Like Father Like Son

By shesopradaaa

50.7K 1.5K 591

*SEQUEL #1 TO THUGNAPPED* No spoilers so must read:) More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Capter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 19

2K 59 10
By shesopradaaa

Kaleb in mm🙃

No long talk cause this chapter is what y'all been waiting for 😎


I looked up and sighed nervously as Kaleb opened the envelope. He begun reading the papers that were in his hand. He sighed and I didn't know if that was in relief or disbelief.

"What?" I asked as I snatched the paper

As I begun reading tears came to my eyes.

We've waited like two weeks for these results and I was beyond happy. I cried tears of joy it read.

Date; October 9th 2018
To; Kaleb Johnson fr; DNA office 89 ounce street

Dear Mr. Johnson, this letter is a notice to a DNA test that was done on September 21st 2018. On Kaleb Johnson and Cantrell White, the results of this test were.

0.98% of the same blood type.

I read and sighed in relief.

"I new I strapped up man" Kaleb said as he stood up and smiled a bit


Kaleb was happy of the fact that he wasn't the father. But he was also sad because he spent all that time and money on Cantrell. The money didn't really matter but the lil nigga was calling him dad for no reason. He kinda felt bad but he was relieved the last thing he needed was to get out on child support by destiny.

Laila stood up well rocking King to sleep he was to busy up watching Kaleb play PS4 all night that he missed out on sleep. His eyes drifted close so Laila slowly made her way upstairs. Once she got upstairs at the top of the step was Lyla who was just waking up.

"Ma ma" she whined as she held her blanket and stuffy in her arms

"Hold on baby" Laila responded as she slowly laid King in the middle of her and Kaleb's King sized bed

When she turned around to pick Lyla up she was already in Kaleb's arms resting her head on his shoulder well sucking on her pacifier. Laila tried to grab the stuffy out of her hand but she held it tightly.

"No!" She snapped with her morning attitude

"Girl bye" Laila replied as She walked into the washroom

"Here get her ready" Kaleb said as he carried Lyla into the washroom well handing her to Laila

Laila took Lyla and ran her bath tub. Well the water was warming up Laila stripped Lyla. Once the water was warm she put Lyla in the tub. Lyla splashed the water well Laila soaped her down and rinsed her up 3 times.

"Stand up baby" Laila said as she held Lyla little towel

She wrapped it around Lyla and took her out the tub. She kissed Lyla well tickling her causing her to laugh and smile.

"Can you bathe him?" Laila asked as she pointed at King

Kaleb nodded and picked up King who was awoken bye Lyla's loud self.

Laila's POV

I had just finished showering and getting dressed. I was now doing Lyla's hair in a simple style. She had on her pink nike tracksuit with her pink new balances. Kaleb Hated those shoes but I like em because there rare to see people wearing em.

I carried her downstairs once I was done her hair. We walked towards the front door and I slipped on my shoes before closing and locking the front door. Kaleb and King were already in the car. I snapped some quick pictures of Lyla and posted them. As well I posted the photos I had took early of King.

@Lailaaaa.3; mommy's big princess🤩😩

@Lailaaaa.3; mommy's King💛

@Lailaaaa.3; Queen in making💍

I then shut my phone back and laid my head back I was tired as hell.

Ayla's POV

I had just came inside after taking some pictures. I posted my favourite one and tagged of course Tavon in it.

@Ayla.babes_; ain't no competition even though they try they hardest😍😊

@Keepitreal.t; all mines🤞🏽💍

Everybody was over for moms cookout that she postponed like 3 times. I walked to the kitchen where my mom and aunts were.

"Your getting so grown and beautiful!" My Aunt Nyla said as I walked in the kitchen

I smiled and thanked her. I walked to the backyard doors and looked outside. All my dads friends and some of his workers were out there. There was a lot of Che guys but Tavon is the only one that caught my attention. I made my way over to him where Zach, Kyrie, Tavon and other boys stood. Zach and Kyrie didn't really talk to Tavon like that Ever since that day but there cool.

"Hey" I said as I walked over to him

"Sup" he mumbled as he wrapped his arm around me

I smiled being in his presence made me feel happy.

"You good?" He whispered in my ear as he pulled me into him

I nodded. His arm was wrapped around my neck I stood to his chest. I was about 5 foot I took after my mom because she wasn't tall at all. Tavon is about 5'10 he was tall compared to me but he levelled out when with his friends.

"Waddup?" I heard a familiar voice question

I turned and seen My brother Kaleb dapping up Zach, Kyrie and all the other men and boys standing around. Surprisingly he dapped up Tavon and side hugged me. I looked at Tavon confused and he just shrugged.

