Severed [GB + SB]

By viktorie01

101K 5.5K 3.8K

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. Sequel to "Splintered" ~oO... More

One: ...And So It Begins
Two: Two Carries and a Karen
Three: Sang's No Good, Very Bad Day
Four: Feast or Famine
Five: Russian...
Six: ...Roulette
Seven: Time and Effort
Eight: Monkey's Uncle
Nine: Love Is A Battlefield
Ten: It's Friday I'm In Love
Twelve: Enjoy the Ride
Thirteen: The Three Rs & The Four Fs
Fourteen: Skanks & Hoes
Fifteen: This Is The Fairytale
Sixteen: Round Up The Usual Suspects
Seventeen: Don't Ruin the Surprise
Eighteen: Rocky's Girls Are Always Cheerleaders
Nineteen: Secrets & Lies
Twenty: The Visual Is Where It's At
Twenty-One: So Worth It
Twenty-Two: Naughty, Naughty
Twenty-three: The Relative Merits of Big Hair
Twenty-Four: Daddy North
Twenty-Five: Snack Time

Eleven: Truth & Consequences

4.8K 248 357
By viktorie01

FRIDAY, again... Hrm.... This better not be another "Thursday," that fucker never ended

Half hour later, after giving Sean a kiss - he'd been sitting at the table eating granola and blueberries in almond milk and watching kitten videos - I was trailing behind Victor and Gabe (who refused to let me carry my school bag or any of the others) trying to get the plastic wrapping off a bottle of "Starbucks S'mores Frappuccino" - which sounded friggin' tasty! - towards Victor's car, when a ginormous black SUV pulled into Owen's driveway and parked beside the silver BMW. Victor scowled, eyeing how close the two vehicles were, and I slowed down as I reached the behemoth SUV about to pass in front of it, feeling strangely tentative.

The passenger door opened, and Axel emerged, looking so damn Axel-ly that my mouth watered. Serious to God, he had Hollywood-style lighting and a fan blowing back his hair, he was that damn cool in his dark sunglasses, his hair rippling like silk spun from the depths of midnight, and his t-shirt hugging his muscular frame like it wanted to have his babies. I ignored the raggedy cargo pants - and Gabe's audible sigh - lest I giggle and spoil the moment. Because, seriously.

And holy shit, he's smiling and kissing me on the lips because he's my boyfriend.

The two gorgeous guys, one with fiery eyes and one blonde streaks in his hair - the two brilliant, talented artists who look like rockstars and move like panthers? Also mine.

Just like the charming doctor cooing over adorable kitty cats in the kitchen, and the suave, pristine gentleman who left about an hour ago.


And so is the ripped, inked, and pierced Russian bad boy climbing out of the driver's seat, in a black tank and jeans I'd like to send flowers to as a thank you. At least I hope he is.

Axel gave me another quick peck on the lips, squeezed my hand, and circled behind to open the back hatch of the SUV. Raven folded up his own sunglasses, tossing them back onto the driver's seat, and gave the door a sharp slam behind him as he crossed the acres - positively miles - of concrete driveway between us... and scooped me up into a tight hug that yanked me right off my feet.

His skin was hot against mine, his arms thick and solid and holding me tight, flattened against him from tip to toe, and I sighed in relief as I twined my arms around his narrow waist and sunk my fingers into the slabs of muscle he called a back. The rich scent of unsmoked pipe tobacco and the sharp burn of spent gunpowder had me drawing deep lungfuls of breath, practically salivating as the slightly salty tang of his clean sweat entered the mix.

"Единственный способ, которым вы могли бы выглядеть лучше сейчас, - это быть голым в моей постели. [Yedinstvennyy sposob, kotorym vy mogli by vyglyadet' luchshe seychas, - eto byt' golym v moyey posteli.]" he whispered in the general direction of my ear, and I'm pretty sure that sharp pain in my side was an ovary exploding.

"Hmm?" I thought this might have been what being drunk felt like, this woozy, floaty feeling that made everything seem dream-like. He chuckled quietly, muttering more Russian, and then suckled gently on that place where my neck met my jaw, right below my ear, as I felt the other ovary pop. "Ouch," I hissed, and he pulled back in consternation but I tried to catch hold of his head to guide it back to my neck. "No, no, it wasn't you... just- a sharp pinch in my side- something overexerted- maybe exploded- just please, Raven, get back to what you were doing!"

"Are you hurt, shikra?" He absolutely refused to obey me and resume the sucking, so I gave up and surrendered to his unexpected tenderness instead of the anticipated, well, hardness that punctuated so many of our interactions. "Did I hurt you?"

