
By a-writing-potato

41.7K 683 1K

it's chaos... but it's their family chaos. and they love it. ◈¨°◑¸»¯✺﹢°⇤∴∝∗ [[ D I S C O N T I N U E D ]] ◈¨°... More

letters from asshole aunts
surprise, bitch
penthouse life
finding out
i'm problematic lmao why did i start a book
meet the malfoys
crazy rich wizards
unknown numbers
i'm sorry
glasses ; oneshot

planting love with lilies

4K 77 120
By a-writing-potato

"I have conquered problems of many,
And earned my place in history."


"There was a war. Amongst the people of a big, big town in which my old school is placed, where my kids study now, against a very powerful man who believed that others are unworthy to live in their town, because they weren't born there and they didn't have local blood." Hermione told Alex after dinner, walking to the indoor garden of the hotel.

"A war? That's bloody barbaric. And racist. How come it didn't go on the news?" Alex asked.

"We stopped it once it spread all over the world. Many people who weren't their people were killed. I'm sure that went on the news." Hermione looked at him.

"When was this?" Alex asked.

"1998. Very dark times." Hermione sighed.

"Oh. I was too young to notice. Well, what happened to the man?" Alex asked.

"We defeated him. Me, my best friends, Harry and Ron, and many others fought against him. My friend Harry killed him." Hermione said.

"Where was Draco?" Alex pushed.

"He was the man's follower. Don't worry. He didn't do it willingly. He was forced, cause if he declined, his family would've been tortured. And he didn't want that. So he went to their side."

"Oh. Were you guys friends?"

"No. In fact, my friend Harry and Draco were enemies. Once, I punched him in our 3rd year." Hermione smiled.

"Cool. But how did you guys became...?" Alex asked.

"After the war, their ministry decided to have a law. A marriage law. Because of the drastic drop in their population.." Hermione started.

"What? That's stupid." Alex cringed.

"It was. Then I somehow got paired up with Draco. I don't know how it happened, but it did. And I couldn't be more thankful for it." Hermione smiled at him.

"You've been through a lot, huh?" Alex asked.

"No shit, Alexander." Hermione said, ruffling his hair.


"Ma, when's pa coming here?" Ara asked Hermione.

"You'll see him tomorrow morning, darling." Hermione smiled at her.

"Good. I miss him terribly." Hydra said sadly.

"I do too. We all do." Hermione leant against the wall.


"Ugh! I need a dress for tomorrows ball!" Lin waves her arms frantically in the air.

"Don't worry. I booked us all a spa session before the ball. I also bought your dresses." Gladys said, shoving their dresses to the designated daughter.

"Ooh. Where's the modesty, Mother?" Say teased. The dress was a strapless, sweetheart neckline and reached the knees that was so tight, you can't breathe. It'll hug all the curves and layers.... Of their bellies.

"Oh please. We want that Malfoy to be drooling all over you tomorrow evening, right?" Gladys said.

"Ugh. I thought he'd be at dinner tonight." Liz moped, resting her chin on her palm.

"I thought so too. But it's positive he'll be here tomorrow. It's a big deal. Revelation ball or what not. I wonder what he'll reveal.." Lin trailed off.

"The only interesting thing at dinner was Alex dragging Hermione away." Say thinks.

"True. Probably found out who the father was." Liz points out.

"Tsk. I doubt even she knows who the father is." Gladys rolled her eyes as her daughters burst out laughing.


"C'mon Lucius! Hurry up." Narcissa practically dragged her husband to the penthouse in the Et Quod Serpens Leo hotel.

"Wait a second, dear, what did you bring in these bags? Our whole manor?." Lucius whined, not being able to use magic in carrying numerous bags of luggage.

"Oh hush. Those are Hermione's family's dresses. Including our grandchildren. Oh how excited I am to see them!" Narcissa hurried her steps, taking off her sunglasses.

"Why can't you use an extension charm?" Lucius asked.

