
By ToxicK3

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Zion is a 15 year old stud with a 5 year old sister. Her father ran out on her and her sister leaving them wi... More



2.5K 76 7
By ToxicK3


5 months later...

"Babe can I ask you a question." I asked Zion. She was laying on my stomach while playing the game and I was rubbing in her head.

"Yea what's wrong." She asked.

"Nothing I just wanted to ask if you wanted another child or two." She paused the game before sitting up facing me. She scratched the back of head.

We sat there in silence for a minute and then she finally spoke up. "To be honest with I really don't want to have another child but at the same time I don't know." I began to play with my fingers.

"Alright." I stood up and went downstairs and got my keys. I
heard her behind me.

"Are you mad." I heard her say. I turned around and forced a smile
on my face. "I'm fine I just have to go talk to my mom since she wanted to talk earlier." She nodded still not sure.

I turned around and headed outside to my car. I got in and wiped a tear that fell. I wasn't really upset I just wanted at least one more child with her, but I guess that's not happening.

I started the car and headed to my mother's house for some advice. I was at as red light and once it turned green, I started to drive then I heard a horn, I turned my head just as the car came in contact with mine.

Soon darkness came over me.


"So, what happened." I sighed and rubbed threw my hair.

"She asked did I want another child and then I said no and then it's like all of a sudden she gets sad and upset then she left." I was currently talking to my dad's girlfriend cause she was most likely the only female I really trusted.

"Well did you at least try to talk to her or explain why you didn't want another child." I shook my head.

"No, I was going to talk to her, but she walked out before I could talk to her, and I let her walk out." My phone started ringing.


"Yes. Is this Zion."

"Yes, this is and may I ask who's asking."

"Yes, this is Lincoln memorial hospital um we have Ashley Summers here." My heart stopped.

"Yes, I'm on my way thank you." I got up. "Um can you watch the kids Ashley is in the hospital." She nodded.

I ran to the car and got in and drove off. I made it to the hospital in like five minutes and hopped out the car running in the hospital.

"Can you tell me what room Ashley Summers is in." I asked the girl at the front desk. She started popping on her gum and shit I rolled my eyes and sighed.

I grabbed her by her collar and put my lips at her ear so she could hear me clearly. "If you don't tell me what room Ashley summers is in then I will personally beat yo ass." I let go of her shirt and she got to typing.

"Um sh-she's in room 3-301." I rushed to Ashley's room. When I got there I'm guessing they were her parents. I stood there trying to catch my breath damn a nigga outta shape.

I looked up at Ashley and she was up looking at me while smiling I smiled back. "Are you alright." I asked still looking at her.

"Yea I am but umm mom this is my girlfriend Zion who I was telling yall about and Zion these are my parents, Kendra." I shook her parent's hands.

I sat in one of the chairs playing with my fingers. "Um mom can you give us a moment to talk about something." They stood up from their chairs.

"Alright I have to head home anyway and Zion we going to have a talk." I nodded slowly and she walked out. Still sitting down, I just glanced at her.

"I'm sorry." I put my head in my hands. "Come sit next to me." She patted on the bed before scooting over. I stood up and walk over to her and sat on the bed. I took off my shoes and got up under the covers with her.

I laid my head on her shoulder and we just sat there in silence. "I'm sorry for walking out on you today." I sighed.

"I understand. Ashley, I want to have kids with you, but I just need a little time. I have to make sure that all my kids and you are out of danger." I plan on marring her I don't want any of my family or her family hurt cause of me.

"Ok I understand Zion." She grabbed my chin and kissed me, and I kissed her back.

"Ewww." I look at the door and the kids were standing there with Zay and trey. I smiled and they all ran to us. Zay was holding sky and he was reaching for me.

"Da da." I grabbed her and put her on my lap, and she laid her head on my chest. I did love these kids even if some of them aint biologically mine.

"Zion, can we talk to you in the hall really quick." I nodded and got up putting sky in the bed with Ashley, but she started crying so I picked her up and walked out the door.

"We wanted to tell you we found out who sent the letter." I nodded and sky laid her head on my shoulder probably falling asleep.

"What's their name." I asked him. They looked at me.

"Zion what you got to tell us cause the person that sent you the note is a kingpin named blue." Fuck I scratched my head.

"Hold on." I went in the room and put sky in the bed with Ashley since she was sleep.

"I'm coming back baby." She nodded and I quickly walked out the room telling Zay to follow me. We got in our cars, and I drove to the graveyard where nobody would be at.

"Why are we here." I heard Zay ask once he got out the car. Him and trey walked over to me.

"Cause this is the only place where someone won't follow us." I started walking and they followed. I walked to Zaharra grave and stood there.

"Is there a car behind us." "What that got to d-"

I cut zay off. "Is there a car behind us." He looked behind him and sighed. "Yea." I nodded.

"Look ima tell yall but just look you sad or some shit until the car gone." He nodded and patted my back.

"Alright the car gone." I took a deep breathe with my eyes closed and then opened them. I turned around facing them. They were staring at me.

"Alright Ima tell yall blue is a kingpin I use to work for but then he gave me a little break and told me to focus on school which I didn't do that's when I got stabbed and then my dad popped up and shit." Blue is dangerous now that he is back, I defiantly have to protect my family.

"Look he aint coming after yall just me. I gotta handle this just don't tell my father yet." I went to my car and drove when I got and unknown text message.

Unknown: Meet me at the abandoned house on elm street tonight at 9:00 be on time

I didn't text the back I just looked at the time it was 7 something. I slid my phone back in my pocket and went to the hospital to get the kids.

I walked to her room and all the kids were asleep. I woke the kids up and we walked to the car. Everybody got in and I saw a card on my window I picked it up and opened it.

Don't be late tonight

I felt chills going down my back. I got in the car and slid my phone out my pocket looking at the time it was almost 8:30. I got in the car after making sure everybody was strapped in.

I sped to my grandma house cause time go by fast when you need it to
go by slow. I got all the kids out and put them in the house and left to go home. I got my gun from in the house and ran back outside.

"Shit." I yelled cause elm street was all the way across town, so I drove like 80 miles I got there in like 10 minutes and that's about a 30-minute drive. I ran inside the building.

I felt somebody grab me when I looked back it was two men. "You late lil nigga." A voice said that scared the shit outta me since he was dangerous and powerful.

"I'm sorry man I had somethings to do." I felt him punch me in my stomach. I started coughing bad.

"You really testing me right now." He had squatted down so we were face to face.

"But for now, we gotta talk." He sat in a chair in front of me while staring at me.

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