Toxic Love

By shep2012

1.9K 129 3

Emma Smith is a young lady who moves miles away from her home and friends to start a fresh in the middle of n... More

New start
Old friends
New friends
Make yourself at home
Do I or dont I
She's one of us
Jax the panty soaker
Enough sexy suzy
His queen
Meet the parents
In it together
Fatal attraction
Birthday blues
Reality check
Visiting The Lays
Special delivery
Drunken revelations
Trust your gut
Different paths
Bold moves
Game changer
Really Jax
His reason
Man on a mission
Too far gone
Family feuds
Learning curves
Back on track
Fat arse
Toxic love
I'm sorry what
Great Uncle Tel
Him and I

Ice cubes and Chinese

27 2 0
By shep2012


6 months later.

The past 6 months have flown by, along with this whole year really. This weekend me and Jax are celebrating our first year anniversary. I can't believe it's been a year already. What with Jax going back to prison and our 5 weeks apart it doesn't seem possible that a year has passed.

We had our scan after our reconciliation. I was just over 8 weeks pregnant and with our 2 scans since we have confirmed our beautiful baby boy is cooking nicely. I'm 8 and a half months pregnant now and believe me I feel like I'm carrying a bear. I'm so big but looking at my babies daddy it's hardly surprising. Looks like little man is gonna be as big at Jax.

Speaking of Jax he's been on a methadone program for the last six months. He's doing so well. He's had 2 slip ups but I'm so proud of him, he's put weight on and looks his hot self again. Levi and Chris have even let him take the business back over. He's back to his usual self and things are going great. In the next couple of weeks he's due to reduce his methadone. That's another step closer to be being drug free.

A lot has changed in the last six months and it's not just my figure. Aunty June moved out, she moved in with her gentleman friend. Skins, the pair of them are stoned the majority of the time but blissfully happy so who cares. Chris and T have moved in. We have changed everything around at home. The guest room is now a nursery all ready for our new arrival.

    Levi and Jess are still living here and I couldn't be happier to have my 2 best friends and their boyfriends living with me and Jax.  The others are all doing good. Jax and Toby are still strained, that makes things difficult. Jax doesn't trust Tobs anymore and Toby has lost all respect for Jax. I don't see Toby as often as I would like. Jax begrudgingly lets me see him occasionally but it's a small sacrifice I have to make to keep the peace. I text him all the time though.

    Me and Jax have gone from strength to strength. The last six months on the whole has been perfect. As impossible as it sounds I love him more now than I ever thought I could. We have grown together and I know now our bond is unbreakable.

   Throughout my pregnancy Jax has been the perfect partner. Ok yeah he's probably been a bit over the top but I didn't expect anything less. I've got about 2 weeks left of my pregnancy and my body has changed so much my boobs have grown much to Jax's delight. My hips have grown wider and my belly is the perfect rounded bump. Despite my excitement of our impending arrival I've had hang ups about my body. Especially when girls constantly throw themselves at Jax regardless of my presence. I know my doubts are my own insecurities, Jax has never made me feel less than the most beautiful girl in the world. In fact my being pregnant seems to turn him on more. On more than one occasion he's told me I've never looked better swollen with his child growing inside of me. He's also assured me that it won't be long till I will be the same state again.

    I just laugh at him. He will change his mind when our son is screaming all night wanting to be fed. Deep down though I know it won't change his mind. He's so excited about Macaulay's arrival. That's the name we decided on. Macaulay Terry Mayweather. He has made the nursery look beautiful and everything is ready. Macaulay's already been spoilt that baby has more shoes and clothes than me. If it's not Jax buying him stuff it's Aunty T and Aunty Jess and don't even get me started on why a baby needs boxing gloves but amongst all the other stuff Uncle Tel insisted. Everyone is looking forward to him getting here. He will want for nothing.

