
De fanfic-originals

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[discontinued] It is the year 2025, the change of the world was drastic. Science has reached a whole new leve... Mais

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5 (degrading)
Part 6 (BxB) (smut) vkook
Part 7 (BxB) (smut) namjin
Part 8 (BxB)(little smut)parkminjung

Part 3

448 11 1
De fanfic-originals

I went to answer the door and I saw Jaebum and his group of men who were ready to start smashing down all the decorations which were next door.

I handed him the keys to the neighbouring shop, that is now mine. "Here is the key to the unit next door where you will be renovating. I'll bring over food tomorrow morning at 0500 hours, 1300 hours and 1900 hours. All meals should be enough for 20 people no more, no less unless requested by you. So get moving my hybrids need to go to bed soon." I had to constantly make sure that my instructions for him is clear, if not he would over step boundaries. I shut the door immediately before he could say anything else to me. He really likes to harass my hybrids.

Seriously, I don't really know why I am best friends with this type of guy. I went back to the dining table where I left the hybrids and the two boys.

"Alright. Hurry finish your meals and head to bed the renovation is starting soon." I rushed all of them not wanting Jaebum to harass any of them and cause them to have nightmares.

He really likes hybrids but can't afford one, so he always comes to my shop cum house to see the hybrids thinking he could get some if his "me" time which of course I would never allow.

I watch the hybrids gobble up their food as quickly as they all could and quickly put their plates into the dishwasher and go to bed even though their mouths were full. I heard the hybrid babies crying but I have yet eaten so I got Jimin and Jungkook to help feed the babies.

"Jimin, Jungkook could you both please tend to the crying babies, the formula has been mixed into the hot water in the jerry can. You just need to add a bit more cold water to decrease the heat of the mixture and feed it to the hybrids using the tubes." I told the both of them. They just nodded and placed their plates away and started doing what they were told to do.

I just sat alone in the empty dining room and started eating. My heart feeling warm as I suddenly felt that this family has grown again. I constantly have to let go of my hybrids that it was rare that I have such a big group of hybrids living with me at once. If their unwanted by their owners, I want them regardless of shape, size, colour and type, they would always be welcomed here.

I quickly finish my food and placed my plate in the dishwasher and turning it on to wash for the night. I cleaned myself up and went to the dormitories. I made sure I tucked each and everyone of them in with a kiss on the forehead. They always say thank you. No one ever says thank you to love, but I guess it is a privilege not a right.

I walked towards the 4 hybrid room and went in. All of them having their talk session.

"Hey guys, time for bed. Although all of you would not be put up for sale tomorrow, you need sleep." I said gently.

They all scrambled to their beds scared. I shook my head slightly making a note to change that habit of theirs.

I went over to tuck all of them in with a kiss on the forehead as well. They all smiled brightly and mumbled a thank you. They were all forced to think that love is conditional.

"No need to thank me, every single one of you deserve the love regardless of what you are." I said as I switched off the light in their room and left.

Time to start my daily routine in cleaning the rooms. I walked out of the dormitory part of the "house" and head to the shower rooms when I bumped into Jimin and Jungkook.

"Could one of you help me to wash the shower rooms? It is what we would do everyday after the hybrids sleep. I mean is it ok or both of you are tired from today?" I asked politely as I really felt the need for help.

"I will help you so Jimin can wash the can and tend to the babies." Jungkook suggested which I agreed so I took the cleaning supplies with Jungkook and head to the shower rooms that were used by the hybrids.

Jimin pov

"Jin is so kind to us. So much kinder than my parents who raised me up but threw me out because I didn't want to take over their business. Jimin, I don't get it. Why someone who is not even related to us treat us better than people who knew us so well." Jungkook ranted.

That's right, we were from rich families and have multiple siblings so that the human race would have a greater population than the hybrids so that we would always be in power. Our oh so kind and noble parents threw us out and even tortured us day and night just because we refuse against their wishes.

Same problem as Jungkook, we were unwanted. Of course we knew Jin's shop, he is known to be a kind young person who treats everyone he meets with kindness. We have camped outside his house for so many weeks. Hoping that one day he would need external help. We were almost desperate. We would dig food from the trash bins and try to make ourselves feel full enough to function.

We had to lie to Jin Hyung because we were scared he would hate us because the high class people would always be mean and uncaring so we said we were orphans and abandoned at a young age.

We were dirty and sick and sad. We desperately need the food and shelter that we almost pounce into the shop when we saw Jin put up the hiring sign.

