but we had no idea where she was. Lauren, Zoya and Jannat's mom, found Zoya in the shed house.  She was stuck in a toy box which locks once you close it and it only open's from the outside not the inside. Zoya was unconscious when we found her, but after that, her claustrophobia became even worse.

"What do you think Sarah?" Jannat asked me with a confused expression.

"Pardon me, I wasn't listening." I said, Carly scrunched her nose at me.

"What?" I said.

"You sound old." Carly said, I made a face at her. It's not my fault that I liked to use adult vocabulary. 

"I was saying, if I dye my hair a blonde color like Perrie Edwards hair, would it suit me?" Jannat said.

"You will look beautiful with whatever color you die your hair. I think you will look great." I said, and Jannat tackled me.

"I love you, fatty one!"  She said.

"I love you skinny one." I said. We all had nicknames for each other, but only me and Jannat used different ones. She called me Fatty one because I was a little chubby. I called Jannat Skinny one because she very thin.

"Excuse me guys but I have to go to the loo, so I'm going. Peace out!" I said getting up and walking into Carly's bathroom. After I was done, I walked out of the room and downstairs, the smell of food filling my nose.  I went to the kitchen and saw Liam was cooking.

"Hey!" He said, smiling at me. I walked up to him to see what he was cooking.

"Hey! It smells good what are you cooking?" I asked, looking inside the pan.

"I cooked dinner for all of us. Its mash potatoes and chicken Drumsticks with some vegetables." He said, proudly.

"Want me to help you with anything?" I asked, Liam looked at me and froze. I raised my eyebrows at him and bit my lip to hold my laughter back.

"Sorry, um, uh, you could help me cook the mash potatoes. I kind of forgot how to cook them." Liam said, turning a rosy color.  I started to boil the potatoes, and cook the butter.

"May I ask you a question?" He asked.

"Spill it." I said, making him chuckle.

"How old are you?" He almost whispered. He sounded scared.

"Liam, you sound so scared? Am I seriously that scary?"I said, pouting a bit.

He chuckled, "No, no, I was just wondering and then I realized I shouldn't have asked that." He said, sounding embarrassed.

"I don't mind, its okay. Anyways I'm twenty-two." I said, draining the potatoes.

"That's nice, what's your major in college?" He asked, with a warm smile.

"Psychology," I said, I loved these types of jobs because it's so interesting learning about all the different things that out human brain can make us do.

"That's incredible!" Liam said, smiling at me.

"Yeah, I'm working as an intern at the moment and I work at Walmart as a cashier." I said.

"That's hard, but it's worth it." He said sitting on a stool. I emptied the pan and put the yummy mash potatoes in a big glass bowl. I washed my hands and sat on the stool across Liam.

"So, Carly lives with you?" Liam asked me, putting his chin in his palm.

"Yeah, Zoya and Jannat live with their parents here."  I said, getting up and stretching.

"You seem tired." He said.

"Yeah, I was at work last night. I didn't get a lot of sleep." I said, sleepily.

"It was nice talking to you." I said going up to Carly room, Liam's eyes tracing me.

"Anytime." He replied.




Author's Note:

Hello all you beautiful people reading this! Thank you so much for reading and supporting me. This chapter was short, not my best, however I still updated.  I just want you guys to know the other girls a little more.

I love you all so much!

Don't forget to VOTE.COMMENT.PROMOTE.This story.

Luv ya, 


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