
By gorystories

31.9K 1.3K 405

The school's hottest boys are the two most dangerous psychopaths... Rebekah Fleetwood is a straight A studen... More

Show Him What A Good Time Is
Never Had Sex With A Virgin
Did A Number On My Back
You Will Be Ruined
It's Just A Piercing, Becks
I Want You Seductive, Not Plain
Those Are Tears Of Eagerness
Go On, Tell Him Becks
That's Not Like My Rebekah
You're A Beautiful Girl, Rebekah
She Was Told Not To Do That
That's Non Of Our Business
She Tried It Again
I Don't Know Why I'm Like This
I Don't Want You To Go
Why Did You Do This To Me?
We Had The Best Of Fun
The Big, Mean Bully
You Care About The Slut, Dont You?
Smaller And Smaller
It Ain't Gonna Get You Anywhere
I Have A Little Confession
Kade Couldn't Take It
I Need You
It Belongs To Me
You Can't Stay Here
The Position You're Suppose To Be In
Why Doesn't Anybody Love Me?
You're Acting Weird!
You Fucking Crazy Bitch
Just Take Me Away From Here

I Need A Distraction

659 32 6
By gorystories

I'm off so school for a week, so I'm going to try and do a lot of writing :))

Chapter 22

Kade led both Ethan and Rebekah out the school gates, and Rebekah gathered she weren't going back in for her final two periods. She didn't want to anyway; she'd truly grown to hate that school, and the people with in it. Especially when her head was beating as painfully as her heart did each day. Living this life that she never imagined she'd be living. She was still startled by it all.

" What're we doing?" Ethan asked.

Kade took his bag off his shoulder, and went inside. He then pulled out several cans of beer, and passed one to each Rebekah and Ethan, then placed one on the floor for himself whilst he put his zipped his bag back up.

He then raised his hands over his eyes as the large sun stung them, attempting to make him see what, what he had been doing for so long, was wrong. So wrong. But Kayden Samuels had been hurt enough in his lifetime, so that heated sphere's shine was just a scratch to him.

" We'll just go back to mine," he finally said. " I can't stay in that place any longer. It drives me crazy." Kade raked his hand through his almost black hair, and Rebekah could tell by his flared nostrils and pulse that almost pounded out his neck, that he was infuriated. Whether it was about what Molly had said moments ago or something else, remained unknown.

Ethan nodded, as Kade opened his can and gulped the entire thing down. Ethan and Rebekah stood awkwardly, waiting for him to finish his drink, and they nearly exchanged glances. Once Kade was done, he stormed in front, and Ethan looked past Rebekah, waiting for her to follow. She shuffled her bag up her shoulder a little, and hurried beside them.

On the walk there, Rebekah drank her beer, and Rebekah gazed at Kade's back, then angered muscles attempting to pounce through the skin and shirt. God, he was always so pissed off.  His personality shifted between a sarcastic asshole and an insane asshole. It was weird. Ethan seemed to be able to handle the mood swings, apart from last nights.

But, Ethan hadn't said a word to Rebekah since he snapped at her the night before, and he remained silent the entire journey, not opening the burgundy can he held between his pale, for some reason bruised, hands.

Once they arrived outside Kade's front door, Rebekah was panting for air. That walk had drained her almost completely. She'd always kept so fit, and could accomplish any sort of walk, run or even sprint. Missing those swimming lessons had really taken its toll on her.

Kade opened the door, and Rebekah rushed inside. Without thinking, she threw herself against the couch and let out a large breath. When Kade and Ethan entered the room, she spoke.

" You.. you really should start driving your car to school," she gasped, trying to stop her chest from heaving up and down. " You have them for a reason."

She didn't look up at Kade whilst talking to him, and when he didn't reply, she asked, " Can I get a glass of water?" Rebekah was still out of breath. The walk was ten minutes max; what had gotten into her?

" Come with me, Rebekah," she heard Kade demand, and she whipped her head up to see him staring down at her small figure with barely open eyes, and Ethan was at the other side of the room, pouring himself a drink.

" Why, where are we going?" Rebekah furrowed her eyebrows at him, and he just gave her one last fierce glare before he left the room.

Rebekah was completely perplexed, and she pulled her face back in question. She stayed sat down for a moment, staring into space, until she noticed eyes at the side of her head, dripping onto her skin, causing it to tingle.

Rebekah turned around, and Ethan's unblinking, emerald eyes bored straight into hers, moulding together. Even from the distance apart, Rebekah could witness the  crushed sadness that loomed within them; they were watered, the mint green in them adding to the almost vulnerable colour.

They didn't move from hers. Not even for a split second, and she felt her heart sink and her face soften. She felt her own eyes straining with that upset feeling, and she was about to say something, when she remembered how he'd acted towards her last night, and that melancholy expression twisted into something sly and intended to zap him multiple times with pain.