Truth to be told, we were abandoned at about aged 5 and 7 when we knew how to think of ourselves and we knew what we wanted to do. It surely has nothing to do with our parents illegal trafficking hybrids business. We wanted to do the same as Jin hyung and we were abandoned back then. We had food and everything at the shelter, since it was a shelter there was no adoption and we had to live on our own. However we were considered too old for the shelter so we had to move out onto the streets. We were constantly beaten up by thugs and we had many bruises on our bodies that were covered by our clothes.

I wouldn't want him to pity us because we had it tough, I want him to treat us as how he would treat his customers or people around him. It has always been difficult for the both of us be accepted by the other shop owners and Jin hyung was our last resort. Luckily he accepted us and even allowed us to rest up a little before we worked.

I quickly ran to the sink to wash the jerry can that was used to feed the babies and quickly attended to them. I hushed them and burped them and changed them. Caring for babies can be very tiring. I quickly switched on the classical music and most of them quieten down while some only reduced to sniffing. "Poor things abandoned at birth and no one to care for them. It is ok I will care for them." I whispered to myself softly as I switched off the lights and leaving. I walked to the shower room where I saw Jin hyung and Jungkook standing outside a thin layer of sweat on their face making their face shine.

They looked exhausted from the clean up like it took away at least 10 years off their lives.

"Hyung, I know a place that sells baby hybrid goods that opens 24 hours a day. Do you think we could head there tonight since the hybrids are already in bed?" I asked quietly because I knew that Jin hyung was extremely tired from the cleaning and it is almost impossible to go out and run errands for babies.

"Ya sure ok. Let me head to change and we can go there. Jungkook you stay here in case Jaebum does anything to the hybrids so Jimin and I would head to the store and be back in an hours time." Jin hyung had played the role of doing the arrangements and we just nodded because we felt like finally we weren't good for nothings in this world, or at least for myself since I'm not too sure about what Jungkook thinks.

Jin hyung had left us both alone in the hallway while he went to change his clothes.

"Hey Jimin, how are you liking this place now?" Jungkook asked. It has become a habit for us to ask about each other's feelings so we don't get left out.

"I like it here. It feels a lot like home, especially with you here Jungkook. We have been together at the shelter since you were 5 and I was 7. We are inseparable. How about you? What do you feel about this place?" I asked him.

"I like it here as well. Finally we are doing something good for the society and not being good for nothings in this world and we are needed." He told me.

Looks like great minds think alike. Jin hyung came out right after Jungkook said his piece and hugged us tightly. He whispered, "Never think that you are good for nothings because to me you are special and always wanted by someone. If no one would want to be that someone, I will."

When he pulled away we could see the tears falling down his perfect face. I quickly hugged him tightly and wiped his tears away. Jungkook joined in the hug and we stayed that way for a while as we felt each other's hearts beating.

Finally Jungkook and I have someone who cares for us and loves us for who we are. Jin hyung patted us to let go which we did and we left saying goodbyes to Jungkook as we left for the store.

We were walking in the cold chilly silent night under the moonlight which shone brightly. It was also a well developed part of town so it had light pollution in this whole area where there were at least 1 lamp every 5 metres away.

Jungkook and I have a little secret that we didn't tell Jin hyung.

Without it he couldn't sleep at all. I would force myself not to cry because I had to care for Jungkook and now I have to care for hybrids which I absolutely don't mind. They were so extremely adorable. I can't believe that people would actually throw them away like this. I just hope I can keep this secret under wraps. This little secret isn't going anywhere as long as I can take care of Jungkook well, hopefully. He always spills all the secrets that he has to anyone he trusts

We walked to the store and Jin hyung was telling me dad jokes. To be honest it was very funny and I can't stop laughing at all of them because they were all very funny. He always makes us see the better side of life. He has never stopped working once for the hybrids for the whole day we were there today. He is so hardworking and so generous but wanting nothing more but the happiness of others.

How can someone like him be stuck in this cruel world?

We soon reached the shop and we entered.

Jin pov

Jimin and I had quite a fun time walking to the store. Though quiet, it was fun and now we are at the store. This store amazes me. From all the baby toys to all the pacifiers and all the collars. They were all so cute. There were baby bottles of different sizes and designs and comforters of different textures. I think I'm going to buy a whole lot here.

I checked my account balance hoping it was enough for the hybrids.

Then I started shopping. I bought many bottles and pacifiers of various designs I got like 30 cribs since I have three nurseries but two were unused since I don't usually get this many hybrid babies.

I bought so many things that I needed a train of trolleys to carry all the things I had bought. I was walking from isle to isle when I saw Lisa.

"Hey Lisa, why are you here? Didn't you get two adult hybrids and not babies?" I asked her since I was pretty sure Rosé and Jisoo were adults.