"No, baby, no," I soothed him, running my hands over his arms to show him everything was fine. Yup, that's why I was doing it, to soothe him. He smirked and tucked me back against his chest, and I sighed in bliss. Okay, I might be objectifying these strong, intelligent, capable men, but I challenge any woman (and many men) to resist this walking sex grenade crooning sweet nothings in Russian while stroking your hair and kissing your neck. Exactly. He could very well be explaining the solution to the Poincaré conjecture but what my brain was processing was "I'm all flush up against a strong, sexy man speaking in Russian, who seems plenty capable to club sabretooth tigers and decorate our cave with their skins, so we must have hot buttered sex and make beautiful babies who will take up arms to lead the revolution against our dinosaur-riding robot overlords..." Clearly I wasn't thinking straight at all. And I might have been vocalizing all of that because he's been laughing at me for - I swear - a good minute, when he should be getting to the sabretooth killing so we have soft pelts to hump our brains out on.

"...hump our brains out, shikra? I think yours has already hit the road."

"Raven! That's so rude!"

"What? You're talking about fighting dinosaur-riding robots and I'm rude for saying you sound crazy? Everyone knows humans and dinosaurs didn't live at the same time!"

"It was a metaphor," I hissed trying to pull away in a huff but his arms were like steel bands wrapped around me. Restraining me. Oh damn...

"Did you just moan?" He asked, half-laughing and half in wonder.

"Maybe." I muttered sullenly, so frustrated by the lack of Raven-tongue in my life right now. Then I was suddenly reminded of how close I came to losing it completely, how surprised I was that he didn't seem at all upset about last night, and my punch-drunk state of horny relief faded abruptly. "Why aren't you mad at me, Raven? You aren't acting any differently than you were early last night before all the things, and I'm pretty sure you didn't get those bruises from walking into a wall. They kind of look Brandon-fist-size to me. If you were mad enough last night to beat up one of your best friends, why aren't you mad now?"

"We had a short tussle, I'd hardly call it beating him up," he dodged, readying a parry.

"Raven. Why aren't you mad."

My head was tilted back so I could look at him, and his expression became solemn before he sighed and manually tucked my head back under his chin, resting his own on my crown. "I was mad, at first. Then you handed me an ice pack and ran your fingers through my hair, and I realized something."

He stopped, and it took me a second to figure out he was waiting for me to set up his big, dramatic confession, and a perverse part of me wanted to play dumb and mess with him, but an even bigger part of me was breathless in anticipation and hope of hearing a couple important words, so I barely hesitated. "What? What did you realize?" I really do think I might be developing asthma for real because I can never seem to catch my breath these days, and it's making my voice sound all fluttery and weak. But I'll deal with that some other time.

"I realized that you can walk out any door you want, walk away from me and every other one of us, and it doesn't matter. I'll give you time to cool off if you need it, I might even give you space, but I'm always going to follow you wherever you go. This thing between us, it's not some little kid game, and it isn't practice for something bigger and better later. This is it. We're gonna fight, you're gonna get mad at me, and I'm gonna get mad at you, and it doesn't matter. There isn't a door you can slam behind you that I won't be walking through eventually. And it's the same for me. So I'm not mad anymore, because you might have thought you were leaving, but I'd have caught up soon enough and brought you home."

"I... I can't decide if that's one of the most romantic things I've ever heard, or one of the most stalkerish. No, really, that's frighteningly possessive, like red flags and warning bells, but so sweet it's making my chest ache. I don't even know how to respond to that."

He huffed out a breath, seemingly annoyed at how obtuse I was being. "You respond by telling me you love me too, then I get to kiss you. Finally."

"That was a declaration of love? You think- no. Nuh-uh. You gotta say the words, stalker, not just tell me I can't ever escape you, we're bound together forever."

"That is love in Russia," he said, trying to be neutral and stoic, but with amusement leaking out to let me know not even he was buying his line of b.s. "Accept what I give you, woman, and quit demanding more."

It was a valiant effort, but a complete failure. "Nice try. Everyone knows Russians are dramatic and passionate, you're trying to trick me into saying it first but I've earned it. You've tortured me for months with your hot, pretend-gay forbidden fruit. Say it, or no kisses for you."

"Hmpff," he grumbled, the corner of his mouth twitching so his lip ring quivered... much like my girlie parts were. Then he gave up the facade and beamed at me, a full-on Raven smile that sucked all the oxygen and resistance out of my body. "You make a good point. You have earned it. Я люблю тебя. [Ya lyublyu tebya.]"

"Cheater!" I hissed at him in outrage, and he laughed at me! But then he was kissing me, and holy shit... was there something I was supposed to do? Was I angry about something? Because I'm not sure I even existed before this moment. I am clearly this man's possession and should do whatever he tells me to do because that's the only thing that makes sense right now. I just... the lips... the lip ring... the hands... the tongue... I... what was I saying? Are we... how did I get in the backseat of his truck?