Rebekah slowly got up off the couch, and she began strutting out the room, grinning maliciously to Ethan, making him aware of where she was going: to Kade. She didn't remove her eyes of his sorrowful face, and there was that feeling in the pit of her stomach that clenched, making her feel sorry for the boy who she felt.. well, the boy who stood in Kade's living room like a lost soul. But the rest of her body, including her brain told her to make him feel as bad as he'd made her feel last night.

Insecure and embarrassed.

She thought he'd been sticking up for her, but that wasn't the case at all.

Rebekah heard Kade call her name, and that signalled to her he was up the stairs. She rushed up them, and a blue door was swung open. Rebekah entered in search for him.

When she went inside, Kade wasn't anywhere to be seen. Rebekah rotated, walking up and down his room, and peering around the corner. He weren't there.

Just as she was going to check another room, she felt two pressuring hands grab her shoulders, spinning her round, and she felt lips latch against hers. Rebekah kissed them back, letting the warm tongue sprint across her bottom lip eagerly, and she pulled back to witness Kade in front of her, staring with intensity in his two sockets.

" What're you-" 

" I need a distraction," a distraction from what?? " I'm stressed out."

He shoved his lips onto hers again, pressing his groin against her. It was happening too quick for Rebekah to comprehend, and so she just let him mall her. They crashed against the bed, crinkling the navy comforter, and Kade's hands began to roam around her body, pulling her pants down.

These hands that were touching her so harshly in attempt for arousal, were the hands of a cold- blooded killer. Someone who cared about himself, and himself only. A psychopath- sociopath even. But it was getting to the point where Rebekah just didn't care. Didn't bother to think about what he was doing, or what she was doing.

Kade pulled away, leaning over her body, and his built figure looked intimidating as he ripped his shirt off, revealing his sweaty, tanned body. His stomach appeared more slouched than usual. He shoved his trousers off, and leaned back down, giving Rebekah a sloppy kiss that left saliva at each corner of her mouth. It wasn't attractive at all. Nothing about this was. You'd think it would be, Kade being so attractive and all, but it wasn't in the slightest way, shape or form.

Kade grabbed his penis, and pushed it inside Rebekah, making her howl in agony from the fast thrust. She immediately brought her hand up, and clamped it over her mouth, that same small pit in her stomach reminded her that Ethan was downstairs. But Kade wasn't having it, and snatched her fist away from her face, and he continued penetrating her.

His cold hands moved up her slim frame, one hand grasping her hips and the other hand pressed on her boob. Rebekah wasn't enjoying the feeling; Kade was only giving it to himself. Her emerald eyes were wide open, watching Kade as every frustrated emotion shown in that face off his. His lips were stapled back, and his skin was scrunched up as he put every bit of strength he had into pushing himself inside her.

She felt crushed, literally and metaphorically. Kade's body weighed the amount her dying emotions did. She felt emotionless, but so full of them at the same time. She felt again, like she just didn't care anymore, which was the main reason she was letting Kade do this, but she also felt defenceless, trapped and doomed.


This was what was going to happen forever because she couldn't do anything. Couldn't save herself from what had came to be.

Rebekah had been so deep in thought, that she hadn't realised Kade had released all over her clothing within seconds, and was panting like a dog in the summer beside her. Her vaginal area burned like it had been set alight, and she didn't even wince as she turned herself over so she wasn't facing Kade.

Only a small ounce of reality hit her.

What had she just allowed to happen? She could feel herself falling down in there. Everything was fading away. Christ, she hadn't even stopped him..

" What's wrong?" Kade asked as if he cared, his breath reaching her exposed shoulder, and she felt his fingers tap against her skin, causing her body to go rigid.

Rebekah shook of those feelings that use to consume her, and brought back that same girl she'd been the entire day. She'd gotten so use to her being around, it only felt natural.

" Nothing, I'm just tired now," Rebekah said, but still didn't face him, her blood-shot eyes gazing right in front of her.

Kade didn't say anything for a moment, and she thought he might try and go to sleep, until she felt him start to play with the ends of her hair, and this alarmed her, her eyes expanding even more, and she jolted right up of that bed in the matter of no time.

Nobody could touch her hair. Feel her hair. No one..

Kade stared at her confusedly, and as she looked at him, his normal dark eyes appeared lightened at this moment. But Rebekah turned away from him, and began picking her clothes up off the floor.

The bed creaked. She listened to material slide across bare legs, and Rebekah knew he was putting his boxer shorts on. She didn't face him, and just continued placing her shirt on, but soon enough the door opened and he left the room. He hadn't bothered to get fully changed.

Rebekah tucked her hair behind her ears, and played with the bit that Kade had grasped for a few seconds before leaving the room. Her heart was still lightly pounding from him grasping it.

