I'm A Mess (Completed)

By couldyapleaseleave

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Gerard's a mess. He smokes and drinks, and he's a miserable piece of shit. He could never find a job and neve... More



118 6 7
By couldyapleaseleave

A few months later

"Alright, the assignment is due for next week and you can come over to my desk to collect your work. Remember that the half-yearly exams are coming up so study. Class dismissed" Mr. Way said once he finished erasing the whiteboard. The bell rang and everyone stood up, going to his desk to collect their corrected homework. 

Frank, Ray and Bob walked up to the papers once everyone was gone and tried to find their worksheet. Once they found it, they walked out of class and down the hallway. "Sweet, I got an A" Ray smiled down at his paper. "I got a B minus" Bob said. They both looked at Frank who eyed his paper with a worried expression. "Frank? How much did you get?" Ray asked as Frank looked back up at his friends. 

"I got a... F" Frank said, sounding defeated. He had never gotten an F in about three years. It was quite worrying to him. "It's okay, man" Ray said, patting his shorter friend's shoulder for support. "Yeah, it's just a stupid letter anyway" Bob said as Frank just sighed. "To my parents it's not... Look, go for lunch and I'll meet up with you guys later" Frank said as Ray and Bob looked at each other with a confused eyebrow raise. 

"Why?" Ray said, eyeing Frank again. "Just go. I have to try and get my grade up" Frank slightly smirked as he left. "Frank-"

"-just go" Frank stopped Ray as he started walking to his class again. "I swear, he's going to do something to Mr. Way, he's gonna be in deep trouble" Bob said as Ray shrugged and turned to the stairs to go to lunch. 

Frank walked up to his classroom, knocking on the door before opening it. "What do you want, Frank? You're not supposed to be in class" Gerard said, sounding very annoyed as he placed his book in his case. "I know but...Umm.. Mr. Way, could I talk to you for a bit?" Frank asked, making Gerard sigh. 

"Make it quick, Iero. I have supervision in the hallway" Gerard crossed his arms as Frank walked in front of him. "Well.. umm, I'm always getting F's and D's in Drama. What am I doing wrong? I don't get it" Frank asked as Gerard looked up at him. "You're not understanding the plot. And don't even get me started on your arguments. They're crap. Even though you write in fancy English, you're not showing evidence from the script.. and without evidence, you don't have a solid argument when talking about why Macbeth killed Duncan" Gerard looked back down at the desk, placing more of his stuff in his bag. 

Frank sighed. "..Because Macbeth wanted to be king and if Duncan was already on the throne then he would have no choice but to kill him..." He mumbled as Gerard nodded.

"Bingo" Gerard said as he closed his case. "Mr. Way, I have to pass this class or my parents will kill me. I need private lessons" He continued, turning a light shade of pink. 

He always liked Mr. Way and the looks he gives him but when asking for private lessons with the teacher he had a mild crush on, oceans of thoughts went through his mind of what could possibly happen.  

"Frank, It's not my problem. Besides I don't even do private lessons. Find some old English teacher who thinks a whiteboard is the same thing as a chalkboard and ask her for tutoring" Gerard said, throwing his case over his shoulder. "Mr. Way, please-" 

"-For the last time, Iero. No" Gerard walked to the door, grabbing it's handle only to be stopped by Frank's hand grabbing his wrist. 

"I-I'll do anything.. a-and my parents will pay you for every lesson" Frank somehow managed to get out. He really wanted this. I mean, he is his crush after all and would do anything to be near him for just one more minute. 

Gerard stopped. Thinking about the word 'money' mostly before he came to a conclusion. "Fine" Gerard mumbled as he got out a piece of paper and a pen. 

He wrote down a few words and numbers on it before handing it to Frank. "Here's my phone number and my address. I'm free today after school if you want to start there" Gerard looked down at a smiling Frank. "Thank you... so much, Mr. Way" Frank looked down at the paper in his hands, smiling widely. 

"Alright, just.. try not to be late. I have stuff to do, you probably also have stuff to do so the faster we finish this, the better" Gerard said as he opened the door and headed out. 


Frank was coming over in ten minutes and to say the least Gerard's apartment looked like actual shit. There were dirty wine glasses all around the house along with ashtrays filled to the brim with blown out cigarettes and just dirty laundry scattered all around the building. He had to clean up a bit so Frank wouldn't get the wrong impression of him.