The banging on the window that had interrupted Raven proved to be Axel, shaking his head at us in patent disapproval. "Dude. In the middle of the driveway? Let our girlfriend go, she has school. You can make out with her later."

Raven growled but relented, climbing off of me even as I clung to him like a parasitic vine, latching on with limbs and fingers and even nails. I reluctantly let go when it was clear we were done for the time being, and Raven cursed and stalked away towards the house. Axel helped me climb out of the vehicle - which included me sliding down him to reach the ground - and gave me a deeper kiss there in the shelter of the open car door before guiding me over to Victor's car. I glanced over my shoulder at Raven before climbing into the vehicle, and he was watching us with hot eyes and iron-bound restraint, but when our eyes met, he gave me a soft smile and a little wave. I waved back, then cursed and dodged past Axel, running over to Raven and grabbing his face to tug it down to me before planting a hard, rough kiss on his mouth. I whispered "I love you too" then spun around and ran back to the car and the guys waiting for me. This time, I didn't look back until I was inside the car with the door shut, and as we backed out of the driveway, I watched Axel throwing playful punches at a grinning Raven who was dodging without ever taking his eyes off me.

"Well that was educational," Gabe piped up from the backseat and Victor glanced over and grinned. "Did you see how he did that, Vic? We need to compare notes, I want to make sure I can reproduce that move."

"It was pretty amazing to watch," Victor agreed, running his hand over my knee absently. "He carried you over to the car, opened the door, and climbed in with you without ever breaking the kiss."

"We'll have to practice his technique later... maybe North will lend us his Jeep. Whaddaya say, Trouble? Willing to help out? It's for science!"

I laughed and agreed to help them both practice Raven's maneuver because win-win, right? The rest of the drive in went quickly, filled with laughter and plans to try even more activities while maintaining a kiss, each one more outrageous than the last and ultimately requiring a harness and rigging for the trapeze scenario.


There was a brief check-in in Owen's and Sean's office, a spartan room with shoddy, battered furniture, and two sleek, powerful looking computers that clearly hadn't come with the office. Seating was minimal, and we were so jammed in that I couldn't imagine trying to fit Axel, Raven, and Sean in this space too. Once we were all inside with the door shut - me propped up against North after the requisite hug-and-pass ended with him - Kota flipped the switch on something that resembled a white noise machine but didn't produce any noise. It was sitting on top of a filing cabinet in the corner, and once it had been switched on, Kota nodded at Owen and he began to review the day's assignments.

I would be off-site with Gabe, Victor, and Kota taking tests and getting pictures taken; Raven, Axel, and Sean were at their jobs (and I really should find out what Raven does for a living); Owen, Corey, Marc, and Luke were going to attempt to get into the principal's office and get a keylogger onto his computer; Nate and Brandon were going to follow the vice principal since no one could find his home address in any records; and North and Silas were going to football practice. My head shot around at that, staring up at North confused and concerned, and he gave me a tiny quirk of a half-smile and shook his head. "Tried out and made the team the day of registration," he grumbled, "nothing to do with Rocky... but there's something off there. You really do need to stay away from him."

With a sudden pang of guilt, I remembered the cell phone I hadn't checked or even turned on for the last two days, and wondered if Rocky had tried texting me. I was a shitty friend, because it never occurred to me until that moment that I should probably check in on him too. These things work both ways.

The meeting broke up and North held me back until the room had nearly emptied, telling me he and Silas would walk me to Homeroom and Luke would bring me back here afterwards. I exchanged heated looks with Owen but didn't approach for a kiss - and hadn't gotten a hug in greeting - because we needed to be very careful while at the school.

As North, Silas, and I exited the room, Lydia Earnshaw was unlocking her office, a paper cup with the Starbucks logo in one hand, and a large leather tote filled with files slung over her shoulder. She glanced up and saw us and froze, and I was struck once again by her elegant perfection. She was wearing a fitted wrap dress in a pattern of gray and white chevrons, with a slightly too low neckline for a high school counselor, and another pair of red heels but these were pointy-toed and dangerously high, and I could see the distinctive red sole. Her hair was once again in a sleek knot, and her glasses slightly oversized to give her a little-girl-playing-dress-up look. She was scanning me just as intensely and critically, and I was confident that Gabe's choices were on point given her slightly defensive reaction. Between the dress, the shoes, and the twin buns the bulk of my hair was coiled into - with a chunky black barrette holding back the front but leaving a few loose tendrils to frame my face - I knew I looked sporty but stylish. I looked my age, but a sophisticated seventeen.

And being bracketed by two of my mountains of manhood didn't hurt one bit.

She nodded at me, and I nodded back, and then we continued down the hall in the other direction but I could feel her eyes watching us until we turned the corner towards the main office. My big take-away from the exchange was that when I fled her office on Tuesday, I passed right by Owen and any number of the guys without even knowing it, just one door separated me from what could have been a very different week.

