Riding With the Wind

By California6

14.1K 318 79

Have you ever run away from someone because they caused you too much pain? In Jessica May's situation, that w... More

Who's There?
Check the Premisis
On the Run From My BFF
Dirty Little Secret
Officially Mine
Whatever. -You Too.
Drama Happens
Fighting the Instinct
Run Away Home
Taking Chances
Truth Be Told...
Letting Go
Say What?!
Watch Out
Unknowingly There
Poor Kid
He Did What?!
Waking Up
Because of You

This is Me- Plain and Simple (Maybe)

471 13 3
By California6

*Jess's P.O.V.*

   I wake up, and after lookin around, i jump to my feet- unsure of where I am. All it takes is one glance at Erin to remember last night's events. That's right, I'm mad at a certain asshole. How could I possibly forget?

   I hear Erin stir, and look over at her sleeping form. She rolls over, and I see that she is now awake, "Morning sunshine. Did you sleep well? Sorry it had to be on the floor."

   "It's fine. Don't be sorry. I would rather sleep on the floor than deal with stupid Chance right now."

   "Yeah, I guess that's true. But you do know that you have to talk to him sometime, right?"

   "Yes, I know that, but I'm not about to accept that as an answer. I am in no rush to see him, and that is that. Now do you think it is safe for me to go out of this room if I mask my scent?" I ask, a little worried that he will right away smell me and come to find me.

   "It should be safe, but you might also want to make sure you are totally quiet." She says this quietly, as if someone was outside her door listening in on our conversation.

   "Okay, I will do that also. Thanks for the suggestions. See you later, where are you going?" Does she want to come with me?

   "I was planning on going for a run." I look at her, and it looks as if she was on the verge of asking to come along, "Would you like to come?"

   "Omg! Can I?" I nod my head at this and she starts bouncing in her seat, "This is so cool!" I shush her, and then can't stop myself from laughing at her excitedness. It's only a run. Whatever. -You too. Haha, I crack myself up.

   "Wow. You are way to excited about this. What about Beck? You do have a mate, remember?"

   "I know I have a mate, I could never forget that. I will just tell him that I am going for a run. It will be fine." Thinking of Beck has me curious as to where he is at.

   "Where is your mate?" I ask, suddenly looking around to see if i accidentally overlooked him, which I don't think would be easy, but I was a little hysterical last night.

   "Oh, he is... ummm..." She trails off, and I look at her suspisciously.

   "He is where?" I ask, pretty much forcing her to tell me.

   "Chance called all of his back up last night to go look for you throughout the territory."

   "Can you ask Beck if they are still out looking for me please?" I ask, not really wanting to have a chance of running into Chance.

   "I already asked him, and he said that they looked for you until about four this morning, and then all came home and crashed. So, seeing as it is only nine, we are good to go. Chance probably won't wake up until sometime after ten to begin searching for you again. Hopefully by then, we wil be far enough away to have some time to ourselves."

   "Cool, I can't wait to let my wolf out and just run away from this miserable place for a while." It comes out a little harsher than I thought, and I frown. Why do I always have to sound so mean all of the time? Ugh. Who cares? It's not like I'm planning on staying here for a whole lot longer, but no one has to know that.

   "Okay, than let's go." She says, deciding to just let my harshness alone.

   "Thank God!" I whisper scream and make my way towards the door eager to stretch my legs and finally just go crazy out in the woods, even if Erin is there.

   I open the door and come face to face with one angry soon to be alpha. Crap. I don't have time to think before I am being lifted up off the floor and taken to what I'm guessing is his room. He closes the door behind him, and I don't say a word, too bust planning a way to get out of this screwed up situation. I am going to kill him!

   "Were you in there the whole night?" He practically yells, and I can feel my wolf getting angry at the way he is talking to us again.

   "No. I slept in my room last night." I reply sarcastically, already sick of this stupid conversation.

   "Don't lie to me Jess. I know where you slept." He practically growls at me, and that just pisses me off more. Will this boy never learn that pissing a girl off is a bad thing, especially when it comes to me?

   "Don't tell me what to do! And if you already knew the answer, why the hell did you ask?! Seriously, that is a little fucked up!" I can't help but scream at him as my anger rises.

    "Shut up! It's you that can't talk to me like that! Get your stupid head on straight and think about that the next time you choose to yell at me!" Oh no he didn't.

   "Who the fuck died and made you king?! You have no right to talk to me like that. I can get you killed just for raising your voice in the slightest at me. Think about that next time." I glare at him and turn on my heel to leave the room. He doesn't stop because he is just staring at me in shock because of what I just said to him. I look over my shoulder, and make my little announcement, "Oh, and by the way, we are soooo through. Goodbye Chance." I look him straight in the eyes as I turn around again and walk out through the door. Leaving him standing in his room in shock; well this day didn't go as well as I was planning.

