
By metabots44

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What would you do if you were abducted by weird machines and forced to watch your very planet being destroyed... More

Chapter One ~Kidnapped
Chapter Two~ Dr.Raith
Chapter Three~Operation
Chapter Four~ Where..am..I?
Chapter Five~Pain
Chapter Six~ Wrex and Red
Chapter Seven~ The Delmora
Chapter Eight~Rumours Or Truth?
Chapter Nine~ Will it the pain Never stop?
Chapter Ten~The Willpower...Must be Crushed First.
Chapter Eleven~ Genetic Modifications
Chapter Twelve~Luna
Chapter Thirteen~ A Small Hope
Chapter Fifteen~ I will Protect You!
Chapter Sixteen~ Metal Head
Chapter Seventeen~ Glome
Chapter Eighteen~ The hidden Memory
Chapter Nineteen~ The..Infamous Dwavern Trait!
Chapter Twenty~ An Old Freind
Chapter Twenty-one~ One Body, Two Souls.
Side-Content: Details and Information on the World of DarkCore.
Chapter Twenty Two~ Ones Misery is Luck for another
Chapter Twenty Three~ The Grim
Chapter Twenty Four~ The Bone Esper
Chapter Twenty Five~ The Bone Realm
Chapter Twenty Six~ Inside the Skull
Chapter Twenty-Seven~Lady Bon Bon
Chapter Twenty Eight ~ Lovers

Chapter Fourteen~ Freedom

36 0 2
By metabots44

The Stasis Capsule, that Sly was being held in, started to shake.  The dull and lifeless Core inside of his chest,  had suddenly  come to life,  in a burst of power and light.  The force of the sudden energy emitted from the Core, shattered the glass of the Stasis Capsule.  Spilling the fluid and Sly, onto the cold metal floor of the Stasis Chamber. Shattered glass and sticky fluids surrounded the fallen boy.   

Sly started to cough and wheeze as oxygen filled his lungs, clearing out the sleeping gas that had been pumped into them.  He stayed lying down for a few moments, and finally mustered enough strength to stand up.  He swayed a  little bit from dizziness, the drugs that had been pumped into his blood, still having a small effect on him. He clumsily walked over to the wall, and leaned against the cold surface.  He shut his eyes, and breathed in deeply,  collecting his hazy thoughts.

He thought what had happened to him, what Umbra had done to him, the strange girl that had saved him from the darkness. A tear sliding down his face as he remembered the death of his family and home, all the memories rushing back to him.  "I have to find a way out of this hellhole!"  he muttered to himself as he looked around, taking in the contents of the stasis chambers features. The capsule that had held him was, shattered beyond repair, glass and fluids scattered across the floor.   The only notable thing in the entire room  was a rather dangerous looking door.

His blacked scaled wings dragged on the floor as he walked over to the door, it was sealed by a blueish force-field. He wearily brought his hand up to touch it, He cried out as the force-field greeted his touch with a painful jolt of energy. Sly staggered back in pain, holding his rather numb hand. 

Well it looks like he was not going to get out that way.....

Sly turned around and took a rather big shard of glass, that had been shattered from the Capsule by his awakening and  looked at his reflection.  The face that looked back was indeed not human, He looked more like a demon! His long black hair had turned completely white, he reached up and felt the massive horns that had grown, with his odd features. They felt hard like rock! They twisted upwards at odd angle, his horns were black at the bottom and the top tips turned blue. His facial features had greatly changed as well. The colour of his eyes were no longer green, but had turned into a topaz-like colour. His human canine teeth had also turned into fangs.  He brought his hand down from the horns and touched his ears, they had become pointed, like an elfs!  He angled the glass shard at his back, and looked admiringly at the jet-black wings.   

He had the sudden erg to stretch them,  suddenly the wings on his back,  lifted up in all there scaly splendor.  The wings reminded Sly of dragon wings, they where twice the size of his body.   Sly  felt something touching his leg and looked down to see, the tip of a black scaled tail.   He gave a gasp,  he totally had forgotten about it! It felt so natural on his body, Just like his wings or any other part of his body, it moved naturally.  He felt, had never felt so...alive.  It looked like the DarkCore had given him dragon-like features, he felt strong, like he could crush an armored truck with just his fist.   Sly suddenly felt a strange, warmth coming from his chest, the dark tissue and scars were had disappeared from around the Core. He gasped and brought his hands to his chest in surprise.  The DarkCore seemed...different now, the sickly dark colour, had turned into a beautiful sapphire colour,  he remembered what Luna had told him about it becoming corrupted, but it looked like the opposite now.    

