Misplaced in Remnant

By JustPassingBy0

80.2K 937 1.6K

It's over, you've won. But when you're sent away you don't land anywhere familiar to you, and before long you... More

An Awkward Encounter
Into the Swing of things
Slayer in the Cafeteria
Trouble at Beacon
Field Trip
Pep Talk

Trouble at the Docks

6K 73 139
By JustPassingBy0

We've been walking for a few hours now, I am fucking sick of this shit.

"So, Ruby. Who is your green friend that has been following us?" Penny asked.

Wait what the actual fuck you only just noticed me?

"Oh him? He's Jones. Kinda showed up out of nowhere and kills things." Ruby answered, her mind seemed set on finding her friend though.

Wow. Thanks.

"That seems accurate" VEGA needed to point out within the helmet.

'I didn't ask VEGA. How is the tether coming along?' I asked.

"I can currently disable the feature tethering you to miss Rose-"

'Then why the fuck are we here? Get rid of that shit.'

"But, the issue wouldn't be solved, it would become volatile."

'That means?'

"It could re-active at any time after a short while. Maybe never, maybe in a day. I suggest letting me work on solving the issue entirely."

'Sure sure..'

Way to get my hopes up.

I sighed and re-tuned into the conversation infront of me. It was nothing more then small talk.

"Hey Jones?" Ruby called out, letting a small sigh slip as she turned.

"How can we assist you, miss Rose" VEGA responded for me, thankfully too I was starting to get pissed.

"Well my legs are really starting to get tired and we can't just stop so.." I do not like where this is going. I motioned for her to get on with it. "Could I ride on your back?" She quickly asked, almost too fast to be understandable.

I decided to answer her. "Are. you. Fucking. Serious? Do I look like a horse?" She thought for a second before answering.

"Yes. Wait no. Yes to the first one I think, no to the second." I looked on in disbelief. She was trying to get a piggy back ride. "I'm just slowing down a bit, we could find Blake faster if I got a ride. Please?"

"You know what. Fuck it. Sure. Can I go back to fucking Hell soon?" She seemed content with the answer and ran around behind me, trying to figure out how to get on.

"Can you.. maybe duck down a bit?"

I probably sighed the deepest sigh I had ever sighed in this moment. "Sure." I bent down.

She took her time, tugging at bits of armour poking out and different plates before finally hopping on, except it wasn't on my back. She was sitting on my motherfucking shoulder.

"Wow. Your shoulder plate is pretty big, if not a bit uncomfortable. This way me and Penny can both ride. I can see so far being this tall, we'll find Blake in no time." Her mood seemed to improve a bit, Great. She wasn't even on the shoulder plate fully, she was half off it. It isn't big enough to sit on, I sighed again.

"Uh Ruby, sorry to say but that does not look safe." Penny interjected.

"I can assure you - it isn't." I said, gritting my teeth.

"Are you going to hop on Penny?" Ruby asked.

"I'm not carrying around 2 girls damnit. I shouldn't be carrying any in the first place." Penny didn't seem to mind though. I stood up straight and we walked on.

"Slayer, there is a potential issue." VEGA interrupted, just within the helmet though.



Ruby turned to the source of the explosion. "Oh no.."

It was night now, I'd been carrying her for a good hour. A fucking hour. In fact we went slower with her on because she kept grabbing onto my helmet whenever she was about to fall, and I had to stop and help her stay on.

She finally hopped off and motioned for me and Penny to follow as she ran off in that direction.

'Is it this way, VEGA?' I asked.

"Yes Slayer."

'It's Jones now.'


"We have to hurry." Ruby said, we ended up on some rooftop overlooking the harbour only see an odd fellow in white suit with red hair. He looked like a bitch. There were also some weird people dressed in white clothes? Are they a cult or something?

Oh but I could also see monkey boy - he was being held at.. cane point? Ruby impaled her scythe into the concrete. "Hey!" She yelled, grabbing his attention.

"Oh hey Red, isn't it past your bedtime?" Okay he didn't just look like a bitch, he is a bitch.