   I make my way down the stairs, and look around to see if Erin ever made her way out of her room. I find her sitting on the couch, attempting to watch tv while Beck kisses her. Eww, if there is anything I hate almost as much as annoying bastards like Chance, it is people getting all lovey dovey out in public.

   I clear my face and then glare at then and they unwillingly pull away. Erin looks over and frowns when she sees how angry I am. If it was possible, I think I would have fire coming out of my mouth like a dragon, but noo, all I get are eyes that I know are pitch black.

   When Erin hesitates to get up, I can't stop my self from saying something, "Are you coming or not?" I practically scream at her and she flinches. Beck on the other hand, looks like he is about to get up and kill me. If only he was capable of that. Erin looks into his eyes, and mumbles a quiet 'it's ok' before looking back at me.

   "Okay, I'm ready to go."

   "Finally." I grumble before turning and leading the way out of this place which I am now caling my living hell since I don't want to leave Erin quite yet.

   Once outside, I shift quickly, but while also taking the time to make sure I don't become my white alter-ego alpha wolf. That would not be good at all, and Erin would discover my secret for real. I don't know if she suspects something, but she hasn't mentioned it at all, so I would like to think that I am safe, for now. I look over my shoulder, taking in my all black pelt, before looking at Erin who looks like she could be my exact twin.

   It's kind of funny how we are the exact same color, but I am not going to laugh at it. It's cool to be unique and different, but with Erin, I still feel that way. Probably because of the giant secret that I am keeping. I would love to be able to be white all of the time while around Erin, but that is not my true wolf, so it is harder for me to stay in that form. Plus Erin knows what I truly look like, so I wouldn't be fooling anyone. Damn.

  I point towards the woods with my nose, and Erin nods her head. Once I get confirmation that she is coming along, I take off like a bullet out of a gun, just stretching my legs. Erin uses her amazing speed and quickly catches up, matching my speed. As long as she doesn't go ahead of me, I am fine.

   We get far enough away from civilization that all we smell is the world around us. It isn't even disturbed by Chance's puke worthy scent, thank God. I slow down my pace, and Erin follows my lead. Once we reach the small clearing I was heading towards, I stop running, and just walk around aimlessly. Since I am a very lazy person, I decide to just lay down and take a nap to try and get rid of some of my anger.

   The only thing that stops me from my nap is the sudden growling/whimpering of Erin. I open my eyes a crack to see what is going on, and what I see makes me snap them open. There, right in front of her, is a wolf. Not a werewolf, but a natural born wolf. And it looks super pissed, probably the alpha.

   Since I am pretty much the soon to be 'queen' of the werewolf world, I am able to show my dominance over natural wolves, and it really comes in handy during situations like these. I get up quickly and stand in front of Erin. Vowing to myself that no matter what, I am not giong to let anything happen to her. She has a mate, pack, and a life. While I am a soon to be whimp of a 'queen'. If anyone deserves to get injured, it is me.

   I growl back angrily at the wolf, and can see it's confused look. Yeah, they don't know why they  have to listen to me, but they do. I growl again, and take a step closer, showing it that I mean business. Before I can take another step, it turns and quickly retreats back into the trees, smart wolf.

   Before I have time to think, there are suddenly around 10 natural wolves surrounding us. Crap, I'm really not in the mood for fighting them. If I was able to go into alpha mode right now, I wouldn't be having any of these problems. Ugh. Why did I have to tell Erin she could come along.

   That's right- Erin! I look over at her cowering form, and almost smirk. The trust she has in me is embarassing. Does she think that I am a totally weak she-wolf like her? If she does, she is about to get a wake-up call. Next thing I know, my nose is practically being raped by a certain asshole's stench. What on earth is he doing out here?

   I turn my head to the right, and can't stop the growl that escapes my lips when i see him standing there. Oops- not. I am about to growl again when movement off to my left catches my attention. That's right, we were dealing with a situation here. I focus on the natural wolves, and let some of my alpha min take over. They are sapposed to understand that when I say something, I mean it.

   I growl viciously at them, and move forward. Stalking closer and closer. With each step I take, I see them shinking back more and more. Good, they better be scared. 'Cuz I am super pissed now that they disobeyed my original order. I move closer, and when they dont leave, I feel my alpha wolf coming out. Shit.

   Before I can stop myself, I feel the shift go through my body. I am not longer a small black wolf. I am now a giant, pure white, ticked off alpha wolf. I ignore the gasps from my friend, her mate, and the asshole, and forcus soley on the job at hand. I get into a fighting stance and growl again. This time when I look the wolves in the eyes, they look down and submit to me. I step forward, and let out a deafening howl. In it they can hear the command to leave and never come bother me again, and that is exactly what they do.

