Strip Tease

Od jjudd1

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"I'd really like to make love to you, Angela, but I don't want to pressure you in to it because I know you ar... Viac

Erotic Strip Tease
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 3

445 4 0
Od jjudd1

"I need my things," I stated plainly when he sat next to me on the couch a few minutes later. He immediately pulled his phone out and started texting. I took a deep breath. Hopefully Julie would come when my clothes were brought and I could explain my situation. I would just have to wait. Maybe I should start making nice. "Do you like being a cardiologist?" I asked him when he put his phone down. "I do," he replied and I looked away when his eyes lifted to mine. A heart doctor. Great. Wasn't it against his code of ethics to abduct women? "What did you do for a living back in America?" He asked gently. It didn't escape me that he had used the past tense in his question. What DID I do. "I'm a social worker. Specifically I work with children and parents through the adoption process. Its very rewarding work," The truth was I loved my job. I made families happen. "I have a brother who is adopted," he said. I smiled at him before I could stop myself and he smiled back. I really tried to look away from him. He was too beautiful, not to mention he was still shirtless, but I commanded my eyes not to examine his chest and certainly not those beautifully sculpted biceps.

My book dropping to the floor snapped me back to reality. This guy was a little dangerous. He could so easily make me forget that I was actually a prisoner here. He picked the book up for me and placed it on the coffee table in front of us. The book wasn't going to keep me safe from him.

"I can't remember what you said your name was," I admitted with a blush.  The drinks from the night before really took a toll on my memory.  

"Colin," he answered, leaning towards me.  He took my hand and turned it palm up. I could feel the electricity between us in his touch. He put his fingertips to mine and gently stroked up to my wrist. It took a moment to realize but he was feeling my pulse. He knew just how rapidly my heart was beating. I was embarrassed to admit that my heart was pounding. It had been ever since he took my hand and even more so now when I realized how he was studying me.   

"So Colin, do you want to talk and get to know each other?"  His hand was very tan on my skin and I was doing everything in my power to keep from acknowledging how my body was desperate for more of his touch.  

His fingers caressed my wrist where, just a short while ago I had been hand cuffed to his bed.  It was all I could do to avoid his eyes.  If I could do that, there was still hope for me.  

"Why are you so resistant to me?" Colin asked leaning in close to me.  

I burst up from the couch, snatching my arm from him.  I needed the space.  His smell was intoxicating and I was struggling to keep myself from falling under his spell.  

He stood from the couch now.  His eyes boring in to me like I was his prey.  "I know you want me, Angela," he said, challenging me to admit it.  "I can smell your arousal.  So, why are you so resistant?"  He took a step closer to me.  I took a step back, desperate for an escape plan to present itself.  "I'll go slowly if you're worried about my size," he continued.  I could see his erection clearly behind the thin fabric of his pajama pants.  The fear from before was coming back to me in the form of a ball tightly wound in my stomach.  There was nowhere to run but the bedroom and I didn't want him to catch me there.  

My breathing was getting out of control again.  He took another step towards me.  Tracking my movements.  'What am I going to do?' was a question on an endless loop in my head.  "You don't need to be afraid of me, Angela," his voice was a whisper.  I looked at him and he was somehow right in front of me.  I took a step back and found myself against the living room wall.  My eyes were at his chest.  His beautifully sculpted chest.

He took my wrists in his hands.  

"Don't!" I snatched them away, holding them against my chest and pressed myself against the wall.  

"Why, Angela?" he asked softly, lowering his head to meet my eyes.

"I... I'm a virgin," I whispered.  I looked away from him.  

Several long seconds passed.  The fear in my belly was loosening slightly.  His sexual aggression was easing off but I didn't move from my position on the wall.  He was so close that any movement would result in me touching him.

 "Please," I whispered, putting my hand on his chest but unable to make it push him away.  At that moment he leaned in and nipped hard at my neck causing me to gasp and then goosebumps were instantly covering my body.  I had every intention of pushing him away but there was some sort of miscommunication between my brain and my hand. I was feeling his muscles rippling beneath my fingers and I couldn't push him away.  

His kiss was gentle, patient.  The unease in my belly loosened more.   He broke our kiss shortly after to look into my eyes. There was so much heat in his gaze. The heat of barely controlled passion.  He continued his seduction by gently kissing down my neck. Resting on my jugular, which I was sure he could feel pulsing under his lips. "Stop," I whispered. He exhaled softly and obliged. He opened his mouth to say something when there was a sharp knock on the door. I jumped. Now was my chance to get out of here!  If that's even what I still wanted.  It had been a very confusing few minutes.