"Ruby, are these people your friends?" Penny asked, Ruby turned and warned Penny to step away - but bitch boy used this moment to fire a projectile at Ruby, directly hitting her and flinging her back. I semi caught her so she didn't hit the floor hard with my arm and she was slightly dazed. Penny seemed pretty confident, she stepped out to where Ruby was just hit.

"Penny no!" Ruby cried out.

"Don't worry, I am combat ready." She simply said in response. Soon a small container on her back opened up to a plethora of blades she seemed to control. She jumped down and soon I watched her kick everyone's asses. More ships came and started shooting at her and in response she fired a huge ass laser at the flying vehicles, tearing them in half.

Holy shit. Penny is kinda a kick ass.

Ruby and I watched on, we looked at each other for a moment and shrugged before looking back.

"How is she doing that..?" She asked, it was more aimed at herself though. We both watched on as she took down another ship, as another one flew off.

"Your friend's a fucking lunatic." I confess to Ruby.

"I didn't even know she could do this."

Soon enough the whole ordeal was over.


The police had swarmed the area, 10 minutes late to do anything useful. They gave some routine questions and went about investigating and arresting the weirdly dressed men, which I now know as the White Fang. Yang and Weiss arrived on the scene, she rushed right over to Blake.

She gave some sort of pseudo speech about how as long as she isn't in the terrorist group anymore she doesn't care, which, not to any bodies surprise she wasn't part of anymore.

"Team Ruby is back together!" Ruby cheered and soon talks of returning home were had.

Everyone was ready to depart, as Ruby started to walk away I put my hand on her shoulder, stopping her.

"You guys go ahead. We will be right behind you. I just need to have a private discussion with your leader." I ordered. They reluctantly agreed and soon were off.

"So, what's up Jones?" She asked.

"VEGA, you're up."

"Certainly Slayer. Miss Rose you remember your last encounter with demons?" He asked.

"Yeah I do, wasn't very pleasant. Especially the being covered in blood and other nasty things, not a high point for me." She confessed.

"We knew the demons were there because of a giant spike in Argent Energy, a telltale sign that they have opened a portal from Hell to venture across." I continued.

She looked on, curious as to where this is going.

"Well miss Rose, a steady increase in Argent Energy in this very area is being observed. A sudden, sharp spike is usually indicative of a raiding party of sorts, what we encountered at the school. This steady increase of Argent Energy however means that they will be moving over a much larger amount of demons, considerably so." VEGA finished for me.

"That doesn't sound very good.." She responded.

"No, it's shit. But where he Hell goes I follow and unfortunately I'm stuck to you. I sent your friends away because they will die here if they stayed. You however are slightly more tempered to the demon presence and while hugely inexperienced in this field you should.. hopefully live."

She sighed a bit. "Alllright. I see, I couldn't take you away from the demons anyway, there would be too many deaths. So I guess we don't have much choice. Still I think with the help of the others-"

"No. I can manage taking care of a single girl who kind of to a small degree knows what she is doing, I can't however ensure the survival of a bunch of completely inexperienced girls. You may survive, 1 other may survive, but everyone else would die." I interrupted.

"Okay - I get it, I have your back then Jones. For what it's worth." She smiled nervously and got her weapon ready.

"I would prefer you mostly take care of the imps and other smaller demons. Keep your distance from the big ones - they're mine." I cautioned, she nodded in response. I looked around, police presence is mostly non existent now which was good, they'd be here soon.


The glaring red portals opened up, ripping holes in the world around us as demons poured out, I nodded to Ruby and she nodded to me as she got some distance. Infront of me alone there were 2 Barons of hell and at least 4 Hell Knights and a Pinky.

"Hey Ruby!" I called out as I caught their attention, she turned to me. "I lied. I do have one more gun."

I whipped out the BFG 9000, the weapon vibrating softly in my hands. The demons knew what it was and they turned to run.