"That was...odd," Silas mumbled, and North grunted in agreement. I just shrugged. At least they recognized the weird vibe between us, so I knew it wasn't just me projecting something onto her.

"Do you need to go to your locker first, aggele?" Silas asked as we made our way through the crowded hallways towards my Homeroom, but I shook my head, too distracted by the miracle happening around us to respond. People were just magically clearing a path, and I wasn't jostled, hit, or felt up once as we walked.

Then, through (or rather over) the crowd, I heard a distinctive rasp call out "North, Silas, wait up-" and Rocky, Jay, and another giant-sized guy broke through the masses, Rocky saying, "You missed check-in, Coach wants-" then he noticed me tucked between them. "Squirrel?"

I wagged my fingers at him with a pathetic little smile, and said weakly, "Hey, Rocky. How's it going?"

He glared at the guys, then focused on me, dismissing them completely. "I heard you fainted and got carried out of here yesterday-" that was yesterday? "-and you didn't respond to any of my texts."

"Uhh, yeah... I had some stitches in my head that tore. I tried fixing it myself, and it ended up getting pretty infected... shocking, I know..."

"You stitched your own head?" the other guy asked incredulously. "BADASS..." Everyone ignored him.

" I had to go to the hospital, but I'm heavily medicated now so it's all good."

Rocky's nostrils flared and he huffed breaths out, sounding and looking like a bull preparing to charge. "Which one is it?"

"I'm not following," I glanced over at Jay who was eyeing Rocky with some concern.

"Which one of these assholes is the boyfriend that abandoned you when you were in trouble so Rocky had to save you." His voice was like two rocks grinding together, almost painful to the ear, and I didn't know him at all but could see he was hanging by a thread. North and Silas both stiffened at my side, and I could feel the rage rising up in North in response, he was ready to take on the entire football team if need be. Silas was tensing up, and I absolutely did not want this to happen. Not here, not now, not ever.

I thought about just claiming Silas or North. That would be easy to do, and would solve my problem. But then I pictured having to hide my relationships with the others, having to restrain myself from touching them even casually. Having to deny what I feel. I pictured whichever one I chose getting harassed, having to listen to rumors of me cheating because I was spotted being affectionate with someone else, and having to fake a response to save face. I pictured the headache of constantly having to be aware of who was nearby, who could see or hear something, of having to speak in code. I pictured the lies piling up, getting more and more tangled and complicated, and even in the hypothetical it was exhausting.

None of us were ashamed of our relationship, and none of us were adamant that it stay a secret, it just wasn't anyone else's business. But this moment, right here, as Rocky challenged me on who I was committed to, was already putting my personal life on display, and I had a choice: I could try to stay under everyone's radar and subject all of us to the anticipated and constant drama, and the inevitable explosion when all the lies get exposed, or I could own the fact that I loved and was loved in return, by the best people I'd ever known. When it came down to it, it was a really fucking easy choice.

"Both of them, Rocky," I stated calmly, grabbing North's and Silas's hands. "ALL of them. And what happened was because they all thought I was with one of the others. It was a mistake, a misunderstanding, and it won't happen again."

It was kind of like I took that live grenade tossed into the room, and instead of throwing myself on it, I calmly put the pin back in and tucked it in my purse. They didn't quite know what hit them, not a one of them, and as our small group froze in place, I watched the story spread out from here and down the hall like a pebble tossed in still water. Great.

"Yeah, you heard me," I said loud enough so everyone around us that was listening - most not even pretending to do anything but - could hear everything I said. "Think what you want, call me a whore, but I'm in a committed relationship with every single one of them, and they are not available so don't even think it." Silas squeezed my hand and I heard North chuckling under his breath as I glared at a group of girls whispering to each other just beyond Jay. I focused back on Rocky. "I didn't tell you this before because it wasn't anyone's business, but fuck it - I'm not ashamed of being with them. They don't expect me to choose so why should I? I'm the luckiest fucking girl in the world." Yeah, those girls suddenly had a new perspective on this scandal, and I could see the judgment transform into envy on some of their faces. I couldn't wait until they figured out who was included in my dibs.

Rocky went from raging bull to ice sculpture in the blink of an eye. He stood there, unmoving, unblinking, listening to me as I staked my claim and his eyes traveled between our clasped hands and up to my face. He seemed to transform then into something almost regal, austere and stern and... accepting. "No one is going to call you a whore," he stated, laying down the law. "Rocky understands now. Thank you for telling me." Then he spun on his heel and disappeared into the crowd that parted before him and closed up ranks behind.