He stood, reaching into his pocket and retrieving a key to open the lock. I stood and walked a few feet away from the wall, running my fingers through my hair hoping to get it under control. When the door was finally opened one person walked in and it wasn't Julie. A man almost as big as Colin strolled in. He had sandy blonde hair and looked like a stereotypical surfer. He spoke in a hushed tone  and glanced over at me. When his eyes met mine a shiver ran down my spine. This man was bad news. His cold blue eyes bored into me and I had a distinctive feeling that he was used to getting his way with women whether the woman was willing or not. My hand went straight to my hair and I looked at Colin who was heading out the door. My heart leapt and I glanced back at the man who now had a wicked smirk on his face. Colin was back a moment later shuffling in my suitcase. Well that was unexpected. I figured Julie would just throw a few outfits into a bag for me. Colin's words came back to me. 'I can't let you go,'.

My head started to spin and my breakfast threatened to come up and make an appearance. I ran to the bathroom locking the door behind me and began heaving into the toilet. My breakfast made her return and when it was over I laid on the cool ceramic tiled floor. This was actually happening. I had to think of something but my head was still spinning and the chill from the floor was starting to seep into my bones. When I finally stood up I brushed my teeth again and checked myself in the mirror. My hair was a mess and I needed a shower. I hope Julie packed my hairbrush. I smoothed my hair down once again and unlocked the door.

Colin was sitting on the bed. He had gotten dressed while I was in the bathroom. Blue jeans and a white T-shirt. He stood as I stepped completely out of the bathroom. I quickly weighed my odds against him. He looked to be almost a full foot taller than me not to mention all the muscle under his shirt. Fighting my way out would not end successfully. He was an M.D. who read Hawkings, outsmarting him would prove difficult. I guess I could always use my feminine charm and seduce him. The last option seemed very unlikely but considering he already wanted me it might actually work though I feared what I may have to give up in the process.

"Do you want to talk?" He asked. He came closer and pulled my hair free from my damaging fingers. "Where's Julie?" I asked taking a step back out of his reach. He dropped his hand by his side. "She's fine. My mate Alex, who you just met, is showing her around Sydney today,". I shivered at the memory of his friend's cold eyes. Julie could hold her own with anyone. She was a firm believer that all women learn self defense. She was a fierce woman. In spite all that I was still worried about her.

Colin turned and rolled my suitcase into the bedroom. "Why don't you change out of yesterday's clothes and then we can talk," he said. He picked up the suitcase with ease and placed it on the bed. He unzipped it for me and walked around to sit on the other side of the bed. I opened my suitcase examining my clothes. It was a comfort seeing my things. I took out my bathroom bag and headed to the bathroom to put it away. Opening the bag I took out my shampoo and conditioner and put them on the side in the bath/shower. Next to come out was my toothbrush and tooth paste. I went in my bag again to pull out my lotion and that was when I saw the paper. Frowning I pulled it out. It was a note from Julie! My skirt had no pockets so I shoved it in my bra. I couldn't let Colin see it. Trying to appear as natural as possible I walked back into the bedroom. Colin was sitting on the bed looking at his phone. He glanced up at me, his eyes brightening and then changing. "Everything okay?" He asked. Fuck! I never had a good poker face. Which was why I never played. "Fine!" With a voice a little too high pitched. He frowned. "I'm just going to change,". I grabbed the first outfit I touched and fresh underwear. Colin wasn't fooled. He knew something was up. He'd put his phone down and was walking around the bed for me. "I'll be right out!" I almost screamed and ran into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. My heart was racing. I put my clothes on the counter and pulled the note out of my bra. If I opened the letter he would hear the paper rustle. I turned on the shower and opened the letter.

'Angela, I hope you're not too mad at me but when Officer Randy introduced me to his friend I jumped at the chance. I mean how often do you get to bang an Aussie?? And then he said he'd take you out so of course I said yes. I thought you'd appreciate not sitting outside our hotel for hours while I got laid. Alex told me that you wanted to stay there for the remainder of the trip and I am so happy you finally got laid! You need to tell me all about next time I see you. Don't feel bad for leaving me. I'm having so much fun with Alex. He's a little aggressive in bed but my God he had me screaming. Have fun, girl. And be safe!'