Sly briefly wondered what had become of the Goddess after he had woken up,  she had mentioned that a small portion of her power, had been sealed inside the DarkCore....the rest of her powers had been sealed  and safely hidden within in the MoonShard.   He shuddered remembering how earth had been destroyed..... if that.... was just a  small fraction part of her powers...oh god!  he was suddenly very grateful that the rest of her powers had been taken.

Sly shook his head, he did not have time to think over such things. He had to escape as fast as possible, any minute now and Umbra's forces would soon discover that he was not  imprisoned any more.  Suddenly the DarkCore started  to give off a soft glow, he looked down at it,  with a puzzled expression. Sly immediately felt a a tingling like sensation in the back of his mind, like something was reading his memories and thoughts!   he felt the sensation growing stronger, when suddenly a very familiar voice echoed in his head, he gave a yelp of surprise,  why the heck was Luna in his mind?!

"{Ah! My Apologize I Did Not Mean To Scare You,  You Must Be Wondering How I am Able To Talk To You No?  I Have Also Read Through Your  Memories And Changed My Speech To One Similar Of Your Own, The DarkCore On Your Chest Now Holds My Spiritual Consciousness Within It. Which Means, As Long As I Am Within The Core, I Am Able To Stop Some Of The Dark Energies From Escaping. With Me You Can Also Channel Some Of Its Powers. Try And Imagine A Small Ball Of Energy, And Then Aim It At The Wall Behind You, Trust Me!.}"    her voice echoed weirdly in his head. 

Just great! he now had a goddess living in him, not to mention able to read his thoughts! so much for privacy , he thought to himself.  He felt the Goddesses presence in his mind give an annoyed sigh.

"{Focus! Please!, They Will Soon Notice Us!, You Must  Focus Your Power And Aim It At The Wall!}"  she told Sly urgently.  Sly nodded, they could talk about this matter a different time not now. She was right,  he could hear yelling and shouting from behind the door!   He calmed himself down and began to focus. He searched deep within himself and felt the Cores energy burst fourth inside of him.

He welcomed the energy and imagined it becoming a ball of energy. Suddenly Sly's right hand burst into blueish- black flames!  He gave a gasp of awe as he felt the energy flowing through his whole, body.  His tail whipped and whirled in the air behind him, it seemed his tail reacted to his emotions.

Sly turned to the wall and aimed his flaming fist at it, *FWOOSSH!!*  The impact from his flaming fist, punctured the wall causing metal debris to fly every where, (imagine a giant hammer crushing a walnut at a high speed, that was what the power behind his blow was like!)  , causing the wall to burst open, suddenly  a powerful gust of wind came from outside of the hole.

A cry of happiness echoed in his head, "{You Did It!, This Hole Shall Lead Us To The Outside World, After We Escape The Evil Ones Tower We Must....Borrow... A Ship And Leave This Planet For Good! Are You Ready Young Mortal?}"    Sly hid his smile, he felt the warmth of Luna's grateful in his mind, her thoughts turning a soft pink.    They must be pretty high up in Umbras tower for the wind to be so strong.      He looked out of the hole, his hair moving in the strong breeze, it looked like he had to fly.

Sly looked down at the drop, it looked to be 30 feet down, he looked back up and took a quick look at the landscape. There was a huge city below him, the ground was a deep scorched colour like something had burned black. There were was no signs of any kind of plant life, rivers of thick black sludge flowed in the landscape, the city was surrounded by huge thick walls. The lights flickered brightly in the distance. 

Sly suddenly noticed a strange building just outside of the black cities walls. Various spaceships of all shapes and colours lined up in neat rows. That must be the space port! 

Sly spread his wings, this was going to be his first time flying, and he was scared like hell, but he had to do it. Suddenly the Sealed door in the chamber burst open, Sly whirled around from the hole and looked at the man that stumbled in.

It was Umbra!, A few Drones followed in after him. Looks like it was time to go! As Sly spread his wings and jumped, he and Umbras eyes locked. Sly lifted his hand and waved. Umbra gave a howl of rage and tried to stop him from jumping. But was to late, Sly jumped and flew out into  the dark sky.....

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