Jay lingered for a moment, looking between the three of us with an unreadable expression, then he leaned forward and spoke under his breath. "He'll leave you alone now, if you want. Pretty clear there's a lot of heirs between him and the throne... " he huffed a breath and then let it out in a resigned sigh. "But he makes a good friend if you want one. And he likes you... genuinely likes you. Text him back," he said, then walked away.


I could tell the rumors were already spreading.

Alone here in my Sophomore Homeroom, hopefully for the last time, the teacher had given up on trying to dissuade everyone from checking their phones, sensing that something big had happened but not really caring what. I was in a little pocket of isolation in the corner, surrounded by people who were alternately looking at me and whispering to their friends, or buried in the phone screens reporting on my every twitch and sigh. One of them even attempted to take my picture, so I took my hair down to drape around my face, and quickly texted Owen about possibly trying to block any photos hitting social media.

Next thing I know, I had a window pop up inviting me to join a group chat.


Cwin: Vic and I will take care of scanning for any photo uploads by anyone at the school.

Handsome Prince: We've already been tracking social media for pretty much everyone, looking for anything applicable to the case, so tagging and killing image uploads of Sang won't be difficult.


I think I knew who set up my contacts. And I'm also pretty sure they didn't notice that I joined the chat.


Cwin: It's pretty fucked up how quickly rumors spread around here, I'm already hearing speculation about who she's with.

Handsome Prince: She's got bigger balls than any of us.

Cwin: Maybe if we ask nicely, she'll teach us how to be as much of a badass as she is.

Handsome Prince: I suspect my Fairytale can teach me a lot of things.

Me: Was that intended to be dirty? That kind of sounded dirty to me... but like *romantic* and dirty. Like the debauchery would be really classy, under a bower of roses.

Handsome Prince: !!! Didn't realize you were here too, Princess. As to the rest... I said what I said. You want flowers? I can have a thousand flowers here by 3 o'clock.

Me: With nailpolish?

Cwin: We need a Lebowski viewing party. Vic? Make it so.

Handsome Prince: Aye-aye, Captain Picorey.

Cwin: Hey, Vic? That makes me think of something else... you should totally find us some original ST uniforms... you know what I mean, right?

Handsome Prince: Uhura in go-go boots?

Cwin: YES.

Handsome Prince: Mmm. Yup. On it. But which one of us is Kirk and which one Spock?

Cwin: Does it matter?

Me: I think some of these girls are going to shank me in the locker room. Is anyone going to be horrified if I end up in a fistfight with a cheerleader?

Cwin: Horrified? No. But I might need some new pants. Raven?

Borscht: I can bring pants and stay for any girl fight. Why are girls fighting Shikra?

Me: SERIOUSLY? Who else is on this chat?

Abercrumble & Flan: All of us?

Boss Man: I may need some myself, Raven.

Paterfamilias: As will I, Mr. Ravenstahl.

Borscht: I can bring pants for everyone. But not if it's just dirty nerd talk. You only get pants if there's a chick fight. And maybe keep the dirty nerd talk to a private channel.

Me: really? This conversation is happening?

Bwin: If they did that, we wouldn't know about the Star Trek RP. And I'm not really into that, but I'd make a hell of a Han Solo.

Cwin: I have no brother.

HSN: I'll be Lando Carlson. That dude had style.

Special Sauce: I will be Chewbacca, if Sang will be my Ewok. I'll show her how to shoot my bowcaster.

Cwin: I hate you all.

Me: Silas? Is that you?

Special Sauce: Yes, of course.

Me: Victor, why is Silas in my contacts as "Special Sauce"?

Handsome Prince: He's Greek.

Me: ...and?

Handsome Prince: Tzatziki sauce is one of the greatest things ever. And so is Silas.

Special Sauce: Dude! You're making me blush. Hey Sang, why did the fish blush?

Me: uhh... no idea?

Special Sauce: Because it saw the ocean's bottom.

Boss Man: I can hear someone laughing in the hallway outside my classroom. Someone on patrol? Also, hi Four. :)

Me: Hi Special K. Because you're special. And your name starts with K. And you're good for me, and unexpectedly sweet.

HSN: And you want to pour milk on him and eat him for breakfast?

Me: With a spoon. Hi, Gabe. :) What does HSN stand for?

HSN: Home Shopping Network? I'm assuming. Is that how I'm in your contacts? RUDE!

Handsome Prince: Sorry, man. I was mad at you.

HSN: I get it. Sang? You should change my contact name to something better.

Me: Already did...

Meanie: What is it now? Something that reflects my artistic leanings? Or my keen sense of fashion?

Me: uh-huh. Yup. All those things.

Superman: what about me? Am I still Special Sauce?

Me: No. ...Superman ;)

Superman: <3 <3 :*

Cwin: What are you making me?

Me: What do you think?

Crash Override: HACK THE PLANET!

Me: damn right

Bwin: and me?