"Too late you sons of bitches." The weapon charged and glowed an insidious green before discharging a small ball of plasma - electricity erupted from the ball, sharing the same green as it had. It enveloped all the demons nearby, even catching a few imps before causing them all to explode into a pleasant little rain of blood which lasted a good 20 seconds.

"It's about fucking time I got to use it. Now, let's get down to business." I pumped my shotgun.


I sidestepped a pinky, flicking around with the Gauss cannon I unloaded into its back, causing the creature to explode. Another barrage of fireballs and phlegm came hurtling towards me, I jumped out of the way, pulling out my super shotgun as I came near a Hell Knight.

I shot his upper torso inflicting heavy damage and stunning it, however I couldn't finish the job as Revenants were firing an absurd amount of missiles at me - I had to stay mobile. As I was running I checked on Ruby, she was butchering the imps rather effectively but she was being chased around by a Pinky. She fired at it but the bullets were highly ineffective so I shouted out.

"Ruby!" I yelled, she turned her head while running around in circles to avoid its charge. "It's weak spot is on its back!"

"Thanks Jones!" She responded.

I pulled out the assault rifle with micro missiles attached and went to work, stunning a Revenant as I was running towards it, I jumped over it and plunged my fist into the back of it before jumping back.

While the Revenant was dying I quickly checked on Ruby again as I dodged another barrage from the other demons. She baited the Pinky into charging her but aimed her Scythe and blasted into the ground, using the force to fling her into the air. The Pinky charged into one of the shipping crates and was stunned, she used this chance to fire one of her high powered sniper rounds into its back, splitting the demon apart. She looked over before giving a thumbs up, then she got hit by a fireball and went back to slaughtering the imps.


I ran as I blasted various demons, luckily for us the a lot of the first wave was distracted on the remaining police force and a few members of the White Fang that were hiding in the cargo containers. Unluckily for them they were doomed from the start.

I blasted a Hell Knight with an explosive shot from the shotgun halting its charge as I pulled out the super shotgun, jumping on top of a container and unloading a shot into the Cacaodemon, stunning it. I was close enough to reach it if I jumped and I did so, plunging my fist into its eye before jumping on top of a confused Hell Knight, knocking it to the ground and smashing its head with my foot.

The 2nd wave started coming through as the first waves numbers finally dwindled. We'd been fighting for a good 5-10 minutes nonstop and we only just managed to eliminate the first wave - this is going to be a long night.

I pulled out the rocket launcher and blasted the last Revenant on the field, Ruby swiftly decapitated the last imp and she regrouped with me as the portals started to open again.

"There's more?!" She asked, puffing a bit.

"Oh like you wouldn't believe. There is going to be a lot fucking more after these guys too." I answered. "Now you need to go back to your side, I'll try and draw off the big threats." She nodded and nimbly retreated far off behind me. Demons spewed out from all over the docks and the first to reach me was a herd of Pinkies.

I saw them charging me, so I fired off several rockets hoping to stagger a few, I side stepped one that made it through before and pulled out the shotgun as it did so, sending an explosive round into its back and exploding it into a mess of gore. The others came and I rolled to dodge some missiles but the pinkies were already here, as it got close I put my hand on its head and used its own momentum to fling me behind it, and behind the others. I only managed to kill 1 other Pinky before I was sent flying from a charge in the rear by a Baron. I picked myself off the ground and used the new distance gained to pull out the Gauss Cannon, deploying it in siege mode.


I managed to kill 2 Cacaodemons that were lined up with a single shot.


I killed a Pinky that was weakened from the earlier fight and hit the Baron, it roared and fired back green hellfire, I rolled out of the way and fired an uncharged shot into it before going mobile again as more Revenants fired back. I rolled out of the way and before I realised I was charged by a Spectre, I went flying and landed right next to Ruby.

"Fucking bitch." I muttered standing up.


The head of an imp that was next to me exploded, I turned to the source. "Thanks Rose." She nodded and I pulled out my Gatling Gun, expanding it into 3 barrels.


3rd person PoV.

Ruby and Jones were back to back, much to Jones surprise Ruby had single handedly taken down several Hell Knights and Pinkies on her own, as with as a shit tonne of imps and Hell Razors.