   I'm laying in bed right now, completely naked. Sleeping can be an issue in its self without clothes restricting me. I stretch my toes wondering what Jax is doing. You see it's 11:00am ish and I'm being what some would call lazy. I prefer to call it making the most of me time.

    I spread my legs and starfish just as my sex god walks in.

     "Good morning beautiful. Finally awake I see" Jax's says with a big grin, walking towards me.

   He bends down kissing me square on the lips. He straightens up and I groan at the lack of contact. I pout up at him causing him to laugh. He bends down giving into my demands, deepening the kiss causing me to moan into his mouth.

    "Happy now your royal laziness" Jax asks jokingly.

   "Oh my god take it back" I demand sitting up in mock outrage.

   Jax throws his head back laughing. A full on belly laugh before looking at me. I watch as his eyes darken in lust. Taking in my appearance. The cover has fallen as I sat up, exposing my bare chest and swollen belly.

"Miss smith have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" Jax asks me. Smirking knowing full well he tells me all the time.

    "Why Mr Mayweather I do believe it's been at least 3 minutes since you last told me" I say fluttering my eyelashes.

   "Well then let me tell you Miss that right now, heaving breasts and swollen belly you look like an angel. What's it they call it babe? Glowing. Yeah proper glowing, like a fucking Angel"

   That's it I can't take anymore. I burst in to fits of giggles. Only that's not good, seeing as I just woke up and have a full bladder. Being pregnant is so unflattering. I heave myself off our bed. And waddle into the bathroom. I'm relieving myself as Jax pokes his head round the door.

    "Oh you needed a wee. I thought you was gonna be sick" Jax says laughing.

    I throw the loo roll at his laughing face. "What's a girl got to do to get a bit of privacy around here".

   "But baby, I want to experience everything with you. Just think soon I'm gonna watch our son come out of you pussy. I think taking a piss in front of me is the least of our worries".

   I can't even argue with that. It's true. But I can't wait. I couldn't think of another human who I would want down my business end when I'm squeezing our baby out. If that's not love I don't know what is.

    "I'm looking forward to breaking your hand from squeezing badass" I tell him honestly. "Anyway where are you taking me tonight?" I ask him.

   "I'm not telling you. It's a surprise and I know how much you love surprises. Anyway I got you something to wear coz I know your gonna have a meltdown over having nothing to wear so I saved you the drama. I know top boyfriend points".

   "Oh my god, Jax your the best" I state fast waddling over to him and flinging myself at him.

  "Hear that baby boy I'm the best. Mummy said so" he says proudly putting his hand on my belly and earning a kick from our baby boy.

   "You are the best and I love you so much and our baby boy is going to be the luckiest boy ever to have you as his daddy"

   "I love you too Em so much. I love our baby too. Now come and try on this dress I brought you".

   Fast forward to a few hours later, I'm putting the finishing touches to my date night outfit. Being 38 weeks pregnant isn't the most flattering but I have pulled out all the stops. With a little help from my best friends of course.

    T has spent the past hour carefully putting waves in my hair and Jess has created a master piece with my face, apparently. I've yet to see it though. The girls know where I'm going tonight but no ones giving anything away.

    I've been waxed, plucked and shaved to within an inch of my life. Let me tell you Jax is in for a treat tonight. I won't be letting this pampering go to waste. Jess is just putting the last layer of my ruby red lipstick on then I'm good to get changed.

   Jax brought me a beautiful black maternity wrap around dress. It's done up with a tie on the side and plunges fairly low at the front. I'm hoping to go braless. My boobs are fine but I've started leaking a bit of milk which isn't sexy, despite what Jax says.

    Jess leans back beaming. "Ta dahhhhh" she says excitedly.

   "Wow Em your defo a milf" T agrees chuckling.

    "Come on let's get you in your dress. Times getting on" Jess says looking at the clock.