Me: B, your new contact name reflects how cool you are, and your love for motorcycles

Scooter: excellent. I'm sure it's appropriately manly.

Me: of course.

Coffee Bean: so has everyone just given up on class now? And does this mean I can make out with Sang in the hall?

Sensei: how about someone explain what's going on to those of us who aren't at the school?

Grumpy: Rocky was getting aggressive and demanding to know which one of us (me or Silas) was with Sang, so she staked her claim on ALL of us in the middle of the hallway this morning.

Me: it seemed like a good idea at the time. Long-term. Not having to deal with all the lying and hiding, you know? So... uh... sorry.

Grumpy: I expressed how I felt about it outside your classroom. With tongue. ;)

Superman: as did I. Except the tongue part.

Sensei: don't apologize. I'm absurdly happy right now.

Handsome Prince: me too

Special K: me too

Soulless Ginger: fuck yeah

Me: VICTOR, Nate's contact name is UNACCEPTABLE

Soulless Ginger: what is it? Let me guess, something about my hair? So predictable, dumbass.

Me: you don't use someone's disability as their contact name! That's terrible!

Star Lord: <sigh> was it "soulless ginger"?

Me: not anymore. I may not know the character, but "Star Lord" seems appropriate

Star Lord: FUCK YEAH

Paterfamilias: I think "absurdly happy" is an apt description. I know even if only your fellow students are public, you are still thinking of the rest of us too.

Aquaman: never thought I'd want to be back in high school. What have you done to me?

Borscht: she's ruined us. All of us. I approve.

Abercrumble & Flan: What's mine?! WHATS MINE?!

Me: aww, yours is adorable but it's way too long - it cuts off on the alerts so I have to change it. But it *was* "Abercrumble & Flan."

Angel: I don't get it.

Me: Like "Abercrombie & Fitch" but desserts?

Angel: but why A&F? I hate that place. They're so stuck up and the two times I've been in one, they follow me around and try to hire me. JUST POST A SIGN IF YOU'RE HIRING. jeez.

Me: I think they are known for their model-esque employees. That's a compliment. Because you're so pretty. So very pretty.

Angel: <blush> you're pretty too, Cupcake. So very pretty. And now I can tell you that in front of anyone i want to. yay!

Me: <3 pretty and sweet, Angel

Angel: I know you are but what am I?

Borscht: move dirty nerd talk AND pretty talk to private. It's making my teeth ache.

Me: yes, sir!

Borscht: ...


Another alert popped up on my phone.


Borscht: next time we're alone, you will refer to me as sir again, and I will show you what good girls get for showing proper respect.

Me: is it a pony? Oh, yay! I've always wanted a pony!

Borscht: it is not a pony, but it has horse qualities. Very common idiom revolves around horses.

Me: don't look a gift horse in the mouth? Hold your horses? You can lead a horse to water...?

My Big Pony: yes. It will involve mouths, holding things, and things that are wet.

Me: it's an ice cream cone, isn't it? Awww. That's a great reward, I love ice cream.

My Big Pony: not ice cream, but i will lick something.

Me: a...lollipop?

My Big Pony: no, you licking a lollipop will be MY reward. But I think it will still be sweet like candy. Next time we're alone.

Me: <blushing>

My Big Pony: I think you understand this time, but to make sure, this is not about sandwiches, ice cream or candy. The lollipop is my dick and the only thing I'll be eating is you.

Me: yeah, I broke your code

My Big Pony: I'm in my room right now, and I'm picturing you here on the bed. Would you like that?

Me: this is fast, Raven. We just kissed the first time this morning and now this?

My Big Pony: not fast. As you said, it's been months. And this is just talk.

My Big Pony: I'd lay you down on your back, pull your panties off. your legs over my shoulders. Lick you top to bottom.

Me: okay, so this is happening...

My Big Pony: do you want me to stop?

Me: no

My Big Pony: suck on your clit, pressing my lip ring against it. Need to get my tongue pierced so when i fuck you with my tongue you can feel the barbell inside you.

Me: holy shit

My Big Pony: use my fingers for now. you like that?

Me: yes

My Big Pony: where are you?

Me: Homeroom.

My Big Pony: are you touching yourself?

Me: no. I'm in class. fuck

My Big Pony: mmm. You'll just have to imagine it then. But my fingers, yes. Slide two inside you. Feel you. Feel how tight you are. Pump them in and out while I use my tongue, lick your whole pussy. Flick your clit with the tip.

Me: you're killing me.

My Big Pony: thinking of eating you out made me come so hard. Made a mess here.

Me: oh my

My Big Pony: when you're ready. Just talk for now, that's enough. okay?

Me: no more right now, I can't do this here.

My Big Pony: didn't mean right now. I will see you later, and give you kisses. Just kisses. You tell me when you're ready.