He quickly cleaned up all the glasses and placed them back in their shelves, emptied out all the ashtrays and placed all his dirty laundry in the laundry bin. He quickly changed into a pair of jeans and a shirt, his hair still messy as usual but at least his apartment was decent enough. He sat down on his couch, pressing a button on the remote control next to him. The TV flashed bright colours as Gerard sat back and watched until he heard a knock on his door. 

He stood up and opened it to reveal the younger boy dressed in a black hoodie and black jeans, with his hair, slightly covering his eyes. "Hey, Mr. Way" Frank smiled, stuffing his hands in his hoodie pockets feeling a blush coming up to his cheeks.

Gerard slightly smiled back as he moved out of the doorway, letting Frank in. He looked around, hearing the TV blast out sounds in the background as the stench of cigarettes and alcohol hit his noise. The room was quite dim and it was small for even two people, let alone three.  

"You have a nice apartment, sir" Frank grinned as he slowly took his bag off. "Frank, just call me Gerard. I'm over with this whole 'Mr. Way' bullshit" Gerard swore making Frank eyes widen and his mouth drop. Gerard raised an eyebrow. "What? It's my house, I can swear. Anyway, I'm not the most christian person in the world so get used to it" Gerard scratched the back of his neck. 

"Uh, okay..." Frank tried to hide a smile. "Now, get your stuff out and we'll start" Gerard said, switching off the TV before sitting down. He quite liked Frank. I mean, he's a good kid and he's pretty smart so he didn't mind getting closer to him as a person, not as his teacher.

"So, tell me what you didn't understand" Gerard said as he eyed the drama book in front of him. "Well, you know that line Lady Macbeth says in scene five? You know, the one where she goes something like 'unsex me here'.." Frank asked as Gerard nodded. "I didn't get that" 

"Frank,  you're a smart kid but isn't that line a bit obvious" Gerard giggled to himself. "Once she heard that Duncan was arriving that night, she calls upon the spirits to strip her from her weak femininity to trade it for masculine traits" Gerard said as Frank raised his eyebrows. 

"Oh... I honestly thought it was something else.." Frank mumbled but Gerard could make out what he was saying. "What did you think it was?" Gerard asked, looking up at Frank. 


"What did you think it was referring to?"

"Umm... I-It's kinda inappropriate-"

"-So what.." Gerard absentmindedly smirked as Frank gulped to the sight of his English teacher. He eyed his messy hair that looked like he just woke up from a one night stand, his deep hazel eyes which he could stare at all day, his lips; such a beautiful pinkish colour and how he talks sideways from his habit of holding a cigarette in his mouth whilst he speaks. And don't even start on his body. He was slim and tall, and the shirt he was wearing showed off more of his chest and collarbones than the dress shirts he wear to school. 

What do you want more from a guy, to be honest. 

"Frank?" Gerard said, waving his hand in front of the younger boy's face. Frank hummed as he blinked a few times.

That's when he felt a slight tightness in his skinny jeans.

 "You didn't answer my question" Gerard said as Frank cleared his throat, trying to avoid the problem in his pants, turning red from the embarrassment of his teacher seeing him doze off. 

"I-I.. umm.. " Frank stuttered as Gerard furrowed his perfectly sculpted eyebrows. "Ugh.. screw it" Frank quickly said to himself before jumping at Gerard, pressing his lips to his teacher's, tasting the cigarettes he had previously -though he didn't mind it at all-. 

Gerard's eyes widened before actually registering what was happening. He slowly kissed back, closing his eyes whilst a hand carefully travelled to his waist, gripping it as a sign for him to stop.

They separated as they looked each other in the eye. "Oh god, I-I'm.. I'm sorry-" Frank cut himself off as he looked at the confused yet starstruck expression on Gerard's face. "I just.. I-I don't know what I'm doing" Frank muttered as he buried his face in his hands.

"Hey, it's okay. I would've kept the kiss going but I don't want to get arrested" Gerard joked, trying to make light of the situation. "Shit, you're right..." Frank said, feeling the need to swear in this situation. "I really didn't mean to, Mr. Way... It's just cause-" 

"-Save it, Frank. It's okay. Nothing major happened anyway... Just don't tell anyone" Gerard looked down at his fingers. 

"I don't want to get fired"

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