I reread the letter again and again until I worried that Colin would break the door down if I didn't come out soon. I tore my clothes off and jumped in the shower quickly lathering my head with shampoo and then conditioner. Julie and I waxed just before we left America so luckily nothing needed shaving. I rinsed myself and quickly towelled off. I hurriedly put on my underwear and unfolded the clothes I had brought in with me. My face fell. This was an outfit Julie forced her to take for when they went to a bar. It had "fuck me" written all over it. Pale yellow blouse if you could even call it that. Sleeveless and low cut. Very low cut. The skirt that went with it was short. About 3 inches above my knee. I put the clothes on cursing Julie the whole time. I had just started brushing my hair when there was a knock on the door. I walked slowly to the door, slowly unlocked it, and opened it slowly. This was my moment of shame.

His mouth dropped when he saw me. My hair still wet didn't help. His eyes moved hungrily down my body and I struggled not to cover myself. 'I'm going to seduce him, remember?' I chided myself. And then when his guard dropped, I'd make a run for it. "Yes?" I asked him. It seemed to snap him out of his trance. "I took the liberty of putting your clothes away," he said quietly taking my hand and pulling me into the bedroom. I was reminded again of how his touch felt to me. My freshly cleaned sensitive skin loved it. He released me and opened a drawer and showed me where he had put my belongings. "There were a few other things I left out," he motioned towards the bed and I turned and to my horror a pack of condoms lay on a pillow. I could feel my face burning. "Julie must have put those in my suitcase,". I risked a glance at him and he was smiling fully at my embarrassment. I went to tug at my hair when I found I was still holding my hairbrush. I started to lift it when he took it from me. "Let me," he said softly. He pulled me over to the bed and we sat down. My back was to him and he put one leg on each side of me. He started brushing. I looked down and tried to regulate my breathing. At some point, I didn't know when, he put the brush down and used his fingers. "You have the most beautiful blonde hair," it was barely more than a whisper. I had always liked my hair. It was halfway down my back and I preferred it at that length.

He moved to sit next to me and pull me down so we were both laying side by side facing each other. He picked up the box of condoms that sat between us and placed it on his bedside table. "I don't mind that you're a virgin," he said. Of course you don't, I thought and blushed furiously. He smiled at seeing me turn red. "I like you a lot," he paused, taking my hand. The current between us felt like it was about to catch fire. He placed a gentle kiss on my wrist. My God! Why did he have to be so perfect! "I think you could be happy staying here with me-"

"You keeping me here against my will is illegal!" My voice burst forward cutting him off. Panic was rising in my chest and I started to scramble off the bed. I needed some space. He was getting to me. How could I ever pretend that I could be in control of this situation? He was on me before I knew what happened. He was behind me holding me tightly with my arms close to my chest. "Please don't run away from me. I can't bear it," he said into my ear. My fight or flight kicked in, I screamed and I tried desperately to buck him off. He held me tightly against him waiting for me to calm. Panic was rising in my chest and I struggled to take a deep breath. I clawed at his hands to release me but they were like steel bands on my arms. "Please," I gasped. My breaths were becoming shorter and faster and I was seconds from a full blown panic attack. He adjusted his hold on me and moved so I was on my back and he was sitting on my hips and holding my wrists tightly at my stomach. "Deep breaths, Angela," he said. He was trying to calm me but I was too close to the edge. I went over violently as I began trying to buck him off of me again and failed. I'd never had an attack this bad before. I was getting lightheaded and I knew I wasn't far from passing out. I stopped struggling and focused on trying to calm myself. I didn't want to pass out in front of him. He gathered both of my wrists in one of his hands and put his other hand on my chest above my heart. "Deep breaths, Angela," he repeated. I struggled to comply. Looking up, I met his eyes. They were filled with concern. Several long minutes passed as I tried to get my breathing under control. He released one wrist and brought my other hand up to his chest so that I could match his breaths. With my free hand, I went to push his hand off my chest. I began to cry. I didn't want to fight him because I knew I couldn't win. "Please," Two short gasps. "Don't hurt me,". Sobs were racking my body and he continued to hold me still. I put my free hand down by my side in defeat. Eventually my breathing returned to normal and he laid my other hand on my chest. I was scared and shaky. I was also exhausted. My eyes never left him. I was waiting for him to make his next move. Whatever that might be. He raised his hand to wipe the tears from my face. He paused when I jumped and shrank into the bed. "I'm not going to hurt you," he whispered. "I just want you to let me love you,". He wiped my tears away with his thumbs and lowered his head to kiss me. I closed my eyes tightly. Another gasp. Don't fight. Don't make him mad. Maybe he'll go easy on me. It was a gentle, non threatening kiss. And then he laid back down and held me against his chest. I listened to his heartbeat for a long time and waited. Wasn't he going to rape me? I tried so hard to stay awake so that I could make an attempt at freedom but somewhere during my plans to escape I lost consciousness.

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