When she reached the bottom of the stairs, entering the living room, Kade was lay back on his couch, swigging a bottle of Brandy. He was going through it pretty fast, and he didn't seem to stop to take some air; gulps of it just kept sliding down his throat, making his Adam's apple bob furiously.

Rebekah looked up, and she realised nobody else was in the room. Her eyebrows scrunched up. " Where's Ethan?"

Kade started flicking through the channels on his TV. " I dunno,"

Rebekah's lips went into a thin line, and she turned behind her to see if he was there, but to no avail did she find him. She walked back inside the room where Kade lay carelessly.

" Do you think he left?" Rebekah asked.

" Probably," Kade shrugged, his eyes glued to the screen as he finished of his drink and bit open another bottle with his bare teeth. The sound made Rebekah's ears bleed, but she wasn't concentrated on that. Kade was clearly mad about what she'd done. She slid herself on to the arm of Kade's grey sofa, and Kade reached down, then shoved a bottle towards her face.

She looked over at him, communicating through her eyes that she couldn't open it like he had, so he sighed before biting it open. Rebekah thanked him, took a swig, then spoke back up to cure the quietness.

" It's not like Ethan to just leave," she said, and Kade shot his head back over to her, his dark hair over his forehead causing a shadow to cast over his blackened eyes.

" Why do you care so much where he's gone?" Kade snapped.

Rebekah stared for a few moments. She didn't care, did she? She was just curious that's all.

Could Ethan have left because of her?

Who was she kidding, she wasn't curious at all.

" I don't care," she denied. " It's just unusual."

" Well if you don't care then why do you keep talking about it?" His voice got louder, and it was soaked in resentment and jealousy. Rebekah should've known not to bring up anything. Did she not remember what happened last night? Or was she, as well as them, pretending it never happened?

" Whatever," she mumbled, and Kade was about to say something, but decided against it. He moved his face back towards the television screen.

Rebekah just sat there in silence. It wasn't by any means awkward silence. It was just that silence as in Kade was too busy watching TV to care to talk to her, and he was clearly pissed off again. Rebekah didn't want to start conversation.

This was a bad thing, because it meant her mind wandered to that question again. Ethan... She was worried about herself if she was rather honest. For the past few days, she couldn't stop thinking about his face. His actions. The way he was. It was madness how different Rebekah viewed him from when all this torture began, to how she viewed him now, whether she was ready to tell herself that, or not.

Rebekah use to think he was some normal jerk, especially him being friends with Kade, who she now knows better than anyone, is more than a jerk. But if she was true to herself, Rebekah realised that wasn't the case for Ethan. In fact, now she thought deeply and intensely about it, Rebekah had knew since that very day.

All of a sudden, clearer than ever, she could remember her tripping over after losing her virginity to the boys. She was petrified for her reputation- that went down the drain anyway. She wanted to go home; Rebekah was so scared and full of remorse. She was so shaken up, that she wasn't looking where she was going and fell straight forwards like a fool, only adding to their humour in the situation.

Ethan caught her. God, it sounds so stupid, but she read his eyes in that second. The feelings. It was so brief- she doubted anyone could see it was there at all if they had of been in her position. It was that same vulnerability. Terrified. Regretting every step it took. How couldn't one notice that within another? The act he put on, the Oscar he could win for that performance, the fact he tried so much to be like Kayden but it was so clear he just wasn't.

Why wasn't he okay???

Kade. How couldn't he see his best friend was not okay? Could anyone? Could only Rebekah? Because she seen it like it had just been polished for her to witness. But nobody could see the depression smeared across his face.

What was wrong with Ethan, was the question that burned Rebekah's mind, begging to know the answer. She didn't know why she was so bothered about knowing. Or maybe she did, but she just couldn't admit it to herself. There was that same pit in her stomach that screamed the answer at her, but she refused to let the squelching sound implant in her mind, that was already confused and damaged.

But overall, that unfamiliar emotion that lingered in Ethan Riley's green eyes was the reason she was so intrigued in finding out the truth. The reason she did feel sorry for him. It was not just sorrow, but that's what she was naming it as..

Maybe Ethan was just a master manipulator..


God, she shouldn't have done that to him before. She could've talked to him about last night and find out some truths. It was easier said than done; with Kade lurking around, that wouldn't happen. But Rebekah didn't want him to... leave.

Rebekah was instantly dragged out of her own mind, dazed by her surroundings, her consuming conscious so intense that she couldn't even remember where she was, by the sound of fingers clicking, and she blinked rapidly, turning her head towards the sound, to see Kade watching her with fire unraveling in his sockets.

It was as if he knew what she was thinking..

If only Rebekah felt a different way.

Because what Rebekah didn't realise is that she only wondered about Ethan's emotional state because of the way she felt towards him.

Oh fuck..

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