   Once done howling, I sit down and just stare off into space, unsure of how to explain all of this to everyone. I don't know how long I sat like this before someone does something but it seemed like a long time.

   Finally I heard someone get up, and I looked over in that direction to find the source. It was Erin, and she looked a little worried. I felt bad becase I had been hiding this from them, and her especially. It is finally time for me to come clean about some of my past.

   Getting up, I glance at them to fight me, but nothing happens. As I walk out of the clearing, I make my alpha back down, and force myself to shift, knowing that if I want to make progress with them, I will have to be the person doing all of the talking. I find the clothes that i had hidden in a nearby tree and get dressed in them quickly, not wanting the others to think that I left them after all the shit that just went down. I could never do that.

   I make my way back out to the clearing. When I get there, I see Beck and Erin off to the side together while Chance is all by himself, and it doesn't look like he is enjoying it. Oh well, that's what he gets for being an asshole to me.

   I stop once they all look up at me, and I remember that they aren't able to speak since they are still in wolf form, "Erin will you please come with me?" I ask kindly, not wanting to scare her away.

   She nods her head slowly, but when she makes a move to get up, Beck stops her. What the hell?! If I didn't desperately need Erin to come with me, I would have yelled at Beck for that move, but I hold myself back.

   "Please? I have something for you." I ask softly, wanting for her to just come with me.

   When I look up at her agian, I see that she has made it to her feet now and is making her way over to me. Yay! I wait for her to get to my side before whispering a 'thank you' and turning around to lead the way to where I have more clothes stashed.

   I stop once we reach the tree, and Erin looks at me wierdly. When I pull out the clothes, resignation flashes on her face. She has finally figured out that I need someone to talk to so I know what is going through everyone's heads. She takes the clothes from me and walks behind a tree to change.

   When Erin walks back out, she comes with a force to be reckoned with. Next thing I know, I am bieng hugged. I try not to pull away out of surprise because it is nice to be getting comforted by someone other than that stupid asshole out there.

   "Are you okay?" She asks quietly, and I look down to meet her eyes.

   "Yes, and I'm sorry you had to see that before I had time to explain what I am to you."

   "It's okay, you can just explain it now, if you don't mind." She adds on the last part, and I smile at her not wanting to be in my business, but I know that now is the time to spill a lot of stuff.

   "No. It isn't okay, but it will have to be good enough. I would have liked to have been able to lead up to the fact that I can change into two different wolves. And I will be explaining it, once we get back out to the clearing. I'm sure that Beck is worried that I am going to kill you or something crazy like that." I laugh a little to myself as I imagine what Beck could be thinking about right now.

   "Okay, let's go then." She grabs my hand and leads the way back to the clearing.

   We make it to the clearing and as soon as we are visible, Beck comes running over, looking like he is going to kill me if I hurt Erin in even the slightest way ever. Silly boy, I would never hurt her- she is my best friend.

   "Down boy." She giggles as he licks the side of her face, and I fake a gag. Again with the lovey dovey crap? Dear God I think they want to kill me!

   "Okay, enough of that." I say, making sure to stop what could have and would have happened next.

   "Sorry." Erin mumbles as she looks down at the ground in embarassment.

   "Haha. It's alright, just don't let me see it again." I playfully scold, but I'm not able to hold back my laughter, so it doesn't comeout seriously at all. Once I have myself under control again, I begin with my story "As you can probably tell, I'm not like other wolves, and neither is my faimly. We are-" Only to be cut off by Erin or actually Chance.

   "Chance wants to know what just happened earlier." Erin states, and I know that if she had a choice, she wouldn't have just said that. He was being an asshole again and making her do as he said.

   "Well you can tell Chance that he can be patient." I say lightly to Erin, while glaring at Chance. He growls at me, and I snap. Not smart at all boy. Not smart at all.

   "Don't you dare growl at me boy. You might not know what I am, but you can feel the power that I possess, so stop it with the bull shit." I assume that i have gotten my point across when all I get in response is silence, "Back to what I was saying before I was rudely interupted, my family and I are different than other wolves. Me being the most special, but no one knows about that. I have kept everything a secret." I stop talking as I hear Erin gasp

   This is going to be a long night of story telling. Yay, and to think that I actually wanted to get out of that pack house of theirs, silly me. I would much rather be there avoiding Chance right now, but oh well.


dedication to jay. I wuld like to thank yu for giving me tht last vote needed to upload.

i wuld also like to thnk evry one else tht voted! it was greatly appreciated! haha. here is chpt 12, finally!! woo hoo! enjoy




votes needed for next upload- 6!!!

nn/ <-- for kristen19! luv ya chica!

peace out bitches! hehe

~Cali <3

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