The Lucky Misfits

By fault_in_our_fandoms

675 40 9

They say our love were like fairytales. They said they were like love stories. They said we automatically con... More

The Lucky Misfits
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 1

124 8 7
By fault_in_our_fandoms

Aria's POV

I was doodling around the edge of my notebook when the last bell of the day rang. Finally, I am so ready to leave this hell hole.

"Okay class! Have a great summer and I hope you all prosper in college!" Mrs. Olsen declared from the front of the room.

Did I forget to mention that today is my last day of high school? Yeah, sounds like me.

I waited until almost everyone cleared out to get up, so I could try to avoid certain people.

As soon as I was about to reach for the handle and leave however, Mrs. Olsen pulled me to the side of her table and watched everyone else shuffle out.

When everyone left she took my hands in hers, made me look her in the eyes and said very seriously, "Look, I've seen how these kids have treated you during these four years. And all I have to say to you, is don't. Don't let it happen again. Don't let them do it to you. Make sure you don't let that happen to you in college."

"Better said than done." I muttered under my breath.

She sighed, "I know, it's hard. But, just promise me you'll try?"

I sighed as well, "Fine. I'll try."

"Good." she smiled, "Have a great summer, and I hope you do well in college."

I mumbled a thanks and stumbled out into the hallway, which was still full of people cleaning out their lockers.

I walked to my locker and started cleaning it out like everyone else.

Suddenly, I felt presences behind me and my neck immediately stiffened as a reflex.

I forced myself to calm down and relax and ignored them and continued cleaning.

As I was reaching in to grab the last notebook to put in my bag, a perfectly manicured hand grabbed my wrist.

"What do you think you're doing, bitch? Don't ignore us!" Natalie's annoying voice demanded.

I twisted my hand out of hers and grabbed the notebook, slammed the locker and tried to walk away.

I felt another hand grab mine and I yanked my hand away.

"Ow! You little worthless lump of fat! You just made me break a nail!" Natalie's minion, Tiffany cried.

I just shrugged without looking back and  continued to walk towards the door.

Natalie, Tiffany and their crew kept yelling horrible things at me and I tried not to let it get to me.

Once I reached the front doors, I turned around and flipped them all off. I heard a few gasps. Out of all these years they've been hating on me, I've never responded, and now that I did, it felt good.

I slightly smirked to myself and walked out.

I let out a big sigh, good riddance, and started going towards the subway back home.

~skipping subway ride ~

"Mom! I'm home!" I called out.

Mom rushed out from the kitchen to greet me, "Oh hi honey, how was school?"

I shrugged, "Same, I guess. But, boy am I glad to be out."

She looked at me fondly and smiled wearily, "Here, I baked some cookies. Why don't you take them upstairs and start planning what to bring to college?"

"Sure, thanks Mom."

I grabbed the plate she handed me and ran upstairs to my room and closed the door.

Instead of planning like my mom said though, I went on my laptop.

I've been waiting for this time for a while. We promised each other to video chat on Skype for the first time on our last day of high school.

I went through my contacts list for a Xylia Winters and clicked it.

Me: heyyy

Xylia_W: hi! Ready?

Me: Yessss, should I call you or...?

Xylia_W: I'll call :)

My laptop started ringing with the same annoying melody and I hurriedly pressed the accept button.

Suddenly a girl with dyed light purple hair and light blue tips popped up on my screen.

"Woah! I love your hair!" I exclaimed.

She chuckled, "Oh that? I did that as kind of a statement. Like, I'm different from you, deal with it."

"Nice, I like it." I grinned.

Okay, let's just pause the moment. I bet you're all wondering who Xylia is right? Well, me and Xylia met over Instagram trying to get 5 Seconds of Summer to follow us. And then we just sort of hit it off and found lots in common. Anyways, back to the moment.

She blushed, "Well, you'll be one of the firsts."

"Pshh, they're just jealous."

"Yeah... So..."

"What college are you going to?" We both said simultaneously.

We both burst out laughing.

"I've been dying to ask you!" I exclaimed.

"Me too!"

"Okay, let's say it together! On 3."


"Australian Institute of Music!" We both declared together.

Our surprised, open-jawed mirrored each other's.

"Wait, wait, wait! Let me get this straight! You're going to be going to the same college as me?!!!" she exclaimed.

"Oh my god! This is amazing! We HAVE to be dorm mates! Wait, what instrument or talent?"

"Ukulele and singing."

"Oh, well I'm guitar and singing, but this is great!"

"Wow, I really did not see this coming."

Suddenly there was a knock on my door and my mom walked in.

She had her hand on one hip and was looking at me sternly, "Aria! I thought I told you to prepare what to bring to college!"

My eyes widened slightly and I quickly said, "Well... Mom, see, while I may not be preparing what to bring, in a way, I am preparing! See, Xylia here is also going to the Australian Institute of Music! I think I just found my room mate! Well... dorm mate, but no big difference."

She sighed, "Fine, honey, but only because it's your last day of school, I'm letting you go. But, this is a great opportunity, don't let it go. You're lucky you got a partial scholarship, I would've never been able to pay for your tuition myself. So, please hurry up and prepare? Okay?"

"Okay." I replied.

She smiled and left.

I turned back to the computer and smiled sheepishly, "Sorry, Xylia, you heard my mom, I've got to go. Sorry! But definitely text me and Skype me tomorrow or something, okay?"

"Okay! Bye!"


I pressed the end call button and turned to face the rest of my room and sighed, what to bring?

I wonder if I can bring my bookshelf...


Hey guys! It's Crystal! I will be writing Aria's POV (point of view) and Eva will be writing Xylia's POV. This is our first fanfic, I hope you guys like it! Oh! And please excuse some of the colorful language we may use, we just want it to be more realistic.


Remember to follow, vote and comment!!! Thanks!


Oh! And if you guys have any social medias, follow me!:

Instagram: @the_divergence_in_our_fandoms or @cngan921

Twitter: @FandomGeek_

Tumblr: @itsfandomstuff @fault_in_our_fandoms

Thanks! I follow back! Except @the_divergence_in_our_fandoms on instagram, unless you're a fandom account! :)

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