The Girl in the Hoodie

By SarcasticallyWitty

26.2M 1.1M 1.1M

{FIRST BOOK IN 'THE GIRL IN THE HOODIE' SERIES} {2014-2018} A girl moved to California two years ago. ... More

0 {Prologue}
50 {Epilogue}
Letter to Noah
3 Years Later
Alternate Ending
The Foolish Five + Spin Off
WATTY'S 2019


430K 19.2K 34.3K
By SarcasticallyWitty

[Chapter thirty-five]


"So you're still in love with Noah?" Max questions rhetorically as we walk along campus.

I nod, pursing my lips. "Unfortunately."

"I knew it!" He fist bumps the air.

I roll my eyes, chuckling. "And you like Megan."

"Yes! God, yes!" He bursts as he stops walking, grabs my shoulders and shakes me. "Help me!"

I slap his hands off me. "Okay, I have an idea."

He stares at me hopefully. "What is it?!"

I lean closer to him and start whispering. "Stop being a pussy and tell her."

"That is the worst advice ever!" He stares at me blankly. "And that's rich, coming from you."

"Hey, you know I can't tell him!" I exclaim defensively.

He sighs, rubbing his face in exasperation. "I know. I'm sorry. I love you. I didn't mean that."

"I love you, too." I smile. "Ice cream?"

He perks up, grinning widely. "Hell yeah!"


"One scoop of cookies and cream in a waffle cone for m'lady." Max hands me my ice cream and sits down across from me in the booth. "And one scoop of mint chocolate chip in a chocolate waffle cone for me."

I smile, taking the ice cream from him. "Thanks."

He frowns, licking his ice cream. "I hate you."

I raise an eyebrow. "Why?"

"You bumped me off with your ugly little butt and paid for both our ice creams." He pouts. "I was going to pay!"

"Okay, one, I have a very cute butt, thank you very much," I argue and he coughs in disagreement dramatically. "And two, you got a free ice cream, so stop complaining."

"Huh, you're right, I did get a free ice cream." He mutters before perking up. "Thanks, Vaeh!"

I roll my eyes, chuckling as I lick my ice cream.

"Hey, guys!" The annoying, high-pitches voice of Noah's dumb ass girlfriend squeaks she she bounds up to our booth, clutching Noah's arm.

I almost groan out loud.

"Hey, Hazel." Max gives her a forced smile. "Hey, Noah."

"Hi, Max." Noah greets back.

I ignore her completely, looking at Noah instead. "Hi, Pebble."

Hazel's jaw drops.

He raises an eyebrow, eyes filled with amusement. "Hi, Carter."

Hazel looks between us because of our nicknames for a moment before shrugging it off.

"You wouldn't mind if we joined you, right?" She questions before pushing Noah down next to Max. "Of course you wouldn't, I'm a delight."

"That's what you think." I mutter, but obviously not quiet enough, seeing as Max and Noah both heard me. Max stifled a laugh and Noah kicked me under the table with an amused look, making me kick him back.

Hazel didn't seem to hear me though as she continued talking.

"I'm going to go order our ice cream. Goody Goody Gum Drop in a wafer cone for me, and strawberry ice cream in a waffle cone for my baby. His favourite." She pinches Noah's cheek lightly.

What is he? A toddler? Why the hell are you pinching his cheek, the fuck.

"His favourite's vanilla in a cup." I mumble, licking my ice cream.

"What?" She says sharply, making me look up at her.

I roll my eyes, speaking up. "Noah hates strawberry ice cream. He likes vanilla because he's a basic bitch. He also doesn't like cones because it's too messy, so he prefers a cup."

Her eyes narrow as she glares at me.

"I think I know what my boyfriend's favourite ice cream flavour is." She spits.

I shrug. "Obviously you don't."

"What would you know?!" She questions rhetorically, her face getting red. "You've been gone for two years!"

"Yet I know him a lot better than you do." I shrug, not looking at her.

She glares harder and stomps her foot, looking at Noah. "Noah, tell her your favourite is strawberry ice cream!"

Noah ignores her as he stares at me. "You remembered?"

I give him a small smile. "Of course I did. I also remember how your favourite colour is black -like your soul- and that you hate whiny bitches."

Max chokes on his ice cream. "Damn. Shade."

"Excuse me?!" Hazel screeches.

"Relax, princess. I wasn't talking about you." I roll my eyes. "But at least you know you're a whiny bitch."

"What the hell is your problem with me?!" She shouts just as I finish my ice cream.

I roll my eyes for the tenth time in the last five minutes as I stand up.

"I'm going to be straight up with you, since I obviously wasn't clear enough before." I start. "I don't like you. Never have, never will. You were a bitch to me back in high school and I hold grudges. I'm not going to be nice to you because you're dating Noah. You're annoying, you're stuck up, you're a bitch and you only care about yourself. If I don't like you, then I don't like you. That's all there is to it."

I probably sounded like a bitch. Meh, who cares? I sure as hell don't.

Noah and Max both stare between Hazel and I. Max with wide eyes and his jaw dropped open, and Noah with no emotion whatsoever.

Hazel stares at me, her mouth opening and closing repeatedly as she gapes like a fish. "You-you, you bitch!"

I roll my eyes. "You say that like it's a bad thing."

"You piece of shit." She steps towards me, her hand raising slowly.

I scoff. "What're you going to do? Slap me? Let me remind you, I'm from New Zealand. I don't slap, I punch. And a punch hurts a hell of a lot more than a little bitch slap, so you probably shouldn't test me."

"Okay!" Max pushes Noah out of the booth and slides out himself, wrapping an arm around my shoulder as he starts to drag me out of the ice cream shop. "I'm just going to walk Nevaeh back to her dorm before she kills someone. Bye Noah! Bye, whiny bit—I mean, Hazel!"


I stare at Nevaeh's retreating figure as Max leads her out.

I'm still in love with her. Dear god, I'm still in love with Nevaeh.

Took you long enough!

Shut up, Pablo!

"I can't believe you let her talk to me like that!" Hazel screams as I pull her out of the ice cream store.

I shrug. "You asked what her problem was with you, and she told you."

She stares at me with her jaw dropped before she grips tightly onto my arm, her nails digging into my skin through my hoodie. "Why are you taking her side?! You should be taking my side!"

"I'm not taking anyone's side." I pull my arm out of her grasp. "Nevaeh's a straight up person. Everyone knows that."

"Stop defending her!" She stomps her foot. "You're my boyfriend!"

I shake my head. "Not anymore."

She rolls her eyes. "What the hell are you saying?"

"I'm breaking up with you." I say bluntly.

Her jaw drops. "Wha-what?!"

"You basically forced me to be your boyfriend, and I decided to be an idiot and tell Carter that I actually like you —which I don't." I state. "We're done, Hazel."

I turn around and start to walk away.

"Noah! NOAH! You get back here right now!" She screams from behind me. "How am I supposed to get back to campus?!"

"God gave you legs for a reason!" I call over my shoulder without turning around. "Use them!"

I smirk slightly as I hear her let out a high-pitched screech and stomp her foot again.

"Fuck you, Noah!"

"No, thanks!" My smirk widens. "I wouldn't want to catch an STD!"

I chuckle at the gasp she lets out before I get into my car and drive away.

I'm still in love with Nevaeh - bloody- Carter.

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