   I stand up dropping my dressing gown. I already have a pair of black French knickers on. Sniggering Jess picks up my breast pads placing them on her own chest and wiggling about.
She looks ridiculous and it causes me and T to burst into laughter.

    When we've calmed ourselves down T grabs my dress and helps me to put it on. I carefully place my breast pads over my nipples to avoid any embarrassing wet patches. T secures my side tie and I'm finally allowed to look at my reflection.

    Wow the girls have truly done a fantastic job. I look so good not at all frumpy like I feel. Jess passes me some black sandals and a black clutch. Outfit complete. Now to go find my man.

   The girls are giggling as I leave the room and head to the top of the stairs. Probably because of my waddling. I can't wait till they have babies.

    Jax is waiting at the bottom wearing a fitted black suit, my belly flips and my fanny flutters at this perfect creation standing waiting for little old me, holding a single red rose.

   The only other time I've seen Jax in a suit was at court, I couldn't fully appreciate that then but now it truly is a sight to behold. He looks the part from top to toe and don't even get me started on that perfect peach of a bum. I've half a mind to cancel going out and skip straight to desert. 

    Before I reach the bottom I'm engulfed in a pair of strong arms. Jax's scent surrounding me as he whispers in my ear "You look stunning babe. I'm tempted to stay here and eat you".

   "Jax my knickers are already soaked by the sight of you. Please try and behave or we will never leave the house" I whisper back, before biting his ear lobe.

   Jax gently slides me down his body, making sure I'm aware of his erection. I shoot him a look and he just smirks.

    T clears her throat and were brought back to being centre stage with an avid audience. "Your be late if you don't get going" T states with a pointed look at Jax.

   "Ok ok. Let's go Em" Jax declares. Placing my rose on the side, he grabs my hand.

    Everyone sees us off which is a little weird. As is all the back slapping and enthusiasm. I put it down to my hormones. I've been known to loose my shit over petty stuff. I've learnt to bite my tongue more. It was an interesting learning curve.

   As we get outside, Jax leads us to our car. Jax brought a little Audi for when Macaulay's born. He also passed his test officially so we don't have to worry about being pulled over by police. This is our family car and not used for any business stuff at all. The car is infact in my name for some reason.

    Jax opens the door for me and I slide onto the leather seat. I wait for Jax to walk round and get in the the car. He smiles at me and starts the car.

   "Can you tell me where we're going yet?" I ask him like a whinny child.

   "Em your the worst at surprises. I dunno why I try. Now where could I possibly take my incredibly beautiful but heavily pregnant women to eat, without her getting cranky coz it's not what she fancies?"

    "Jax your taking me for Chinese. Your literally my favourite person right now. How did you know?" I state honestly.

    "Er I dunno baby. Maybe coz all you eat at the moment is Chinese and ice cubes." Jax states laughing.

   "How predictable I am." I state laughing along.

    I squeal in excitement as we pull into my favourite Chinese restaurant which is only a 5 minute drive away. This causes Jax to laugh harder.

    "So easily pleased Em"

   "Your really the best Jax. I dunno what I did to deserve you".

   "It's me who doesn't deserve you Em. Now come on let's go fed you".

   As we walk into my favourite restaurant two things hit me. One, it's Friday night and empty. Two, the whole place is filled with candles. I turn to look at Jax who is nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

   "Jax did you do all this?" I ask in disbelief.

    "Well yeah... Not personally but I set it up with some help from my friends" he says nervously. "Come sit down, wherever you want... Food is already ordered".

    I sit down in a corner booth. I'm blown away by all the trouble Jax has gone too. Mrs Lee the owner who I've become friendly with starts bringing out our food and drink. She gives me a wink as she sets down my glass of Pepsi and spare jug of ice. I look at the table filled with my favourite Chinese dishes and I can't believe all the effort he's gone too.

   "Jax I can't believe all this" I state between mouthfuls of food. "This is amazing. Thank you".