Me: okay. :) I'm good with that.

My Big Pony: maybe some touching? But over the clothes.

Me: I'm good with that too.

My Big Pony: and if your shirt should happen to fall off...?

Me: we'll see how it goes. How about we start with kissing?

My Big Pony: yeah, okay. but while I'm kissing you, you will know what I'm thinking about.

Me: yes.

My Big Pony: remember what I said this morning?

Me: yes. Me too.

My Big Pony: good.


I think the chat kept going in the other channel, I'm not sure. But I did take a moment to text Owen with "Victor set you up in my contacts as Paterfamilias. I think that makes you Daddy?"

What I got back: "Miss Sorenson, we are going to need to go over the consequences for when little girls tease their elders. You've been very, very naughty."


Interlude: - A - Report


Raven: first sexting I think.

Corey: yeah, WE KNOW. Pretty obvious when she called you Sir and you both dropped out of chat like that. Not a fucking competition

Raven: I'm not counting points. I'm talking to you

Corey: I'm not interested

Raven: are you mad at me???

Corey: no. Fuck. FUCK. NO. Not mad. I'm fucking jealous.

Raven: what? Why?

Corey: i DONT KNOW. and I don't know if it's of you or her.

Raven: I don't understand

Corey: what if she likes you better than me? Doesn't want me? What if YOU like HER better?

Raven: what if she loves us both? What if I love you both?

Corey: you've never said that to me before

Raven: day for firsts

Corey: do you?

Raven: yes.

Corey: I love you too.

Raven: I know. No other reason for you to put up with my dumb ass.

Corey: you aren't dumb

Raven: okay, mr. genius hacker

Corey: so what? So I'm smart. Doesn't mean you're dumb. I'm the dumb one, getting jealous like that.

Raven: you think I don't get jealous? What was that with you and Victor? Your little Star Wars fantasy?


Raven: SAME

Corey: well, it's been fun. We had a good run.

Raven: when? You don't run with me?

Corey: I meant we're breaking up.

Raven: no we're not. You aren't fucking leaving me for Victor. I'd tear him into pieces, throw parts in the sewer.

Corey: NO! I meant because you confused ST and SW. it was a joke...

Raven: not funny

Corey: no apparently not

Corey: Hey Raven? I know it's probably really bad to admit this, but you getting so caveman-possessive? Kinda hot.

Raven: glad you think so. I broke my phone.

Corey: ??

Raven: I slammed it on the desk. A couple times.

Corey: yikes. Sorry. :(

Raven: you make it up to me

Corey: I will. And you know that Star Trek fantasy? One of the characters is a Russian named Chekhov. I wouldn't leave you out.

Raven: good. Good. I'm not so mad at Victor now.

Corey: that's good... especially since he didn't do anything.

Raven: go-go boots?

Corey: <image attached>

Raven: GOOD. Yeah. That's good. Hey... need to get my tongue pierced. Any problem with that?

Corey: not a fucking one.

Raven: good good

Corey: hmm. Should I?

Raven: YES

Corey: hahaha

Raven: wait until mine heals then get yours. No point in both of us being out of commission.

Corey: how long does it take?

Raven: 4 to 6 weeks.

Corey: fuuuck. That's a long time.

Raven: I know. Shoulda done it a long time ago. Like when Gabe got his.

Corey: fucking Gabe, thinking ahead like that.

Raven: we can probably kiss after two weeks. Not rough kissing but still.

Corey: lemme get mine first. Because if you do and your tongue gets all swollen and gross while healing, I won't ever do it.

Raven: what are you saying? That I wouldn't care if your tongue got all swollen and gross?

Corey: you'd care, but it wouldn't stop you

Raven: true dat

Corey: let's just get them at the same time

Raven: let's get them together

Corey: hahaha

Raven: there. Problem solved.

Corey: just to confirm, this sudden urge to pierce has something to do with Sang?

Raven: yes, Sang inspires me to want to pierce things.

Corey: hahaha

Raven: that was a sex joke. "Pierce" like penetrate

Corey: no, I got that, Rave. I knew what you meant

Raven: okay, just making sure. Wouldn't want that comedy gold to be wasted.

Corey: don't worry, it's not

Raven: 4 to 6 week healing period might keep me from going too fast. That would be good. I'm not very good at holding back, and she doesn't say stop.

Corey: you kissed her for the first time this morning?! How do you know that?

Raven: one kiss and we ended up in the back of the truck. Axel had to interrupt.

Corey: you didn't mention that before. Shit.

Raven: yeah, then we talked after, he said same thing happened with him. She's all acceleration, no brakes.

Corey: that sounds like something B would say.

Raven: don't think B has kissed her or anything

Corey: no, he hasn't. Only Axel and now you. And I'm pretty sure Gabe, North, Owen, and Sean. Maybe Luke? And Victor?