"Because the dresses will crumple!" Narcissa says, mumbling 'honestly' under her breath.

"Good evening Mrs. Malfoy!" Abby greeted behind the counter.

"Hello, Abby. Where are Hermione and my grandkids?" Narcissa asked.

"The penthouse, Miss." Abby replied politely. Narcissa nodded and they started having a small chat.

Lucius huffed. He didn't want to carry these bags up there. He spotted an employee walking by.

"Oi! You," Lucius called.

The man turned around, his eyes widening at the sight of the man. "Yes Mr. Malfoy?"

"Carry these up the penthouse, will you?" Lucius cringed at the bags.

"Why of course sir-" The man started but got cut off by Lucius throwing the bags at him.

The man fell to the ground at the weight of the bags. He looked at the other employees, his friends, looking at them and telling them to help him with his eyes.

They looked back forward, pretending not to know the man.

The man sighed as he tried to get up. He was the manager. Definitely giving them a scolding later.

What a job, that is.

Just then, Aunt Gladys came from the behind a wall and tapped the man's shoulder.

"Psst, who was that?" Gladys asked, looking at the retrieving figures of Lucius and Narcissa.

"The Malfoys." the man says as he stands up.

"The Malfoys huh?" Gladys smirks.


"Okay then. Thank you." Gladys says and hurries to her hotel room.

"Girls! you won't believe what I had just witnessed!" Gladys says excitedly.

"What? What?" Lin and Say chorused.

"The Malfoys are here in the hotel." Gladys clapped her hands.

"WHAT?!" Lin screeches.

"That means... Draco's here!" Say squeals.

"How did you know?" Liz asks boredly.

"I saw them and asked someone who it was and he said it was the Malfoys." Gladys tells them.

"Woah." Lin says.

"Cool." Say elongates.

"Hm." Liz says.

"Liz, what's wrong dear? You seem down." Gladys tilts her daughter's chin up. She put it back down and went to the shower.

"D-don't you think Malfoy deserves to find love himself? And what if we don't like Malfoy?" Liz mumbles to her sisters.

"Are you kidding me, Liz? He's rich! And handsome. It doesn't matter, that's all we need." Lin shrugs.

"But we don't know his personality...." Liz trails off.

"Fuck personality! We're here for the money." Say nods at her.

"Yeah. Cheer up, sis, one of us will get him." Lin nudges her shoulder.

"Hm... Okay." Liz sighs.


"....that's it for today, gentlemen. Thank you for your time here in Amsterdam." An American businessman said in the Successor Meeting Convention.

Draco immediately stood up and went over to the man to say goodbye, while the others were still merely packing their stuff.

Draco wasn't listening in the ending part. He was already, subtly, packing his stuff. He hated being there. He wanted to be with his family.

As he was about to shake the man's hand, the man told him, "Thank you for being here, Mr. Malfoy. We appreciate you flying here from London."

"No worries, Lee, it was a pleasure." He plastered on a fake smile. He immediately left the room, but was confronted by this woman, Rebecca Stider, who sat beside him throughout the meeting.

She was obviously hitting on him, but he didn't pay her much attention and turned his back on her.

"Hey there, Draco." Rebecca smirked as her fingers walked along his suit-covered chest, up to the back of his neck.

"Stider," Draco acknowledged, slithering past her and started brisk walking away.

"What's the hurry? We have all the time in the world," she snaked her arm around his.

Draco sighed and stopped, gently removing her hand around his. "I don't."

"Can you resist me Draco?" she pressed herself onto him.

He stepped away from her, pushing her away lightly. "Yes. Yes I can." he said and walked out the exit door.

Rebecca gawked at him as he entered the door to his private jet. Draco saw her as he opened the door.

He smirked, "CLOSE YOUR MOUTH, STIDER! EVEN THE FLIES KNOW THEY COULD DO BETTER." He shouted and closed the door.


"Grandma and Grandpa are here!" Hydra yelled and ran into the arms of her grandfather.