    "No thank you Ems. Happy 1 year. I hope it's the first of many" he says beaming as he stands up and comes towards me.

   Expecting a kiss. I look on in shock as Jax goes down on 1 knee in front of me. I gasp in disbelief as he pulls out a little box. Displaying the most beautiful diamond ring I've ever seen.

    "Emma smith... You have made me the happiest and proudest man on the planet. You turned my world upside down and it will never be the same again. You are my everything, my light in the darkness and my rock. I wouldn't be the man I am today without you. Your giving me a son, I can't compete with that but I can spend everyday for the rest of our lives showing you how amazing you are. Emma smith will you marry me..."

      I can't breath... Jax is asking me to marry him, to be his wife. I'm literally sobbing so badly. Jax is still on his knees and I notice Mrs Lee and her staff watching from the kitchen door.

   "Em say something".

   Finding my voice I stand up shouting "yes yes yes. Of course I will marry you".

    Jax sweeps me off my feet and kisses me like a starving man. It leaves me breathless. Placing me back on my feet he slips my engagement ring on to my ring finger. I'm still sobbing. I feel a little tightening across my belly and I try and calm myself down.

   Mrs Lee and her staff come in with champagne and congratulations. I'm still on such a high. What a massive shock. I can't believe Jax managed to keep this a secret. No wonder everyone at home was acting strange. They must of all known.

    Jax is swigging out of the bottle of champagne and asks Mrs Lee to take a picture of us. Jax poses on one knee holding my hand so you can see my rock on my ring finger. His other hand resting firmly on my tummy. He captions the photo 'she said yes... Future Mrs mayweather' and posts it to both our social media sites.

     Mrs Mayweather. Mrs Jaxson Mayweather. It makes me lightheaded just thinking about it. I ignore the little niggle as another tightening rocks my belly. I think Macaulay's excited too. Stupid braxton hicks.

     I see Jax talking to Mrs Lee and give her a wad of cash. He has tears in his eyes and the biggest grin on his face. I hope he's thinking what I am. I cannot wait to get home, tell the others and celebrate in private with my fiancé. I have a fiancé. I will never get used to that. I cannot wait till I can call this incredible man my husband.

    Jax stalks towards me his face filled with love. He cradles my face between his hands and gently kisses me. The kiss becomes heated quickly and he pulls back with a groan.

   "Let's continue this at home baby. I won't be happy till the only thing your wearing is that ring and we're celebrating alone" he says with a wink and a slap to my bum.

    My cheeks flame and I feel my fanny pulse with the promise of Jax's words. I cannot wait to be screaming his name. Wearing only my ring.

   Jax ushers me out and into the car. He's had a few drinks but we're only going 2 minutes up the road and he wouldn't risk it if he wasn't ok to drive.

    "Em you have made me the happiest man alive. Thank you" he says kissing my hand as he turns the corner.

   "Jax I've never felt so complete in my whole life. Thank your for choosing me" I state, eyes watering again.

    We pull up at home and the news has obviously travelled quickly. There's clearly a party at ours, to celebrate our good news. The party will have to wait. I need to have some alone time with my fiancé. Everyone else can wait.

    Jax walks round to open my door and as he helps me out I tell him I need him. I watch his eyes darken in lust and expect nothing less as I'm picked up bridal style by my possessive man.

   The music is loud and people are shouting congratulations. Jax doesn't stop. Destination our room. When we get to our room Jax puts in the code to unlock it, we have them on all the bedrooms just in case. He carries me over to our bed and places me on the centre.

    He immediately crawls on top of me and captures my mouth with his. The passion is raw and our teeth are clashing as were struggling to get enough of each other. My hands are buried in his hair, tugging and pulling in a way I know drives him crazy.

   We break apart for some much needed air and Jax's mouth continues a path. Down my neck. He rips the tie on my dress leaving me exposed in just my black knickers.

    "Fuck Emma so beautiful" he states lifting up and removing his jacket, shirt and tie.

