Coincidence: a Scorose/Rosius...

By scoroseshipper

3.1K 83 81

After their 4th year's events, Rose decided to break the family tradition and befriend her cousin and his bes... More

Chapter 2: Expecto Patronum
Chapter 3: Practising
Chapter 3: News
Chapter 5: The fun was to come
Chapter 6 : Amortentia
Chapter 7: The Attack
Chapter 8: Reasons to love him
Chapter 9: A kiss is all it takes
Chapter 10: The Wedding
Chapter 11: After some time
Chapter 12: Until the very end.
Chapter 13: Adding one to the table
Chapter 14: Good news on a good day


404 9 1
By scoroseshipper

I was sitting in DADA class waiting for the rest of the Slytherins to show themselves. By Slytherins, I meant Albus and Scorpius: my cousin and my best friend. Since all what happened two years ago, I wanted to forget everything regarding prejudice and befriend Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy, son of Draco Malfoy. Since I have started to hang out with him and Albus, it turned out not really that bad: he was extremely smart, mature (kind of) and nice. Plus, I was getting to have more partners in class. A deep voice stopped my memories, who was my professor asking for silence:

"Attention please" said professor Wright. "Today, since we have got two periods, we're going to be learning, practicing and dueling".

"Well that's a very full program for today, isn't it?" said Evelynne my classmate and very old friend, playing with a strand of her red fierce hair, that I used to call "Weasley hair'.

"But for today we won't be practicing inside the castle, but in the training grounds." After many surprise sounds and laughers, we all found ourselves sitting on the fresh smelling herb. "Today, after many thoughts, we shall practice how to duel... said my favorite teacher after Headmistress McGonagall 'but first of all, I shall teach you how to conjure a Patronus".

I smiled as my teacher spoke, because since I've started DADA classes, I was really looking forward to learn how to produce a patronus. Plus, I was wondering what my patronus would be: an otter, a cat, a fox etc...

Suddenly, I heard Evelynne giggling and talking to Belquis, miss Wright's daughter. She was in Gryffindor, but the best way to describe her is to state that she's the exact copy of her mother. She had a twin brother, Adam, who was Albus, Scorpius and Joseph Zabini's friend, and was a Slytherin, just like his father apparently. She's a very good friend of mine since third year. She also has a little sister, Jasmine, who's a Gryffindor and like Belquis in everything.

- "Aren't you excited, Rose?" said Belquis, who was smiling at me.

- "Well of course, Belquis. I really did look forward to this lesson."

- "I wonder what my patronus is...."

- "I'm sure that your patronus is a lion, because you're our king, I mean queen." giggled Evelynne

- "And I'm sure that yours is a horse, because you're fierce and unstoppable, Evie." assumed Belquis.

I was really happy having these two at my side, without forgetting Lily, Albus's little sister. Whenever I had a problem, these three always found a solution: Belquis always told me that there wasn't a problem without a solution, and bloody hell she was right. Evelynne was the one who gave me tips to befriend Scorpius in the beginning because she was spending a lot of time with him since they were always paired up together to work on a project, so she learnt him by heart and was close to him. And Lily was the one to help to start conversations with boys: she has dated over a ten, so I always trusted her.

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