Raven: Kota too. Don't know about Luke or Victor but seems likely.

Raven: it's strange, isn't it? One hand, only been a matter of days since this all started, yet we're all in deep. On the other hand, none of us are actually "in deep". Another sex joke there.

Corey: yeah, I caught the joke. But it's been a long time in the making.

Raven: kissed her the first time this morning

Corey: haven't kissed her at all

Raven: but she's it, right?

Corey: yup.

Raven: I'm 20. You're 19. She's 17. Fuck, even old man Axel's only 22. And this is it. You, me, her, and the rest of them

Corey: are you scared by that?

Raven: that's just it, I'm not

Corey: me neither. Before B and I got kicked out when I thought about the future, I felt trapped. It was all dark and hopeless. Even after the team formed, it was still kinda gray. You and me made things a lot fucking brighter, but this thing with Sang? With all of us together? Sunny fucking day on a tropical island with cotton candy clouds and crystal blue water.

Raven: Sang in a bikini.

Corey: Sang in a bikini and those super tall wedge sandals made out of cork. You know the ones? They wrap around her legs. With some flimsy thing around her waist blowing in the breeze.

Raven: hair loose and floating around her in the wind. Sunglasses on.

Corey: fruity cocktail drink

Raven: hanging out on lounge chairs, laughing at our jokes and looking at us that way she does, when you know she likes what she sees

Corey: when she gets that hungry look, like she's been starving and you're a steak

Raven: like she's been starving but didn't know she was hungry, never saw food before you

Corey: it's all new and she can't quite believe it's all for her

Raven: that's part of it, isn't it? None of us ever really had someone look at us like they can't believe how lucky they are just to have us in their life. No matter what we've done or who we are, she thinks we're fresh bread

Corey: fresh bread? Because it's warm and delicious?

Raven: no, like the saying. Greatest thing since fresh bread.

Corey: SLICED bread. Greatest thing since sliced bread.

Raven: fresh, sliced, same.

Corey: sure. But yeah, that could be true. She makes us feel good just for being who we are. It's attractive to be appreciated. Valued as a person.

Raven: then you add in that she's fucking gorgeous. That face? That body?

Corey: and she doesn't even know

Raven: how can she not know? Men must fucking drool over her

Corey: remember her at the store? Totally clueless. Thought we were just being friendly. Nice because we're nice guys. (Hahaha she thought you were a "nice" guy!) Thought everyone was just being friendly.

Raven: always surprised when we'd show up to see her, like she couldn't understand why. And I am a nice guy, dickhead. Just ask Sang.

Corey: even without her looks, she's funny and smart. (Except when it comes to you)

Raven: treats everyone like they matter (clamp your fucking gob, I'm awesome)

Corey: until they piss her off

Raven: until they piss her off

Corey: hahaha

Raven: jinx. owe me a blow

Corey: the term is "owe me a coke" and no, not "same"

Raven: mines better

Corey: that's fair. But enjoy it, you won't get another for four to six weeks.

Raven: not from YOU

Corey: what happened to going slow with Sang?

Raven: didn't say Sang. Gabe is fucking sexy as hell

Corey: Silas would tear out your spine

Raven: meh.

Corey: and I'd forcibly remove your balls

Raven: that's fair. No Gabe for me. Guess I'll have to wait.

Corey: now Victor on the other hand...

Raven: I'd forcibly remove HIS balls

Corey: fine. Fine. No Victor for me. Not that he'd be into it or anything.

Raven: a week ago I would have agreed but these days? No fucking idea what he's up for

Corey: yeah, I hear you. Whatever is going on between him and Sang? Crazy shit.

Raven: I'd pay good money for front row seats to that show

Corey: someone will end up bleeding

Raven: both of them bruised as shit

Corey: like they were ravaged by a pack of wolves

Raven: crazy sex is so fucking hot

Corey: now I'm horny

Raven: you're always horny, you just hide it better than anyone else

Corey: true dat. Better than you at least

Raven: totally unrelated: what time will you be home?

Corey: working late tonight, doing all the monitoring solo. Vic's off. Slumber party at their new digs with Sang.


Corey: me too, but we get her tomorrow night.

Raven: they live in this building, I could just go join them

Corey: NO! Raven, no. Let them have their time. We gotta respect the boundaries or they'll be free to bust in on our time.

Raven: FINE

Raven: FUCK I'm working tomorrow night, me and Axel.

Corey: on the one hand, I'm bummed. On the other, me, Marc, and B get her to ourselves. :D

Raven: asshole

Corey: so, yeah. Still horny.

Raven: I'm at home. You aren't really in school so skip. Come home, hang out with me, go back when Victor leaves with Sang.

Corey: and you call yourself dumb, you're fucking brilliant.


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