Misplaced in Remnant

By JustPassingBy0

80.2K 937 1.6K

It's over, you've won. But when you're sent away you don't land anywhere familiar to you, and before long you... More

An Awkward Encounter
Into the Swing of things
Slayer in the Cafeteria
Trouble at Beacon
Field Trip
Pep Talk
Trouble at the Docks


6.4K 74 233
By JustPassingBy0

"Oh! The Vytal (is it that? Hopefully you know what I mean) festival, oh this is absolutely wonderful!" Weiss gleamed with excitement.

"I don't think I've ever seen you smile so much Weiss, it's kinda weirding me out" Ruby responded.

"How could you not smile? A festival dedicated to the cultures of the world!" All I heard after was her go on and on about this festival.

I didn't want to go, I still don't want to go. But I don't have a choice. I suppose if demons make themselves apparent it would be good if I was nearby, but otherwise - I already want to be somewhere else.

'VEGA' I spoke, inside my helmet so the others didn't hear me.

"Yes, Slayer?"

'It's Jones now, remember?'

"Yes, Slayer. What can I help you with?"

'Looks like someone doesn't like the name. Regardless, can you play track 3 from the "All demons are little bitches", please'

"Certainly, what an odd name for a playlist"

'Yeah yeah, I don't like demons.'

I followed the girls, pretty much blindly, I sometimes caught heed of a word like "spying" and "competition". Now there is going to be a competition? Great.

We were at the docks, then Ruby seemed to spot something. "Woah." We all looked where her gaze had wandered too, a completely burgled Dust shop. From my chat with Ozpin a while back humans used Dust to fight the Grimm. I'm going to stick with the guns I have.

Oh great, the groups moving over to the store, this'll be fun! We can play detective! (Sarcasm)

'VEGA, stop the music please' I asked while we got close to the shop. He obliged.

"What happened here?" Ruby asked the cop.

"Robbery." No fucking shit. "2nd Dust store to be hit this week, this place is turning into a jungle" the first detective answered.

If you were doing your bloody jobs better, it probably wouldn't be.

"That's terrible" Yang added.

"They left all the money again!" The 2nd detective brilliantly surmised.

"Just doesn't make a lick of sense." The first one responded.

Hm. Why would they raid a Dust shop if not for money... Maybe, just maybe and stick with me here. It's for the fucking Dust?

I was in a bad mood, incase it wasn't made apparent.

"Who do you think needs that much Dust, the White Fang?" The detective asked. Well that is a new name.

"I'm thinking we don't get paid enough." With that, they left.

"Hmph, the White Fang. An awful bunch of degenerates." Weiss decided to chime in, broadcasting her charming personality.

Blake didn't seem amused. "What's your problem?"

"My problem? - I simply don't care for the criminally insane."

"The White Fang is hardly a bunch of psychopaths, they're simply a collection of misguided Faunus."

"Misguided?! They want to wipe humanity off the face of this planet!"

"Then they're VERY misguided. Either way it doesn't explain why'd they rob a Dust shop in the middle of downtown Vale."

That seemed to finish the pseudo argument so I spoke up.

"Uh." Everyone turned to me. "What the Fuck is a Faunus? And to a lesser extent, what the Fuck is the White Fang?" Those had seemed to elude me in the conversation with Ozpin, or I just had stopped listening.

Everyone seemed a bit shocked, maybe they forgot I'm from Hell? Ruby broke the silence. "Stop swearing!"

They told me that Velvet, the cute bunny lady was a Faunus and they were like humans but with animal features. The White Fang discussion was a bit more, 'mixed'. In the end I gathered that they were a terrorist organisation of Faunus to fight against human oppression.

"Well the police never caught the Torchwick guy I ran into, maybe it was him." Ruby said, looping the discussion. Back to the shop, huh?

"That still doesn't change the fact the White Fang are a bunch of scum, those Faunus only know how to cheat and steal." Weiss, for whatever reason needed to contribute to the conversation.

"That's not necessarily true." Yang chimed in.

"Yeah I can get hating terrorists, but I doubt that rabbit lady was anyone evil - Rabbits are the purest form of life after all. So I don't think you should go off being racist." I decided to add my opinion to the mix.

"Wow, you really like rabbits, huh?" Ruby asked, I only nodded in response.

"Hey! Get back here you no good stowaway!" A voice called from the nearby ship at the docks, the group found it necessary to run over to the commotion so I followed them. We saw a.. monkey Faunus?

A monkey too?! Monkeys aren't cute..

The monkey man sassed the people on the ships and threw a banana at the cops who arrived, before making a run for it.

He was going to run past us, I pulled out my assault rifle and attached the scope as he ran past. I aimed down and lined up a shot with his head. Blake put her hand on the gun and pointed it down. "I think that's a bit rash.."

"Eh. Suit yourself, it would've been easy. Just saying, I had the shot lined up and everything..." I put the gun away.