"Hello, my little Hya." Lucius smiled at her.

"Hello, Grandpa. Hello Grandma." Hydra smiled, leaving her grandfather's arms to hug her grandmother's petite body.

"How are you, my darling?" Narcissa asks as she took Hya's face in her palms.

"I'm really well. But I, as much as I dislike using the word, hate some of Mum's cousins. They are-" Hydra started but got cut off by others.

"Bitches." Scorpius shrugged, imitating his father.

"Whores." Leo contemplated after a while.

"Overall, bat-shit crazy." Blaise leant against Leo's shoulder.

"Such handsome gentlemen," Narcissa smiled, hugging them. The boys were beaming after their praise.

But then her mood completely dropped.

"WITH SUCH FILTHY MOUTHS!" The older woman scolded as she smacked them behind their heads.

"Ouch, Gramma!" Scorpius whined in pain.

"Shut it, Scorpius. I expect more from you, Leo. Especially you, Blaise." Narcissa glared menacingly at them.

"I'm very sorry, Grandmother. It won't happen again." Leo bowed in embarrassment.

"Same." Blaise winced.

"Oh you're too professional, love." Narcissa gave Leo an affectionate pat on the cheek.

"But you, Mister, should know better." She pointed a wary finger at Blaise. He gulped in response.

She looked at Scorpius, "It amazes me how much you look like your father." She gazed at him knowingly.

Lucius cleared his throat. "Where's Ara?" he asked.

"Here I am, Grandpa!" She shouted from the second floor, running down the stairs and hugging both of her grandparents.

"Hello, sweetheart." Lucius smiled warmly. Sure, he might be more affectionate to his granddaughters but he loves all his grandchildren equally.

"Look at you!" Narcissa pulled away from their hug, "How much you've grown! You look as beautiful as your mother."

"Indeed you are. What were you doing upstairs?" Lucius asked.

"I was studying my lessons this coming year. It is my last after all." Ara replied, Scorpius sniggering from behind.

"Well, where's your mother?" Narcissa asked.

"She's phoning Dad." Leo answered.

"Nope! I'm here, I'm here." Hermione ran fron the balcony.

"Hello my dear!" Narcissa said, hugging her.

"Hello Cissa, Luc-"

"Hermione, how many times have we told you to call us Mum and Dad?" Lucius asked.

"Sorry, Mum and Dad." Hermione flushed and hugged Lucius.

"Where did Draco say he was?" Narcissa asked.

"He just left Amsterdam. You should see him in the morning." Hermione said.

They all groaned.

"Dammit, Draco! What's keeping you so long!" Blaise whined.

"Blaise, I'm the wife here." Hermione looked at him.

"Whoops. Sorry Mrs. Malfoy." he smirked at her.


"Dan, answer the door." Jean called from the restroom.

"Sure dear." Dan sighs and opens the door.

"Lucius! Narcissa!" he yelled, surprised.

"What?!" Jean scrambles out of the bathroom, wiping her hands on the towel.

"Hello Jean, Dan." Narcissa said and they all exchanged hugs and handshakes.

"What are you doing here?" Jean asks.

"We are here to deliver your dress, Mrs. Granger." Lucius smiled.

"Oh! Thank you. I thought Hermione would deliver it." She says thoughtfully.

"Well, surprise!" Narcissa grinned. "Here you are. Straight from Mamma Mia's 'Celebrations Galore' collection."

"Thank you!" Jean was nearly speechless.

"You're welcome. Have a good night." Lucius nodded at them.

"Good night." Dan nods, closing the door.


"Who knocks on the door at this hour?" Jazz groaned and answered the door.

"Mrs.... Kyrr?" Lucius asked.

"Yes. Who are you?" Jazz asked confused.

"I'm Lucius Malfoy and this is my wife Narcissa." Lucius said politely.

"Oh! So you own this hotel?" Jazz confirmed.

"No. Our son does." Narcissa nods.

