Like Father Like Son

By shesopradaaa

50.7K 1.5K 591

*SEQUEL #1 TO THUGNAPPED* No spoilers so must read:) More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Capter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21

Chapter 20

1.8K 64 23
By shesopradaaa

Y'all ain't active at all😩

I need more votes and inline comments so please comment as you go💯💕

But let's get straight to the chapter.

How's everybody's day going?🙃

Two days later...

I was currently at the barber shop with Zach getting my hair cut before I went outta town. Zach snapped a photo of me then handed me my phone. I went straight to Instagram and posted it.

Kaleb_J; Making Money Moves💰 the 3M's.

I stood up and dapped up my barber before me and Zach headed out. We walked to my black Audi and got in. I rolled down my window and turned up my radio as I pulled off. I was bout to pick up King he was at Zach and Shannon's crib. Shannon was watching him for me well Laila and Lyla we're out shopping.

Laila's POV

"This is cute you like it?" I asked Lyla

"No!" She snapped as she crossed her arms

"Girl your attitude sucks" I said as I rolled my eyes

I held her hand with my right hand well pushing her stroller with my left.

"Hey. Sorry to bother you but have you ever thought about letting her model?" A random lady asked as she approached me

"Ugh-, no" I replied it was a random question

"Well here is my business card. Please contact me if your interested in doing business. She is one beauty and bundle of joy, I would love to have her on my team" she said as she handed me a card and then walked away

"Okay then" I said more to myself

I continued looking threw urban kids and picked up things I thought were cute. Winter was coming up so she was wearing her last bit of summer clothes before winter came.

"You hungry?" I asked Lyla as I made my way out the store

"Mhm" she mumbled as she played with her iPad

I pushed her stroller to the food court. I admired all the teenagers here in the mall I remember when I was one of them. Now I'm a mother of two and 18 out of school. I never really wanted to go to college I've always wanted to open my own bakery.

So I've been doing my research before I can open my own bakery I half to go to a program for 6 months learning how to open my own business. At first I wanted to open my own hair dresser but now I have switched it up personally I've always been the person who never new what i wanted to be when i grew up.

As I approached the food court I stood in the line for Taco Bell. Once I approached the counter I looked up at the menu one more time before speaking.

"Hi beautiful may I take your order?" He asked as he flashed me a smile

"Yes can I have two soft tacos with cheesy fries and a large sprite" I said as I smiled but rolled my eyes at his slick comment

"Yes your total is $12.37" he said as he smiled at me

I handed him a twenty dollar bill as I grabbed my receipt and stepped to the side.

"So what's your name?" He asked as he smirked at me

"Laila I have two kids and a husband so please don't try it. It won't work out" I said as I stood there waiting for my food

He chuckled and walked off taking the next persons order. I looked up when they called my order number and made my way to the counter. I grabbed my food as I thanked the lady I them made my way towards the exit of the mall.

As I pulled up to Shannon and Zach's house witch is where my two baby's were I parked my car. I then grabbed my food and opened my car door. I slammed my door closed then opened Lylas door I took her out and closed her door. I stood her up so I could take some pictures of her. She wouldn't look at the camera she kept fiddling with her purse so I just took the picture and then ring the doorbell.

I waited about 10 seconds before the door was swung open.

"Hey girl" Shannon said as she hugged me excitedly

"Hey boo" I said as I hugged her back

"Hey little miss thang. You look so cute, I need me a daughter" she said as she pinched Lyla's cheek

"No the fuck we don't" Zachary said as he came out the washroom with the air freshener

I laughed. "Hey Zachariah"

"Sis chill on the government name man" he said as he glared at me

I smiled as I side hugged him. As I made my way to the living room with Lyla by my side I seen Kaleb and King. Lyla has a attitude and she was mugging everybody.

"Where's Zayn?" I asked as I walked around the living room making my way to Kaleb and King

"He's upstairs. You wanna go see Zayn?" Shannon asked Lyla

Lyla looked at her then hid behind my body. I smiled.

"Come here daddy's girl. I missed you all day" Kaleb said as he picked up Lyla

She smiled as she squeezed him. I ignored the both of them and picked up King who was fussing. I kissed his cheek and took a quick picture of him because he was looking fly. I then posted on my Instagram the photo of Lyla and King.

@Laila.3; princess👑😍

@Laila.3; and King👑😎

Zayn has came downstairs and seen Lyla. He was a couple months older then her. He would be two in like 3 months he looked at her.

"Come" he said as he held his hand out

She looked at me she then grabbed his hand. He led her to his play room witch was just around the corner. King was asleep in my arms so I put him in the car seat and put his blanket over him.

"Hey bae" I said as I hugged Kaleb and kissed his cheek

"Sup. You had a good day?" He asked me as he kissed me

I nodded as I laid my head on his shoulder and put my feet on his lap. I begun eating my food because I was hungry.

"You guys are so fat. No more" I said as I slapped Zach and Kaleb's hand

They were bout to eat all my cheesy fries. I mugged the both of them as I ate. I handed Shannon one of my soft tacos and she ate it well I ate my cheesy fries.

We had just got back home and I was exhausted. I changed Lyla into some pyjamas and laid her on her bed. She was knocked out cold I then walked to me and Kaleb's room. King was still asleep and I just hoped he slept for the rest of the night. As I walked in me and Kaleb's room I took off my shirt and pants. Leaving me in my thong and strapless bra.

"Babe come here" Kaleb said as he put his hand in his pants

I sighed and rolled my eyes knowing exactly what he wants. I slowly made my way over to him.

"What?" I asked as I stood in front of him

He sat up and pulled me in between his legs. He then rested his hand on my bare ass.

"Gimme some" he mumbled as he pulled me on his lap

I was now straddling his lap.

"You know what fuck it" he said as he laid me on my back

He unbuckled his Gucci belt and then his pants. He pulled down his jeans a bit he pulled out his manhood it was standing tall. He stroked it once before slipping on a condom.

"Why'd you have that in your pocket?" I asked as he removed my thong

"Bae not right now" he mumbled as he kissed me

"I'm so serious though" I said as I looked at him well he kissed me

He ignored me and forced himself inside of me. He then begun to pound in and out of me. The sound of our body's smacking together filled the air. My moans and his grunts were louder then they ever were before. He held my legs strongly apart as he slammed in and out of me.

"K-" I couldn't manage to get it out so I just gave up.

I soon came and he followed. He pulled out even though he had a condom on. He took the condom off and tossed it in the trash. He then stood up and picked me up as well. I was but naked and so was he. As we entered the bathroom he turned on the shower water to hot. He then opened the glass door and let me step in. He then came in behind me. I let the water hit my body as I moved up.

I laid on top of Kaleb. We had just changed the sheets and I just wanted to sleep.

"My pipe putting you to sleep huh?" Kaleb asked as he looked down at me

I rolled my eyes ignoring him. I laid on my back and he rolled over and laid his head on my stomach. He then wrapped his arms around my waist I put my hands on his head and rubbed his waves I closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep.

Y'all if you didn't vote do so now.✔️

The more you guys vote and comment the more I update. 💗

How's everyone's day going?😎

Thoughts on this chapter😴

Y'all ready for some more plot twists?😋

I have got something in mind🤩🤣

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