Kaleb's POV

Laila had talked to me about the whole Ayla and Tavon situation. I did over react because when you really think about it Laila give me head and I give her head that's just life and that's how relationships work out. I hope my sister is still a virgin and that she makes the right decision but at the end of the day it's her life and I want her to live to the fullest.

After dapping everybody up I made my way inside to where all my aunts and my mom were drooling and admiring my son.

"Your breast feeding?" My aunt Nyla asked Laila

Laila nodded.

"Y'all Leave my son alone man" I said as he begun to whine

I picked him up from outta his car seat and held him. He had a mug on his face as he looked at everybody. My dad had walked in and grabbed a handful of my mothers booty making me look away in disgust.

"Stop there's kids" my mom said as my dad tongued her down

I handed King to my aunt Kaizha before quickly leaving that trifling scene. As I walked out to the backyard I rolled up a blunt with Zachariah Kyrie was gonna hit the blunt to but moms didn't know that. So we was doing it secretly.

"What the fuck you think you doing?" I asked as I seen Ayla rolling a blunt

"I'm not smoking it I'm just rolling it for Tavon" she quickly replied

I nodded. "Let me talk to you for a sec though" I said as I looked at her

She followed me away from everybody. She stood in front of me and looked up.

"I'm sorry for calling you out ya name and shit. I ain't mean it and I shouldn't have done it but on some real shit, don't let me hear that you doing that shit in mom and pops crib again if you guys gon' do that take that to his crib ya hear me?" I said as I looked at her

She nodded. I kissed her forehead and hugged her before walking away. I made my way over to my Grammas and gave them a hug and a kiss. After we were done conversing it was finally time for dinner witch is what we all have been waiting for.

Laila POV

Kaleb has Lyla on his lap well he fed her and ate. I had pumped earlier so I was feeding King my breast milk in a bottle. Everybody was scattered around the house or in the backyard eating.

"Gimme a kiss" Kaleb whispered in my ear over the music

I leaned over and kissed him.

"I got a business trip to go to in two days" he mumbled

I looked at him with a mug. "What do you mean in two days? I just had the baby and you already starting this shit?" I asked quietly with a attitude

"Listen money ain't just gonna come in on its own Lai-"

"Your acting like we're going broke. Maybe if you would allow me to work I could help" I snapped

"I'm only going for the weekend" he replied as he planted a kiss on my neck

I let out a deep breath.

"And I ain't say you couldn't work. You a grown ass woman you wanna work go for that shit. We gotta put Lyla in a daycare if you gon' start working ion want my little man wit no strangers yet. He to young" Kaleb said as he fed Lyla some mashed potatoes

"I wanna open my bakery. I need to set some goals for myself and that is one I'm looking forward to, Plus Christmas is coming up I wanna do something for myself. Of course my children are my number one priority after I but your guys gifts I wanna work in opening my bakery" I said as I took the bottle out of Kings mouth who was knocked out drooling

"Aight bet. Let me know when you ready to bounce aight?" Kaleb said as he stood up and handed me Lyla

I nodded well covering up King in his car seat. I begun conversing with Shannon and Kara.

Kaleb's POV

I had went outside and hit a blunt with Tavon and Zach. I was high and was bobbing my head to the music. I get a laid back vibe off of weed that's what I like it calms me.

"What y'all think bout marriage?" I asked as I laid my head back

"Ion believe in that shit to be honest" Kyrie said as he hit the blunt

"I believe in it but I ain't ready for that shit yet" Zach said as he stood up and stretched

"Why you don't fuck wit' it?" Tavon asked Kyrie

"Ion believe in signing your love off to some bitch. Like why the fuck is some pen ink signed on a paper a big ass deal, if I do get married ima need a prenup" Kyrie said causing us to laugh

Tavon has left so it was just me Zach and Kyrie.

"Y'all think I should make it official with Laila like that?" I questioned

"Yeah man. She's had a promise ring for like 3 years make that shit official" Zach said as he dapped me up

"Ion know if I'm ready on some real shit though" I mumbled

"I feel like you ready just make the right decision" Kyrie said as he shrugged

I nodded before standing up. I walked into the house and to Laila where she was conversing with Shannon and Kara.

"You ready?" I asked her as I shrugged

She nodded.

"Bet. Get Lyla ready well I carry him" I said as I picked up Kings car seat

I grabbed the diaper bag after making sure he was strapped in. We both said our goodbyes before we headed out.

King was up laying on my chest well I played GTA. Lyla was laid out on Laila chest and they were both lightly snoring. King was wide awake watching me play the PS4 he was no where near tired and neither was I.


Y'all happy bout the results?😎

This story gonna be done in 15 chapters 😩

Once it hits 35 chapters Ayla story will be coming out y'all ready or what🤔💘

Well until next chapter 🙃

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