"Aw now Jones is disappointed, Blake." Ruby pointed out.

Blake shrugged it off.

"Well Weiss, you said you wanted to see the competition, there it goes." Yang pointed out. Wait he was part of the competition?! I'm not even going to bother entering then, if I had the choice anyway.

"Quick! We must observe him!" Weiss exclaimed. Great! Now we are all running after him too! Couldn't they have just observed his dead corpse? Would have really expedited the whole process I think.

We turned a corner and Weiss collided with an odd girl and fell, monkey boy ran off into the roof tops and got away. I had a bad feeling about this girl, I instantly backed away around the corner before she paid too much attention to me.

They dismissed the weird lady, who definitely spoke weird and apparently took a good 2 minutes before she realised she was still on the ground.

They walked off and I rejoined the group.

"Well, she was weird." Yang decided to share.

No shit.

"Excuse me.. what did you call me?" My head turned back to the front. Holy Shit?!

It seems Weiss was equally confused and we shared a glance before looking back at the girl.

"Oops. Sorry, didn't think you were listening.." Yang apologised, but the girl walked past her to Ruby.

"Not you... You." She said, getting uncomfortably close to Ruby. "You called me your friend.. Am I really your friend?!"

Ruby looked to the rest of the group for guidance, they were very clearly telling her to say no. She said yes. Everyone collapsed.

"So, what're you even doing in Vale? You don't look like you're from around here." Weiss asked.

"I'm here to participate in the tournament." She answered.


I started talking to VEGA within my helmet about how the malfunctioning tether was coming along. If we disabled it all together we may not be able to go back, so instead of taking a risk I decided to wait a bit longer before I was freed.

Apparently it was going good, which was a relief - I should be free of my bond soon.

I tuned back into the conversation outside of my cozy helmet.

"Don't call him a rapscallion or a degenerate! He's a living being!" Blake yelled at Weiss. I think I'm smart enough to guess what happened prior.

"What? You want me to not call the trash can a trash can? Or not call the lamp post a lamp post." Weiss retorted, I couldn't help laughing a bit because that was fucking golden, but Yang elbowed me in the chest before turning to Ruby as Weiss and Blake continued their argument.

"Should we go?" She asked, then the weird ginger girl popped out of non existence and asked where?

This is going to be a long day.

The argument carried on all the way home and was even still going on in the dorms. I was bashing my head against the wall silently begging for the discussion to end - clearly they had very little common ground on the subject.

"You know Why I hate the White Fang so much?" Weiss asked. Here we go. "My family has been at war with the White Fang for years. Like real bloodshed."

Well yeah. I've been through a war myself and I'd say there was bloodshed.

She went on to explain how shit growing up was because people she knew and liked wouldn't come home and people got executed, her family resources raided and this made her dad very angry. She concluded by again reaffirming that the White Fang are scum. That seemed like it was the straw that broke the camels back - Blake erupted.

"Well - Maybe we are just tired of being oppressed!" She declared. Everyone looked at her, Hell even I stopped my wall-head bashing and turned around. Someone made a slip up. She eyed off the door and I moved out of the way, she sped off at incredible speeds.

"Blake wait!" Ruby called out, but she was already gone.

No body dared speak.


The next day arrived, I was examining several items around the room out of sheer boredom, it was an uneventful night. Ruby woke up and looked towards the empty bed.

"She didn't come back." I stated as she looked on.


And we're looking for the cat lady now. Yay, I just love this city. I also love listening to a bunch of teenagers yelling the same thing over and over.

"Blaaaaaake!" Ruby screamed.

"Blaaaaaaake!" Yang repeated.

"Blaaaaaaake!" Ruby screamed again.

"Blaaake!" Weiss shouted, a little quieter then the others.

"Weiss! You're not helping" Ruby reprimanded.

"You know who would help? The police." Weiss retorted.

"You know what would help? If you shut the fuck up. I've killed millions of demons but I've never gotten a headache this bad." I sassed, much to the disgruntlement of Weiss and to a lesser extend, Ruby. Yang seemed to find it a bit funny.

"It was just an idea." She defended herself.

"A bad one." Ruby retorted.

"I think we should hear her side of the story before jumping to conclusions." Yang reasoned.

"And I think once you do you'll all realise I was right." God make it stop.

"And I think Weiss's hear looks great today!" Everyone flicked around to see the weirdo girl again. Why not add another fucking person to the mix? Thanks a bunch God.

"Gah Penny! Where did you come from?" Our Crimson leader exclaimed.

"Hi guys! What are you up to?" Penny asked.

"Looking for our friend Blake" Yang answered.

"Ohhh... The Faunus lady?"

"How did you know?"

"The cat ears?"

"What cat ears? She only wears a.. bow...." Yang, no, everybody seemed to admit defeat with the unified silence.

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