By FashionabelyyyyyLate

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[#9 in Dominating on 21/07/18] Why stop dreaming when you're awake? ~~~~ Welcome to the story about a girl, w... More



105 6 26
By FashionabelyyyyyLate

Sometimes you gotta burn some bridges,
just to create some distance.

Ria's pov:-

"You seriously can't be this dumb! Even an idiot knows how to make an omelette.

"Well, I am not a bloody idiot Zeeve!"

"You're impossible," he shakes his head in disappointment which causes me to frown.

"Just do what I called you for,"

"You called me for comforting you, right? Maybe you were craving for a sexy cuddle partner?"


"What? Kiss me if I am wrong," he smirked.

"Fuck off! I called you because I was hungry," I crossed my hands across my chest, "Now get to work."

"You could've ordered something,"

"I am very conscious about my calorie intake," I frowned.

That didn't sound really convincing.

"Seriously?" he asked.

"Does it look like I am kidding?"


"You have your answer," I said and pulled out the plate of cheese sandwitch and omelette from his hands.

Inhaling the delicious aroma, I gulped down the saliva in my mouth and licked my lips.

"Hey, that's mine!"

I could feel my eyebrows creasing together in an angry frown.

"Excuse me?"

"That's mine," he said and pointed at my plate, which is currently hidden behind my back.


"What? You just said that you are conscious about your calorie intake! If I know right, cheese has a lot of calories."

"I-I. . .uhh I'll exercise! Yeah, I'll exercise later! Now piss off and let me eat in peace."

"No can do, darling," he said and poured some apple juice in a glass.



"Ria? Ria?!"

Snapping out of the wild thought in my brain, I shot him an annoyed look. "What?"

"Scoot over," he answered.

Scowling at him, I forced my ass to move towards the other end of the sofa.

"No so far Ria," he groaned from the other side.

"We stay like this or you get off my damn couch!"

"How about. . .neither?" The expression on his face would've been cute had I not been so annoyed at his previous antics.


"Yes!" he yelled and jumped on me. A shriek left my lips and I barely managed to put the plate on the table before I felt a heavy weight land on top of me and Zeeve's scent enveloped me.

"Aaahhh! Get off me, you constipated hippo!" I yelled but in response he just kissed my cheek.

"Zeeve!" I scolded, but the guy is utterly shameless as he immediately bent down and stole another kiss.

"Do that one more fucking time-" I was cut off by a sloppy kiss on my cheek.


Raising his head, he looked at me for a second and then frowned, "You were requesting me to kiss you, weren't you?"

I could feel my cheeks turning red in anger, "I wasn't!" I yelled and the sudden intensity caused him to fall off the couch.

"Served you right, ass."

"You're mean," he complained.

"Am not!" I protested.

Laying back on the comfortable seat, I took a deep breath. That was definitely exhausting.

I stayed in the same position for a few moments but then I was aware of the silence in the room. Opening my eyes right eye, I looked ahead only to come face to face with Zeeve, who was busy eating.

Wait, eating?!

"Zeeve! You bitch! Start running you asshole!" I screamed and jumped off the sofa.

"Sorry!" I heard his voice but I was already chasing that stinky ass.

"I am going to kill your little ass! You can't survive this one!" I yelled as I chased him through the house.

After a while, we both were laying on the bed, me on top of him, I don't know why.

"You know it was my fault," he said suddenly.

I frowned and raised my head, shooting him a look that screamed confusion.

"It isn't good for someone who has donated blood to run around and eat oily food."

"Zeeve, I am alright," I patted his arm and layed my head on his chest again.

"Really? I can feel your heart racing, kitkat."

"Maybe it's not because of the little chase we just had," I answered and smirked at his surprised expression.

"You've become naughty Ria," he smiled.

"I have always been naughty," I spoke and smiled back.


I don't know how long we stayed in the position, but the next time my eyes opened, I was in the bed all alone and the morning rays were peeking through the curtains.

Stretching out my sore body, I kicked off the covers and jumped out of the bed.

Pulling open the bedroom door, I made my way to the staircase slowly.

"Zeeve?" I called out.

He couldn't have left, right?

Upon receiving no answer, I hurriedly got down the grand staircase and ran into the kitchen.

"Zeeve?!" I tried again.

The kitchen was just how we had left it last night.

Running towards the living room, I silently hoped that I would find him in there.

"Zeeve?! Zeeve?!" But the living room was as empty as the rest of the house.

Suddenly feeling creeped out, I got up and turned towards my bedroom. Running on the strairs, I held onto the railing tightly just to prevent myself from falling.

In my frantic state, I failed to notice a figure standing on the top of the stairs.

"Don't run in the house Ria," he chided.

"Zeeve," I whispered, feeling relieved all of a sudden, "I thought you left,"

"I was just making a few phone calls babe," he spoke gently, while descending the distance between us and engulfed me in a warm hug.

"Get dressed, we're going to meet Miranda,"


"How do you feel now?"

"You just asked me that about two seconds ago!" she snapped.

"I didn't!" I exclaimed, "Two seconds ago, I asked you whether you're feeling well or not!"


I winced lightly as she screamed in my ear and I'm pretty sure I heard Zeeve and Paige laughing in the background.

What the hell happened to humanity?!