     I whimper at the loss of contact but I'm not left long before I feel his mouth cover one of my swollen nipples. My body is so sensitive right now I feel as though I could come just from his mouth on my nipples. I don't want that though so mustering all my strength I push him up.

    Standing at the end of the bed he looks confused. I slip my arms out of what remains of my dress. And grab his belt. I make quick work of undoing it and pushing his trousers down. Next his boxers and I lick my lips as his thick cock twitches under my lustful gaze.

    Grabbing his length I take it into my mouth as far as I can. Jax growls in satisfaction as he grabs a handful of my hair, gaining a better view of his cock disappearing into my mouth. I slowly tease him. Gliding my mouth slowly up and down his cock before deep throating him, making myself gag.

    I look up at him and see he's struggling with control. His lip is held between his teeth and his eyes are tightly shut. I stop the slow gliding and make my pace faster. Jax moans in appreciation and I soon feel his hand guiding my head as he fucks my mouth.

    Jax is growling and my scalp is tingling as he's using my hair to hold my head as he thrusts into my mouth. I'm so wet but Jax is my main focus right now. Jax is calling out with every thrust and I feel his cock start to twitch in my mouth as I brace myself for his orgasm. Head back and shouting my name. Jax's seed spills in my mouth as I greedily swallow it down.

    I'm pushed straight back on the bed as his mouth finds mine. Tasting the saltiness of himself in my mouth. I feel him removing my knickers before spreading my legs.

     Jax's head goes lower until I feel him lapping at my most sensitive spot. I grab his head applying pressure as he darts his tongue in and out of my hole. He's relentless and my body takes over jerking and twitching in response to his mouth.

   I feel the pressure building and Jax bites my clit just as my orgasm explodes through. Jax keeps on lapping until I beg him to stop. Unable to handle how sensitive I am.

    He tells me to get on all fours and I clumsily stumble to comply. I feel Jax rub the head of his cock up and down my slit and I push against him desperately wanting him inside me. Jax gets the hint and thrusts in suddenly causing us to both cry out.

     He leans over me and pulls me up so he's thrusting from behind but we're both upright. I lean back against him as he thrusts in and out. One of his hands rubbing my clit the other flicking my nipple.

   I immediately feel the pressure build again as Jax continues. Harder and faster. "I can't hold it Jax I'm gonna cum" I tell him breathlessly.

    He grunts in reply as my second orgasm curls my toes. I scream out as my vision blurs and I hear thudding in my ears. Not being able to support myself I fall forward on my arms as Jax ejaculates inside me screaming fuck with each thrust.

   Just as Jax slows down. My tummy tightens and I get another braxton hicks.

   "What the fuck Em, are you ok? Why is your belly so hard" Jax asks pulling out of me. His face searching mine for any sign of concern.

    "It's just practice contractions Jax. Today has been especially emotional and exciting I tell him".

    "So your ok? Nothing's wrong? I didn't hurt you?"

    "That was perfect badass, you never hurt me. I'm just drained that's all" I tell him.

    "Shall I run you a bath, I can tell everyone we can celebrate tomorrow?" he asks.

    "Don't be silly. I want to celebrate one of the happiest days of my life with our family and friends. Maybe I could just shut my eyes for 20 mins first though?" I ask feeling absolutely knackered suddenly.

    "Of course babe. Your the priority. They will wait for us".

   "No Jax you go down. Come get me in 20 minutes. We can't both be missing from our own party".

    "Nah I'll stay here with you Em"

     "Jax it's 20 mins. I love you. Go have fun. I'll be done in no time. Just wake me, yeah?"

    He hesitates. Silly man. I just wanna snooze for a minute. That workout has worn me out. Seeing my minds made up. He fusses about my phone Incase I need him and eventually agrees to leave me for 20 minutes.

    I watch him putting some clothes on as my eyes get heavy and I nod off.


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