Jones blasted apart various Hell Knights and Pinkies with the Mobile Turret Gatling Gun and Ruby took out the sources of ranged fire, sometimes cycling into combat with an unfortunate demon, typically a Hell Knight or Pinky. As another Hell Knight drew near she blasted the ground launching herself towards it and into the air before hooking her scythe into it and flinging herself behind it, unhooking her weapon and blasting the demon several times as it turned around, she rolled under its fists and blasted it a few more times, stunning it before slicing its leg - it fell to one knee and she heaved her scythe up above her and impaled it right into its head, splitting it in half in the single most gory thing she has done, some blood spraying onto her face.

Before she could truly realise what she did she had to roll back next to Jones as a Revenant fired missiles at her. Ruby shot the Revenant several times and twice in the head, causing it to fall down like a dead bird.

They both looked behind them simultaneously at the others front flank, Ruby flung her scythe to where she was looking, aiming the gun component right past Jones head as he grabbed the super shotgun, extending him arm right past Ruby's head. The end of Ruby's scythe connected with a Hell Knight, about to smack Jones and Jones double barrelled shotgun connected with the forehead of a Baron. Both demons paused mid strikes at the others partners, realising their impending Doom.


Both demons heads exploded outwards behind them, Ruby nodded to Jones and he nodded back. The numbers had thinned out and another set of portals started appearing.

Jones sighed, Ruby didn't lose focus despite beginning to become exhausted.


"We've been walking stupidly slow waiting for them to catch up, what could be taking them so long?" Weiss said, clearly irritated.

"I'm not sure. Though Jones seemed pretty adamant about it, maybe more demons came?" Blake suggested.

"He better not have, why would he send us off then? What if Ruby is in trouble?" Yang added, concerned.

"Let's just go back then, we could still help." Blake proposed. Weiss and Blake looked at each other and nodded, the 3 ran off the way they came and before long could hear the gunfire blast from the docks.


Suddenly something big hit Ruby, firing her off into one of the shipping crates leaving a sizeable dent. Jones turned around - another Baron.

This little bitch!

He thought as he dodged one of its swings and dashed towards Ruby, she was out cold against the container, he pulled out the plasma rifle and unloaded into the Imps that drew close to her as he dodged hellfire of various sorts from the Baron and surrounding Imps.

He reached Ruby and quickly picked her up, slinging her over his shoulder as he began to run once more, this time towards a large ramp that leads to the streets and the rest of the city, he had sent Crescent Rose to rest with his other weapons.

As he ran he fired behind him with the assault rifle, occasionally firing off micro missiles. This killed the imps and slowed down the bigger demons.

He reached the top of the ramp stopping to examine the surroundings, down the street he saw Weiss, Blake and Yang.

'VEGA. Disable the tether - now.' He ordered.

"Are you sure-"

'Fucking do it!'

"Tether system disabled."

He dropped his rifle - it was out of ammo like the majority of his weapons and he aimed with his free hand towards the group off into the distance as they gained ground.

"He has Ruby! She looks hurt." Yang pointed out, more concerned then before.

"Wait, what's he doing? Is he going to throw her?!" Weiss exclaimed.

Suddenly Jones threw Ruby's unconscious body as far as he could towards them.

"Quick - Catch her!" Weiss demanded as Yang leapt forward, just stopping her fall to the ground. Jones also quickly threw Crescent Rose which was now folded up into a sniper, Blake caught it.

"What's he doing?" Blake asked, then they all saw it. Their eyes widened as behind Jones a huge demon with large horns stood menacingly (A Baron of Hell) escorted by 2 other huge muscly demons with white heads. They stood behind him.

"Run! Get her the fuck away!" He ordered, he didn't have to ask twice, the group turned around and ran.

"What the Hell?! They were huge!" Weiss screamed as they ran.

The Doomslayer turned around to face the menacing threat as he cracked his knuckles. "Guess whose chains just broke?" He said, adopting a Cheshire like smile inside his helmet.

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