"Fine. I won't ask you about it again. It's not like I really care," I made a face at her and then turned to look outside the window.

"Is the little baby angry?" Miranda teased.

"Of course she is. She's a grumpy little girl," Paige commented and everyone laughed.

"Hey! Stop laughing on me!" But they all seemed to laugh louder at this.

"This is bullying!" I huffed.

"Aww sorry baby," Brandon said.

"I am not a baby! I am more than two decades old!" I snapped.

"Woah! You're old," he scrunched up his nose as made a weird face.

"I said decades and not centuries!"


After a fun filled afternoon, I entered my study with a firm determination to finish off all the pending paper work.

But all the dedication seeped out of my body the moment I saw the amount of work that had to be done.

Fuck my life!

Forcing myself to move towards the table, I gently eased myself on the expensive leather seat and then picked up the first document.

Time flew by and I didn't actually realise until I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.

I accepted the call, not bothering to see who the person was, and put the device to my ear.


"Open the door, kitkat, it's fucking cold outside."

Rolling my eyes at his tone, I pushed myself off the seat, but winced at the pain in my back.

Massaging my back all the way to the door, I pulled it open and sure enough, Zeeve was standing there with a bag in his hand, shivering slightly.

"You should've worn a sweater."

"Your hotness is enough to keep me warm, darling," he winked.

"What did you get for me? Please tell me you got a chocolate, I wanted to eat one since morning."

"I got dinner and dessert," he answered.


After we finished all the food, Zeeve finally agreed to let me have my chocolate and a bit of his vanilla fudge cake as well.

"So what do we do now?" he asked.



"Go ahead and pick one, love. I'll get the blankets."

I already know what I am gonna choose!

Just as I put in the cd, I heard Zeeve's footsteps, "Come quickly!" I called out, knowing fully that he heard me.

"I'm here babe," he pressed his lips to my temple firmly and then covered me with the blanket.

Half way through the movie, I realised that Zeeve was cold.
Moving my butt towards him, I laid my head on his chest and draped the blanket over him as well.

"Thank you, princess," he mumbled as he made sure that I was totally warm.

Smiling to myself, I diverted my train of thoughts back at the movie.

"Ria! Ria, get up! Ria!" I could hear someone calling me, but I just turned my face to the other side and put a pillow over my head.

"Kitkat please, it's kind of urgent."


"I'll get you three chocolates," he bargained.

"I'm up! I'm up!" I quickly sat up on the bed and kicked the blankets away.

"Good girl," Zeeve mumbled as he kissed my cheek and got up from the bed.

"I am making us breakfast, get ready and come down, we have to leave for an important meeting."

Rubbing my eyes, I jumped out of the bed and went inside the bathroom.

This day sucks already.

"Zeeve!" I called him once I was done getting ready, "Zeeve!" I yelled again and then sat down on the bed waiting for a response.

"Yes love?" he asked as he pushed the door open.

"Black or white?" I asked as I held up the two pairs of sneakers to choose from.

"How about some heels?"

"Black or white?" I asked a bit louder this time.

"Ok ok I got this one. Give me a minute," he said.

"I don't have that much time!" I snapped and he looked at me with wide eyes.

"What the hell has gotten into you?"

"Black or white?!"

"Uhh...I think it should be umm maybe we can go with..." I heard him mumbling some bullshit under his breath.

"Hold on! You cheat!" he looked like he could burst from anger, "both the pairs are exactly the same!"

"They're not," I explaied, "one is black and the other is white,"

"The patterns I mean."

"I know," I shrugged and he stared at me like he could bury me alive any damn second now.

"Just wear anyone then!" he threw his hands in the air. I could feel the waves of annoyance coming from him.

"No. I want it to be perfect."


"What?" I asked innocently.

"You're irritaing me! Just put on the black one."

"But, I like the white one," I said while waving the white shoe in front of his face.

"Then wear the white one!" he yelled.

"But it does not match with my dress!"

"Then wear the black one," he said and rubbed his forehead.

"But-" I began but he cut me off by pushing me on the bed.

"Hey! How dare yo-" I was cut off by him pulling my left foot ahead and shoving it in the black shoe and putting the white one on my right foot.

"Done! Happy?! Let's have breakfast now."

I continued staring at my feet in slight annoyance. I was enjoying irritating him.

"Walk!" he snapped and I compelled my feet to follow.

After a very quite breakfast of pancakes and nutella, we were sitting in Zeeve's storm grey Mercedes, ready to move.

Half way through the journey, he asked, "Why do you own two of them anyways?"

After ensuring that my chocolate was safe from a melting attack, I looked up at him and answered.

"A girl liked the black one and I didn't want her to buy them, so I bought both of them."


"Yes. When I was looking at the white one that hoe pushed me and pulled the shoe out of my hand. So, I showed her who is the real bitch."

"Lord please help her," he mumbled and I smirked.

It's you who'll need the help, darling.


So, who do you think really needs the help?

Anyways, wishing all of you a Merry Christmas! May the Lord bless you and your family with a lot of blessings, good luck and health.

Also, wishing you guys a very Happy New Year in advance!!

2018 was bittersweet. The start was tough and challenging but it eventually got better.

2019 is an extremely crutial year for me and my dreams. Don't forget to remember me in your prayers. Also, I hope this new year brings many new opportunities for you and your loved ones.

Take care!


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