"Oh we are kind of slowly pushing them into little space so that we could care for them like babies. I mean I don't have time for a relationship then a child. It is too time consuming and not cost effective. Plus they do sell 'little' things here, if you know what I mean." Lisa replied like it was the most natural thing to do. I guess nowadays people just don't really have the time fore children anymore and having a little hybrid is way easier. I nodded understandingly.

"Is he your little?" Lisa asked curiously as she watch Jimin checking out the toy he took from the shelves.

I shook my head at her question, "No he is not, he is my new employee. I guess he is just looking through it. I have just gotten a new batch of babies who just came in this morning. It is very tiring and I don't have much baby stuff." I placed all of the items that I needed into the carts and stuff more of them into another of the carts and I placed them all in a row. The person at the counter seemed shocked. I guess it is what you get for buying so many things.

" Do you think you can deliver everything to my house now including sending us back?" I politely asked the cashier as I didn't want anyone to be treated badly even if they treat hybrids badly. I kind of hope everyone would stop hurting each other.

"Yes we can do that, but that would be a 10 dollars additional fee. Is that ok?" She asked.

I nodded my head and she started to scan all my items as I try to keep Jimin awake. He must have had a long day with all the baby hybrids. They are sure a handful even tiring out Jimin who surely had a great night sleep.

"Please keep awake Jimin. We have yet gone home." I rubbed his shoulder to keep him up.

He nodded and tried very hard to keep awake through the soothing music that the store is playing. That was when the lady at the cashier finally finished scanning the items.

The total amount of the items that I had bought was unimaginable and it is probably what half of many earn in a year. I took out my debit card and paid for the items. Luckily I didn't spend too much over the years and my business is booming due to my good reputation in the whole world.

She called over a guy to help me with all my items and after all was up in his truck, I brought Jimin to the front of the truck and the guy drove us home, when I saw a familiar face.

"Hey Lay! I didn't know you work here? Aren't you working at the law firm together with Jackson?" I asked.

"Yea I am, this is just a spare job I'm doing because doing office work all the time is not that fun and all the people coming in suing hybrids for attacking them. It is an annoying job to have in this age." He said.

I understand what he meant. After some hybrids who went violent because they were treated badly, people started treating hybrids worse than anything else.

I've seen so many hybrids arrive to my shop in very bad conditions that they are all bruised up and bleeding and they could barely eat because they had their throat crushed by their owners.

"I get you. Sometimes my hybrids arrive in very bad conditions that they can barely eat food given to them." I said feeling rather sad that some hybrids are being treated worse than animals.

I nudged Jimin to make him stay awake as Lay sends us back to my shop which is also my home. Soon he fell asleep since Lay took the longer route to have more time to converse. He looked so precious. Forced to grow up too quickly taking so much responsibility for the younger boy who is at home. He must have it tough, not only responsible for himself but another person who is younger than him.

His past must put up a lot of stress on him.

I hugged him close as Lay had come to a stop right outside my shop's back door. I carefully carried him down the truck and got Jungkook to help me bring in some of the items with Lay.

I put Jimin onto my bed and pulled up the blankets as I went down to help with the stuff as well. I have outdone myself. This is even more expensive than the beds I had gotten for the hybrid hotel I'm opening next door. I told Jungkook to stay up a little to help me set up the new cribs into the 2 other nurseries and move some of the hybrid babies over.

He obliged to the request and got down to work.

"Thanks Lay for sending us home and also the items. You have been a great help." I told him.

"No worries Jin! Always happy to help you anytime." He shouted back from the driver seat of his truck as he drove away back to his store.

I went upstairs to help Jungkook build the massive amounts of cribs so that the load would be lighter. The instructions were all so complicated.

I decided to just wing it and hopefully it is stable and it works.

The cribs worked after 5 hours of building which means now is about 5am in the morning and I had to prepare breakfast.

"Jungkook ah, you can head to the shower rooms to wash up first before heading to bed for the day. You have worked hard tonight so go take your well deserved rest." I told him.

At the same time, I am feeling tired having not slept for 2 nights already. I guess I'll open at 12 noon today so I can get some shut eye.

I went to prepare the breakfast as well as formula for the baby hybrids and placed it on the table. I made sure I made enough to feed the workers as well and placed them at the door step next door.

"Feeding so many people is so difficult and different from feeding a small amount if people." I mumbled to myself as I continued with the food preparation for the hybrids since I had started with the workers one first.

I place them all on the dining table grabbing a piece of toast for myself before heading to the nurseries with 3 jerrycans for the 3 rooms.

When I was done, I plopped onto the right side of the bed since Jimin was sleeping on the other side, and I fell into deep slumber.

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