"Riiiiight Draco Malfoy. Okay, with all due respect, what are you doing here?"

"We are here to deliver these ball dresses." Narcissa said.

"Ball dresses? For tomorrow?" Jazz asks.

"Yes. From Hermione's company."

"Ohhhhh." Jazz says unsurely.

"So this is for you love," Narcssa hands her the dress, "This is Belle's and Mary's. That's all."

"Thank you! Good night." Jazz nods politely.

"You're welcome. Good night." Lucius nods back.

Why are giving dresses so awkward?


Liz looked around, checking if everyone in the room was asleep. Once she was sure, she grabbed the hotel key and went out.

She sighed. She didn't want to pretend anymore. She felt like a stepsister in Cinderella. She doesn't want to be a part of her mother and sister's devious plans.

When she was a kid, she talked to her father. She would always look up to him and listen to him. But then she turned 13, her mother started trying to do everything to make them turn into her.

But she didn't want to be someone she's not.

Elizabeth Granger just wants to be her.

She didn't want to be with Draco Malfoy. Who knows, the guy might have found true love but was forced into fake love by some psychotic mother.

She went into the garden, the moon in full view. She walked around the flowers.

Gerberas, alstromerias, cornflowers, daffodils, delphimiums, freesias, peonies, roses, orchids and sunflowers. It was June, and there were lots of flowers.

She noticed a bench right by the balcony, where there was a full view of the city that never sleeps, the moon towering over it. She noticed a small round glass table beside the bench and some lillies as a centerpiece.

She wondered why they were separated from the rest. Just then, she heard someone coming from behind. She turned around and saw a man, in his early 30s maybe.

"Oh! Sorry, miss, I didn't see you there." The man says, backing up.

"No worries." Liz told him and looked back at the lillies.

The man decided to speak, "Those are casablanca and stargazer lillies. The Malfoys have been using that as their bouquet for generations. They thought it symbolized the women. Soft, fragile and beautiful on the outside but strong and ready in the inside."

"They are very gorgeous. I-I'm Elizabeth... Liz for short." Liz lets out a hand.

"Oh, Andrew. Pleased to meet your acquaintance." he smiled at her.

"What do you do here?" Liz asks, looking at his uniform.

"I am a manager, actually." Andrew says.

"Oh...that's nice." Liz replies quietly.

"What about you? What brings a pretty lady like you here?"

"Family reunion." Liz says looking down, hiding her blush.

"Hey don't do that," Andrew tilts her chin up, "I can't see your pretty face anymore."

"Uh.. Thank you." Liz knew she was probably as red as a tomato.

"Are you staying here til dawn?" Andrew asks.

"No, no. I'm leaving." Liz say, standing up.

"Well then, let me open the door for you."

Andrew walked Liz to the garden's exit door, Liz clutching his arm, careful not to accidentally hit anything.

When they got inside, Liz turned to him.

"Thank you."

"No problem. Good night!" Andrew called out to her.

"Good night Andrew."


In the middle of the night, Hermione heard something but ignored it. Then she felt someone getting on the bed.

"Godric, I hope it's who I think it is.." She thinks.

"Hello, love." A deep aristocratic voice says and wraps their arms around my waist.

"Hello," she says, barely even opening her eyes.

"Go back to sleep, love," the voice says, nuzzling it's face into the back of her neck.

"I missed you, Ferret," she starts groggily.

"Of course you did," Draco smirks.

"Hey!" Hermione screeches, lightly smacking his shoulder.

"I'm kidding, I missed you too."

"Can you turn off the lamp, please?" She finishes, rubbing her eyes.

Draco chuckles and turns off the light.

"Thank you. G-ood nighhtt..." she yawns and snuggles closer to husband's body.

"Goodnight, Mia." He says and with one last kiss on her forehead, they fall asleep.


you are all amazing.

we hit 1k and i have absolutely 0% idea why.

anyway, i love and appreciate you all.

mkay enough sentiment, i might vomit on myself.

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